Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Ploy of the Necromancer (Civil War on Cademimu V) (Open to All)

Objective Two & Three
Aid in the defense of the Liberators’ stronghold
Somehow counter the missile battery defenses of the planet

Interaction: Open

4 cruisers | 9 corvettes | 152 Fighters/bombers | 20 support craft


2 Makashi Class Light Cruisers
  • HMS Shii-Cho (Flag)
    • 1x X-class Elysium Starfighter Squadron (X) 163rd Squadron
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X) Bantha Boy Squadron
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have high powered sensors and comm arrays for breaking through jamming
      • (X) booster included
  • HMS Ataru
    • 1x X-class Elysium Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with Battledroidracks, entire ship is capable of carrying 8000 battle droids at a time.

2 Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers
  • HMS Verdict
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Judgment
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)

6 Val Khaar-class Corvettes
  • HMS Black Mamba
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Python
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Constrictor
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Cobra
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Rattler
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Asp
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)

3 KH-ICC Corvettes
  • HMS Viper
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Garter
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Adder
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)

20 Rancor Class Heavy Transports
  • All carrying supplies and reinforcements for the liberators

Objective 1 | escort supply/reinforcement convoy to the liberators once the missile batteries are down.

Objective 2 | provide fire support for ground forces that are fighting the loyalists

"Sir enemy forces have activated sensor jamming. They know we're here!" The sensor officer announced.

"Do we not have eyes anymore, Lieutenant?" Treyfa asked for Burtch, doing her job as second in command. Burtch couldn't help but appreciate how she could predict his needs before he knew them himself. He still hated her though.

The sensor officer shook his head, "all of our ships except this one are totally blinded beyond medium range scans, ma'am. Due to the interference, our boosted sensors in the Shii-Cho's module bays still have reduced resolution at extreme range, but we aren't totally blind. Looks like the mods work!"

Burtch felt a small smile as a bit of reverie slipped into his mind. The boosted sensor arrays had been a suggestion by his friend and colleague, Line-Captain Thaliias several months ago when the HSM Shii-Cho had been assigned to the Striking Serpent Battlegroup. The decision had helped this ship hunt pirates and was proving invaluable here too. He would have to let her know that personally. Her help would be more than welcome here, today, actually…

Treyfa shot Burtch one of her looks that told him she was worried about something, and Burtch practically read her mind from the expression on her face. Burtch spoke this time, "what did they deploy, following the sensor jamming?"

"Sir?" The lieutenant asked.

"Sensor jamming usually precedes an attack in a standoff like this. What are they deploying?" Burtch asked impatiently.

The officer stammered a little, "Nothing sir, just… wait a minute. Something just came in. Several light frigate sized objects are lifting from the surface of the planet! Their heading suggests they're coming straight for us!"

"Are they fast?” Burtch and Treyfa asked at the same time.

"Even at typical high-speed frigate sublight speeds, it should take them a while to get here, thanks to both the planet's gravity well and our own. Even with the boosted scanners, some details are hard to gather with all the refraction that's happening. We can't determine exactly what models they are either, but there are a fair number of them. When they get a bit closer and out of the atmosphere, I can tell you more."

"How many?" Treyfa asked this time. She could tell that Burtch was annoyed that the sensor officer had offered unsolicited observations, so she cut him off discretely.

"A couple dozen? Again, the refraction at this range is distorting what we see."

"Very well. Get me a number when you can." Burtch said this time.

Again, Treyfa shot him a look that spoke of her thoughts, and Burtch looked back at her and nodded in agreement. The intel that Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun had provided earlier did not include a fleet of warships stationed on the ground. It came as something of a surprise, but at least this was a scenario they had discussed in their earlier briefings with Burtch's senior staff. This was manageable, but it slowed them down considerably. Before the LAAT-2s could launch, they had no choice but to deal with this first.

"Flight control, initiate our 'synergy protocol' with the 'phalanx maneuver'. Include a Starfighter probe so we can determine how they fight before they get within gunfighting range. Send both of our Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers ahead to keep the enemy at medium-long range from our Makashi class light cruiser guns and send three of our Val-Khaar corvettes to provide additional coverage. They are to dig in once they are at medium-long range and hold position unless the enemy fleet changes approach vector. In that case, they will move to intercept accordingly. Position HMS Shii-Cho, our other Makashi class light cruiser, and our three remaining Val-Khaar corvettes ahead of our KH-ICC Corvettes and the Rancors so that they are well-screened. For the fighter probe, send one full squadron of Ferrum class light bombers and twelve ST-Class Multirole Fighters to see what the enemy is made of. The STs will hit the enemy frigates while the Ferrums hang back in reserve and provide comms relays in this jamming. Execute orders now. Also, please tell me how long until all units reach their objectives?"

The flight control officer answered, "It will take about a quarter of the time it should take for the enemy to reach us, sir. Our fighters are significantly faster than our capital ships so it works out that they should meet the enemy about the same time as the heavy cruisers get into position."

"Very good, commander. That will give us lots of time to figure out what we're up against and what kind of officer is commanding that navy. Keep the LAAT-2s loaded with marines, but hold off on launching them until we deal with the enemy fleet. Understood?"

"Yes sir!"

Burtch turned his attention to his comms officer, "it's time for us to let our friends know that we're here since the enemy clearly knows already. They can't respond, but the Shii-Cho should be able to break this jamming with our enhanced comms. Give them a full overview of the situation in a tight beam transmission so that the enemy can't read our mail. Use Elysium encryptions too, since Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss , Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun have our channels and codes." Then a final thought occurred to him, “Launch all fighters and bombers that aren’t assigned to a task and have them remain close to their designated carriers. No sense having them sit vulnerable in their hangers.”

"Yes sir!"

Direct tags
Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss Darth Mordheim

Other tags
Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jin X Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Regel
Saram Kote Saram Kote

Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


Ploy of the Necromancer
Civil War on Cademimu V
NPC Fleet Post

DIRECT TAGS: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
TAGS NEARBY: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jin X Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Regel Saram Kote Saram Kote

LOCATION: In Orbit of Cademimu V
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

[POV: Leading Robot Rampship Commander]
[The Orbit around Cademimu V]
[Tag Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch ]

"Orbit has been reached, all forward rampships break out of atmosphere and engage in primary formation" The Leading Ramship said transponding these orders to the rest of the fleet that had recently breached the atmosphere and were heading towards the enemy fleet. There were a total of 16 "frigates" that had been deployed by the cademimu v government from the ground. The Robot Ramships were significantly faster than other frigate models, having been equipped with high-acceleration quad engines meaning that they would reach their target significantly faster than normal. As they were approaching the fighters of the Elysium Empire were approaching.

"All ships in formation change tactics to Overwhelming Assault on the Starfighters in range, defensive countermeasures activated. All vessel in the front of line engage in standard point-defense batteries and draw the enemy into the middle formation. Vessels in the middle of the formation turn sideways at a thirty degree angle, point your turbolaser batteries towards their frontal visage. Back of the line will provide volley fire to interrupt any formation that the enemy starfighters might have." The Leading Ramship would state to the others as the frontal line would begin to fire their point laser cannons at the enemy starfighters, mostly missing to draw the starfighters in range of their middle formation while having their shields up to 80%. Once they were in range the middle formation would begin to focus target on the starfighters using pin point accurate laser fire due to having advanced targeting systems, wearing down any defensive measures that they might have had. The back of the line would follow up, firing into the swarm that approached to disrupt them from regrouping or counter attacking effectively. While this might not destroy the entire formation sent towards them, it destroyed enough of the swarm of fighters to force the hand of the enemy into withdrawing.

Once this happened, the formation would change again. "All vessels target their current formation with long range batteries. Avoid their firing range and engage in evasive action once their first cannons have been fired. Alter engine acceleration to account for damages and stay out of their line of majority fire. Break off into different flanking, 3 on the right and 3 on the left to draw their attention towards the flanking measure. The rest of the vessels engage in stacking maneuverer but space yourself apart to avoid being grouped and destoryed." The Leading Rampship would state to the rest of the fleet, which automatically adjusted to this new formation through the encrypted transponder signals which were double reinforced with fire walls to prevent an enemy from hacking into their systems. Beyond this the ships had been safeguarded from any attack due to if one alteration of the standardized code was made, the backup systems would activate. Shutting out the intruder.

3 Ramships would break off from the main formation, heading towards the right flank to pound into the enemies current formation. While another 3 would break off and head towards the left flank. They would only provide a distraction for the main force to move into the next formation, as they would begin to almost stack with the vessels being directly underneath each other but spaced apart enough as to not get blasted into smithereens either through a direct frontal attack or overwhelming assault. Once they were in this stacking formation, the ramships would begin to fire their long range batteries at the phalanx formation. While it might not break their shielding for a considerable amount of time, it would break given enough time being pounded into. It was clear to the commander of the enemy fleet that the cademimu v fleet had considerable tactical decision making and would be hard to defeat in direct naval confrontation.

  • The Robot Ramships engaged in a 3 way defensive tactic to drive off the starfighters. Having the first wave draw them into the firing ranges of the middle wave, whose vessels were angled to better allow them to target the starfighters. And having the back wave focus fire on the starfighters to break up any regrouping or formation from the middle wave's assault.
  • Once the previous formation was completed, the robot rampships readjusted tactics. Sending 3 vessels to either side (right and left) to distract the enemy or smash into their sides were the weaponry was lighter and they couldn't focus fire.
  • After that the remaining vessels engaged in stacking formation, meaning that they almost looked like they were stacked ontop of each other. But where in fact further back and in a loose formation. Avoiding enemy fire more easy and engaging the fleet with long range batteries.

Second King of The Elysium Empire

Objective: Repel the Loyalists attack on the Liberator Base, then counter attack once AA Missiles are down.
Location: Liberator Base, Underground
  • 30x Stormtroopers (Elite)
  • 150 Liberator Infantry (Well armed Militia)
    • Alpha: 25
    • Bravo: 25
    • Charlie: 25
    • Delta: 25
    • Foxtrot: 50
  • 2 Liberator Snipers and their spotters (4 men total)
  • 1 Liberator Engineer Squadron of 10 men.
  • Once AA Missiles are down, Burtch will provide air support and reinforcements.
Tags: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Darth Mordheim

The enemy was here.

Rex looked North as the first shots began. Within thirty seconds the combat had escalated from a few well placed shots to a few bursts, to a full onslaught of laser fire. Now there were even rocket launchers involved. Explosions rocked the defensive position as Rex watched from a distance. He wasn't too far from the fighting...the liberators had kept a tight formation to help avoid being flanked. The fighting was close enough, in fact, that a stray laser just barely missed Rex.
Perhaps I should move.

He decided against moving. He needed to be a strong leader. If he had the experience he would have been on the front lines, but simulations weren't enough and he knew that if he were to be killed, it would be a disaster. Instead he would stay here...not too close, but close enough to make quick decisions and have them relayed instantly to the battlefield.

However he was closer to this front than the East and West. A flank could be a difficult situation to handle, but there were others there, including Lori. They were capable of leading too. Hopefully.

The situation seemed to intensify, a stray rocket even hit the liberator base building behind Rex. Then there was another laser flying by his head. But it was awful close, wasn't it?
"Wait-" The second explosion rocked his whole body. His ears were ringing before he even hit the ground. It was like slow motion as he flew through the air. He couldn't tell how long he was airborne, or just how far he went, but when he finally hit the ground, it was no longer slow motion. He slammed into the ground, right shoulder first, then rolled over about three times before finally coming to a stop.

There was no pain. Not yet. It wasn't the first time he had been ragdolled like a hologame character. In the wilderness he had been rammed into by some horned creature, and he fell down a hill that was almost a mountain. He had actually survived that with minimal injuries...some broken ribs and a large cut in his chest being the worst of it.

He couldn't tell if this would be the same story or not. The wave that threw him wasn't the'd be shrapnel. If that was a rocket, chances are he'd be peppered with shrapnel, and the adrenaline right now was keeping him from feeling it. It could have hit an artery or even his spine and he wouldn't immediately know. It had hit him from the back, so he couldn't see if there was blood, or how much there was.

He took a few heavy breaths, then wiggled his toes, and fingers. He had feeling and control, and he could breath. All good signs.

He lay there for another few seconds out of fear, and a need to catch his breath. Then he rose to his feet. He was a bit wobbly, and he was shaking with adrenaline that was coursing through his veins. He seemed to be ok, but he'd need medical attention to be certain. Bit first there was a battle at hand. With his ears still ringing and his head pounding, the heir looked around. The battle had escalated. The enemy was attacking on every flank now. Rex turned to where the liberator commander was, but he was there no more. He was dead. The blast had killed him. However the stormtroopers were all fine. Their armor had clearly was designed to withstand kinetic damage more than almost anything else. A great feat of Elysium Engineering.

Alright. It's time to get to work in fixing this mess.

Objective: 3

It was her HUD inside her helmet that had alerted Lori to the presence of Marson and his men before she saw them with her own eyes, causing her to freeze in place momentarily before she slowly raised her hands and turned to face them. "Can't a girl hunt in peace around here? Geesh, I get hired to trap people in here, and here come a bunch of schmucks claiming to have us surrounded when really it's all just a ploy, isn't it? Are you sure that you even want to be in here right now?...."

As Lori was chatting away, Arla was letting her body block her movements as she very slowly unholstered her blaster and prepared her aim.

"...I mean seriously, I wouldn't take another step if I was you. It'll be embarrassing! Trust me, I've seen this before. You'll be marked in such a way that you'd never live it down amongst your men ever again. And have you seen the explosive charges in this place? One bad hit and poof! You're gone!"

Once she uttered the word 'poof', Arla fired a shot at a 45 degree angle towards one of the walls. The wires broke, sending down a thin gag of tar that splashed upon impact upon the unfortunate shoulders. A second shot in succession broke another wire that sent a pouch full of multicoloured feathers that also exploded open upon impact, sending a beautiful cascade of feathery snow to stick to the tar.

Lori turned and ran behind Arla then, letting her bodyguard cover her escape as she hurried to one of the blast doors that bisected a part of the labyrinth of tunnels. Arla wasn't far behind, firing off a few more rounds from her blaster before making her way inside of the blast doors. Lori slammed her hand on the control panel to seal it shut, her adrenalin pumping. "Well that was fun...Won't take them long to get through here, I'm sure. Let's get to stage two and hope that the guy was lying." The last thing that her and Arla needed was to run into more men and find themselves truly surrounded.

Darth Mordheim

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s): Liberators | Open
Unknown Tag(s): Var-Sulis Var-Sulis
Enemy Tag(s): Cademimu Security Forces (Darth Mordheim) | Open
Neither Saram nor her rammikad were visible to the naked eye as they entered further into the building, and though their careful footsteps would've normally yielded some noise, the sound dampening in their boots and by their armor's Ori'akar cloaking device didn't allow even that to escape. The four of them stopped short of the second entrance as both the Gar Strill array and the lifeform scanner built into their armor easily picked up the life signs on the other side of the door.
Saram brought up her sidearm, quickly activating the picture-in-picture smart link view and thanks to the optic's wallscope saw the Trandoshans on the other side on the composite image generated by the optic. "Mirdala," spat Rusana over short-ranged, helmet to helmet laser comms. Had they been fighting anyone without the extremely advanced equipment that they possessed, then hiding behind the second door might'be been a decision that would've yielded better results. Unfortuantely for them, they weren't.
Saram was about to get her fireteam moving in the scant few seconds that they'd paused, but they all picked up an additional life sign that'd just entered the area. It was Janar that gave voice to her thoughts almost immediately, "Lenedat. You want me to leave them a gift?" She was willing to wager that Janar probably had an anti-personnel micromine in his hand.
"No. Watch him, Jaing, flash-bang, let's finish with our lizard burc'ya," she ordered, stacking up on one side of the door with Rusana, while Janar and Jaing stacked up on the other side. It only took Jaing a moment to force open the door with the anti-security blade. The ramikad's cybernetically enhanced reflexes and dexterity allowed him to almost instantaneously throw in a flash-bang.
The moment the flash-bang went off, the four Vuhyr'yaliyr ramikad snapped into action. Saram dropped to one knee, allowing Rusana to fire over her and around the frame of the door. Extending her verpine shatter pistol around the frame, she expertly fired two depleted baradium armor-piercing arounds at the torso and one at the head of the nearest three Trandoshans. Eleven rounds left. That was plenty if anyone of them survived.
Rusana fired a trio of two-round bursts of armor-piercing depleted baradium rounds at the nearest three Trandoshans' torsos. Jaing's AR-2CQB verpine shatter assault rifle fired the same 12.7x55 depleted baradium armor-piercing rounds as Rusana's. Crouched down, he also aimed his rifle alone around the doorway, smart-linked sights enabling him to do so, before letting loose with a vicious quartet of two-round bursts. Janar, however, filled the hallway with depleted baradium pellets fired by his FL-01 verpine shatter flechette launcher.
Thankfully, the flashless, virtually noiseless verpine shatter weapons didn't overload their armors' cloaking devices, which was one of the reasons they made use of them. Saram however, knew that the ricochets and overpenetrations would make enough noise to announce their presence even if the Trandoshans' death cries didn't. Stealth was still an advantage that they'd be remiss to give up, even if disabling their cloaking systems would enable them to make use of their armor's in-built weapon systems and some of the noisier, flashier weapons that they carried without overriding that aforementioned systems.
In any event, it was staying hidden that would allow them an additional advantage when that new contact walked in. If he wasn't hostile, she sure as haran hoped he wasn't going to be a problem. She'd prefer not to have to spend the ammunition if she didn't have to.

Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


Ploy of the Necromancer
Civil War on Cademimu V
NPC Posting

DIRECT TAGS: Saram Kote Saram Kote Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
TAGS NEARBY: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jin X Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Regel Luther Lewis Luther Lewis

OBJECTIVE: Various [NPC Posting]

LOCATION: Various [NPC Posting]
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

[POV: The Northern Flank Army]
[The Liberator's Base Siege]
[Tag Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun ]
General Beauregard had received information from the 200 men that he had deployed to the west. Detailing that the enemy resistance was stronger than anticipated and that they were going to flood the tunnel by overloading the sewer system which would destroy the liberator's base in one fell swoop. As such this plan needed to go off without a hitch and the colonel was prepared to withdraw his forces to look like a tactical retreat had happen to defend another area. The 1500 scrapper-series battle droids that he had deployed would begin to fire but in reverse, backing up and firing at the defenders of the base. Once the scrapper-series was out of sight and making their way back to the command station that he was currently in. He would recall the 700 men underneath Colonel Oberon, having them withdraw from the main conflict at this time. To the liberators this withdraw might seem like a victory, but it any experienced commander it would seem odd that they would retreat from the battlefield because they had a clear advantage in this fight. General Beauregard would speak with the officers that he had recalled to his run down casino turned command fortress. Detailing that once the sewer line was flooded and the liberator's forced out of their base. The army would re engage the enemy with full force. He had also noted to them that the government mole inside the liberators was dead, meaning that they had no idea of their next streagedy. But they had enough insight to be able to predict the movements that an outnumbered movement might take to win against overwhelming odds.

[POV: The Western Flank Army]
[The Liberator's Base Siege]
[Tag Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ]
Lieutenant Marson would spot the women had she appeared to surrender before him. He was about to raise his blaster and fire at her, when he noticed that the women wasn't surrendering at all and was just distracting them for her partner to trigger something else. His anger only increased when he was covered with tar and feathers like some primitive form of prank. His men were trained enough not to react to this foolishness but the lieutenant swore to himself that the women would pay with her very own life. "Forget about her, take the second tunnel ahead and set the charges at the sewer control system. We'll flood the tunnel as ordered then get the hell out of here." Marson said, moving his forces through the now unoccupied tunnel, branching off from the closed blast door was a second service tunnel which wasn't very noticeable to the naked eye unless you happen to be looking for it. Moving quickly through the tunnel the 200 men underneath his command would decimentate a small squadron of liberators that had been sent to guard this important location, using slug pistols as they made virtually no noise until they impacted with a target.

Once the location was secured, the men would lay down thermals and attach them to the sewer control systems. Marson would have his men withdraw as the thermals exploded after a set amount of time. Destroying the sewer control system as the immense flood gates would break open, as the gallons of sewer water would begin to travel at high rapid speed throughout the tunnels connecting the liberator's base. Marson and his men had a significant head start, withdrawing back to where they had first entered into the liberator's base. Sealing the door shut to prevent any water from leaking out onto the streets. The immense flood of sewer water would corrode the walls around the blast doors, flooding past them and into the main tunnels used by the liberators. It would only be a matter of time before the entire base was underwater unless the sewer control system could be prepared by an experienced engineer. If the flood plan didn't work, it would ruin the weapons and systems of the liberators. Better allowing the main force underneath general beauregard to move in and capture the base once and for all.

[POV: The First Regional Missile Battery]
[Defense of the Battery]
[Tag Saram Kote Saram Kote ]
The Commanding Officer would watch through the batteries camera systems which weren't connected to the battery. As the squad of armored trandoshans were slain by invisible fighters. The engineering team had made a makeshift communication relay inside the battery, establishing some form of communication to the outside world that while still fizzy due to the enemy jamming technology, it allowed them to send a message in clicks and beeps to formulate a message to high command. "Deploy the Droideka Mark II's to the First Floor. Our opponents might have killed our armored trandoshans, but it has allowed us to correctly figure out what we are dealing with. Although we can't see our enemy, we should be able to block their sensory equipment. Better allowing us to prepare an ambush. Have a wave of scrapper-series battle droids behind the droideka's." The Officer said to the Second-In-Command Officer that was nearby, who promptly pressed a button and deployed 3 Mark II Droideka's to the first floor as they exited the hallway lift that someone needed to take to reach the next floor. The communications officer activated the countermeasures for sensory equipment, deploying both a sensor blind and senor jammer within the first floor. While it might not completely blind the enemy, it should make things fizzy enough for them to reveal themselves. The Droideka Mark II stationed within the battery would have been coated with the cheap but effective duraplast, allowing them to survive much more punishment than standard variants.

The Three Droideka Mark II 's would be rolling up on the hallway that connected the second entrance into the base with a long hallway and deploying their energy shields around their form. They couldn't exactly find their target due to them being concealed, so they rapidly fired down the hallway with everything that they had. Anyone who had studied galactic history would know that the Droideka Mark II was famous for being able to destroy both infantry squadrons and light vehicles with their rapid fire and multiple weapons. And having been used by the Ancient Zann Consortium, whom was powerful enough to represent a threat to both the empire and the alliance at the time. While the Droideka Mark II's would be firing their twin built in blaster cannons and triple built in blaster cannons down the hallway in rapid succession to make the enemy reveal themselves. The Wave of Scrapper-Series would be in the next hallway, since they weren't alive they had no life signatures which made their ambush considerably easier. Although not effective on their own against an opponent, grouped up into swarms they were a powerful force to deal with.

Peering down the first hallway and seeing the impressive invisible fight take place I knew I was on track. No doubt my entry not too far behind them was noted as I am sure their tech wouldn't leave them blind to the rear. No matter, seeing I was not here to fight them..But a cause that it seemed we were all in alignment with would keep me thinking fast. The armored Trandoshans fell easily as I can hear the echoes of war and booming sounds of explosions from the outside. I slowly perched up and my eyes would lock to the hallway that led to the hallway lift. As the lift opened and three Droideka MK-II came rolling out and began firing a thought came to mind.

Those things are rapid in the fire...But slow to turn once deployed in combat mode. If there is a way to get behind them that would be ideal. Problem is..It's a one-way street here and who knows what's next. I have to think quickly and in doing so I would yell aloud to the company before me. "Heyyyy!...He..." I ducked quickly evading a laser shot that was too close for comfort. "Hey! Mando! C-4!!" I yelled as loud as I could see the approximate position of where they would be. Now tossing an explosive in the air would be bad..So taking the low ground I would take out my squared compact explosive from my jet pack with my right hand and with its signal automatically wired to my activator pin in my utility belt, only I could make it go boom..essentially.

sliding it across diagonally as I was nearly fifteen feet behind them, at a thirty-degree angle I could only hope they heard me and would be willing to accept my gesture as non-hostile. Having three more explosives in my arsenal..I could afford to spare one..In case they could use it. Being a step behind wasn't a bad thing at all. Now to see what unfolds as I know we're almost there..Right? I mean how much can we take on?

Tag: Saram Kote Saram Kote Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss Darth Mordheim
Objective Three ⁷

As Sanji crept through the battle torn halls of the Liberators base the sound of battle intensified. The feeling of an impending fight grew, so much that Sanji found himself in the middle of it.

In front of Sanji a wall seemed to explode, and out from the hole a horde of droids poured out
. Halt right there, surrender or die, the commander droid stated, before opening fire. Sanji chose not to answer and also to dive into a enclave to his right. Sanji ducked and then began to return fire on the now attacking droids. He looked back down the hall from once he came, it was not that far to a corner. Sanji swore a Storm, before releasing several consecutive shots and sprinting back down the hall. Blaster bolts came in great numbers going what felt like centimeters from his face. Sanji was eventually able to get to safty around a corner in the hall, but not before being grazed by a shot from the Droids.

Once ahead of the on coming droids, Sanji held in a roar of pain as he glanced at his light wound. The burn had only just gone through his Army unifrom and into the flesh of his thigh. Sanji realized that the droids were now near him again, and against the pain in his leg kept moving down the next hall. After making a few turns and coming close to where he believed the rest of the Elysium soldiers was he decided he had lost the droids, If not only for a moment.

This is Commander Hoss, said Sanji into his comm we must reassemble our remaining forces! Is anyone receiving?

Sanji was disappointed he couldn't get some more combat at the moment, but hopefully when he got caught up with the others then he could get another nice round of shots off. He then began to slowly move through the halls in hope of discovering someone else.

Nearby Tags: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Darth Mordheim
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Objective 1: Civil war. Altering objective. Locate shield generator controls.
Location: To The Control & Operation Center.

They adapted well, frustratingly well actually. While he could certainly get away with a lot of kills from this method, in the long haul it would mean next to nothing. It'd take too long, be too risky, and accomplish too little, before they entered full on combat. So what options were left? Find the leader of all 700 and attempt proper assassination perhaps. It was risky, but if he started killing all the leaders, even the highest, people might be more worried about taking up their position. However, there was an alternative. Get to the generators, he'd at least gotten them to take a longer path, and if they were this organized they might be able to still replace their leader, and potentially get him killed in the process.

But the Control and Operation sector was indeed a potential target. And the workers there would be less priority to replace. So his objective changed. He began heading himself towards the Control and Operation sector. It'd take time not only to get there, but to carefully get in. Though the stealth generator was quite effective, there was still the risk of being detected. So sticking to shadows or paths that don't move to much when stepped on was much more preferable. Of course he didn't have to have it activated constantly, but it was extremely helpful to keep it running. Additionally, he took on a different appearance. Instead of a soldier, it was a mechanic. That'd be changed, he just needed to find a mechanic he could take the place of. Someone who ventured on their own a little too long, he didn't need long with their appearance or credentials. He just needed a few minutes, take their position, return to the generator controls, and ruin it all before hightailing it out of there.

If that would work or not, he wasn't sure. His ability to simply match their appearance, clothing, and actions was definitely quite high. But he'd need to know how to go about it. Bathroom or a private room would work the most safely, anywhere the door locked. Wait for one, then forcefully retrieve any relevant information to themselves, their job, and the control center, as quickly and quietly as possible. If torture was needed, so be it. One mans pain to take down an entire operation was an acceptable loss. Naturally, it had to be done right, because some people had false breaks under torture. He'd have to believe that Regel could come back to kill them, and take something important from them, if it turned out they were lying. Then they'd need to be either left without any means of alerting everyone else, or left dead. He wouldn't be able to give up on this task as easily as he did with the last. He had to try much harder to follow through. Of course, with more solid targets that were not so mobile as a leader, and not so easily replaced, it was more a matter of getting to the location than it was how to ensure it was a lasting effect. Even if they were able to repair it, it might give the space forces a chance to make a more effective move. Or he'd be able to take out the missiles, in which case it'd still open up a lot more leeway. And would be much safer for him.

Tags: Darth Mordheim Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Summary: Mission to halt the 700 army considered partial failure, only really delayed their approach slightly. Changed to approach and attempt to infiltrate the Control and Operation center. Attempting to locate shield generator controls, or weakpoints on the generators themselves. Appearance changed to that of a Loyalist Mechanic, but is looking for one to get information from and steal credentials/tools/ etc.

Stealth field generator
Gambit disrupter pistol
Viper series multi role blaster rifle
Smoke grenades
Thermal Detonators

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde



Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s): Var-Sulis Var-Sulis | Liberators | Open
Enemy Tag(s): Cademimu Security Forces (Darth Mordheim) | Open
Sickly green blood stained the walls, and for a moment only the sound of still twitching corpses occupied the hallway. For her, time had slowed as adrenaline pumped through her enhanced body. Saram tentatively and entirely unnecessarily leaned out into the hallway, glancing around from behind her large frame verpine shatter pistol at the dead Trandoshans. With no other threats being picked up by her armor's sensors, she was about to call clear and order them to push up when several red warning symbols told her what she already realized; someone was jamming their sensors.
Not needing to be told what usually proceeded any concerted jamming attempt, she tossed herself back behind the doorframe. She quickly checked her armor's assessment of what sensor systems were compromised and the results weren't great. All four of their cloaking systems flickered once as they recalibrated, revealing for the briefest of o fraction of a second a dark figure that could be construed as a Mandalorian commando. Thankfully, the armor's subsystem suite could sort most of the garbage data associated with jamming due to the fact that it parsed all the data from the myriad systems to create a composite image, and with all four of their armors linked via the Manda tactical battlenet the only thing notably hampered was long range detection and targeting.
All the sensor jamming in the world, however, wouldn't be able to effectively mask sound, and there was one sound that they were all intimately familiar with following the contact with the Confederacy; the sound of Droidekas rolling in. "You have got to be shabla kidding me," she swore quietly under her breath in the privacy of her own buy'ce, the cacophonous sound of blaster cannon fire filling the hallway punctuating her sentence. "If any of you have any di'kutla ideas, now would be a good time.
"No ideas yet, alor, di'kutla or otherwise," shot back Rusana. Before any of them could come up with a plan, idiotic, desperate, inspired or otherwise, that life sign they were detecting earlier closed the distance. It resolved itself to be a single armored individual, jetpack equipped. He called out to them, it being obvious from the bodies of the dead Trandoshans that someone on this side of the door had killed them. Truth be told she wasn't particularly paying attention, but he had her attention when he yelled out that he was throwing an explosive charge.
Saram watched the package slide what would've been blisteringly fast for most people but was rendered down to a lazy pace by their enhanced senses. If that didn't deal with their droid problem, then they were going to need to go loud a lot earlier than she was hoping to have to.
Objective Two & Three
Aid in the defense of the Liberators’ stronghold
Somehow counter the missile battery defenses of the planet

Interaction: Open

4 cruisers | 9 corvettes | 152 Fighters/bombers | 20 support craft


2 Makashi Class Light Cruisers
  • HMS Shii-Cho (Flag)
    • 1x X-class Elysium Starfighter Squadron (X) 163rd Squadron
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X) Bantha Boy Squadron
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have high powered sensors and comm arrays for breaking through jamming
      • (X) booster included
  • HMS Ataru
    • 1x X-class Elysium Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with Battledroidracks, entire ship is capable of carrying 8000 battle droids at a time.

2 Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers
  • HMS Verdict
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Judgment
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)

6 Val Khaar-class Corvettes
  • HMS Black Mamba
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Python
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Constrictor
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Cobra
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Rattler
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Asp
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)

3 KH-ICC Corvettes
  • HMS Viper
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Garter
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Adder
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)

20 Rancor Class Heavy Transports
  • All carrying supplies and reinforcements for the liberators

Objective 1 | escort supply/reinforcement convoy to the liberators once the missile batteries are down.

Objective 2 | provide fire support for ground forces that are fighting the loyalists

Six of the twelve ST fighters gradually winked out of existence on the bridge holodisplay while the twelve Ferrum class light bombers stayed back to relay data. Burtch felt the harsh pings of regret at the sight of six lost lives that he had sent to their deaths. Irritation had clouded his thoughts for a moment too, as he had only ordered a recon probe of the enemy formation, but the ST squad commander had clearly wanted to do more. In over-committing her squadron to a full attack, she had allowed the enemy to herd her and her pilots into a kill box. Thankfully, we didn't lose more of our ships with the kind of firing solutions they were using, Burtch thought.

The enemy's choices of salvo fire orders were pretty good, according to Treyfa. Between the proficient gunnery commands like that, the number of "frigates" the enemy had, and the fact that the ST fighters had severely overcommitted themselves, Burtch was surprised that the entire squadron hadn't been totally decimated with ease. That pointed to two potential weaknesses; Poor fire control systems, or weak weaponry.

Both were confirmed when the recon data came back through the Ferrum Bomber relays. Scans and images appeared on the central holodisplay and showed that they were old Robot Ramships. Details on those had actually been scarce in the HMS Shii-Cho's database, but Lieutenant Commander Silverstrike had filled in the blanks with his trademark fanaticism for naval history. Burtch had been willing to brush off the info that Mr. Silverstrike had offered up as being insubstantial, but Captain Treyfa vouched for the quality of Silverstrike's knowledge.

Two more ST fighters blinked out and Burtch ordered the four remaining STs and all of the Ferrums to retreat back to the phalanx. They had all the data they needed. It was time to get serious.

The enemy forces divided up into 3 groups. Three went left, three went right, and 10 hunkered right down in front of the phalanx attempting to range down the Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers. It was clear to Burtch and Treyfa that the enemy was trying to lure the heavy cruisers into rushing the ramships so that they could overwhelm the cruisers with ram attacks at knife-fighting range. Suddenly, Burtch could hear the words of his chief NCO in his head about bringing knives to a gunfight…

He cleared his throat - and his head,
"Alright, here's what we're gonna do. Those ramships are fast, but only in short bursts" he gave Silverstrike a short nod, acknowledging him for being the one to offer that information, "they clearly want our heavy cruisers to rush their main force, so we're gonna pretend to give them what they want. The Rectifiers and their escorts will rush the main enemy force, barraging them with their forward ION cannons and ECM suites to disrupt their targeting and their weak droid brains. Then, just before they are about to enter effective ramming range, they will about-face, fall back, and drop mines to form a barrier. Once the barrier is set, Rectifiers and Val-Khaars will turn 90 degrees to present the enemy with full broadside guns to bear. The enemy will have three choices; Sit there and take the gunfire, run through the minefield, or waste time going around the minefield, showing their weak flanks to our guns in the process. If the ramships start to get close again, the Rectifiers and their escorts will begin falling back and dropping mines again. Rinse-and-repeat. They should be able to do this 5 times. The enemy can't outlast us this way. If they don't stop and keep chasing our phalanx relentlessly, then relentlessly drop mines on them until they die. The side gun on our heavies should keep them from side ramming their flanks in the event of a chase." Another thought occurred to him, “And make sure they use ECM to protect the minefield from enemy targeting.”

Burtch turned his attention to the two flankers coming around at his rear line and spoke quickly, "send forward all of our fighters, and I do mean all of our fighters, and have them meet up with our earlier recon units. Then have them all bomb the kark out of those 3 ships on the left. One squadron is enough to overwhelm an average frigate and those ram ships have lousy guns for their size. We are sending 11 squadrons to deal with them, so that shouldn't take too long. Also have our LAAT-2s follow our fighters at a safe distance and stay out of range of the enemy screening guns. Once the enemy engages our fighters, the LAAT-2s are to make a break for the surface and run the gauntlet of missiles. It'll be costly, but the liberators need reinforcements now and the marines can make it. We will still send in the tanks once the missiles are down, but for now they will have to make do with the marine corps."

Vice Admiral Burtch shot a look at Captain Treyfa and she caught the twinkle in his eye. She could tell what he was thinking and a big grin lit up her blue face. Burtch resumed speaking, "as for the right flank, they're ours. Present them with the broadsides of our two Makashi class light cruisers and our three Val-Khaar Corvettes. Set the Corvettes just ahead of our Makashis and begin hammering them with ECM attacks to spoof our false gunfire. Force them to dodge shots that aren't there and force them to line up for our long range guns." The Makashi class light cruiser guns were tied directly into the ECM systems so that they could do just this with seamless ease. Burtch could tell that this made Captain Treyfa excited. She loved the guns on this ship more than anything.

She spoke up next, her voice trembling slightly from gleeful anticipation,
"even with the ECM barrage, let's alternate between bracketing salvos, herding salvos, and volley barrages. They have a long way to go before they get here. Let's show them why Makashis are the best sniper ships in the galaxy!"

Annoyed with Treyfa's cheerleading, Burtch cut in quickly, "let's also have the Makashis and the Rectifiers spread apart so that the enemy can't use themselves as shields in a single file line approach." He shot her a glare. She just grinned back at him…

  • Center flank
    • 2 Rectifiers and 3 Val-Khaars feign a charge on the 10 ramships, hammering them with ION cannons and ECM attacks to disrupt enemy targeting and the ramships weak droid brains.
    • Before they get close enough for the ramships to start ramming, phalanx falls back and drops a minefield. ECM is used to make the minefield hard to target.
      • If the ramships pursue relentlessly, phalanx keeps falling back, dropping mines and shooting broadsides at ramships that manage to try to slam into the sides of the retreating phalanx.
      • If the ramships hold position behind the minefield, all ships in the phalanx present broadsides to the 10 ramships and begin bombardment. All ships in the phalanx keep their distance from eachother so that the enemy can’t use a single file attack to shield their approach.
      • If the ramships attempt to go around the minefield, phalanx will bombard their vulnerable sides until the ram ships get close. The phalanx will then fall back before ramming can commence and repeat laying the minefield. Rinse and repeat.
  • Left flank
    • Burtch sends 140 Starfighters to bomb the three ramships on the right flank.
    • The 20 LAAT-2s that are loaded with marines and limited supplies are sent in behind the Starfighter bombing force.
    • Once the bombing commences, the 20 LAAT-2s will break away, keeping away from the ramship guns and brave the missile defences of Cademinu.
  • Right flank
    • HMS Shii-Cho and HMS Ataru spread out with their corvette escorts and present their broadsides to the enemy 3 ramships that are approaching on the right flank. The Corvettes are placed just ahead of the Light Cruisers.
    • They use a combination of ECM and advanced gunnery techniques to start sniping the three ramships as they cross the distance.

Direct tags
Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss Darth Mordheim

Other tags
Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jin X Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Regel
Saram Kote Saram Kote (I think I missed someone but I can’t figure out who…)

Edit: fixed left and right in the TLDR
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Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


Ploy of the Necromancer
Civil War on Cademimu V
NPC Posting

DIRECT TAGS: Regel Saram Kote Saram Kote Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss
TAGS NEARBY: Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jin X Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun

Various [NPC Posting]
LOCATION: Various [NPC Posting]
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

[POV: The First Regional Battery]
[Defense of the Battery]
[Tag: Saram Kote Saram Kote Var-Sulis Var-Sulis ]
The 3 Droidekas would begin to advance down the hallway after detecting nothing within. Still keeping up their impressive rate of fire to make the enemy either withdraw or do something stupid that would allow a counterattack. The Commanding Officer had decided that keeping the scrapper-series in reserve had only allowed there enemies to advance unhindered. As such he had sent a wave from the formation that was prepared in ambush towards them as well. Making attacking the droidekas from behind unlikely without being shot to pieces by the scrapper-series behind them. It would take some time for the enemy to break past this new defensive line, so this allowed the commanding officer to establish some form of contact with the Governor-General within the Fortress of the Government Sector. "Sir, we are under siege by liberator forces. I currently have them bogged down within the first floor but I have no doubt that they will breach the other floors in a matter of minutes until they are directly on top of us." The Officer said with some degree of concern within his voice, waiting for the governor-general to respond. "A breach of our regional battery system can only mean one thing, Officer. The enemy is attempting to disable the battery themselves without going for the more well defended control and operations center. A smart plan overall but if the operation within the liberator base goes well. We shall not have to worry for very long" The Governor-General responded, ordering them to increase the deployment of scrapper-series battle droids to the first floor of the battery itself. The Commanding Officer of the First Regional Battery would nod, sending another squadron of troops to the first floor in order to shore up the defenses and prevent the enemy from breaching the other floors.

[POV: Scrapper-Series Battle Droids]
[The Liberator's Base Siege]
[Tag: Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss ]
The Scrapper-Series Battle Droids would watch the liberator before them had returned fire and had taken cover. Rushing after him with the clank, clank of their droid legs against the floor of the liberators base. Eventually they lost sight of him but it mattered not for the entire tunnel was soon flooded with sewer water after the control systems were exploded by the actions of a small squadron of 200 men underneath Lieutenant Marson. The flash flood would churn and twist within the tunnels, washing away the scrapper-series battle droids who promptly got electrified by the water. With the scrapper-series battle droids chasing after the man had been destroyed, the danger of being underwater was a more pressing threat as it could be heard rushing throughout the various tunnels of the main base without stopping, seeping under even blast doors and through cracks in the walls of the base itself. If the flash flood worked, the main army would have the time to clean up the resistance left and secure victory for the governor-general.

[POV: Control and Operations Center]
[Defense of the Center]
[Tag: Regel]
One would find that breaking into the control and operations center would be extremely difficult. Having laser gates installed at the front entrance and security turrets hanging above them. Multiple squadrons of planetary security forces would be patrolling around, doing random security checks against the databanks of the control and operations center employee registry. Once clear of the registry they would be scanned for any metal objects or technology upon them that would pose a danger to the center and its primary operations. Lucky for the soon to arrive person, a loyalist mechanic had taken his lunch break and was just returning. He would be reaching the command center in exactly 10 minutes, enough time to change into his uniform and enter inside the center. However obtaining any information out of him would be practically a useless endeavor, as the governor-general like all tyrants was paranoid to the extreme and had the deck commanding officer only inform them of a single hallway of the center and its operations, not allowing a single entity to bring about the fall of the entire center because of a security breach. Although once they did find that information from either knocking out multiple people or hacking into the mostly encrypted channels of the center. They would find that the shield controls would be within the main command room, located on the very top of the center. Only those with an orange keycard would be allowed to enter, but they were under strict guard by troopers to make sure that the command cards couldn't be used to breach into the highest operation room and possibly shut down a majority of the cademimu v army.

[POV: Leading Robot Ramship]
[Orbit around Cademimu V]
[Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch ]
"The enemy is moving into a predictable pattern, the 3 vessels on the right will self destruct once the enemy has closen in enough to engage in bombing range and believe that they hold the tactical advantage." The Leading Robot Ramship would communicate to the 3 vessels on the right flank, the distraction had worked as intended. Once the 140 Starfighters descended on the flank within enough range, the rampships would begin to fire upon them with their weak pin-point accurate point laser cannons to distract them from their objective. Not destroying any of the starfighters at all but pulling them in closer and once they had enough of them in range. They used their short boost to turn straight at the starfighters and once they were in dead range and the starfighters distracted and didn't have enough space to withdraw. They self destructed, blasting shrapnel and depres flying into the vacuumless air of the battlefield. Filled to the brim with durasteel to make for a considerable kinetic force, the shrapnel from the massive explosions would fly at 100 miles or more into the starfighter formations, ripping through some of the LAAT-2s but not enough to damage them out of commission and the majority of the Starfighters. Utterly disseminating the formation, as taking evasive action would only cause them to smash into more shrapnel heading their way. It was a brutal sight but that was what the robot ramships were designed for, suicide tactics. The only thing that survived was at least was the LAAT's to run the gauntlet of the missiles the rest would have been destroyed by sharpnel of the entire blast of the 3 ships.

"The enemy is attempting to destroy us with ion weaponry, deploying deionizers with the central control system. Two Ships will rush into the mind field and explode, sending the shrapnel towards the enemy advancing towards us. The rest of the fleet will split into another group, moving around the minefield with low speed until the next mind field is deployed and then boost into the phalanx as they are deploying their second wave of mines." The Leading Robot Rampships would communicate to the current fleet in the current formation as they activated their deionizer systems which protected the droid brain for a limited amount of time enough to enact their current plan of attack. They also linked their information and tactical reading through a hive-mind based system, better allowing them to brave off the ECM Tactics employed due to having multiple sensored focused in on accurately picking up on details.

Two Ships would forward all power to their shields, smashing through the mind field and exploding, sending shrapnel outwards and in every direction through both friend and foe. With the rampships having the advantage as they were packed full of durasteel meaning that they could survive even shrapnel slamming into them for a limited amount of time. The rest of the fleet would split up into 2 more groups, moving through the now covered field of debris, covering them from enemy firing as the ions would simply slam into the shrapnel now. Moving around the sharpnel field and moving to engage with the phalanx on either side of them to smash them into smithereens. They had suffered damage to them due to the intensity of the explosion and concentrated fire power from the enemy fleet and their own suicide tactics.

The Three Flanking Ramships on the Left would begin to turn towards the fleet firing towards them. Tanking much of their weaponry at their full impact heads as they started to synergize with each other, which in this context means overlapping shields with each vessel. Meaning that they could take more punishment in return. They engaged their full acceleration quad engines in short burst, moving forward to intercept the enemy and slam directly into the side of their vessels. While they would take some time to get their, them sharing power for the shields would allow more power to the engines, meaning that they would get there in a shorter amount of time than originally anticipated. Although they had suffered massive damage to them due to the better weaponry of the enemy fleet.

  • Center Flank
    • Two Robot Ramships smashed through the mind field laid by the enemy, after the fleet engaged their deionizers to combat the Ion Weaponry and protect the droid brain operating them. The resulting ships exploded, sending shrapnel in every direction.
    • The Remaining Vessels split into two further groups and are emerging behind the created debris field. Boosting ahead to try and smash the phalanx while they were laying the next set of mines down. The center flank took considerable amount of damage to them in response to the explosions and enemy fire.
  • Left Flank
    • The Robot Ramships pretended to fight off the starfighters, but got in the center of them while they were distracted with bombings and promptly exploded. Shredding a majority of the starfighters with immense sharpnel which tore through them like a knife through butter. They also damaged some of the LAAT's that were behind this formation. Leaving only the LAAT's in operational status to break through the atmosphere in an attempt to run the gauntlet.
  • Right Flank
    • The Robot Ramships are turning directly towards the incoming barriages, overlapping their shielding and allowing them to survive much more punishment. Boosting their engines in a suicide ramming attack towards the fleet. Using the remaining power that is saved from sharing shield power to the engines to reach them in a shorter amount of time. Although they had suffered intensive damage to the concentration of fire power.

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Objective: 3

The best thing about underground bases was that there were multiple tunnels in a variety of directions. And blast doors did well against small explosives. Although Lori and Arla weren't worried about getting fired upon at this point. They weren't even chased....

...Which only meant that something else was afoot.

Lori used the infared scanners in her HUD to read through the walls. Two hundred men weren't hard to hide, and it didn't take too long before they were out of her range. But at least it gave her an idea of where they were going. "Sewers..."

Intersecting some of the tunnels leading to the Liberator's base was one of the sewer lines. The tunnels shook a little as thermal charges went off. "They mean to try to flood the base, Lori."

"With sewer water? That's a stinky move."

"We'll have to stop it, Lori."

"I know, I know....Come on."

With the enemy away from where they were headed, both Lori and Arla took the labyrinth of the base in an indirect route towards the pumping station. Fortunately there wasn't any acid in the water (cause who has acid poop?), so the coercion of metal, brick and stone would take decades to occur. Arla sent word to the Liberators to open fire on the Loyalists that they came across covered in feathers, knowing that the tar would ignite quickly and easily. Other Liberators might reach it before them, for they knew the tunnel system better. But either way, someone was going to get there. They just had to be on the lookout for traps.

Darth Mordheim


tag: Darth Mordheim

Objective: Civil war. Infiltration and shield controls
Location: The Control & Operation Center.

The place was well guarded, it seemed they were prepared quite well. It was frustrating, dealing with proper militaries. Gangs and mafia's were his preferred targets. They were dangerous but it was easier to scare them and cause problems by weakening individual points. This was a more properly formed military, and though he was well trained, it didn't mean this was childs play.

The chiss realized, he wouldn't be able to enter armed. He reminded himself to get less noticeable weaponry. However, the polyweave shouldn't be a problem, though he decided it would be best to hide it under a uniform than try to replicate it. He did locate a mechanic, subduing him silently would be the easy job. Though he'd lack the most useful knowledge, the most important part was that he knew enough that Regel could pass as him. Names he knew, routes he should know, codes he knew, and his specific job, would be enough. That and of course any credentials he had. From there, Regel could just take on his appearance.

He found a safe place to store his other equipment, close enough that he'd easily get them on the way out. But still very well hidden to avoid anyone else finding them. Unfortunately, he'd have to find another method of destroying the shield from the inside. Shutting them down wouldn't be enough. But mechanics did tend to have plenty of tools at their disposal, laser tools sometimes were perfectly sufficient as weapons. More importantly they'd easily cut through the hardware and software if he tuned them correctly.

Now, time for getting information. Regel tried to discreetly scour the area, he needed to know every camera, every computer, every guard, and recognize any patterns of motion so that he could do what he needed to do discreetly. Guards and officers were the most important targets, if he could find one alone, he wagered he could take them down before they could let out a warning. The Alacrity Implant and
Fitness package would help certainly, though his experience in combat and assassination would definitely be important. If the mechanic had tools on him, he'd find the most effective one for quiet takedowns. Laser drill most likely.


Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


Ploy of the Necromancer
Civil War on Cademimu V
NPC Post

DIRECT TAGS: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Regel
TAGS NEARBY: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Saram Kote Saram Kote Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jin X Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss

OBJECTIVES: Various [NPC Posting]
LOCATION: Various [NPC Posting]
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

[POV: The Western Flank Army]
[The Liberator's Base Siege]
[Tag Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ]
Lieutenant Marson had been walking down towards the tunnel that they had entered into the base with. He had no doubt that the liberators would be aware that they were attempting to flood the base. After all explosions would ripple down the various tunnels that made up the liberator's under level base. He was rewarded with such an effort by the flooding of the sewer control system, which might not break down the walls of the base but it should provide them with a natural barrier to avoid being caught in the crossfire. His 200 men had been ambushed by the liberators within the tunnels, his 200 strong force was now reduced to only 50 men as the rest would simply be floating corpses within the water. He was determined to not let that women catch up with them, otherwise they might kill him and he wasn't about to die inside of a sewer infested tunnel of disease and rot. He had assigned only 10 men to guard the only control station within the under levels that might put a stop to the flooding inside. Although marson knew that they would be destroyed quickly enough, he could at least get his 40 men left out of the tunnels.

After about an hour of walking through the tunnels, and avoiding much of the traps that had been set up by the liberators but his men would be extremely tired and fatigued. He had made his way towards the baker street tunnel line which should connect to the square within the under level. Breaking through the tunnel line with another set of controlled explosives that they had on their persons. They made a large enough opening for them to crawl out on the street itself, moving forward throughout the square to group up with General Beauregard and his forces which were waiting for their report to move in and besiege the base again.

[POV: The Control and Operations Center]
[Defense of the Center]
[Tag: Regel]
Operative Regel had indeed found a mechanic that was by his lonesome. His uniform was for the lower vehicle maintenance crews which was known by the armband upon the uniform itself. He of course was given his access code which was "4567" which should allow him into the back service entrance where the vehicle storage for the center was located and the employee's ID which should bypass the scanners with no issue due to them checking the ID and not the actual face of the person. Although given clearance into the underground vehicle storage, there were plenty of troopers within to help keep order and prevent sabotage from liberator spies that might have entered and if regel decided to take this pathway. Although there wasn't any sort of laser tools due to them being provided for different maintenance crews, he did have a repair wrench which could be used as a weapon if the situation arises.

As for the scouting mission, the Operative would discover that the patterns were randomized and had no particular direction to them. The cameras themselves had a double sight pattern to them, which means that their beams of light would cross exactly at the same time. They had full degree of motion, although if you stood directly underneath them, they couldn't see you as that was their known blindspot. The Guardsman of the Center would patrol around in groups of four, which means getting one alone would be a challenge but not impossible to do. Officers were stationed at the front of the center, directing some regiments of troops to scout the area for intruders and secure the platforms for cargo delivery. Although they had the same uniform, the officers had black armbands around their arms which set them apart from the regular guardsman which had orange armbands upon them with the symbol of the Cademimu V Government on it. Another thing of note was the rotation period, which means that older guardsman would be swapped out for fresh guardsman that had just been on their break. This way it would prevent them from getting fatigued and unable to defend themselves.

[POV: Edgar Buckley, Governor-General of Cademimu V]
[LOCATION: The Government Sector]
"The Pathetic Fleet will be no match for my forces. Lord Mordheim. We have a majority of the planet underneath my thumb at this time and my forces are very close to exterminating the liberator's base." The Governor-General said to him, walking closer up to the holographic display of his various forces at this time. Although they were losing ground within the streets either due to civilian rebellion or traitors within his own ranks. A total collapse of his powerbase would still take some time and he was confident that his forces would be able to dispose of the liberator's base and collapse the leadership and once that happened, his forces would sweep the rest of the planet into submission underneath the rightful government of Cademimu V. Although he was concerned for his own life because they might succeed in destroying his forces and winning the battle. However as the governor-general, he had a kill card within his pocket that if activated would shut down most of his droid forces and prevent them from turning against him and the government. Unfortunately he had made the mistake of linking the transponders for his droid forces to this kill card. He had turned his body to speak to mordheim when he suddenly was impaled through the guts by the crimson blade of a lightsaber. "Why..." he asked with fear within his eyes, his closest ally betrayed him in their time of need. Although why when the battle was looking very good for the government forces, was a mystery.

[POV: Darth Mordheim]
[LOCATION: The Government Sector]
Mordheim listened with intent as the governor-general had spoken, ignoring his concerns for the most part. A pawn that wouldn't listen to its owner had to be killed. Although he himself wasn't interested in displays of sith barbarity that was so common among other sith lords and ladys. Framing himself as just another sith lunetic would better allow himself to sneak underneath the radar of the galaxy and make his foes underestimate him. He dug inside of his long black and golden robes, pulling out his lightsaber from its sleeve and igniting it. Before the governor-general had turned around or anyone try and stop him from doing his next action, he had rammed the crimson blade directly into his chest to kill the man. His main goal for doing such was that the battle was a lost cause and he didn't want to risk any more of his resources to fund the side that was losing, besides it was only a matter of time before the government collapsed after the civil war happened. There were plenty of officers within the security corps that believed that they could do better than the current governor-general.

"You have failed, my friend. Death is the only solution to such failure." He said in response to his question of why he had killed him. Pushing the corpse off of his crimson blade has it slumped to the floor a lifeless husk. The others within the governor-general's command room within the fortress would be shocked, as the Cademimu V Guard would attempt to stop him and avenge their fallen commander. Firing blaster bolts at the aging sith, he raised his lightsaber and switched into soresu, blocking and redirecting the bolts with a horizontal swing of his hand towards them. Raising his unoccupied hand, he summoned white force lightning out of his palm which impacted with the last remaining guardsman within the room. Although one got lucky and shot him in the chest, his powered battle armor underneath helped him survive the blaster bolt impacting with him. Looking around the room as his opponents were exterminated before him. The only thing left within the command room as the technicians and engineers. Mordheim didn't have to worry about them, so disigniteing his crimson blade and putting the lightsaber back into his robes. He grabbed the kill card from the dead corpse of the governor-general and inserted it into the central control console, as the menu popped up with a warning that this action would shut down all the droid forces currently underneath the command of the cademimu v loyalist. He pressed the button for yes with a single tap of his wrinkled finger upon the console. As the kill command was accepted, and a powerful signal was sent to all of the droid forces of the loyalist through the transponders within the room. Shutting them down much like the old confederacy droids were at the end of the clone wars.

As the signal was being sent, Mordheim had decided that the Cademimu V Ritual was a waste of resources. Collapsing the government of a system was much more beneficial to his overall goals. With the Governor-General dead, it would fall upon the officers of the security forces to come up with a solution to retain power. But knowing that the liberators would attempt to restore the old government back into power, the officers separated themselves into different warlord factions upon the planet. But while they were busy fighting themselves for the throne of governance, the liberators might just have a chance to restore order and freedom to the world. Mordheim would move quickly throughout the fortress to climb on board his shuttlecraft within the hanger, and making sure that he had everything for the next operation. Of course he would monitor the battle using the surveillance system and make his escape once the liberators had pushed.

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Second King of The Elysium Empire

Objective: Repel the Loyalists attack on the Liberator Base, then counter attack once AA Missiles are down.
Location: Liberator Base, Underground
  • 15x Stormtroopers (Elite)
  • 150 Liberator Infantry (Well armed Militia)
    • Alpha: 8
    • Bravo: 17
    • Charlie: 19
    • Delta: 25
    • Foxtrot: 50
  • 2 Liberator Snipers and their spotters (4 men total)
  • 1 Liberator Engineer Squadron of 10 men.
  • Once AA Missiles are down, Burtch will provide air support and reinforcements.
Tags: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Darth Mordheim

The Enemy is retreating. Why are they retreating. What the krell?

Those were the immediate thoughts of Rex Valhoun as the overwhelming assault that had
almost reached the line of defense at point blank range began walking backwards. They continued firing their blasters at the defenders, whom had certainly taken a beating, but the fact remained that they were retreating...and that made no sense. Rex began jogging toward the defenders. He needed to be with them to give orders now.

As he jogged he thought about why the foe may be retreating. It didn't require a genius to know it could be a trap. But given the context, a trap would be foolish. The assault was successful, there was no need to draw out so few defenders into a trap. The retreat could be to protect them against a powerful attack, for example a superlaser blast that could hit them as well as the liberators, but again, it'd be a massive waste given the situation. Rex frowned. He came to the conclusion that the retreat was called due to internal issues for the attackers. Maybe a disagreement between commanders, or maybe they knew about the attempt to take down the missile batteries. Maybe Burtch was breaking through!

Rex didn't care what the cause of this retreat was. He just knew that he wouldn't let this opportunity go to waste.

Now he was at the front lines. He looked around, the lines had held but the cost was severe. About half of his forces had fallen. He couldn't tell what the other flanks looked like now, but it didn't matter. He shouted out to the defenders, "They are retreating! We need to take advantage of this. Reload and counter attack! They have no cover and their formation is tight. Focus any explosives we have left toward the center and knock them down like dominos! For freedom!!!"

The remaining defenders followed the command, most jumping from their cover immediately, firing at the retreating force with everything they had, and lobbing thermal detonators and ion grenades while the foe remained in throwing distance. Others remained behind cover, reloading or tending to their wounds, while those with the heaviest weapons....repeating blasters, rocket launchers, etc. unloaded, providing suppressive fire to cover the charging forces.

It was too early to tell how successful this attack would be, so Rex took the time to dispatch orders to the rest of his forces via his commlink, provided it wasn't damaged. "All Liberator forces defending the flanks, retreat to the command building. You are now under command of Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss . I am leading a counter charge. We have lost half of our Northern forces."

Rex had missed the transmission from Sanji, and the encrypted message from The Shi-Cho due to the blast earlier that had nearly taken him out of the fight. He cursed himself, then read the message from The Shi Cho, hoping it wasn't too significant....

*Ordered a counter attack against "retreating" forces
*Joined the counter attack himself
*Ordered the defenders at the flanks to retreat to the command building, and gave command of them to Sanji Hoss
*Began reading the message from Burtch
Objective Three

Sanji Hoss was now with his troops, a relief for sure. But now it seemed that the enemy had decided to retreat, a fact that irritated Sanji. He immediately wanted to pursue the enemy, but he was not that lucky. Sanji quickly heard orders over the comm, now he must stay at the command center. He looked back behind him at the command center and then the moving troops ahead of him, Sanji groaned and started to the command center.

Sanji sighed as he went into the main command center with the rest of the soldiers on the flank. He pushed past a few of the troops with little care as he came to the place he had originally been. The officer he had left behind to watch the monitors looked up at his Commander,
back so soon? Sanji simply glared at him.

Commander Hoss sat down and stared at his hands, in one hand he had his comm as he hoped for more orders. His other hand was empty and resting on his bolster in its holster, awaiting to be used. He was very tense, and didn't even care about his wound until he moved slightly, pain flared in his leg. He decided he must tend to it, and grabbed a small amount of medical supplies. After it was bandaged he but away the med kit and stood up walking out of the main command room.

Sanji turned to look at the soldiers that had come back from the flanks, there were not many, they all ducked behind fortifications as they caught their breath. All of them seemed tired and some were wounded. He watched as a few troops were trying to repair their wounds, but they all had a determination, something Sanji greatly admired about them. He was starting to realize how costly this was becoming, and when he had a chance he would fight harder than he ever had.

Tags: Darth Mordheim | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Objective Two & Three
Aid in the defense of the Liberators’ stronghold
Somehow counter the missile battery defenses of the planet

Interaction: Open

4 cruisers | 9 corvettes | 152 Fighters/bombers | 20 support craft


2 Makashi Class Light Cruisers
  • HMS Shii-Cho (Flag)
    • 1x X-class Elysium Starfighter Squadron (X) 163rd Squadron
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X) Bantha Boy Squadron
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have high powered sensors and comm arrays for breaking through jamming
      • (X) booster included
  • HMS Ataru
    • 1x X-class Elysium Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with Battledroidracks, entire ship is capable of carrying 8000 battle droids at a time.

2 Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers
  • HMS Verdict
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Judgment
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)

6 Val Khaar-class Corvettes
  • HMS Black Mamba
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Python
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Constrictor
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Cobra
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Rattler
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Asp
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)

3 KH-ICC Corvettes
  • HMS Viper
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Garter
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Adder
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)

20 Rancor Class Heavy Transports
  • All carrying supplies and reinforcements for the liberators

Objective 1 | escort supply/reinforcement convoy to the liberators once the missile batteries are down.

Objective 2 | provide fire support for ground forces that are fighting the loyalists

OOC note: the opposition has graciously opted to allow me to call the hits on his fleet to end this portion of the battle quickly so that the story can move on smoothly. Permit is right here:

POV Left flank fighter squadrons

Lazer fire began to fill the space all around them, the odd shot flaring off the edges of many starfighters' deflection shields. The gunfire was originating from the three ramships that were in front of their path. As soon as the shots started slashing in, the fear of failure was lifting from everybody's minds, and fear of death and adrenaline-fueled focus took over.

Wing Commander Chen Ledvue took one last look at his scopes to make sure everything was in order. The LAAT-2s were hanging back just out of engagement range as ordered by the navy brass, and his fighters/bombers were formed up as he had ordered. Everything was in order.

The formation was somewhat tight. Commander Ledvue had decided to make this attack as overwhelming as possible to quickly end this battle so they could reinforce the other flanks. All 140 fighters/bombers were close enough to eachother to hit the three enemy ships hard and fast, but were loose enough to let most gunfire pass between them. As soon as the shots started screaming in, Ledvue heard the sound of the LAAT commander's voice announce his departure to the planet's surface. "Acknowledged" was all Ledvue said in response. He had his own problems to focus on now.

His little Ferrum Class Light Bomber shook a little with every near miss and proximity detonations. In the very front were the Saberdroid fighters, then the X-class fighters, then followed by his 24 Ferrums and his remaining 18 ST Multirole fighters. Being completely automated, the Saberdroids took the brunt of the punishment from the enemy guns. Despite having poor weapons, the little ramships had been programmed with excellent firing solutions, which took their toll. Some of the Saberdroids took direct hits, which completely shattered a few of them one at a time. Debris flew back to the fighters behind which caused mostly superficial damage to shields and unlucky hulls. But many of the enemy guns were intelligent enough to target the ships behind the Saberdroids, which ironically ended up taking more hits. The X-Class fighters took several direct hits, some of the shots were lucky and punched straight through shields and hulls in one hit, transforming the little fighters into scattered scrap metal. One piece bounced wetly off Ledvue's canopy and left a faint red streak on the transparisteel. It took incredible discipline for him not to think about it.

His bombers seemed to be left mostly unsavaged for now, which was the point of this formation. He watched the distance tracker count down quickly to effective bombing range. He could have deployed his torpedoes several moments ago, but they were less effective at longer ranges. Finally, the bombing targeting reticle turned red as the tracker reached the magic number. He squeezed the trigger and intentionally waited a second before breaking away to throw off enemy tracking software. Before he could even think to look where the torpedoes were at, the entire trio of enemy ships exploded right before his eyes. The shockwave and debris hit him and his entire force in a nanosecond.

He didn't even have time to think about what his mistakes were.


POV: Middle flank Phalanx

It was a chase.

Force Commander Way'Lurr, of the HMS Verdict, assumed command of the phalanx unit as soon as they had begun their approach towards the enemy fleet, as per Vice Admiral Burtch's orders. The exchange had gone mostly as planned, with a fairly uninhibited charge to the enemy line, an abrupt about-face, and then a retreat. The enemy did the only thing that was reasonable in that scenario; pursue.

Two of the ramships sacrificed themselves to clear a path through the minefield, while the rest aggressively and relentlessly nipped at the heels of the retreating phalanx ships. Eight Robot ramships were chasing two Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers and three Val Khaar-Class Corvettes. The eight enemies locked right on to the tails of the five Elysium ships and kept pace, boosting their quad engines from time-to-time to buck at the engine sections of Force Commander Way'Lurr's little fleet. Normally, the Empire could gun down ships like that with a full broadside, but they couldn't afford to make any turns without exposing their flanks to a full-force ram-attack. The Rectifiers attempted to drop more mines to slow the ramships down, but at point blank range, they might as well be blind men throwing rocks at fish in a river. A degree of range was needed for mines to work…

The impacts from the ramming were significantly lessened by the fact that the phalanx was flying away from the ramships, but the ramships could still boost their quad engines and damage the main engines of the phalanx ships, slowing them down every time. Way'Lurr tried to get his ships to exchange fire support for each other, which was having less than underwhelming results. The enemy had wisely chosen to hide in the weak targeting behind the engine flanges of the Elysium ships, so exchanging fire support would have fixed that problem. But the constant impacts and changes in engine thrust kept throwing off the fire control, making it hard to get good hits on the ramships… even at this range. It came down to a numbers game. Sacrifice one of their ships to kill one of ours, and eventually they still have three left when we're all dead.

The ramships then began to focus fire with their own weapons on one of the Val Khaar-Class Corvettes. Despite the challenges of fire control that both sides were experiencing, the ramships landed some very lucky converging hits on the little corvette. With the shields already gone from ram attacks, they blew right through the engines and the little ship stopped dead in its tracks. Right on que, a pursuing ram ship hit its boosters and plowed right into the back end of the ship, nearly splitting her right up the middle, like an axe trying to split a tough-knotted log of firewood. Then, as programmed, the Ramship blew its warheads. The Val Khaar-Class Corvette was atomized in light and molten metal.

The fragments shot in every direction, hitting all of the ships simultaneously. But the biggest remaining piece of the lost corvette, which looked like the bridge to Way'Lurr's horrified eyes, slammed right into his own cruiser. Right into the side of his engines.

Diagnostic reading appeared on the holodisplay in his command bridge. The engines on that ship were showing critical failures and were going to melt down soon if they didn't shut off soon. Way'Lurr cursed loudly in front of his staff.

"Engineering! Do what you can to keep those engines going as long as you can! We can't shut them down or we're dead!"

"Negative sir! Oscillators and baffle chambers were all cracked on that side of the ship. Those engines are going down very soon! We have maybe a minute until they blow!"

"You have to do something! We're about to-"

"Sir!" Announced the scans officer, "all of the enemy ships are converging on us! They're trying to shoot out our other engines! Wait, HMS Judgement is changing course! She's heading straight for the pursuers that are on our tail!"

Way'Lurr didn't even bother keying his holodisplay to show the actions that were taking place, and instead he ran to the bridgewing viewport to see it for himself. To his disbelieving eyes, HMS Judgement bored right in on the pursuing ramships at full speed. Little gouts of fire were spewing from pop shot turbolazer hits all over her battered hull and she looked… angry? A weird feeling to describe a warship as angry Way'Lurr thought.

With uncharacteristic speed for a ship of her size, Judgement charged just behind and across Verdict's stern and smashed her beskar armoured ram bow right through not one, but two of the enemy Ramships. The first one split in two like a tank walker stepping on a rotten log. The second one was crushed like a sports bat hitting an upright metal beverage can. But both hits killed HMS Judgement's momentum, and she nearly stopped abruptly on the second hit. Normally, Rectifiers had more engine power than that, but she was clearly still suffering from the beating she herself had taken earlier. She was a sitting duck for the next two ram ships that plowed right into her own side.

There was a dreadful moment of silence, as all Way'Lurr could see from the impacts was the rippling of Judgment's battered hull and metal fragments spew out from the hidden side of the ship that he couldn't see. Then, without reverence, the two Ramships that hit her detonated at the same time. Judgement was ripped apart from the inside out, sending massive fragments of cruiser everywhere. Sensors showed that one of the other Ramships was taken out by the explosion and another severely damaged. Another one of Way'Lurr's Val Khaar-Class Corvettes was badly wounded by debris, but was otherwise functional. Verdict was largely, and miraculously, unaffected, but her own engines were still threatening to melt down, and getting worse.

Horror filled the eyes of the entire bridge crew on HMS Verdict. A mass of wreckage and molten scraps lay where their mighty sister once was just a moment ago. Judgement's form and her crew were now just one expanding mass of death. Then Way'Lurr quickly realized something. HMS Judgement's sacrifice had put just enough distance between HMS Verdict and the remaining two Ramships to execute maneuvers. He needed to act quickly before they made it around the debris and caught up with him.

"All remaining ships! Stop and turn 90 degrees to starboard! Then kill the engines and redirect power to the starboard batteries! Resume ECM barrage to keep them from thinking clearly!"

All three of his battered remaining ships executed his orders and hunkered down. The last two Ramships came around the dead cruiser's remains and immediately began thrusting hard towards the Elysium fleet. Way'Lurr roared with his teeth bared, "Teach them a karking lesson! All guns, give 'em hell!"

As one, the turbolazers from HMS Verdict and her two remaining corvette escorts barked with vengeance. They repeated their message relentlessly as the last of the enemy fleet came at them. The two weakened Ramships didn't get very far at all…


POV Right flank, HMS Shii-Cho

Salvo after salvo slammed out from the two Makashi class light cruisers' guns as the three Ramships approached. The three Val Khaar class corvettes that were with the Makashis added their own few turbolazers to increase the volume of fire. Volley after volley hammered the overlapping shields of the Ramships, stripping layers away as the attackers crossed the incredible distance.

The overlapping shields were fairly effective. One shield would eventually collapse and another would take its place, giving it time to recharge. With three of them, there was lots of time to regain shield power. But not enough to fully restore them. The first time each of the three shields went down took the longest. The second time was much shorter. The third time barely even held.

By this time, the Ramships were entering medium range. The Elysium ships stopped alternating between bracket, herding, and barrage salvo, and simply committed to barrage salvos for maximum damage. They slammed rounds and rounds into the ram bows of the robot ships, slowly eroding away at the solid durasteel forward section of the hull as they kept coming.

Burtch ordered the five elysium ships to focus fire on the leading ramship to speed up destruction. As they began to enter into short range, Treyfa ordered all of the guns crews to decouple from the gun director and switch to local control. The gun crews were then permitted to use independent rapid fire at the discretion of the individual crew chiefs for each gun turret.

A constant hail of energy blasts rained down on the leading ramship, tearing layers of durasteel away. Then suddenly the little ship exploded in fire and smoke as a shot struck the reactor. The cloud spread for a while, distorting target data temporarily, but then the two remaining ramships roared out, boosting with their quad engines for that extra push. They closed the remaining gap quickly, veering to take individual targets. One angled for a Corvette that was near HMS Ataru, the other aimed for HMS Shii-Cho herself. Gun crews switched targets quickly, being able to react fast in local control, and began hitting correlating attackers. But it wasn't fast enough.

The first ramship slammed into the corvette at an off angle. At first, Burtch assumed it must been a miscalculation by the droid brain, but he was quickly proven wrong. The ramship caromed off the now badly damaged corvette and angled for HMS Ataru, boosting its engines with what seemed like desperate, spinning fanaticism. The Ataru began firing in desperation to stop the suicidal ship before she took the ram at an awkward angle across her side, scraping off a huge section of her hull armour. The ramship lost most of its speed after that, but kept marching forward…

… straight for the Rancor transports…

… and into the waiting guns of the KH-ICC corvettes…

With little power left in its spent quad engines, the Ramship had little it could do besides slowly move forward while getting pounded from all angles. It would take over a minute to recharge its engines. It had 15 seconds left to live…

The second ramship still had plenty of life left in it though. It charged straight for HMS Shii-Cho, braving the fire from both of the two other corvettes and Burtch's personal flagship herself. The ramship's withering durasteel armor shouldered aside many, many blasts from Captain Treyfa's well trained gunners and kept coming with a zealous fury. Shii-Cho proudly stood her ground with all the noble courage befitting a veteran warship of the Elysium Empire Navy. All eight of her double turbolazer turrets on the starboard side marched relentlessly with a steady cadence.


The guns kept marching; so did the ramship. Vice Admiral Burtch stood with proud defiance, ready to make his great stand, his hands clasped calmly behind his back. He was ready to show his true dedication to the Elysium Empire in this very moment. He would not flinch. He would not cower. He would set a prime example of what Elysium Navy courage looked like, and hold this line so that the rest of the navy could become stronger for his sacrifice…

And Treyfa suddenly had other ideas…

Just as the ramship reached point blank range and fired up its quad engines for one final boost, Treyfa practically kept for the Shii-Cho's thruster control. The leap was clumsy and she lost her footing, but as she fell down, her hand just barely made contact with the maximum thrust lever. The control shot straight forward from the impact just as her head impacted the side of the flight console, startling the poor helmsman that was stationed there.

The one thing that Makashis were good for, besides their range, was their speed.

At the last second as the ramship bored in for the kill, Shii-Cho seemed to leap out of the way. Any crew members that were not secure were launched off their feet and received various superficial injuries throughout the ship. Burtch included.

But Shii-Cho was just not quite fast enough to completely dodge the attack. The ramship hit her rear tailfin, and sheared it clean off the back of the little cruiser, and knocked out the starboard shields. The impact sent both ships into a lazy spin with scrap metal trailing after both damaged ships, fire and smoke pouring from the ramship and blue sparks trailing after the cruiser.

Burtch managed to get back up slowly, his shoulder hurt badly. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and he looked out the starboard bridge wing viewport to see what remained of the enemy ramship. It was still fighting and shooting, struggling to get the slow spin under control and resume its attack. And it's port side flank was beam-on with Shii-Cho's starboard flank…

The two Val Khaars were still struggling to get a new firing angle on the enemy target, but Burtch knew that this required the power of a cruiser,
"All guns, resume firing!"

Green lances swarmed out from the side of the cruiser, tracing brilliant lines towards the ramship. Having presented its weaker side to Shii-Cho, the Ramship couldn't use its solid durasteel bow to block the shots. Sparks and explosions ravaged the unprotected side of the little ramship, until one particularly large explosion rocked the whole structure. The whole frame seemed to heave under the strain of the internal detonation.

"All power to the starboard shields!" Burtch yelled. Thankfully, the shields officer had been sitting when Treyfa pulled her stunt. In a short time, the shields came back online with minimal power to that flank of the cruiser just as another, bigger explosion obliterated the ramship once and for all. The shields took the brunt of the impacts once again before completely collapsing again. The rest of the debris ricocheted off the laminated hull of the Makashi Class Light Cruiser, causing minimal damage.

When the debris scattered and the ramship was no-where to be seen, the entire bridge crew erupted into cheering. Burtch even yelled too, forgetting about Treyfa's stupid maneuver. The cheering was short lived. Lieutenant Commander Silverstrike got on the intercoms at Burtch's orders and announced the kill to the rest of the ship, while Captain Treyfa gathered reports for her Admiral. When she came back, she started speaking quickly.

"I regret to inform you that the entire fighter force on the left flank was totally decimated from a suicide attack. Some of the fighters are repairable, including Commander Ledvue's ship, but most did not make it. Many pilots are EVA waiting for a rescue and are requesting assistance ASAP. A couple dozen of the manned ships can move on their own power, but none of our fighters are atmosphere capable at this time. But the enemy force there was completely destroyed.

"The middle flank took heavy losses but were also victorious. HMS Judgement was totally destroyed along with one of our Corvettes there. HMS Verdict and one of the Corvettes are in serious need of yard time and engineers are still debating whether or not it's even worth it to save the other remaining Corvette. I'll keep you updated there.

"Our flank was also a total victory, but we took hits. One of our Corvettes is alive but out of the fight until we get her to a yard. Ataru is still strong, but she took a ram attack that knocked out half of her droid army racks. She only has 4000 of her original 8000 troops, but she can still land.

"We on the other hand did not too bad ourselves, but we lost our static discharge fins. Buffers can keep the static load under control for a few hours but we need to enter atmosphere to bleed off some of the static before we go anywhere in hyperspace. Engineers also report a fuel leak into space, but they promise that it's being handled. Turret six is not responding to fire control, but still has local control. We're working on that, but otherwise, we are still able to fight."

Burtch considered everything she just said and put it all together to see what was missing. He then said, "Very good, Captain. Do we have any word from the Marines heading to reinforce Commander Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun ?"

"Yes sir! They are just entering the atmosphere now and about to run the gauntlet of missiles. Rex should see them shortly."

"Very good," Burtch was relieved. They had won this round but at a heavy cost. At least the ground battle was getting reinforcements finally. He figured he should get his ships back in order, "send our two remaining good Val Khaar corvettes to assist with the rescue of our fighter pilots and then bring them back here. Let's also bring the Rancor transports, the interdictors, and our two light cruisers to meet up with HMS Verdict and see what help we can render. Once those missiles are down, we can send the transports more quickly to the surface."

  • Center flank
    • One Val Khaar Corvette dies, one is critical, one is damaged. One Rectifier Class Heavy Cruiser sacrificed itself, one is damaged.
    • All enemy ramships were defeated.
  • Left flank
    • All fighters were neutralized in the suicide attack of the Ramships.
    • Many pilots need rescue
    • Some of the fighters can be repaired, but none can enter atmosphere.
    • All enemy Ramships destroyed
  • Right flank
    • One Val Khaar-Class Corvette is critical, two are fully functional.
    • HMS Ataru is damaged and lost half of her battle droids.
    • HMS Shii-Cho is damaged, lost her static discharge fin and will eventually need to enter atmosphere to bleed off static load before entering hyperspace.
    • All enemy Ramships were killed.
    • All Remaining functional VK corvettes go to aid the survivors of the right flank fighter attack.
    • Rancors, interdictor corvettes, and Makashis move ahead to meet up with the phalanx in preparation for the final landing assault.

Direct tags
Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss Darth Mordheim

Other tags
Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jin X Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Regel
Saram Kote Saram Kote

Vladislav Von Kresvelgard


Ploy of the Necromancer
Civil War on Cademimu V
NPC Posting

DIRECT TAGS: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss
TAGS NEARBY: Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Jin X Ares Atrius Ares Atrius Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Luther Lewis Luther Lewis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Regel Saram Kote Saram Kote
OBJECTIVES: Various [NPC Posting]
LOCATION: Various [NPC Posting]
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator

[POV: Beauregard's Combined Army]
[Desperation of Command]

[Tag Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun ]
The Retreating Forces of the Northern Flank would fight a desperate battle against the reinvigorated forces of the Liberators as they withdrew. The Scrapper-Series Battle Droids would attempt to fight back with everything that they had, providing meat shields for the organic forces sent by General Beauregard who would begin to withdraw back to the Under Level Headquarters. When the command kill signal went out from the Headquarters of the Governor-General within the government sector of the planet, the scrapper series would deactivated. Leaving them sitting ducks for the liberators to destroy without any effort and lessening the fighting capacity of the general within the underground. General Beauregard had been reading the reports from Colonel Oberon and Lieutenant Marson both which had arrived after the retreat order was given out. "What is going on, Communication Officer. Attempt to establish contact with the Control and Operations Center. Immediately!" he shouted with urgency, slamming his fist on the holographic table before him. There 1800 army had thus been reduced to only a mere fraction of its former strength at 700, although they might be enough to attempt one last glorious charge into the battlefield for the rightful government of cademimu v. "Sir, there is nothing but static on the line. We can't reach the Governor-General or the Control and Operations Center at this time. We our on our own in this fight." The communication officer responded after some time of trying to readjust the control system to check for operational errors. "We can't request reinforcements, and we have no other option with a majority of our droid forces decommissioned by some outside factor. Retreat to the Government Sector and in order to save our lives and spare the citizens any more hardship. Surrender to the enemy forces is all that we can do at this time." General Beauregard noted with somber tone, he wasn't going to fight a losing battle and risk his men further death in this battle. He would surrender with the dignity of a military officer and not coward like a politician would.

The Combined Army underneath Beauregard would begin to order an official withdraw, abandoning the under levels of the city to the Liberators. His forces would split up into 100 men each with him at the front of a brigade, moving throughout the city at this time to better be able to withdraw without further incident. His forces had enough experience to fight back several liberator raiding teams, that had attempted to disrupt their operational retreat. Although in response his men were fatigued and in poor shape, moving quickly through the narrow streets and tunnels that connected the various places around the planet. About an hour of local time later, they had been pushed to the brink in the withdraw itself. But they had finally emerged upon the upper levels of the city and had secured transportation to the government sector of the planet and to the governor-general's fortress that remained. Establishing a junta among the various officers would be necessary if their governor-general had indeed fallen, otherwise the populace might think of them of an occupation force instead of the defenders of the planet. This plan would also allow them to negotiate with the liberators to form a coalition to govern the planet instead of refreshing the current establishment.

[POV: The Control and Operation Center]
[Missiles and Ordinance Batteries]
[Tag Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch ]
The Enemy Fleet had destroyed the fleet of robot ramships that they had deployed. If the enemy LAAT's were going to break the gauntlet and attempt a run through the various Missiles and Ordinance Batteries then they sure as hell would give them a run for their money. "Sir, our fleet has been nullified by the enemy fleet at this time and we are receiving no more orders from the Loyalist HQ. We are on our own at this time, as the next commanding officer in charge of the center. What are your orders?" The communication officer asked to the Commanding Deck Officer. "If the enemy is breaching into the atmosphere, fire all that we have at them in to disrupt their formations. Have the ordinance crews begin reloading missiles and AA Batteries as soon as they have fired. Randomized the firing pattern to better hit the enemy forces that do emerge." The Commanding Deck Officer stated to him, as the communication officer nodded and tapped the buttons on the console. Switching the batteries into randomized firing patterns with help from the various engineers and gunnery officers that manned the various AA batteries and ordinance batteries themselves. Randomization was in this context that the batteries would begin to fire after 2 second intervolves, spraying fire as that was seen as the most effective way to prevent a large scale invasion. Although as they would be ready to fire if the LAAT's begun to enter into the atmosphere itself, the 2 second intervolves might allow the enemy to avoid a majority of the fire itself and allow them to land. It all came down to the skill of the pilot vs the skill of the gunnery crew commanding the battery at the time.

The Commanding Deck Officer would sit down upon his chair, looking over the various reports from the front. Operational Authority had completely collapsed with the Liberators pushing through sector after sector of the city. With the droid forces of the city unoperational at this time, there organic forces had been pushed to the brink. General Ivan Beauregard had already sent him a message that he was planning on gathering the remaining officers loyal to the Official Government of Cademimu V at this time to form a junta to represent them at the negotiating table with the liberators. The Officer had found that it was an effective solution to not be executed on the spot for tyranny and war crimes. But he would reserve from sending an official telegram back to the General until he figured out a way to gather the remaining senior officers from the Planetary Security Forces into forming a representative government. Until he had officially voiced his support with this telegram, he would order his men to carry on firing the batteries at this time even if they didn't destroy any of the enemy forces that attempted entry.

  • As the official controller of the NPC Forces on the Planet. Everyone else has full permission to forward their posts towards this moment in time. Any remaining forces that are nearby your locations can be auto hit with my permission and completely neutralized.

Last edited by a moderator:


Objective: Civil war. Infiltration and shield controls
Location: The Control & Operation Center.
Tags: Vladislav Von Kresvelgard

Analyze. Access to the vehicle storage, which could prove useful. Though, well guarded. Not much equipment available. A wrench, but that was only going to provide so much aid. Still any repair tools could be useful in keeping up appearances as well as for breaking purposes if he managed to get somewhere useful. The guards moved in groups, the cameras were mostly efficient but with blindspots however small. Positions of authority were determined not by outfit but by armband, that could make things easier. Less changing times. Random patterns had its advantages, it would mean there could be extended times between when he could get them. While technically randomized, the probability was that if he could go in right after two that followed each other then there'd be a longer delay until the next one came around.

However he did note something that he could take advantage of. The guards didn't stick around too long. For combat purposes, that was to their advantage. Fresh meat was a good choice to avoid the exhausted getting into fights. But it also meant they weren't going to be as aware. The people were well organized, but keeping everyone up to date on everything wasn't always an option.

He watched and listened while always looking to do something, whatever his job actually should have been actually. Intending on learning the way they spoke, names, code words, locations of interest, absolutely everything they said he'd put down in memory so that he could blend in as perfectly as possible. He could do what little the engineer was supposed to be doing while doing his own research. It wouldn't make much of a difference to the overall battle. There was an alternative, wait out until someone else accomplished something, then make his own move. But he'd rather push things. Or cause an issue and run.

Next came the troublesome part. He memorized the location of someones credentials or key card for the doors to the generator, someone high enough to fit the requirements but preferably only just so. And would attempt to swipe it from him by standing up after working on something and stumbling backwards into him. The movement would be covered up by the sheer chaos of it all followed by what would sound and look like incredibly sincere apologies. The card would get carefully hidden. The rest would be so much easier, he was still wearing polyweave, which meant he could change into an officer fairly quickly, he just had to find a good location to change that would be believable why anyone accompanying him might have vanished. Then either get an accompaniment, or if it seemed believable enough, go alone towards the generators.

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