Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Plasma, Pirates, and Time Dilation: Subjugation of the Chiloon Rift (PM if you're a Pirate)

Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates, Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: Don't feel obligated to post again, I'm just going to finish this up solo! I will not object however should you choose to respond anyway :)


"I repeat, this is Agent Alice, atmosphere is green, no sign of life. Any body out there?" She hears static from her communication link. That's not foreboding at all. The female agent slowly stepped forward, turning on her head lamps for increased visibility and held her rifle outwards ready to fire. The corridors were long, and quite worn for a military vessel.

It would take forever to explore the entire expanse of the capital warship, but hopefully there would be short cuts that were still operational, like elevators and terminals to operate differing systems. Her first instinct upon coming on the ship, other than the standard boarding procedure, was to look for any information on this ship... which meant scouring data banks.

She came upon a door, that did not seem to want to budge. So, in the spirit of discovery, brought out her plasma torch, and began to burn through the door. As she applied heat to the old door, it began to creak and moan throughout, adding to the ghostly atmosphere of the ship, and made the agent slightly uneased.

She would be really unhappy if a sudden noise interrupted her work and it turned out to be nothing...


Noble Goals but Foul Deeds
Location: Aboard a Drill Boarding Craft sneaking up on the Capital ship
Allies: Borch is aboard the boarding craft
Enemies: Primeval, Ghost Ship Shenanigans

1) Borch and Tarek - board the capital ship
2) The ghoul - remain hidden if a rescue is required
3) Borch's vessel - lead the Bludgeon in a wild goose around the nebula

OOC: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] Sorry for the absence, thought this thread had died.[/SIZE]


Borch and Tarek sat aboard one of the Ghoul's Drill boarding craft, slowly making their way through the nebula towards the capital warship.

"They see us?" Borch asked.
"Dont think so" Tarek replied.
"Lets just use the airlock. Besides, it looks like someone beat us here", Tarek pointed to what looked like a Primeval shuttle docked at one of the mammoth warships airlocks.

Tarek stepped off the drill boarding craft onto the deck of the mammoth warship and motioned for Borch to remain with the ship. The Zabrak frowned for a moment then complied. The atmosphere was dank, but breathable. Tarek felt a tingling at the back of his neck telling him that something about this ship was off. Where was the crew? Who would leave such a marvel to drift in space? And of course most importantly, what lucrative treasure did it hold aboard.
Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates ([member="Tarek'Gor"]), Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels on a wild goose chase
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: Oh it was dead! But I decided to necromance it as a solo thread because I really wanna use this for the thing I want to make :p Thanks for responding anyway! I'll try my best to make it interesting and engaging for you! I can GM you're part of the ship if you'd like?


What treasures indeed, laid beyond this solitary door, which she finally managed to cut her way through. Held together by the atmospheric pressure of the inner room, a light breeze escaped the hole carrying along with it the steam of the heated metal door as it clattered to the the floor on the other side. The room was dark, and surprisingly moist in stark contrast to the dry air of the corridor, though not by much. It's rank ancient smell still permeated the room.

She had her scanners look for any sort of electrical interfaces, hoping to find a computer.

"Agent Alice, I've begun searching rooms. Looking for a computer terminal or something of the like. Can anyone hear me?" She repeated her call again as she walked slowly into the room, head lamp slowly moving from one edge of the darkness to the other.

She approached another door, and found beside it this time some sort of terminal. It wasn't anything like a computer of course, but maybe she could gain something out of it. So she reached, opened it up, and tried to see if there was any power remaining on the ship at all.


Noble Goals but Foul Deeds
Location: Aboard a Drill Boarding Craft sneaking up on the Capital ship
Allies: Borch is aboard the boarding craft
Enemies: Primeval, Ghost Ship Shenanigans

1) Tarek - investigate ship
2) The ghoul - remain hidden if a rescue is required
3) Borch's vessel - lead the Bludgeon in a wild goose around the nebula

OOC: Zambrano the Hutt[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] GM would be great[/SIZE]


There are three emotions that rule the hearts of men, anger, love and fear. At this instance Tarek was dealing with the third of the trio. It clutched at his chest and made his palms sweaty. It turned shadows into demons and dust into deranged specters. As Tarek stepped through the dark corriders of the ship he loathed himself for feeling fear. His reaction was normal, the ship was dark and mysterious and he had no idea what dangers it held. Still he derided himself. Fear was irrational, fear was unnecessary, fear was overpowering. Tarek took a deep breath. He had heard of a jedi teaching that stated that those who accept thier fates feel no fear. Tarek resolved to do the same. What was the worst that could happen? Death he supposed.

"I will accept that I can die, I wll accept that I can be horribly maimed, I will accept that something from this unknown darkness could do me harm" Tarek whispered to himself.

Tarek felt better.. somewhat.
Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula, Agent Alice exploring the ghost ship
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates ([member="Tarek'Gor"]), Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels on a wild goose chase
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: Sure thing :)


After some tampering, wires in the door did eventually spark. So there was power... but not a lot of it. That meant that if she could find a computer or a map of the vessel around here, it would at least have some form of power in which she could power it all on. That made her job a lot easier. This door though, refused to open further than partially open, so naturally it need a little bit of physical convincing.

Grunting and such, Alice wedged herself between the doors and pressed against the one that refused to budge, and was able to muscle through the rust that had accumulated on it and prevented it from smooth movements. Behind the door appeared to be some kind of medical bay. A shiver ran down her spine suddenly.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Meanwhile, Tarek Gor would find himself faced with three options: he could either go down the "north" corridor towards the front of the ship, the "south" corridor towards the back of the ship and its engines, or take the corridor in front of him to head towards the starboard side of the massive ship.
Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula, Agent Alice exploring the ghost ship
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates ([member="Tarek'Gor"]), Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels on a wild goose chase
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: Sure thing :)


Agent Alice continued to walk into the eerie dark and slightly damp medical bay, observing a number of broken kolto tanks, and other assorted medical equipment. She began to walk down the derelicts bay, slowly and hesitantly stopping at various points to check on certain pieces of equipment. She was, of course, still looking for some sort of computer terminal.

Eventually she came across something near a kolto tank and activated it, after a bit of hot wiring...

Initiating activation sequence...
Log in? Huh, that wasn't something she expected out of a medical bay. It was likely to protect patient records from being accessed for confidentiality reasons. However, the Agent was fairly certain she could get around it to access security logs without login access. After a few daring minutes in the dark, with only a few looks over her shoulder, she was able to bypass the login feature in order to access the security logs.

Security log access granted
Log 1: 3/13/843
Log 2: 3/20/843
Log3: 3/27/843
Log 4: ...
The logs continued on even further into the present year.

Log 373: 5/5/844
Log 374: 5/12/844
Log 375: 5/19/844
Log 376: ...
But then she discovered something truly unusual... and found the security log for... tomorrow.

"What?" She verbalized in utter confusion into the dark, just as she heard a bang somewhere near her.
Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula, Agent Alice exploring the ghost ship
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates ([member="Tarek'Gor"]), Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels on a wild goose chase
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: N/a


It turned out to be nothing. Agent Alice flashed her head lamps over to the disturbance, and it appeared it was just the creaking walls, combined with her own disturbance of the untouched area in general that caused a flask of some kind to be nudged just enough off the edge of a table.

It didn't make it any less unnerving, and added to the fear of the supernatural aboard this ship. With a bit of hesitance, she returned her attention to the ship's medical logs.

It was to her astonishment still, that her eyes did not deceive her, and she indeed saw logs that extended not just into tomorrow, but into weeks, even months into the future. This was all very unnerving, and after a number of months, the logs started to spike dramatically, and then.... they stopped.

A few weeks later, another one appeared, a month later, another one. They became infrequent then, over the course of eight years. It seemed to become an annual ritual after the second year, a pilgrimage of sorts.

"Eight years..." She breathed, in total utter astonishment. This didn't make any sense. Had the ship somehow travelled backwards in time? What else could possibly cause this phenomenon? Trying to think it through logically, she decided to read the log of when they entered the system...
Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula, Agent Alice exploring the ghost ship
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates, Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels on a wild goose chase
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: N/a


Log Entry Name - Chiloon Rift

"Hello again, this is Log Entry..." A hologram of some mandalorian, probably a medical officer of some sort. "... today our fine vessel is being stationed here in the Chiloon Rift. We aren't going to bother any of the miners around here obviously, but we will be patrolling and eliminating any pirates that try to bother us. We figure that if we travel deep into the system and eliminate most of these pirates that maybe the local miners will accept us more. Enough maybe to give us a small portion of their mining rights. There isn't a full Mandalorian presence here because we don't want to provoke the miners or something and risk our cut of their product. I'm mostly talking about this now because there were any serious medical incidents I'd have to report today, but hey, still gotta follow loggin' procedure, right?" The log ends there.

That explained why they were in the system... but didn't explain why this ship was here now, completely empty. Agent Alice looked through the entry logs looking for the first significant gap between logs. She selected it.

"... this is Log Entry..." The hologram of the same mandalorian, much more distraught and weary looking than before, with a background of lots more patients in their beds. He sighs once he finishes the initial logging procedure, and then continues. "... something's not right about this place. We've lost contact with the rest of the galaxy, but the engineers say that our communications tower is working fine, we suspect that there might be an extreme case of nebular interference... but the navigation crew can't seem to find anything wrong with the navicomputer, except that it insists we're still in the center of the nebular... even though we've traveled enough to probably have crossed this entire nebular by now. Bottom line is, we're stuck and don't know why... so we have to camp out until this crap is resolved. Sorry, anyway, the medical incidents today include..." The officer goes on to describe what he is supposed to be logging.

Something was indeed strange about this report, and that thing was that this ship had seem some sort of malfunction upon entering the center of the nebula... a region of space that the Directory's fleet was attempting to reach. To ensure her findings, she moved her log search until she found one on the exact anniversary of them entering the Chiloon Rift.

"... This is Log Entry... ah kark it," It would seem he's finally snapped from following procedure, "I don't care about this any more. We've been marooned in this force forsaken nebular for the past year. The rest of civilization probably thinks we're dead or something. Our ship can last for years in rationing, but until something changes I don't see how that's going to matter. We've already gone through a hefty portion of it, and at some point we're going to have to consider that rationing should start earlier. We've no indication we're going to be unstuck any time soon, and we have to prepare for the worst." The hologram simply cuts off from there.

This was something that the Directory should definitely be made aware of, and so Agent Alice took to her com link once again.

"The Forward, this is Agent Alice, I repeat, The Forward, this is Agent Alice, do you copy? I've found something," She awaited their reply but heard nothing but static. There must be too much interference here, it looks like she's going to have to collect all the information and deliver it personally... to the Admiral.

That would take some guts she wasn't quite feeling at the moment, squatting in the darkness.
Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula, Agent Alice exploring the ghost ship
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates, Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels on a wild goose chase
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: N/a


There was another sound in the darkness, and another search for something out of place, one that was just as fruitful as the last time. Nothing. Pretty soon here, Agent Alice would have to begin to accept that as the natural noises of this environment... though somehow, she got the distinct impression that was not the case. She returned to her console, squatted back down, and began to search for more information about this ship.

She found a log approximately three years after the last one she viewed, glancing at future logs entries, it appeared that this became an annual ritual for whoever still resided here. The idea of survivors scared her. Being marooned for eight years while you run out of rations year by year didn't sound super fun... and most ships she knew about ran out at two years. How anyone was still alive at this point... was a frightening prospect to think about.

"Hello... this is - was - Medical Officer Ordo... I don't really consider myself an officer any more. The crews rank structure seems to have fallen into disarray. It has been for awhile. I can hardly even remember the last time I made one of these reports... just like last time, it isn't about medical incidents... which have devolved to be almost exclusively starvation. I just feel like... it's good for me, you know? Talking about this... thing, that's happened to me and, everyone else on board. Last year, I fell in love again. I feel awful about it. I had a wife back home, but at this point... I've lost all hope. For the last four years, I've looked out the windows of this ship, and see the same exact karking thing every single time. We've suffered no change. We're isolated here. Running out of food fast, and mutinies are a daily occurrence. It's normal now. If it weren't for the food shortages, we were toying with the idea of having a child... but we're just stupid young lovers who had a full life ahead of them, only to be cut short on this forsaken ship. We have dreams, but they are just eaten completely by this nightmare. There isn't any escape... I'm thinking about mutinying myself, take some of the rations from the higher ups who are holding them for themselves. I plan on surviving here, for as long as I can. I started stockpiling seeds from fruit we had on board, I'm hoping I can figure out a way to grow them. Maybe survive this hell hole... heh, maybe make a whole new civilization on a freaking ghost ship that'll break down in a few decades and kill everyone... dammit... everything has become so morbid..." Ordo shut the recording off there, and left.

At that exact moment, an unignorable crash, that was in no way natural and in every way artificial, occurred directly behind Agent Alice.
Location: The Thorn - Approaching the Ghost Ship, The Forward - Guarding The Thorn from big scary ghost ship, The Bludgeon - Chasing after pirates aimlessly in the nebula, Agent Alice exploring the ghost ship
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Pirates, Ghost Ship Shenanigans
Objective: Investigate Ghost Ship

Primeval Order's:
  • Available Agents are to investigate the unidentified vessel, but first a way through must be sliced through the hull or something like that
  • The Pirate Hunt has been left to The Bludgeon to deal with due to it's radio silence, it is currently attempting to follow the seemingly fleeing pirate vessels on a wild goose chase
  • Mining Vessels and Fighter Escorts are remaining behind the Convoy
OOC: N/a


Two blue eyes stared back at Agent Alice, hiding behind old medical equipment very near to the crash they had caused. Dark hair formed the deathly pale face, filled with dirt and curiosity. It was young, very young, the height suggesting no more than four... most likely female. Alice's heart seemed to be locked in her throat as the rest of her body was paralyzed, with a blaster held out towards the child, though she had no intention of firing. How long had she been standing there? Is she real?

"Daddy." The thing spoke to her, in voice that seemed so otherly to her, despite its legitimate innocence. Alice was simply afraid. Had she been welcomed to this new hell she could never have imagined existed? How could this child be alive... who was she talking to?

Alice nearly jumped out of her skin as the child thing pointed towards the console without warning, her outstretched arm lingering in the eternity between them. This all seemed so surreal. Eventually, the hand fell back down abruptly, and the child ran out of the door.

In a moment, without realizing it, Alice had been frozen for just a moment, before she bolted after the child.

"Wait come back! Who are you?"

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