Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planning Ahead (The Thénardiers)

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
At being called a monster Yvette had shied away. She was hurt to say the least and Audrey had seen it when she looked at her. Once hand reached out to hold her fearing daughter's before she looked back to Aedan with a cold, hating look.

"Have a care, brother. You speak to my own child. And unless you want that tounge to continue feeling alchol on it, I suggest you hold it before I cut it out." She then looked between all of her familiy members while saying "She is a Vinithi. Born out of plant cells mixed with my own DNA and crafted with aritifical modifications. This child is mine, regardless of what you say. She is strong. Powerful. She has been given the gift of the Force, something no other Thénardier had ever possessed. She is the first in a new bloodline. One that will be stronger than all the others!"

Mother Thénardier was quiet the whole time, looking away from both Audrey and Yvette. She was obviously upset but seemed to be comtemplating things in her mind. She needed time to process all of this information while dealing with the almost decent of betrayl that her oldest daughter had put her through.

With her head turned away from the others she asked "What do you think of this, Aedan?" after he gave his answer she demanded "Viviane?"

[member="Viviane Thénardier"] [member="Aedan Thénardier"]
Aedan smiled at his sister.

"If you think she is pure sister you are a fool!" Aedan whispered, he looked at the girl and shook his head.

"You may cut my tongue out....but if you your back." He said before sitting down again.

[member="Audrey Thénardier"]

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Audrey expected as much from her brother. She still sneered at him when he showed his continuous displeasure for Yvette. Even the green girl herslef could sense the tensions rising in the room, making her quietly walk out. Audrey watched as she did, upset that her first exposure to her family had become a sour one. Looking back to the rest she waited to here from her mother.

Mother Thénardier finally turned, still not looking at anyone, while saying "You're clever, Audrey. Always too clever for you're own good." she took another shot of whiskey before saying "You can keep that child. You can dress her up like one of us. You can treat her as if she were human. You can claim she's an actual child. But she will never be a part of this family." Finally she stood and said "We're done here. Do not ever call upon me again."

With that Mother Thénardier walked out of the room, making her way back to her shuttle and from there back to her own residence on Ryloth. Audrey had watched as she left, not concerining herself with whatever Aedan did. She did, however, look to Viviane to try and gage a reaction from here. She even called to her before she could leave, wanting to actually hear an answer from here.

[member="Viviane Thénardier"] [member="Aedan Thénardier"]

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