Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planning Ahead (The Thénardiers)

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
A message had been sent to every member of the Thénardier family. An important meeting was to be held before everyone present, especially the three Thénardier children. Why? None truly knew. But what had been a little slight detail was that this had been sent out by none other than mother Willamina Thénardier herself, the mother of set children.

Everything had been set at the estate where everyone was to meet. The large meeting room where a large table, once used to seat dozen of family members and now reduced to four, sat in the center with the chair at the very end looking most prodominant and expensive. Behind it on the wall, over a large fireplace, sat a picture of the late Gordon Thénardier himself, father and husband to the family. The head seat had been the most prepared, setting in for when Mother Thénardier would be present.

The only member to be there was, of course, Audrey; the current head of the family and oldest daughter. Wearing her usual clothing she sat with a cigar smorking in her hands as she awaited the others. As trouble as she was she looked more calculating, as if trying to figre what to do and say by the time everyone had arrived. Though what might have been more of a challenge was having to deal with mother again.

She kept checking the holoclock seeing as it was early into the night and almost ten minutes before everyone else was supposed to arrive. A protocol droid was standing behind her seat to await any orders while she just hoped and prayed things would go smoothly tonight.

[member="Aedan Thénardier"] [member="Viviane Thénardier"]
Aedan brother to Audrey and Viviane Thénardier, He had gotten a message from his sister to meet at the family estate for a reason he did not understand. His last outburst nearly caused his sister to throw him off the balcony into the rocky depths below. Aedan smiled as he opened the doors to the main hall where the dining room sat. He noticed Audrey and gave a smile, for once he was actually sober.
"...Good afternoon beloved sister." He said in a sarcastic tone.

He smiled before taking his seat.

[member="Audrey Thénardier"]
[member="Aedan Thénardier"] [member="Audrey Thénardier"]

Viviane arrived a bit after Aredan with her Tiger Abby walking by her side as always. She quietly walked over to her chair and sat down before saying anything " Hello " she spoke with a small smile.

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Upon Aedan's arrival Audrey only laned back in her chair while saying "Good to see that you'll stay sober when mother calls. But when I call, you think it's just another game, don't you?" She didn't even bother with whatever answer he gave and only sat there and waited until Viviane arrived. She looked down at the tiger even after her sister gave her greeting before saying "You know mother will have you get rid of her when she comes." she indicated Abby. "You know she's a dog person afterall." After that she asked both her brother and sister "So, any idea what this is all about?"

[member="Viviane Thénardier"] [member="Aedan Thénardier"]
Aedan put his his finger up but quickly putting it down.

"That's because it is a game." He mumbled.

He pondered on what mother wanted he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Maybe she wants to say hello to her beloved daughters...and leave poor Aedan out........Again."

He looked at Audrey, he still felt bad because of the party the other day.

​"Sister, I thought I should apologize about the incident I caused the last time we met..."

[member="Audrey Thénardier"]

[member="Viviane Thénardier"]
[member="Aedan Thénardier"] [member="Audrey Thénardier"]

Vivi sighed and told Abby to leave the room and she said before sighing again keeping quiet , she coughed a little as her sister Cigar Smoke drifted into her face. " Ugh.. sister please why do you have to always have those damn things when i'm around .. I swear i think i'm allergic to that smoke" she said coughing again

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Upon both of thier suggestions Audrey rolled her eyes. For Viviane's sake she took the cigar and snuffed it out in a nearby ashtray, while saying "You're just like mother. Never like thr things I do to relax." After that she looked to Aedan and, hearing both comments after the other, she said "Oh please, Aedan. Try not to turn this into another dramatic cry for attention. And as for your little stunt at the party, I..."

Before she could finish the doors had opened and, sure enough, in stepped in mother Thénardier herself. Her white hair was styled in some odd fashion while she wore a blue dress. The way she looked at all of them once she entered was a mix of cool caluclation and yet jugdemental observation. Audrey stood, clearing her throat so the others got the idea to stand as well, before mother had finally spoke.

"Hello, children." she said in an almost sarcastic manner. "No point in standing all day. You'll only want to sit down again. So go on. Sit." Audrey went first to sit, indicating it was alright for the others, before mother had her way to her seat at the front. She said nothing as she passed each of them before sitting down, the doors to the room finally closing. Just then she'd said "Audrey, you've been smoking again. I can stil smell that stencth in the room. Maybe you're too nervous to admit you won't stop seeing those whores, will you?" Audrey frowned and didn't responed while mother look to the others. "Aedan. My boy, what a suprise so see you without a bottle in your hand or a parol officer present. Progress." And finally to Viviane, saying "And little Vivi. Dear litte Vivi. I'm still against you keeping that beast with you. One day it'll rip your throat out and I'll have warned you about it. And when it does, don't cry to me when you learn the hard way."

[member="Viviane Thénardier"] [member="Aedan Thénardier"]
Aedan snickered when his mother commented about Audrey. But then soon stopped when she mentioned his drinking 'habit' and his parol officer not being there. "Mother...It is nice to see you too..." He said with a fake smile, his mother always found a way to disrespect her children. Aedan smiled.

"The reason I did not bring my drinking habit was because Audrey yelled at me last time i drank." Aedan pouted, He wondered why Mother had even called them there if she was just going to insult them; Nevertheless Aedan smiled and waited. He then looked at Audrey and smiled.

He really hoped she would accept his apologiy

[member="Viviane Thénardier"][member="Audrey Thénardier"]

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Hearing what Audrey had done Mother Thénardier huffed a chukle before saying "At least she had the deceny to stand in for me." She looked to Audrey and asked "Did you strike him at all? That would've made the lesson a little more clear to him." Seeing Viviane's reaction to her she looked over and commented "What's wrong, Vivi? Not your usual bouncy self today." After that she looked to and said "Before anything else I want to know how business is going, Audrey."

Audrey stood and explained "Our dealings have been progressing further thanks to our partnership with the Red Ravens. We supply ships and the like, they provide payment and equipment. Both on and off the books our usual quota had increaed by %13."

Mother nodded and commented "Best we've had in a while. Didn't think those criminal types were the sort to uphold any end of a bargin. I half expected them to steal from under our noses. Still keep an eye on them. Anyone of them makes a move against us and I'll see to it personally that they learn never to make war with the Thénardiers." She gesutred for Audrey to sit before saying "Alrght then, let's get down to it shall we." Instead of speaking, however, she turned to Viviane and asked "Well, Vivi? What was this important business that was so important we had to meet like this?"

[member="Viviane Thénardier"] [member="Aedan Thénardier"]
Aedan growled at what his mother said. It kind of hurt.

Audrey began talking about the business and Aedan yawned.

"Can't wait till she I remember why I never visited her." Aedan mumbled under his breath. He looked to Viviane

"Don't mind mother much she is in a bad mood." Aedan whispered to Viviane.

[member="Viviane Thénardier"]

[member="Audrey Thénardier"]
[member="Aedan Thénardier"]

"Shes always in a bad mood" Viviane sighed quietly before she spoke up " it wont me who wanted this meeting don't point fingers at me" She said in an annoyed tone. She was not happy about this meeting, only person she felt close to was her brother and even still she felt like the least liked person in the family.

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Hearing Aedan's comment mother had said "I heard that! And I'll talk to you later about it." she warned before looking back to Viviane. "And what do you mean I called the meeting? My letter came from you. Soemthing important about the succession of the family." Upon cofirming that Vivi did not send any message she retorted "Well I didn't send any so who?"

"I did." Audrey answered, getting everyone's attention. "Sorry for the deception, but I needed everyone hear. I knew you wouldn't come if I called, Mother. You never do. And I knew a message from you would bring brother and sister here, so I sent them uner your names. Glad to see it all worked actually."

An annoyed grimmace coming over her face Mother Thénardier commented "Clever, Audrey. Very clever. As always. Very well then. Since you've managed to bring us here, what are you here to say?"

Audrey was silent for a moment before leaning back in her chair and blunty saying "Mother....I've had a child."

[member="Viviane Thénardier"] [member="Aedan Thénardier"]
Aedan flinched at his mothers comment and was going to say something but bit his lip because he did not want to risk getting hit.

He looked at mother then to Audrey...'she called us here! hmmm how could I fall for that?' he asked himself.

Aedan jumped when Audrey said she had a child, how could he not notice, it has been a few months since they last met.

He looked at Audrey dumbfounded.

'When did this happen Sister?"

[member="Viviane Thénardier"]

[member="Audrey Thénardier"]

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Of course everyone, including Mother Thénardier, was shcoked by this to where she asked "H-How? When? And...with who?"

Pulling out a cigar, as if partly to spite her mother, Audrey smiled while saying "A favor from a friend." with a smirk. "You see, mother and family, I've always feared what would come when I die. I know father always wanted an heir, as did you, but the thing is that you're well aware of my...particular tastes. And I've never allow for a man to defile me in such a way, mainly because I wouldn't want his DNA muddling up the family bloodline. So I had one artifically created....eight years ago."

Aghast at this Mother stood and said "You've kept this quiet for eight years? Why?"

"Simple, mother." she continued before lighting her cigar "I wanted to suprise you all. And before you start wondering, no, she's not a clone. Not an exact one persay. In fact among her artifical qualities added to her, my new daughter is, in fact, a force user. Aren't you happy, mother? The first Thénardier force user."

[member="Viviane Thénardier"] [member="Aedan Thénardier"]
Aedan was dumbfounded he rose up and slammed his fist against the table.

"Eight years....Eight Years! living in secrecy! You!.....Ugh!" Aedan walked away and looked out the window, he was practically shaking. He stormed off into another room and a minute later came out with a bottle of Corellian whiskey and a fine glass. He then went back to his seat and sat down, he poured the wine into the glass then put the bottle down. after sipping it a few times he looked at the ground.

[member="Audrey Thénardier"]
[member="Viviane Thénardier"]

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Mother Thénardier, arrigvated to the point where her face was starting to flush red, could not belive what her daughter had done. She was hoping that if a child were born it would be a natrual one, as all of her children have been. Instead her oldest daughter, who would never let a man touch her, had given birth to some science experiment of a child. When Aedan had come back with the bottle of whisky she snatched it away from him. But intead of scoulding him or the like she took a small shot down herself.

"Where is it?" she almost demanded. "Where's this child?"

Audrey looked between all of her family members before finally looking to the front door, calling "You can come in now."

With everyone's attention to the door they watched as they opened, revealing the child of Audrey Thénardier. Only it wasn't quite what they would expect. For one thing the girl looked more like she was sixteen years old intead of eight. Another being that she had red hair, something not shared among the Thénardier family. And finally, probably the most blaring feature, she had green skin. As she walked into the room she seemed very shy while also concerned for the reaction of everyone, holding her arm awkwardly before walking towards her mother.

Audrey looked to everyone else and smiled "I'd like you all to meet Yvette. My daughter. Your neice. And your granddaughter."

[member="Aedan Thénardier"] [member="Viviane Thénardier"]

Aedan watched as his bottle was snatched away, for a second he thought he was going to get yelled at.

He watched as mother began to drink.

Aedan looked at the girl. He felt anger rise, He looked into Audrey's eyes

"That thing is not a girl! it is a monster!" Aedan whispered with anger.
[member="Viviane Thénardier"]
[member="Audrey Thénardier"]

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