Hiking up the side of the ridge the mercenary found herself good cover, regardless of how the pirates approached she would be in a good position for a shot on them. Her companion may not be sure but she knew that if they had mustered more manpower they would have long since come back for the ore sitting in the hold of the wreck they had recovered. She looked at the sun evaluating its position in the sky relative to her and the ship, now was as good of time call for help. Siara slung her rifle off her shoulder and setup as she put her helmet back on. She linked her comm to the system on the ship and started broadcasting a call for help from the ship’s transmitter. Watching through the scope linked to her HUD she looked at [member="Kiln"] preparing himself for the fun to come, she tapped her comm back to speak to him directly. “Don’t mess yourself you’ll be just fine, I can’t get all this ore out by myself so you still have some use to me.”
Of course realistically she could just hire someone else but why waste the credits when she didn’t have to, her companion was more than willing to work for what others would consider peanuts though realistically so was she on this one as ultimately the lion’s share of the vein they had discovered was to go to a third party as arranged before departing. As she let these thoughts roll over in her mind she noticed an alert in the upper right of her HUD, the scope on her rifle had picked up movement in the distance and identified it as approaching fast relaying that information to her HUD. Adjusting her aim towards the source of the movement, she identified and marked four fast movers, three speeder bikes and a four seater. In all there were ten men approaching, she marked each one on her HUD in order of priority based on the information she could gather from this distance but that was likely to change when they dismounted. There were more then she had estimated but still manageable as long as Kiln didn’t panic, these pirates were expecting worn out and scared miners not soldiers. She didn’t know what kind of skills the man she was working with possessed but they had the upper hand here because they were expecting the trap.
“Ten approaching, three speeder bikes, one speeder. Let them get close before you do anything. We need to identify their leader, sooner we can put him down the better position we will be in once the fireworks start. Wait for me to take the first shot before you move.” Siara instructed as the speeders started to slow down their approach as they closed on the two mining vessels. She would have to go comms silent from now until she took her shot because if they were scanning for comm signals they would be able to identify her position which would ruin her plan.
As the speeders stopped a good twenty meters from the two mining vessels a grizzled old man stepped out of the back of the four seater. He spat something on the ground as the rest of his team spread out drawing weapons leveling them on Kiln. The old man walked forward casually his own weapons still holstered. “Where is the rest of your crew son, cowering in the ship?” The old man chuckled to himself as he hollered to Kiln, he was clearly in charge of this motley band of pirates.
“Lay down any weapons you are carrying and you will not be harmed as long as you cooperate you won’t end up like those unfortunate fools whose ship you found.” The old man ordered as he scanned the ridge, he couldn’t see much the sun was in his eyes. He thought he saw something moving up there and as he was about to holler the command to his men to check it out a shot lanced out from somewhere along the ridge burning a hole in his chest. His shocked expression locked in as he let out his last breath this was his last time preying on innocents. The rest of the pirates reacted quickly though not organized at all, most of them started firing blindly up on the ridge, none of them having any hope of hitting anything unless they were extremely lucky, only a pair of them focused on Kiln for now.
Staring down her scope as the men approached Siara quickly identified the old man as the leader of this particular pack, she adjusted her target priority listing as she leveled her rifle down on the old man’s chest. She made sure to target a part of his chest that was exposed as she waited for him and his men to clear their speeders enough. She squeezed her trigger gently and a shot lanced out at the old man, she didn’t wait to savour the effects of her shot. She moved to the next target in her priority list as she got on her comm to Kiln again. “Move, I’ll keep them busy, you cut them down.” She ordered as she kept firing on the men.