Even the best could be improved upon.
It was no secret that the Sith Empire had been expanding, planet after planet falling into their grasp. With it, came new species subjugated under the banner of their new overlords of the Dark Side and the matters of tribute of resources and manpower. New enlistees took the pledge and underwent their training to become Legionaries, much akin to those that had come to their home and set it alight on their path of conquest. They had no choice; serve or die, at least within the ranks of the Sith Legion and Armada they could find some semblance of release by servitude, unleashing their hatred of their disposition upon those natives they found on the other planets-- Glory and other rewards filling their minds with encouragement; the spark that allowed the indoctrination to take hold and seep its way in like a parasite, soon making those men and women of various species into proud warriors of the Empire.
For those new recruits, their time in boot camp would pale in comparison to what the battlefield was really like. Many who crawled through the twisting misery of the battlefield would find it as their resting ground, those who survive and bloody themselves remained blooded, cemented within the ranks of the Legion and the potential climb upon the ladder should one prove themselves worthy. With so many new units being formed and deployed, thanks to the ceaseless conquest of the Sith Empire and its military might, trying to set the standard for such a sheer number of troops can prove difficult. Fortunately, there was a solution. One man and his ceaseless service to the Empire; albeit this time, it was to be in a more passive setting rather than in the thick of it.
General Thumahra had watched and waited, having spent the past few days rearranging the landscape of his chosen location to form something akin to a working area of operations for his test. Wargames, as it was to be labeled; a chance for those fresh out of the training facilities to be put into a stressful situation to gauge their combat readiness and those who were already seasoned veterans improve their skills in areas they may have found lacking and perhaps even show their potential to the man who would become the eye in the sky for the duration of his 'experiment'. This was no small scale thing; he had brought the Golden Company to act as opposition as well as supplying them with elements of the 7th Field Army. It was intended to be an elite formation of OpFor against the untested and blooded alike, a challenge. Should they be able to overcome the obstacles put before them, they would certainly impress the man who had recently risen to prominence. A large open field and what appeared to be a fortress beyond, fully decorated within. A gauntlet that would pit sharp minds against one another. All those that were attending were dropped off at their positions at their starting point, the officers stationed their providing them with the details of their operation:
Step One: Open Field Engagement
Step Two: Siege Engagement
Step Three: Urban Close Quarters Battle
The games were soon to begin.
Welcome to this little fun place where Sith Legion and Armada folks can come together and take part in wargames to show off and improve their skills, meet their brothers and sisters in arms and whatever else you want to take out of it. This OOC section is to just covered any potential questions I can think of at the time. If your question is not answered, hit me up on Discord or through PMs.
Y'all will be split into two teams; Team One will be ground forces whilst Team Two will be aerial forces. I know you guys are pretty good at indicating which team you're on but please make sure to have it in the post somewhere so things don't get confused. This engagement will be using stun rounds and a markerlight system for the air combat; meaning that if your fighter gets 'tagged', you will be forced to land and will be out of the engagement. Myself and Khonsu and his Golden Company will be running your OpFor for this thread so if there are any questions, do feel free to ask either myself or Khonsu and we'll be sure to help you out.
IC'ly, we have made this a difficult obstacle to overcome and will do everything in our power to stop you from obtaining victory. Consider this an OOC opportunity to learn how to write PVP or improve your skills at it but ultimately we want y'all to have fun and that's the number one priority.
Remember, any questions or concerns, feel free to come to me over Discord or forum PMs. Good luck!