I'm closing this thread because topics like this get kicked into the dirt. I'll sum up the future of this thread for the particular group of people who use this canvas to start drama/trouble/crying foul over something that is completely harmless.
1. We've asked people like "A Pimp Named Magoo", "Santa Claus", "Batman" to change their names in the past. This breaks the environment. We'll ask Mickey Mouse to change his name, too, unless he's extraordinarily awesome as a character and breaking the name would break the character.
2. Jack Sparrow doesn't harm this community. If it were his first day and we caught it, we might have asked him to change it. But it's not, and it's too late in the game to give a crap about it now.
3. The writer of Jack Sparrow only adds to this community. You don't see him harping over what others can and can't do, compared to what he can or can't do. He's chill and keeps to himself.
4. Yes. We keep an eye on troublemakers. No, you're not unprivileged. You're just prone to starting drama rather than creating an atmosphere of positivity. You're more likely to get busted for plagiarism or such because Staff thinks you're more likely to commit plagiarism.
This thread has existed before.
Nothing was done then about Jack Sparrow.
Nothing will be done now.
Let's find another dead horse.