Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Her hair bobbed as Ki nodded her head and offered a quiet agreement before sliding back into her hood and sneaking up behind Dax. Her eyes caught the bit of pain he attempted to withhold from view,"L-Let me help you get there, Dax...and...and then we can settle it" she attempted to say without sounding forced.

She refused to wait for an answer, and slipped his arm over her shoulder, to assist with his weight. Ki looked up with a determined look and a matching smile.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax let the small woman assist him. Looking back at her he returned the smile. "Alright, we got a deal then." he said with grin on his face. " I guess now would be a good time to mention I have no idea where we are right now." Dax said as they exited the dingy apartment building.

Looking around the street was just as bustling as the ones above, but certainly not as well kept. Trash spilled out of dumpsters and flooded into the streets. The occassional homeless beggar leered at the passerbys or asked for spare change. People kept their heads down here.

"And it doesn't like we'll be getting much help from the locals either..." looking around Dax searched for any sign of a pharmecy or hospital. Instead he found a cantina. Pointing to the fading neon sign he said, "Right there. I'll betcha 5 creds we can find directions to a doctor in there and a way to get back topside."

She looked up to him with a gaze that asked if he was kidding...he obviously was not. She groaned in desperation as he proposed the cantina down the street, following his finger.

The look of the place terrified her a bit by looks alone. Not only that, but the street was wild...but it reminded her of something she could not put her finger on.

"Make it dinner, and I'll go..."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Oh ho ho, asking me on a date now are you?" Dax chuckled. "You've got a deal. We get info and patch me up, then we go for a fancy dinner, on me.". He looked at her and recognized the concern on her face, "And don't worry. I've got you back. Between the two of us none of those drunken bosh'tets could get us." he reassured her.

Dax began to move towards the dingy wateringhole, the door sliding open with a hiss as the two approached. The sickening smell of too much alcohol and unwashed bodies assaulted their senses. Stepping into the establishment they could see a variety of beings in various stages of drunken stupor. Dax made sure to keep the girl close to him, the arm that was around her shoulder tensing slightly. Too many people tended to get hurt around him.
"N-No! Nothing like that!" Ki blushed and puffed out her cheeks in defense as they strolled...or hobbled towards the cantina.

She shrunk as the environment within met them. She had been in many places like this before, but this one would definitely take the top spot for making her uncomfortable. Even beneath Dax's arm and tucked under her cloak's hood, she could feel the patron's gazes. It was unnerving was an understatement for the poor girl. Her eyes looked up to him with a hint of fear in them.

"Dax...where to now?" she nervously spoke, her voice lowered so they did not draw much unwanted attention...not that they didn't already.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax didn't reply the girl, instead continuing his swift hobble to the bar. He allowed himself to lean upon the dirty count and hoist himself up onto a seat, all the while keeping one eye on his companion, and the the kther on the patrons. After seating himself he lifted his hands from the bar, a grey sticky residue coming off of the counter and adhereing itself to his hands. "eugh..." Dax said to himself, as he wiped the stuff off on his pants. Turning he signaled the bartender to procure some drinks, "What's your poison" said the Duros in a gruff, gravelly voice. "Whiskey, please. And whatever she wants." Dax replied, gesturing towards Ki, "On me."

Ki shook her head to the offer, she had no fond memories of establishments like this, nor the poison they served. She remained quiet, and nearly on Dax's hip where he sat. Eyes casting cautious and curious glances around the room. Every now and again, she got caught looking, and would snap her eyes away. Up until now, Ki had not managed to garner any information from just looking, and continued refusal of a seat. She would really hate if the duo came under threat and cornered here, with Dax's injury and her inability to do...anything. It was quite sad when she thought about it, but she kept it in her mind, hoping he could get them out of here soon...

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The bartender brought Daxs drink. Setting down a few credits, much more than the drink was worth he slid them forward, "Two questions for you. Nearest doctor, and how do we get topside?" The man took the credits and pocketed them without a single thought, "Doc is around corner. Theres a sign that'll point you to 'im, its going out. You can't miss it.". He said gesturing with the dirty towel in his hand, "How to get topside...that'll cost you a few more creds..." Dax knocked back the whiskey and slammed the glass back down on the counter. The tender refilled it and Dax slid him some more credits. "A local gang controls the permits for topside. You'll want to talk to the Besk brothers. You can find them in a warehouse about a block from here." "Thanks for the drink." Dax knocked back the rest of the whiskey, numbing the pain in his ribs a little. Getting up with only a wince he put a protective arm around Ki's shoulders and made for the door.

She was thankful for the uneventful visit, feeling Dax return to his position above her for support.

The walk/hobble was quiet, until the woman's curiosity overcame her timidness,"D-Dax, what brings you to this planet?"

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax's face became stone, the muscles in his jaw tensing. Even the arm around her should, which had been wrapped protectively around her arm began to flex. A mixed flood of anger and grief crashed down upon him. There's no point in lying... Dax thought. "Revenge..." he said quietly, "Someone killed my master...and I have every intention of bringing them down." he said with conviction in his voice.

The scenes of his master's death came in flashes. Being thrown against a wall. His saber falling off the edge of the landing platform. Sparks as the red and green blades clashed. His scream as his master was killed. The desperate scramble for the blaster. Taking shots at their assailant and striking him.

The man Dax had killed that day had only been one in an Order of many. But Dax vowed to find whoever had ordered him to kill them, and he'd return the favor kindly.

Ki knew she messed up. She had asked, and though she appreciated the honesty, it was a sensitive subject.

She looked up apologetically, before hiding in the shadow of her hood,"D-Dax, I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
He smiled at his companion, "Don't worry about it. You didn't know." Despite his kind words there was a hidden pain behind his eyes. He looked away quickly, eyes fixed on their destination which was approaching slowly.

The freen neon sign flickered on and off, like a creatures dying breaths. "Well this looks pleasant." Dax said sarcastically, "I bet he his medical license is completely legal and not a fake."

She returned the smile faintly, as best she could, before their attention was taken by the appearance of the "doctor".

"This place...looks appropriate." Ki hesitantly spoke, swallowing heavily, trying to hide her nervousness.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Well hopefully he'll just set my rib and give me some pain killers. But with my luck we'll see.". Walking into the "office" it looked just like everything else did on this level. Dinghy, broken down, dying. A single twilek male in a labcoat sat in the middle of the room spinning around in a chair, staring at the ceiling, "Why hello there!" he said jumping up when he saw the two enter, "What appears to be the problem?"
"A broken rib...I think" Dax said. "Oh, poor you. I have just the thing! Take a seat, take a seat, I'll be just a moment."

She remained as close to Dax as possible, foregoing any personal space. Happy she had her cloak around her as well, for she began to visibly shake as the wait for the doctor to return became agonizing. The feeling in the back of her mind gnawing at her the entire time.

"Does not mean I have to like this place anymore...let's just get what he has and leave, please?"

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Alright alright, we'll be wuick, I promise." He put a hamd on her shoulder, feeling her quiver. He allowed a sense a calm to transfer through their touch using the Force.
" Bacta Injection! Should fix that broken rib in a jiffy!"
"Wait is that a needle?"
"Here we go!" The Twi'Lek doctor jabbed the needle into Dax's side and knjected him with the bubbling green fluid. Dax could feel the bone and tissue rapidly mending in his body, he let out a cry of pain, and then sucked in air through his teeth as he felt the pain subside.
"Thanks...I think...what do I owe you doc?" No sooner had Dax finished the sentence did a blaster bolt tear the the transparisteel window. Dax jumped and covered Ki with his body. "Stay down!"

Ki watched the exchange with dismay, her own fear of needles shown, and she visibly paled when the injection took place.

She was quickly shaken from her fright as she landed beneath Dac in a more or less awkward position as the window shatter behind him. The scream that escaped her mouth was loud and her eyes disappeared behind tightly clenched lids. This was a nightmare and she was waiting to hopefully wake up...

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax covered Ki's body, protecting her from the falling pieces of transparisteel. There was no follow up shot so Dax slowly lifted his head to peak outside. He didn't see anybody. "You ok [member="Kimiko"]?" he asked of the girl.

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