Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pitch and Yaw: Fighter Testing


"We've got some seasoned pilots here," aqua-lips twitched as she picked up on their formation. "Switching to vertical-configuration, I..."

The warning lock-system flashed in the bowl-like cockpit and she slammed the controls down, her back pushing against the seat-frame as she dove. The eerie sound of the lock-warning ceased as she cleared but not before her shields absorbed several of bogie one and two's ion-shots. Iced-azure gaze checked the readout on the distance to the derelict ships.

Vertical-wings snapped back into configuration and she hit the accelerator. "Bait and switch me Chuck. We're in range to the derelict fleet."


At least the wingman she was assigned was adept. Chuck matched her wing-configuration and flew in front, as a shield, firing his cannons at the duo bogies. Bobbing behind him, she focused on the fleet and dropped out of his cover from below, lining up a lock and firing with one of the torpedoes at the stationary fleet.

The flimsi of Judah and Makai she stuck to the tinted-cockpit shuddered with the release.
[member="Thessa Kai"] [member="Leea Pandac"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Kikhveakkaz"]

Ordo got a solid lock on the lead Yavin...almost. Just as he was ready to signal the pilot she dipped out of his lock and pulled a bait and switch with her wing man.

"Impressive," He said to himself as she got a shot off and scored a good solid hit on the derelict fleet. "Most Impressive."

Ugly two did a barrel roll out from under Ordo as he got a solid lock on Chuck and pinged him with the notification that he was now dead. At the same time ugly four took several hits from Leea and was declared out of the fight by the flight controllers. Ordo broke away out of jamming range and sent a comm message to the rest of the pilots.

"I've seen enough," He said happy as he could be to be flying again and see his design perform well, "You each can take home the fighters you tested at full power and thirty thousand credits as soon as you're aboard the Indomitable. Credits will be paid in cash credit chits. Thank you all again for your help."
Leea almost couldn't hold her excitement, the first ship she could own! She replied keeping her voice steady as she could, even so there were still slight changes in the tone that would give it away, "Thank you, Lead. I will see you on the Indomitable. Good run everyone." She personally hoped that she didn't sound to silly.

She sent her ship on a much slower course back towards the Hangar, not in quite as much of a rush as before. When she reached there she landed the ship with care.


She grimaced when she got the notification of her wingman's faux demise. Unwanted reminders of Roche surfaced in her memories. She switched off the jammers and caught the transmission of their employer.

"Copy that."

Fingers hit the private-comm to Sparky. "Signal Judah that we're on our way home with a surprise. And tell him I'm picking up dinner this time and paying." Aqua-lips split into a grin as Sparky warbled.

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