[member="Marakai Al'Orren"] DEFIANCE!!! <3
Sarge Potteiger Emotional Damage Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #22 what in the sweet motherkark [member="Darth Janus"] and then [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] out of left field
what in the sweet motherkark [member="Darth Janus"] and then [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] out of left field
Cira Best Onion Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #24 [member="Darth Sinna"] Those are some pretty awesome eyes!
Balaya Praelior Zambrano Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #25 Oh Sarge wants a beard one moment I know I got something Ehh close enough there is hair on the face
Balaya Praelior Zambrano Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #27 Here [member="Sarge Potteiger"] just use this
Ereza Velaeri Mortaine Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #28 I always liked the younger actor lad with the beard that you showed me. Can't remember who it was though.
I always liked the younger actor lad with the beard that you showed me. Can't remember who it was though.
sabrina Well-Known Member Oct 22, 2014 #31 for after battle http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111128013204/highlander/images/1/15/Duncan1625.jpg For a night out http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PZ2CdYoxIRQ/T7pGO-HWK_I/AAAAAAAAOFk/RPwCI1qWWNo/s1600/Adrian+Paul.jpg And [member="Cira"] is about to do some thing with him http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/93/4c/1c/934c1c3fb270636663ed15c76d669e88.jpg what do you think [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
for after battle http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111128013204/highlander/images/1/15/Duncan1625.jpg For a night out http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PZ2CdYoxIRQ/T7pGO-HWK_I/AAAAAAAAOFk/RPwCI1qWWNo/s1600/Adrian+Paul.jpg And [member="Cira"] is about to do some thing with him http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/93/4c/1c/934c1c3fb270636663ed15c76d669e88.jpg what do you think [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #32 I'd say Ruairi from Mabinogi (G18 version), but sadly, I'm using the pic
Ignatius A N A R C H Y Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #34 [member="Alexander Nester"], That screams Sempi ,
Mrrew Monstercat Oct 22, 2014 #38 Think about it... there's a reason he never takes off his helmet... Spoiler
Matsu Xiangu The Haruspex Character Bio Oct 22, 2014 #40 Trenchcoat Man said: Woody Harrelson could be dope. Click to expand... The man's not wrong.