Hoping Jonyna joined in to stabilize the woman in the armor, she got to work on trying to stop the slow bleeding of her. She silently wondered how she could have survived so many years with wounds like this. Even though Jairdain had not been on Kesh when Solan died, she had felt his death through the Force. She also knew so many others had died here that day. Not wanting to allow another to follow that same path, she was happy when her brother moved to assist her.
Feeling with the Force, Jairdain discovered many other wounds but focused on the one on the side of Leo.
"Far too many have died in wars. My husband was one of them, and my current is likely to follow that same path. Another friend died when Commenor fell, and then Solan died here. Luckily, we were able to bring him back, and I will do so again if there is a need. I'm tired of losing people I love."
Trying not to get distracted by the ongoing conversation between Jonyna and her brother, she purposely bumped into Vupls to get him to stop. While she was healing Leo, she could tell the other Jedi was getting at least a little irritated with him.
Giving Solan enough room to be beside Leo, she could not see his facial expressions. However, she could feel the care he had for Leo starting to return, and she would try to take his hand so he could touch the other woman.
"I have done everything I can for her out here. If we can get her inside, out of that armor, and into something more comfortable, I can do more."
There was an almost unfamiliar tone to her voice of command and control. She was a woman used to being in control and having her requests followed.
Solan Charr
Jonyna Si