Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Plucking Coals from the Fire (Raid on Odacer-Faustin)

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
[member="Irys Arist'lar"] [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Ekul Selah"] | [member="Olom Grihk"] | [member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Lira Dajenn"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]

"Sir reports from one of our dreadnoughts say there is a Sith on those vessels." the captain declared with obivious alarm.

"Who reported that?" Vaudin asked.

"Evidently two jedi are on board Senator."

"Kark me. That's all I need." Vaudin said, "alright, lock tractor beams of the two dreadnoughts onto the Chimaera. And order them to remain in system. I will not fire on a ship without cause and for all we know the sith could be a captive."

"Chimaera, this is Miir." he said into the comm, "I hope you have a good reason to be in republic space with two warships without clearing it first."

"Should we open fire before they pass us sir?" the captain said.

"Until I know otherwise that is a fringe ship and we have a treaty. If we fire on them without telling Adair then we are breaking the spirit of that treaty, and if that is a fringe ship they are breaking the spirit of their end. Begin to turn us broadside."

"With all do respect, sir, have you lost your mind. You'll make us a target!"

"I know."

"That will endanger this crew senator!"

"You can either do it or report to your quarters. If they fire on us they make themselves combatants, if not and they stream past us, because we both know tractor beams won't hold that ship for long, then we are half way around to chase them, and if they simply stop we've lost nothing and we can negotiate like sensible beings. Now either do your job or I'll do it for you!"

The captain turned to the pilots.

"Turn us broadside and angle the deflector shields." he said. He looked to the gunnery officer, "Petty-officer do we have firing solutions?"

"Yes, sir and tracking."

"Launch the rest of the ships and have them move to firing range if they so much as blink aim to cripple them but nothing until then."

"Aye, captain."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Irys Arist'lar"] | [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Ekul Selah"] | [member="Olom Grihk"] | [member="Vaudin Miir"] | [member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Lira Dajenn"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]

"Admiral Varanin to all hands. The terms of the Treaty of Telos will not be broken today, even if shots are fired. But shots will not be fired."

The Dreadnoughts' tractor beams latched on, bending the Chimaera's course up toward the Grave Wind, which she'd stationed between her bridge and the Republic flagship. Through the bridge viewport, she watched as the belly of the Grave Wind grew uncomfortably close. Her helmsman took corrective action with maneuvering thrusters and etheric rudder alone, and the other Star Destroyer appeared to move away. That could have been ignominious.

"Admiral," said the hangar relay officer quietly, "the temple is aboard. Containment procedures are underway, but the maneuver, the atmospheric egress and the vacuum treatment appear to have rendered the...inhabitants...inert. [member="Olom Grihk"] has been informed that he's clear to board."

"Well done. My compliments to the tractor beam officers."

The conflicting thought-streams of commanding a flotilla could, on occasion, produce slightly surreal moments. This, she had to admit, was one of them. The two Star Destroyers -- shieldless, weapons depowered, engines deactivated -- blew past the Republic flotilla and out of the grasp of the Dreadnoughts' tractor beams. That put the Republic ships in a perfect position to cripple the destroyers' sublight engines.

"It's like masochists playing nuna."


"Time til navicomputer solution?"

"Three minutes."

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Intel received, possible insurgents on Odacer-Faustin.

The message [member="Iella E'ron"] had received had been hastily transmitted from Nightmare, who was currently on assignment at Odacer-Faustin. Intel had led her there as a possible confrontation sight with certain individuals that were, for lack of a better term, galactic undesirables. Being a Silver Shadow, Nightmare operated outside most of the bounds of galactic law. In other words, she ignored it. For these reasons, her Force alignment was slowly shifting to where it needed to be in order for her to be a true Shadow. Nightmare was going Rogue.

She could feel powerful neutral presences in space. On top of that, she felt darkness. The Force, as per usual, was not lying to her when it had led her to the world. She stood in the snow, sticking out like a sore thumb but not caring. She was Nightmare, and this cold reminded her of home. Turning, she started moving towards the old Sith Academy. This planet was devoid of much else. An invading force was likely after nothing other than something that had to be found there. If they came, she would be ready for them. Those who posed a threat to the galaxy, those who tended to the darkside, were to be eradicated.
Olom landed in a ship hangar, quickly moving out of the cockpit of his amicable, yet dull TIE fighter. He slowly descended from it, watching as a few engineers gave hi ma quick salute. "That is entirely unnecessary," he said calmly. "I'm a free-booter with no command on this vessel. So, if someone isn't too busy, could I get an escort to the bridge? I feel as though I should discuss what is occurring with your commander."

He adjusted his robes as he was led towards the bridge. After all, it was important to look the part of a daring, brilliant advisor. Sure as hell beat doing digs on Dagobah. He entered the command bridge unceremoniously. "Greetings, Admiral. Please let me know if I can continue to help," he said, standing near the guards.

[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Odacar-Faustin surface.

Armchair? Check.

Magazine? Check.

Iced tea with a little lemon? Check.

Patiently waiting? Check.

Whoever landed was getting a friendly hello from a friendly man. There was a pitcher, and a separate glass, and a comfortable chair sat in a comfortable chair, marked by a beacon that broadcasted through the planet. The defender-class corvette was parked nearby, and the cozy tent with a space heater in the middle made it beach-like. Hence the shirtless Tracyn, sipping iced tea and waiting for the visitors.

Intruders, insurgents, all nasty sounding words...

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Niamh Raste"] and [member="Tracyn"] were waiting for nothing. The Odacer-Faustin Sith temple, with associated academy structure and temple, had recently been ripped from the planet's surface by the two Star Destroyers that had screamed past, low and fast enough to turn the entire region to something like a temporary hurricane. The two former Jedi operatives would find no opposition, no personal combat, no raid. The raid had come and gone in the second and a half it had taken for the two ships' converged tractor beams to tear the subterranean structure from the ground. Then gunships had turned the air and the ground and the zombies to fire, blanketing almost a hundred square kilometers in napalm. This had all happened only minutes ago, but the Star Destroyers were long gone and out of atmosphere, along with the temple.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
A part of her, one she acknowledged and accepted, felt the weight of putting fear into others. There was nothing noble or glorious about this kind of risk. When it came time to commend her crew, she would center that commendation on their execution of the slingshot, their containment of the Sith temple, and their obedience in the moment when opening fire could have wiped tens of thousands from existence. Could have begun to pay back O'reen, but with only tragedy.

The Chimaera and the Grave Wind slipped into hyperspace. She turned to [member="Olom Grihk"]. "Thank you for your escort," she said, hands clasped behind her back. "Between the starfighters and the other system defense forces, I feel fairly sure that your presence helped keep away potential strikes on the payload or even my tractor beam projectors. If you'll excuse me for the moment, I have to oversee the payload's processing, but we'll certainly talk later. Welcome to the Chimaera, Olom Grihk."
Olom smiled weakly. "Let's be thankful it didn't come to violence. A victory with no losses is better than glory over a pile of dead folks," he said with a nod. "Heh. My Old mast would probably slap me for saying something like that. Ah, well." He chuckled ,flaring his nostrils slightly and then left the others on the ship to their business.

In ll truth, he'd have liked a bit more explanation, but these things are what they are. The admiral had hell of a Sabacc face, he wasn't really reading here. These folks were uprooting a whole temple. He couldn't help but wonder what caused this sort of madness. He smiled and walked about the destroyer, heading back towards the hangar. For his small species, it was easy to create a small makeshift quarters out of his TIE Fighter. That'd b his place of rest for the time. After all, it was wise not to be too imposing a guest.

[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

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