Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Playground Insults!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Yea, you'd think right? :huh:
But in fact, Pink before the 1940's was considered a masculine color. Commercialism, the media in a way turned it
Same with our stockings. Men, like King Henry the VIII (as a reference) wore leggings, not women. Same with skirts and dresses. Yep, the guys beat us to it, as they had not invented pants yet. Hell, I remember reading once that belt loops to hold up pants weren't invented till the 19th century.
Sigh...even the Egyptians, men most likely, came up with make-up to protect themselves from the sun. :( We gurrrrrls kinda got the hand-me-downs through the centuries, as men seemed to have worn our style before we took it over.
But no doubt now, we women wear it all better! :D

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