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Eternal Empire

“We are the Eternal Empire! The end of the evolutionary line! The past is our faith. The present is our struggle. The future is ours to claim. And ours alone.” Vast, immersive lore. Gritty warzones. Political intrigue. Adventure rife with peril...

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Pocket Guide to the Empire

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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R
Every important thing about the Eternal Empire and it's subfactions.

Heavily WIP. I'll post all of the threads here when I'll have a time. All of them are originally posted by Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe .

01. Pocket Guide to the Empire
02. Storm war - Military doctrine
03. Storm war - Military doctrine II.
04. Government
05. The Miliary and Secret Police
06. Wardens of the Shroud
07. Logistics Corps Unit 404
08. Contractors' Guild
09. Eclipse Rebllion and Hidden Enclave
10. Black Sun
11. Administrative Divisions of the Empire
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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R

What is the Eternal Empire?

We are a faction that has been around on Chaos for the better part of two years. We focus heavily on writing intricate stories of tragedy and vengeance, of ideological fanaticism and the harsh realities of war. Our extensive lore is shaped and influenced by the actions of the faction members, by the events the faction is drawn into and by its interactions with the other factions on the board. Every thread has consequences, potentially far-reaching, which will influence how the nation interacts with and views other ideologies, cultures, organizations and governments.

We take our worldbuilding seriously, crafting submissions that come together to form a deep and intricate lore, marked by tragedies and atrocities and peppered with political intrigue, with a focus on detail and logic.

This document serves as an abridged and condensed version of our lore, existing as a gateway into the Eternal Empire for members old and new, alike.


The Eternal Empire is a stratocratic constitutional monarchy born out of the few surviving remnants of a number of fallen civilizations, along with anyone else they picked up along the road. It is organized and run as a stratocracy, led by a monarch who appoints an executive, which is then approved by a legislative body made up of elected representatives from every administrative sector that is governed by them.

Although a constitutional monarchy, the Eternal Empire maintains a system of tiered citizenship which draws a very clear line between citizens and civilians. Very militaristic and centered around the ideals of meritocracy and discipline, only those who have completed their first two years of military service have the right to vote and slavery is outlawed, being seen as a vice which encourages people to become lazy, by relying on others to do the chores that they should do themselves, as well as robbing people of the potential to become capable soldiers in the Empire’s war machine. Ultimately, fanatics make for better soldiers than slaves.

Culturally, the Eternal Empire would be considered an extremely conservative culture, in the sense that people are expected to conform to society's norms and the roles they are assigned to, subscribing to imperial doctrine which places the wellbeing of the community above that of the individual, which upholds and enforces the values of duty, discipline and self-sacrifice over the pursuit of personal satisfaction and material gain. Selfish, rebellious pursuits of self-actualization are deeply frowned upon and those who follow along this path, face a lot of social and sometimes, governmental pressure to return into the fold and conform to what the Empire expects people to be: good soldiers.

Indoctrinated from a young age by the state’s ever-present, all-pervasive propaganda, the citizens of the Eternal Empire are polite and soft-spoken, wasting little time on pointless, idle banter and pleasures which to them, hold no greater meaning or purpose. That is not to say that imperials do not enjoy the occasional party, but such social gatherings are always demure and sober affairs, where soft, classical music is played, rather than the lively tunes popular throughout the galaxy. Narcotics and intoxicants are banned, and the possession, consumption and distribution of such contraband, is an offense punishable by the slow and gruesome death of crucifixion. Alcohol is tolerated and occasionally consumed, but always in small amounts.

Wasteful displays of opulence and wealth, are frowned upon and those who engage in such behaviors, fall afoul of one of imperial society’s most fundamental norms: everything in moderation.

Rejecting milder, more temperate planets, the Eternal Empire chooses, instead, to make its home amongst some of the harshest environments in the galaxy, a feat they take great pride in and which, along with the discipline and deadly efficiency of its military, greatly contributes to the extreme nationalism and exceptionalism that are staples of imperial culture. Having conquered great hardship and emerging triumphant from tragedies which, they believe, would have caused other civilizations to collapse, imperials view themselves as superior to all other cultures in the galaxy, which they see as corrupt, soft and driven only by their obsession with the meaningless fulfillment of the wants and whims of the individual and thus, unworthy of being treated with anything but contempt.

Mistrustful of outsiders due to a long history of hostility, what eventually became the Eternal Empire has, at one point or another, found itself the target of military operations from a number of galactic powers, from the now defunct Galactic Empire, to the Silver Jedi Order, Outer Rim Coalition and New Republic, enduring through it all and morphing into what it has become today.

Politically, the Eternal Empire rejects proclamations of undying friendship and bonds of kinship with other nations, which they see as lies and delusions, as such rejecting the concept of permanent alliances and choosing, instead, to pursue only their national interests, with little concern for anything else. Brutally honest in this regard, they will pragmatically form only alliances of convenience, which will only last until their purpose is fulfilled and the interests of the allied factions begin to diverge. Like many other things, the imperials justify this by claiming that natural selection is the only immovable law of the universe and that, despite proclamations to the contrary, all nations and cultures are ultimately in competition with eachother.

Within the Eternal Empire, the highest echelon of society is the military. Soldiers are valued above civilians, the latter being seen as cowardly and lesser, their lives worth less than the lives of the nation’s troops, who are glorified as heroes and martyrs and whom all those living under the imperial banner, should aspire to become. Social norms and imperial laws are strictly enforced by a justice system which shows no mercy, employs torture rather than incarceration and execution instead of rehabilitation. Dissent is only tolerated to the extent that it conforms to the state-approved values and beliefs and any ideas that are in opposition to national doctrine, are brutally suppressed by the secret police, which often makes use of death squads to deal with particularly troublesome individuals, such as those that preach Jedi ideals. Although harsh, the laws apply fairly and evenly to everyone, from prince to pauper, young and old, soldier and civilian, leader and follower. In the Eternal Empire, no one is above the law.

To foster social cohesion and nurture national pride, the Eternal Empire rejects the use of Galactic Basic and the popular Aurebesh alphabet within all official documents and institutions, enforcing instead the use of its own High Nelvaanian language and script, which are present all over imperial settlements, on placards and billboards, in books and media and on the many crimson banners that decorate the Empire’s settlements.

A complex, well organized and disciplined society, the imperials are a nation of contradictions, a living paradox, a people which rejects compassion, yet embraces community, both cruel and just, honorable and deceitful, idealistic and pragmatic, both arrogant and humble, looking towards the future and yet set in their ways. With their unique ideology, which embraces hardship and struggle, in their hearts, they set their sights upon the galaxy and are determined to make their mark on it.


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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R


"Every great power in the galaxy has soldiers and warriors of renown, those who possess a certain defining quality which sets them apart from all the rest. The Jedi are known for their special forces. The Sith practically wrote the book on shock and awe. And the Confederacy's massed waves of droids need no further explanation. As for the Eternal Empire, we are known as one of the most disciplined military forces the galaxy has ever seen. And we have one more defining quality. The soldiers of the Eternal Empire are the undisputed masters of artillery."
- Introduction to the Children's Manual on Military Tactics, 2nd Edition​

Sturm'krig, literally meaning Storm War in High Nelvaanian, is the official military doctrine of the Eternal Empire's formidable armies and navies. It is, essentially, a combined arms doctrine that brings together all of the branches of the armed forces into a single, cohesive force, placing heavy emphasis on various units working together to take down the enemy with overwhelming firepower.

The Navy is built around specialized ships, which work together as a whole, some providing long-range, heavy firepower, while others providing support and anti-starfighter coverage to the slower, lumbering heavy hitters. A number of elements also exist to harass and engage enemy flanks, disrupting the enemy's formation and gaining control of the battlespace.

Unlike more commonly used doctrine, Storm War does not favor the use of starfighters as the main offensive weapon in space, reserving them for capital ship defense and surgical strikes, however the orbiting fleet does serve the role of mobile carriers for the ground troops, deploying starfighters and dedicated close air support strike craft to accompany the ground troops.

In regard to ground forces, the Storm War doctrine is quite unlike those of most galactic powers, as it does not place emphasis on infantry, but rather on powerful artillery that can utterly devastate enemy armies and strongholds. As such, the proportion of artillery to infantry is much higher, roughly one artillery piece for every ten infantrymen and thus, the Empire favors a slow and steady advance, deploying layered fortifications and trenches, a role in which combat engineers play a key part.

Supporting the artillery, are layers upon layers of anti-air and anti-orbital weaponry, heavy armored columns of tanks and other vehicles and infantry equipped with numerous heavy weapons, ranging from powerful sniper rifles, to heavy repeating blasters, machineguns, and rocket launchers, usually stationed in trench lines situated behind minefields and protected by mortars.

Complementing these, are shock troops and other special forces which are deployed in key positions, to breach enemy lines and take down key targets of strategic value. Imperial armies advance by establishing interconnected networks of fortifications, inching forward one pillbox and one trench line at a time, always within range of their artillery and air support.

A defining and well-known quality of the Eternal Empire's military forces, both on the ground and in space, is their discipline, which makes them capable to keep fighting even when suffering attrition rates that would break the will of other armies. Indoctrinated into an all-pervasive cult of sacrifice and militarism, the Empire's citizens make some of the best, most fanatical soldiers in the galaxy.


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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R


""Conflict is the driving force of everything. Life as we know it, exists because the second bacteria that evolved, ate the first. Planets exist because the bigger rocks consumed all the smaller rocks and grew larger. Ever since its inception, the universe has been governed by a single, immovable law. Survival of the fittest. Eat or be eaten. Just as all life forms compete to survive, nations are no exception to that rule. Where peace reigns, there is stagnation and stagnation leads to extinction. Where there is war, civilizations grow and life prospers. War is the oxygen of civilizations and without war, sentient life withers and dies. War is the cleansing fire through which the weak and unworthy weeds are burned away to make room for a new, stronger, better crop."
- Galactic Politics: A Highschool Handbook, Chapter 2​

Like all aspects of its governance and society, the Eternal Empire's foreign policy is dictated by its ideology, which encompasses a foundation of extreme nationalism, strong beliefs of militarism and natural selection, ideals of discipline and duty, combined with a kind of cold, merciless pragmatism that has become a well-known staple of Imperial culture and doctrine.

The Eternal Empire's foreign policy can best be described as 'political natural selection' and is based on a belief that conflict is an essential and inextricable driving force of all living things and thus, all nations and organizations in the galaxy are in constant competition with eachother, whether they like it or not.

War and militarism play a central role in Imperial culture and governance and that extends to foreign policy as well. In Imperial society, war is perceived as absolutely essential to the continuation of sentient life, being seen as the mechanism by which natural selection is carried out, rooting out the weak and making room for better, stronger cultures to grow, an eternal competition which forces its participants to maintain their edge, or fade away and die.

Imperial foreign policy is thus driven by a pragmatic national self-interest which dictates the nation's dealings with other governments. At its core, lie two fundamental principles. The belief that the ends always justify the means and that conflict is essential for the betterment of Imperial society and civilization. As such, the Empire's foreign policy is often described as extremely aggressive, although that is not necessarily always true.

Although the Eternal Empire sees all other nations in the galaxy as rivals and competitors, temporary alliances, trade agreements and non-aggression pacts may be signed, if it is pragmatic to do so. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, until our mutual enemy is dead, then we can go back to fighting eachother. This maxim governs the Empire's relations with other governments and organizations throughout the galaxy.

The Empire is brutally honest about these beliefs. Imperial officials do not make what they perceive to be empty and foolish promises of peace, or everlasting friendship. Imperial policy is dictated by national interest and where interests align with those of other governments, the Empire is perfectly willing to work with them, until those interests diverge or come into conflict, at which point the Eternal Empire would sever all cooperation and commence hostilities. Alliances and treaties may exist, but they are always conditional and temporary.

Some, especially those who embrace the precepts of the Lightside, may criticize this approach as cold and cruel. The Empire would counter that by arguing that its doctrine is merely practical and founded in the galaxy's fundamental truths. Either way, Imperial foreign policy does not sway to please or accommodate the sensibilities of foreign governments. The Empire's beliefs in its own exceptionalism, combined with a blatant disregard for the beliefs of cultures perceived as lesser, lead to the Imperial government's tendency to ignore foreign complaints regarding its actions.



Foreign Relations of the Eternal Empire

Due to deeply-rooted beliefs in militarism and Imperial exceptionalism, the Empire's stance towards all factions is hostile by default. Factions which are considered hostile, are likely to find themselves drawn into skirmishes with Imperial forces, should they find themselves at odds over a particular matter, however the Empire does not actively pursue hostilities against these groups. Due to geopolitical considerations, some factions are considered neutral, while others are seen as friendly, meaning that the Empire sees some benefit in temporary cooperation with these organizations, due to mutual interests such as a common enemy. The Empire is likely to pursue further cooperation and temporary accords with these organizations, depending on what its interests are at the moment.

Occasionally, the Eternal Empire will find itself in a fundamental conflict with another organization, such as a territorial dispute, or a serious diplomatic incident that goes beyond a minor skirmish. In such situations, the Empire is likely to escalate hostilities and issue a formal declaration of war. Pacifist or Lightside factions that are fundamentally opposed to the Eternal Empire's ideology, are far more likely to find themselves the target of Imperial military actions, as the Empire will flat-out refuse to engage in any kind of diplomacy with these governments, due to diametrically opposed political beliefs.​
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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R


The Eternal Empire is a stratocratic constitutional monarchy born out of the few surviving remnants of a number of fallen civilizations, along with anyone else they picked up along the road. It is organized and run as a stratocracy, led by a monarch who appoints an executive, which is then approved by a legislative body made up of elected representatives from every administrative sector that is governed by them.

Although a constitutional monarchy, the Eternal Empire maintains a system of tiered citizenship which draws a very clear line between citizens and civilians. Very militaristic and centered around the ideals of meritocracy and discipline, only those who have completed their first two years of military service have the right to vote and slavery is outlawed, being seen as a vice which encourages people to become lazy, by relying on others to do the chores that they should do themselves, as well as robbing people of the potential to become capable soldiers in the Empire’s war machine. Ultimately, fanatics make for better soldiers than slaves.

Culturally, the Eternal Empire would be considered an extremely conservative society which places the wellbeing of the community above that of the individual, which upholds and enforces the values of duty, discipline and self-sacrifice over the pursuit of personal satisfaction and material gain.

The Eternal Empire does not discriminate based on species, although there is a strong pressure for immigrants to integrate into the nation's culture and militaristic lifestyle and the state occasionally institutes crackdowns against those who openly embrace the more Jedi-like pacifistic ideals.

The capital of the Eternal Empire is Arcenon, on the planet of Nelvaan, after its exodus from Winter in the wake of the Ancient Eye's collapse. Other important settlements and locations include the fortress of Wulfngard and the city of Vengard.

The government is structured into an executive and legislative branch, with the Emperor/Empress having the right to veto any law being passed.
  • The Eternal Emperor / The Eternal Empress
    The Eternal Emperor or Empress is the political leader and head of state of the Eternal Empire. He commands the Eternal Army and Navy and is responsible for acting as mediator between the various political groups within the Assembly, as well as appointing high ranking officials.
  • The Joint Chiefs of Staff
    Otherwise known as Strategic Command, sometimes abbreviated as STRATCOM, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are the executive branch of the imperial government. Appointed by the Eternal Emperor/Empress, they are, as the name suggests, drawn from amongst the upper echelons of the imperial military and aristocracy.
  • Overlord: The Overlord takes the role of the Emperor's/Empress' right hand, effectively functioning as the lieutenant of the monarch and the second in command, acting as regent of the Empire, should the Emperor/Empress be incapacitated.

STRATCOM positions:
  • Overseer of the Armed Forces: The Overseer of the Armed Forces is the official tasked with leading, organizing and outfitting the Eternal Army.
  • Overseer of the Office of Finances: Occupying a highly crucial role within Strategic Command, the Overseer of the Office of Finances is responsible for managing the economy and finances of the Eternal Empire. (can be applied for)
  • Overseer of the Supreme Court: The Overseer of the Supreme Court is tasked with organizing and leading the judicial branch of the Eternal Empire, appointing and dismissing judges and making decisions concerning the judiciary.
  • Overseer of the Committee for Public Works: The Overseer of the Commission of Public Works handles education and healthcare within the Empire, along with infrastructure and development, insuring that these departments operate smoothly and efficiently.
  • Overseer of the Intelligence Committee: A far less conspicuous, but no less important role, is that of the Overseer of the Intelligence Committee, who is responsible for handling tasks which require discression. The Overseer of the Intelligence Committee is in charge of the Empire's espionage, assassination and propaganda departments.
  • Overseer of the Scientific Development: The latest position, which was given a role only after the beginning of Ingrid L'lerim's reign. It is the responsibility of the person in this position to oversee all government scientific developments, to decide which priority to give, and how much to allocate. All scientific developments belong here, not just the military industry.

The Imperial Assembly
  • Composed of a mixture of elected officials, high ranking nobles and representatives of the military, the Imperial Assembly is, effectively, the Senate of the Eternal Empire.

    It is a unicameral body representing the various baronies, administrative districts and military governorates of the nation and is the legislative entity within the Eternal Empire. Convening periodically, itt assigns budgets, passes or repeals laws, establishes tax policies throughout the Empire and generally serves as the bureaucracy beneath Strategic Command.


Highly militaristic, the Eternal Empire employs a stratocratic system of tiered citizenship which draws clear lines between military and non-military members of society. Soldiers and veterans hold numerous privileges over civilians and there is a strong social pressure to enlist in the military. Pacifism is deeply frowned upon, as is welfare and each citizen is expected to serve the state and perform his or her duty towards the nation. There are three tiers of citizenship, as explained below.


Military recruitment poster. The text reads
'service guarantees citizenship
  • Aristocrat: The highest echelon of Eternal Imperial society, aristocrats are elevated from amongst the citizenship as a reward for performing extraordinary acts of service to the nation, usually on the field of battle. Aristocratic titles are hereditary and their holders are the only ones allowed to hold Baronies, or other hereditary fiefdoms. The downside of holding an aristocratic title is that military service compulsory and all aristocrats must serve for a minimum of three years in the Empire's armed forces, or be branded a traitors, stripped of their titles and disgracefully executed.
  • Citizen with Voting Rights: The upper tier of citizenship within the Eternal Empire, it consists of several million individuals. Numerous privileges are awarded to this tier, amongst them being the right to vote, the right to run for office in an election, as well as numerous high-paying jobs. In order to ascend into this tier, individuals must complete a two-year military service, although the Eternal Emperor / Empress may grant it to civilians directly, under special circumstances.
  • Citizen with Civilian Status: The lower tier of citizenship within the Eternal Empire consists of those who have not completed two years of military service. Civilians have less rights that the upper tier of citizens, being prevented from voting or holding office, as well as being locked out of government and management jobs. Civilians are often spoken of in derogatory terms, being labeled as cowards and there is a strong pressure for them to enlist in the military. The word na'varda, a common insult in the High Nelvaanian language, literally means 'civilian trash'.
The three citizenship tiers are often referred to as Nobles, Citizens and Civilians by the vast majority of the population. Due to the nation's militaristic culture and stratocratic society, the last category often face discrimination and derision from the former two. Parents sometimes force their children to enlist upon reaching the age of eighteen and the educational system pushes a heavy pro-military propaganda upon students, from a very young age, emphasizing the virtues of service, duty and loyalty towards the state.


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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R



Discipline is the cornerstone of any great military.
Battles are won by those who manage to stay in control,
of themselves and thus, of the battlefield.



A navy officer in uniform​
Commonly the first section of imperial society that outsiders come in contact with and quite often, the last, the Eternal Empire’s legions of troops and fleets of ships are known as one of the most disciplined military forces in the galaxy.

The military of the Eternal Empire is made up of volunteers and divided into several branches, most notably the Eternal Army and Eternal Navy, although technically, every institution in the Empire is an extension of the armed forces, down to the education department and healthcare institutions. Within the military, there also exist a number of special divisions made up of elite, or specialized forces, which are better equipped than the rank-and-file, but overall, the armed forces of the Eternal Empire are well-equipped and well-organized.

The navy of the Eternal Empire consists of several specialized ship classes that are designed to work together and form a greater, cohesive fleet, increasing their lethality and efficiency in combat by covering eachother’s weaknesses and supporting their strengths.

Lacking the numbers to match other, more populated nations in the galaxy, the forces of the Eternal Empire rely on a mixture of discipline, combined arms tactics, specialized equipment and force multiplication, most typically in the form of heavy artillery and dedicated close air support, in order to combat enemy forces and increase their odds of victory. Well-trained and fanatically devoted, the Empire’s soldiers are the nation’s primary instrument of both conflict and diplomacy.

On the front lines of the Empire, are the Ultranaut Corps, the nation’s equivalent to Stormtroopers, who are supported by a variety of special forces and combat engineers, making use of a wide variety of heavily armed and armored vehicles and deploying numerous types of heavy weapons and enough artillery to inflict devastating damage upon their targets. Cold, brutal and efficient, the Ultranauts are the Empire’s most recognizable and well-known troops, having fought all over the galaxy during the years since the Empire’s founding.

The ranks of the Eternal Empire's military branches, including the Eternal Army and the Navy, are linked below.



Highly disciplined and relentless, the Wolfguards are the Eternal Emperor's most famous and feared warriors. Undergoing a lengthy and difficult training process, Wolfguards are taught to master a wide variety of weapons, ranging from slugthrowers, to blasters, explosives and swords. Trained by Echani and Mandalorian battlemasters, Wolfguards are masters of a variety of combat techniques, a fact made especially apparent by their stunning skill in handling their distinctive Nelvaanian Longswords.

Wolfguards are easily recognizable by their armor and unique, wolf-head hooded cloaks, which give them a feral and frightening appearance, one that contrasts heavily with their legendary discipline. Other than that, they are equipped with modified Sk-UL Mk3 armor and utilize a number of additional technologies such as the KC-VISR optics system and LK Phantom camouflage system. They carry a wide assortment of weapons into battle, although they rely primarily on their hybrid rifles, weapons designed to counter Force Users.

Fanatically loyal, Wolfguards undergo a lengthy and subtle indoctrination process as part of their training, instilling into them a complete devotion towards the Eternal Emperor, even unto a complete disregard of self-preservation.

A highly mobile and effective strike force, Wolfguards are best suited for surgical strikes and missions that require swiftness and efficiency, as well as providing security to VIP's. Originally drawn from amongst the veterans of the Krayiss II campaign, particularly those who were the first to subsequently pledge their allegiance to Tacitus, their numbers have oscillated over the years as they suffered casualties and new recruits were raised.

They are typically seen accompanying the members of the Nelvaanian ruling dynasty as well as high-ranking officials, though the Emperor sometimes has them carry out tasks of a particularly delicate nature, such as assassination and capture.

The Eternal Army's Ultranaut Corps are the most recognizable, respected and feared military forces amongst the serving under the banner of the Eternal Empire. Starting out as a shipboard defense unit amongst the refugee fleet that would eventually form into the Eternal Empire, their doctrine has evolved drastically throughout the years since the Exodus in the aftermath of Krayiss II.

A far cry from their ragtag origins, the Ultranauts have gradually morphed into one of the most disciplined and effective fighting forces in the galaxy, capable of maintaining unit cohesion and keep fighting even under the most dire of circumstances, regardless of casualties or odds.

The standard two years training regime of the Ultranaut Corps is amongst the toughest and most difficult amongst any mainline military units in the galaxy, comparable to most special forces. Ultranaut recruits undergo a grueling drilling routine amongst some of the harshest environments known to the galaxy, in the harshest conditions possible, preparing them for a variety of combat scenarios, ranging from planetary assaults and sieges, to shipboard and EVA combat in high-G and low-G battlefields.

The 103rd Battle Droid Regiment came into being as an answer to the Eternal Empire's manpower problems, which became easily solved once its predecessor government relocated to the planet of Nelvaan and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The particular variant of B1 Battle Droids that the Eternal Army employs, is manufactured by Karavin Concern, a military-industrial conglomerate within the Empire, in the company's specialized droid factories. They do not differ much from other B1 variants, other than having a different paint scheme, using slightly different optics that glow and being outfitted with the company's KC-47 hybrid rifles, which have become the standard issue service weapon of the Eternal Empire's military, as well as the programming to use them.

Additionally, the droids manufactured for the 103rd Regiment are also outfitted with sonic detonators and concussion grenades. These weapons, along with their new rifles, give them a somewhat increased performance against Force users, although they still are not much of a threat to them, unless massed in great numbers.

Formed shortly after the reorganization that took place after the Shrouded Republic's exodus from the icy moon of Winter, the aptly-named 72nd 'Death Guards' Infantry Regiment consists almost entirely of Nelvaanians, volunteers from the Eternal Empire's now-lost homeworld that have elected to embrace their new government's values and beliefs of discipline, order and justice without mercy, thus enlisting in the military.

Organized and intended to be deployed as a shock troops unit, the 72nd Infantry Regiment is well equipped and periodically engages in military drills under the harshest conditions of their homeworld, as well as various other locations throughout the galaxy at large.

The deadly shock troops of this regiment have a much feared reputation because of their unadulterated, brutal savagery in combat, being trained to show no mercy to their foes and to torture any prisoners they capture, civilian or military, in acts of genocidal rampage.

Outfitted with hybrid rifles that fire both slugs and blaster bolts, like all of the Eternal Empire's military units, the soldiers of the 72nd Infantry Regiment are more effective against Force users, than soldiers outfitted with regular weapons and their training reflects that.


The gradual morphing of the Eternal Empire into a militaristic police state, brought with it the passing of laws such as the Counter-Insurgency Resolution, which allows the government to institute crackdowns against problematic individuals and groups that are deemed as challengers to the Empire’s officially-sanctioned set of values and ideology. Blackwatch is essentially the iron fist of the regime, given the mandate to maintain order and suppress foreign plots.

Nowadays, Blackwatch is known for its use of special police units that are little more than government death squads, a brutal tool of repression which the Eternal Throne makes liberal use of in order to suppress infiltrators, criminals and Jedi agents. Externally, they fulfill the role of intelligence agents, saboteurs and assassins, manipulating events at large so that they occur along the lines which are beneficial to the Eternal Empire’s interests and detrimental to its enemies.

Like the armed forces, the Eternal Empire’s dreaded Blackwatch is divided into several branches, handling tasks ranging from internal logistics and communications, to the compromising of enemy databases for a variety of nefarious purposes, to political policing and interrogation.

Easily recognized by the uniform trench coats that they wear over their Sk-UL armor, emblazoned with the all-seeing-eye emblem of their unit, Psi Corps operatives are a special branch of Blackwatch, the Eternal Empire's espionage and secret police organization.

Chosen from a pool of Force-sensitive individuals who show an aptitude for mental abilities, but who's other talents are too weak for admission into the Wardens of the Shroud, the Psi Corps are a special interrogation and communications unit that are embedded amongst the various regular branches of the military, intelligence and occasionally, law enforcement as well.

Undergoing a grueling training and indoctrination regime, Psi Corps operatives are brainwashed into fanatical loyalty towards the state and are taught to use their talents for communication, investigation and interrogation, allowing them to serve as a biological communications network of sorts, which can relay information back and forth between individual operatives, bypassing electronic communications jamming altogether.

Additionally, Psi Corps operatives excel at the task of interrogation, making use of a combination of torture, psychological coercion, manipulation and their mentalist abilities in order to extract information from captives, although this comes with a double-edged sword, as a Force User that is skilled enough in mentalist skills, can easily turn their own abilities against them.



Eternal Cross with Laurels
The military is the beating heart and the lifeblood of the Eternal Empire. Service in the armed forces, while not mandatory outside the aristocracy, is expected by society and promoted by the government. Sacrifice in the service of the nation is seen as the highest honor and those who give their lives on the field of battle are elevated to the status of heroes and celebrated as martyrs of the Empire. In order to reward acts of bravery and courage, the Eternal Empire has, like many other nations before it, created a system of commendations and awards.

Such commendations are awarded for actions and conduct of exemplary service to the nation and are proudly worn by those few who have received them. In the militaristic, stratocratic Eternal Empire, they are a status symbol, respected and desired by all who serve within the ranks of its formidable military.

The Eternal Empire's various awards and commendations are listed below:

- Army (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
  • Infantry Assault Badge
  • General Assault Badge
  • Armoured Battle Badge
  • Close Combat Clasp
  • Shocktrooper Badge
  • Anti-Air Badge
  • Enforcers Clasp
  • Sniper's Clasp
  • Wounded Badge
  • Tank Destruction Badge
- Navy & Air (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
  • Escort Badge
  • Capital Badge
  • Blockade Runner Badge
  • Line Battle Badge
  • Pilot's Badge
  • Fighter's Badge
  • Bomber's Badge
  • Naval Gunner's Badge
  • Capital Destruction Badge
  • Navigator's Clasp
  • Close Air Support Badge
- Eternal Cross
  • 2nd Class
  • 1st Class
  • Imperial Cross
  • Imperial Cross with laurels
  • Imperial Cross with laurels and arms
  • Imperial Cross with laurels, arms and eagle
-Eternal Legion Shield (awarded for loyalty, ideology and supportive conduct)
  • Campaign Medals
  • Service Duration Medals
  • Distinguished Service Medals (high)
  • Offence, Defence, Security, Duty, Training
  • Commendation Medal (medium)
  • Achievement Medal (low)
  • Emperor’s / Empress' Citation (unit or individual)
  • Unit/ship (Meritous, valorous, Gallant) Award


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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R


"The Force is a chain, thus I seek Freedom.
Through Freedom, I find Truth.
In Truth, I find Purpose.
From Purpose, I gain Strength.
With Strength, my Will prevails.
I shall break the chains."

- The Code of the Shroud​


We are not like the other organizations, sects and cults pretending to understand the Force, that are found scattered throughout this galaxy. The Jedi, so thoroughly brainwashed and afraid of their own individuality, completely surrender their wills and identities, to the Force, becoming little more than mindless puppets who run around like headless Gizka, throwing temper tantrums and patting themselves on the back, telling eachother the lie that they are doing a good job.

The Sith themselves are often hardly any better. Losing themselves to their greed and lust for power, they become self-absorbed creatures of impulse, instinct and whim, surrendering their capacity for higher reasoning in exchange for the mindless and base pursuits of pleasure, wealth and power.

We alone are capable of correcting their mistakes and undoing the disastrous state into which they have steered this galaxy. Whereas the Jedi concern themselves with mindlessly following their faith, just like the Sith follow their whims, we shoulder the burden of knowing what must truly be done.

The Jedi do what is right. The Sith do what they want. We do what is necessary.

The Wardens of the Shroud are a secret organization of influential Force Sensitive individuals within the Eternal Empire and are the closest thing to a Force-wielding order that the Empire has. Far from being just another branch of the government, or military, the secretive Wardens perform a mixture of functions and exist as an informal gathering of people who periodically gather to plot ways to advance their own hidden agenda, existing to further the Empire's interests and hidden agenda in the galaxy at large.

The name of their organization is derived from the notion that they are the keepers and guardians of the secret truth about the nature and meaning of life itself, a truth which the Force, seen by them as a sentient entity that is antagonistic towards the Galaxy, seeks to suppress and supplant with its Great Lie: that stagnation and mindless submission to its will are ultimately for the good of the individual and the Galaxy itself.

Heavily involved in numerous operations meant to expand their influence over the Galaxy, as well as infiltrating the ranks of numerous organizations and institutions, the primary goal of the Wardens is to ultimately shackle the Force and bring it under their total control, or, failing that, destroy it in its entirety.

Although not having any kind of official or formal function within the imperial government or its institutions, the Wardens are trained in the arts of combat and various techniques of the Force and wear distinctive attire that conceals their identities, whenever they deem it necessary to reveal their presence to the public. With a few minor exceptions, the identities of the Wardens are kept secret from all but their fellow members.

The Wardens follow their own code, which is centered around the idea that the ends always justify the means and that sometimes, it is necessary to carry out a lesser evil, in order to prevent a greater one, or to serve that which they believe the greater good, in this case, the destruction of various organizations which are seen as the tools of their ultimate enemy, the Force.

Far from being a benevolent order, however, the Wardens will not hesitate to resort to violent and extreme methods in order to advance their mission and they employ a combination of both Light and Darkside powers, depending on what the situation requires.


The emblem of the Wardens is the Black Star, which represents the tenets of the Code of the Shroud. Members of the order wear snow-colored robes and cloaks, adorned with feathers, animal bones and/or furs, for psychological impact and are almost always masked when appearing in public as Wardens, to hide their identity. The lightsaber color for members of the order is black and every member crafts a black lightsaber as part of completing his or her apprenticeship, although individual members are free to use whichever lightsaber they prefer.

The symbolism is intentionally designed to set the Wardens apart from other orders of Force Users, as well as a psychological weapon which combines with their secrecy and the various rumors and stories circulating about their organization, in order to instill dread amongst the ranks of their enemies.

Internal Hierarchy
The hierarchy of the Wardens of the Shroud is organized into a Master-Knight-Apprentice structure, like classic orders. However, these ranks hold different names and promotions are handled a bit differently. At the very top of the hierarchy, sits the Eternal Emperor, the absolute, undisputed leader of their order. The other ranks ranks are listed as following:
  • Lord Commander: The Lords Commander are the masters of the Wardens, charged with the role of leadership, spiritual and philosophical guidance and overall strategy for the order. In order to become a Lord Commander, a Knight Warden must first receive approval from at least half of the existing Lords Commander, then must complete a Journey of Solitude, where the aspirant must survive for thirty days alone in the wilderness of a harsh, unpopulated planet, using only their wits, lightsaber and meager survival supplies that they are given.
  • Knight Warden: The Knight Wardens are full members of the order, tasked with being the eyes, ears and the arm of the Lords Commander. They also perform the task of training initiates. In order for an Initiate to become a full Knight, he must first receive the approval of his teacher, before attempting a Trial of Shrouds, essentially a spiritual journey that an Initiate's Knight Warden teacher devises. Each Trial of Shrouds is different and decided by the Initiate's master.
  • Warden Initiate: Initiates are apprentices, who have yet to learn enough to be qualified as full-ranked members of the order and are still under the tutelage of a Knight Warden. There is no set number of years for the duration of this apprenticeship, in order to advance, an Initiate must first receive approval from his or her tutor, then attempt to pass a Trial of Shrouds and earn a black lightsaber.

Warden Initiation Ceremony
Upon recruitment into the Wardens of the Shroud, each initiate will undergo an initiation ceremony during which they are introduced to the Code of the Shroud and administered an oath. During this ceremony, the initiate's sponsor, another Warden of at least knight rank, will lead the new recruit into the chamber of ceremonies within the Warden Stronghold.

A candle-lit table is placed at the center of the room, with the Stronghold's residing Lords Commander each standing behind one of the seats. Wardens of knight or initiate rank, shall stand further back, in the shadows and dressed in full Warden attire, their faces concealed by their masks.

Upon entering the chamber, the new recruit is to proceed to the head of the table, draw his sword or lightsaber and place it upon the table. Afterwards, the Wardens in the shadows will recite the Code of the Shroud.

Finally, the sponsor will instruct the recruit to kneel and will recite the words of the oath, which consists of three phrases:

"Uphold the principles of our Order and all that for which we stand. Never share our secrets, or divulge the true nature of our work. Do so until death, whatever the cost."

The sponsor shall then slap the recruit with the back of his hand, accompanying the gesture with the words "That is your oath. And this is so you would remember it."

The recruit will then be prompted to rise and the other Wardens within the chamber shall then welcome the new initiate as a brother or sister, as is the case.

The beliefs of the Wardens center around the idea that the Will of the Force is the source of all evil in the Galaxy and the cause of its biggest problems. The Force itself is viewed as a sort of puppeteer, a sentient, malevolent entity which enslaves people through the spread of various Cults centered around it, in order to effectively steer the Galaxy away from the natural order dictated by the principle of natural selection and in a direction which benefits its own interests.

Thus, the Wardens take upon themselves the task of finding a way of lobotomizing and shackling the Force, bringing it under the complete control of those who can be entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining the balance (the Wardens themselves), or destroying it altogether, if it becomes necessary. They see themselves as being in a state of war with the Force itself, with the stake being that the winner enslaves the loser.

Their secondary objective is to prevent the spread of such Force Cults that are seen as the tools of the enemy, from becoming entrenched within the Eternal Empire, the Wardens' power base.

Of all the various organizations centered around the Force, it is the Jedi whom they despise above all others. The Jedi Code's own open notions of surrendering to the will of the Force, are seen as anathema to the principles that the Wardens uphold and the Jedi Code's notion of peace is often referred to as the Noble Lie, as peace causes stagnation, which ultimately leads to tragedy of apocalyptic proportions.

The Sith are seen in a somewhat different light, due to their individualistic nature and beliefs. While the Wardens admire the Sith Code's promotion of individual improvement, those Sith who give in to their impulses and allow themselves to be controlled by their own emotions, are seen as the Sith who failed to achieve their true potential, while those few who have succeeded to rise above such impulses and have achieved mastery over them, such as some of the more powerful Sith Lords, are respected for their accomplishment.

The core principles and beliefs of the Wardens are condensed into the Code of the Shroud, explained below:

The Force is a chain, thus I seek Freedom.
The first line of the Code represents the belief that the Force is a chain, a sentient, malevolent entity which enslaves and controls its wielders and thus manipulates the Galaxy for its own ends. Most Jedi are believed to be hypocritical, mindless drones who lack individuality and independent thought, while most Sith are seen as little more than animals, lacking self-control, driven by base instinct and momentary impulse. A Warden seeks internal discipline, while maintaining individuality.

Through Freedom, I find Truth.
The second line of the Code represents the enlightenment and inner balance which comes after one has gained freedom from ideological conformity to a Force alignment, through individual growth. This is achieved through mastering, but not suppressing one's emotions.

In Truth, I find Purpose.
The third line of the Code explains that the Warden has a duty and serves a calling higher than the Force itself. The Warden has ascended from being a mere Force wielder and has become more than the Force's tool, gaining a true understanding and acceptance of the concept that the various ideologies and religions often associated with the Force, are a deception through which the Force itself manipulates the Galaxy and being willing to work to prevent any Force cult from gaining too much influence, in order to hinder the Force's means of influencing events in the Galaxy.

From Purpose, I gain Strength.
The fourth line explains that a Warden gains the unshakable willpower that is derived from commitment to the greater mission of the order. A Warden is willing to do whatever it takes to advance the order's goal of shackling the Force under the order's control, by any means necessary and at any cost.

With Strength, my Will prevails
The fifth line of the Code teaches the Warden that the controlling and corrupting influence of the Force is shed through sufficient willpower. Willpower allows Wardens to wield all aspects of the Force without becoming corrupted by its influence. A Warden remains disciplined, stalwart and rational, without giving up one's emotions and surrendering one's identity, like the Jedi, while also resisting the Darkside's temptation to give in to one's impulses and fall onto a path of self-indulgence.

I shall break the chains.
The fifth and final line of the Code represents the order's ultimate mission to free the galaxy from the destructive influence of the Force by gaining absolute control over it. At this point, the Warden has gone through the process of becoming a truly awakened Force wielder and is now fully prepared to embrace and accomplish the mission of the order. This is to be accomplished through any means necessary, even if those means are an evil onto themselves, as they are seen as serving the greater good.


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"...To function, a nation requires reliable communications
to be maintained between all of its institutions and holdings.
Without the secure flow of information, no government
can maintain order for long..."


The Logistics Corps Unit 404, also known as the Special Courier Service, was formed to fulfill a niche need of information and small items being shipped quickly and reliably across the Eternal Empire's territory. While many contractor companies handle the bulk of freight being sent across the systems of the Empire, Unit 404 carries small items, diplomatic pouches, classified communiques, and other items that need to get quickly from one place to another. This even includes rapid credit or precious material transfers as needed.

Unit 404 is a recent addition to the government's Logistics Corps institution, but has been delivering special cargo and packages for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Imperial Assembly, and other institutions of the Eternal Empire and high-ranking aristocrats for a few years, now. These “Couriers” are extremely loyal and highly reliable, known to carry out their tasks swiftly and efficiently, with a high degree of professionalism and insuring that they never miss a deadline.

Some whisper that the Blackwatch Psi Corps have conditioned all these pilots and couriers for absolute loyalty, due to the nature of the cargo that they transport. Logistics Corps Unit 404 is known for its quick, efficient deliveries and its discretion. While classified delivery services are its main function, they are often placed in charge of the maintenance of technological utilities, such as holonet, satellite feeds, hyperspace buoys, and other systems that are considered vital for the infrastructure of communication and connectivity throughout the Empire.




>> WARNING: The following briefing contains classified information. The unauthorized access, attempt to access, or distribution of this material, constitutes a capital offense under Imperial law.
>> Ultor-level clearance required

The Logistics Corps Unit 404 was formed a few years ago when a member of Wardens of the Shroud decided to go rogue. Due to the isolation of the Wardens of the Shroud and the lack of oversight, this betrayal nearly toppled the Wardens and caught the Lords Commander completely off guard.

As a reaction to this, the Eternal Emperor secretly formed the Logistics Corps Unit 404, as a cover for a secret cadre of agents known as Envoys, wishing to avoid having to rely solely on the Wardens in times of crisis. While couriers are the ones who carry out Unit 404's public and official functions. Envoys are something altogether different.

Envoys are hand selected by the Eternal Emperor and the Emissary, who is rumored to oversee the Envoys. Within this logistics division is an elite cadre of agents who answers only to the Eternal Emperor. These operatives are called in when the Eternal Emperor feels that a critical situation had gotten out of hand and can not be resolved through the established protocols of the other governmental institutions, but is still capable of being salvaged. Under the guise of members of Logistics Corps Unit 404, the Envoys would be given the resources, information, authorization and any assets they require, in order to find a solution to these critical problems, in a discrete manner.

The assigned team of Envoys would then resolve the situation by any means necessary and in any way they see fit, being granted discretionary powers to act outside of established protocols and hierarchy. No record of their tasking or missions is ever kept and the existence of the Envoys is a closely guarded secret, which is not mentioned in any documentation, anywhere throughout the Empire.

The Envoys within the Logistics Corps Unit 404 have the mission to safeguard the Eternal Empire from both enemies far and within their own borders. These Envoys are secretly pulled from different institutions and military branches of the Eternal Empire in order to mix and match the best teams to solve any given problem. This unit’s existence is only known to very few high-ranking members of the Eternal Empire's government.


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I shall have no other allegiance than to the mission.
I shall not break faith with my employer,
Nor shall I dishonor the Guild which I represent.
Other considerations are meaningless.
The Contract is All.

- Ceremonial oath of admission, Contractors' Guild​


A highly militarized and aggressive nation, the Eternal Empire was bound to attract those who see war as a business venture and make a career out of the pursuit for conflict, or who would serve the Empire, but would prefer to do so outside of the highly rigid confines of its military.

This, coupled with the manpower shortages that the Empire suffers from, in comparison to other governments and organizations across the galaxy, have led the imperial government to pursue partnerships with various mercenaries throughout its history, in order to supplement its regular military and law enforcement units. Mercenaries and bounty hunters have been an integral part of the imperial war machine since its inception.

As the number of mercenaries within the Empire's employment grew to a significant amount, the imperial government made the decision to formally bring all of these talented individuals under the umbrella of a single, regulated organization, simplifying bureaucracy and logistics, as well as facilitating the inclusion of independent contractors into its military and political doctrine.

The Contractors' Guild is, essentially, the Eternal Empire's official, state-run organization for mercenaries and bounty hunters, effectively functioning as a regulatory and unionized body for soldiers of fortune, as well as a centralized marketplace to facilitate and anonymize the process of connecting employers with those who provide mercenary services.

Unlike most institutions in the Empire, which are characterized by their rigid hierarchical structure, the Contractors' Guild is a much slimmer and trimmed down organization which functions more like a stock exchange than a military. Members pay a monthly fee, in exchange gaining access to the Guild's market of contracts and the support of its facilities, from medical services, to equipment providers and legal counselling. With each contract being vetted by the Guild's Quartermasters before publication to the Contract Board, Contractors effectively operate with official state sanction and can thus rest assured that their business will not incur the wrath of the authorities, so long as they do not break imperial law while carrying out their jobs.

Within imperial territory, the Guild is represented by a Quartermaster's Office within each major settlement, with smaller offices being spread out amongst clusters of smaller towns and villages. Led, as the name suggests, by a Quartermaster, each office includes facilities for Guild bureaucracy, a main waiting hall which also contains a Contract Board along with a reception areas where Contractors can take on jobs, a cantina for Guild members to socialize and a requisitions office where the various Guild members may place orders for equipment, which, in a manner unique in the Empire, may be purchased through a leasing agreement, in which a fee is deduced from each contract, until the full amount is paid, Guild regulations stipulating that Contractors must keep completing contracts until all debts are paid in full.

Additionally, the Guild also offers equipment maintenance services at competitive prices to its members, with such facilities being present within each Quartermaster's Office, although the members are not required to utilize this service, should they prefer not to.

The Guild itself falls under the jurisdiction of the Overseer of the Armed Forces, although other than a few bureaucratic personnel jobs and the Quartermasters themselves, there is no formal command structure. The organization simply facilitates mercenary and bounty hunter services and Contractors themselves may operate alone, or in groups with internal hierarchies decided upon by their members.

The contracts offered through the Guild, come in various types, with employers that may or may not choose to remain anonymous. Contracts may range from tech specialist jobs, to medical services, private security, full-fledged military jobs offered by the state and state-sanctioned arrests and assassinations, usually of wanted criminals that have somehow managed to evade capture by agents of the law.

In order to insure that Contractors only take jobs that they are qualified for, Contracts are categorized by levels, with higher ones representing jobs that pay more, but are more difficult and dangerous, although there are some notable exceptions in this categorization system. Contractors must pass qualification requirements in order to gain certification for higher-level contracts. Some specialist contracts may require additional qualifications.

  • Level 1: Low-level support jobs and services
  • Level 2: Specialist services requiring a high degree of expertise. Slicers, medical professionals, etc
  • Level 3: Private security jobs, bodyguards, etc
  • Level 4: High-level specialist jobs requiring an expert degree of associated skills
  • Level 5: Apprehension and capture of fugitives and wanted individuals
  • Level 6: State-sanctioned assassinations and other highly dangerous missions
  • Military Contracts: Battlefield operations and military actions alongside the Empire's forces. These come in various shapes or forms, ranging from logistics and medical services, to front-line combat and special operations. These may also be classified by levels, depending on the job being offered and the required qualifications
  • Intelligence Contracts: These are contracts offered by Blackwatch, the state intelligence service and secret police. They usually involve espionage, surveillance and sensitive operations requiring a high degree of finesse and skill and are usually associated with much stricter regulation and non-disclosure agreements, given the nature of these jobs.
Admission into the Guild is done by paying an entry fee, followed by a monthly contribution which enables the institution to keep running its services. Upon joining, new members undergo a Ceremony of Admission, during which they are sworn in under oath to conduct themselves in accordance with Guild standards of professionalism, also serving to build kinship with fellow Guild members and to foster a sense of belonging to something greater than a mere mercenary outfit.


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Hidden Enclave


The Hidden Enclave is a breakaway Jedi order located within the Unknown Regions and opposed to the Eternal Empire. An organization coalesced from several groups of Jedi dissatisfied with what they perceive as the politicization of the Silver Jedi Order and other prominent Jedi orders throughout the galaxy, the Hidden Enclave rejects the formality of other Jedi orders and focuses more on its mission to protect life.

Establishing their headquarters in the Unknown Regions, the Jedi of the Hidden Enclave have recently come into conflict with the Eternal Empire due to the latter's stated goal to subjugate the galaxy and its fanatical militarism, its openly aggressive policies coming into direct conflict with the Enclave's ideals of peace and the preservation of life.

Their opposition to the Empire's expansion has aligned them with the Eclipse Rebellion and has brought them into the resistance against the aggression of the Empire in the wake of the Imperial military 's massacre at Bakura.

Focusing less on the formal traditions of the Jedi, which they perceive as stuffy, pretentious and political, the members of the Hidden Enclave care very little about maintaining appearances and dogma, preferring a more practical approach which is reflected in their outfits and their almost complete lack of symbols.

The emblem of their order is a silver tree, overlaid onto a green Jedi symbol, its wings intertwining with the tree's branches to symbolize their mission to protect life and live in harmony with nature. The Jedi of the Hidden Enclave tend to forego the more recognizable and traditional robes of the other Jedi orders, favoring instead simple, flowing clothing with an organic feel, which is more practical in nature and allows them to move more easily and comfortably.

This informality is also reflected amongst the order's hierarchy, which is much less strict and less rooted in tradition, being fairly common for Padawans, Knights and Masters to mingle, treating eachother as an extended family or a gathering of friends, rather than a formal organization.

The Jedi of the Hidden Enclave follow the philosophy of the Living Force, believing that the Force is something that is present in all life, binding all living things together and driving the balanced cycle of life, death and rebirth, concepts which feature prominently in the beliefs of the Hidden Enclave's members along with the concept that fully grasping the Living Force and understanding one's place in it, allows them to retain their consciousness within its flow, even after death.

These beliefs have led them to adopt a nonaggressive philosophy, fighting only in self-defense or in the defense of the natural balance of life. The exception to this is what they perceive as threats to this balance, the spread of the Darkside and its violence, which causes death to far outstrip life, death which does not feed into the natural cycle of rebirth and renewal, thus causing an imbalance in the Force.

This is what leads them to oppose the Eternal Empire, who's policies of aggressive expansion and brutal enforcement of its ideology, which envisions a galaxy existing in a state of permanent war, has led the Jedi of the Hidden Enclave to believe that the Empire is the single greatest threat to the balance of the Force in the entire galaxy.

The Hidden Enclave's desire to find a deeper, more meaningful connection to life has also lead them to embrace the more mystical and spiritual practices of the Jedi beliefs, such as mourning all those who died in battle, even their fallen enemies, as death is seen as the cessation of all potential. Anyone still alive can be seen as having value and meriting salvation.

Internal Hierarchy
Although following the conventional structure of Jedi orders at a glance, dividing its members into Masters, Knights and Padawans, the Hidden Enclave's hierarchy is considerably less formal and structured. Decisions concerning the order are made with the consultation of all of its members, including the Padawans, taking a more democratic approach to the organization's internal governance and its members are granted considerably more autonomy than the members of comparable orders. Rank is seen purely as an indication of mastery of the Force and understanding of the Enclave's philosophy, rather than a hierarchical position.

The Masters of the Enclave function more as an advisory body, than a decision-making entity within the order, emparting their wisdom to the other members of the order, although the members of the Enclave tend to follow the advice of the Masters of their order.

In accordance with its philosophy, the Hidden Enclave does not engage in the practice of conscripting Force Sensitive younglings into the order's ranks, choosing instead to accept only those who receive the call to find them, often in the form of visions. Although they extend their invitation to those they deem worthy, those individuals who hear the call are not forcibly conscripted, being granted the choice to join them of their own free will.

Eclipse Rebellion


"For too long, the Unknown Regions have fallen prey to autocratic, totallitarian regimes seeking to spread the oppression of the Darkside to all the corners of the galaxy and snuff out any glimmer of freedom or hope. We all remember too well the atrocities of the First Order and now, a new imperial power seeks to take its place, an Eternal Empire which hangs over the horizon like a black hole eclipsing the first fragile rays of the spring of freedom, that this region of galaxy has been given. That is why we, those disgruntled few who refuse to give into the bleakness which this Empire preaches, must make a stand and fight, to keep hope alive. We have no other choice. The Imperials wish to cast an unending eclipse upon the Unknown Regions. Instead, let us be the Light that eclipses their darkness."

The Eclipse is a highly decentralized and unorthodox organization consisting of several pro-democracy rebel cells, groups of disgruntled individuals, Jedi and followers of the Light, which have banded together out of concern regarding the growing power of the Eternal Empire in the Unknown Regions.

Following the collapse of the First Order in the wake of the devastating Ssi-Ruuvi campaign across this portion of the galaxy, the Unknown Regions have enjoyed their first glimpse of freedom in decades, although this freedom has been marred by a set of problems associated with the devastation left behind after the fall of the First Order. Poverty, lawlessness and general anarchy have turned the Unknown Regions into a very dangerous place, though despite this, a few embers of hope have started to emerge in the form of several nascent democracies and Jedi sects, although many of these soon fell prey to the machinations of the new imperial power building its forces on the remote planet of Kalidan.

Seeking to pave the way for the eventual takeover of the Unknown Regions, the agents of the Eternal Empire have carried out a campaign of election meddling, assassinations, blackmail and general destabilization, while outwardly promoting a bleak vision of a future that is even more militarized and dictatorial than what the First Order espoused. Under this new Empire, even the pretense of peace would be cast out, replaced by a government-mandated, uniform culture which glorifies war and stamps out individuality and self-expression in favor of a mentality of complete devotion to the state.

In response to this, a growing number of people are flocking to join the ranks of the Eclipse rebellion, determined to keep the Unknown Regions from once again falling under the control of an authoritarian, Darkside regime.

The Eclipse rebellion is a highly decentralized group with no formal command structure as of yet, consisting of a growing number of cells of varying sizes. As expected, they are equipped with a wide variety of disparate equipment and ships, ranging from old blasters and modified freighters, to some high-tech gear and even a few cruisers. Efforts to infiltrate Kalidan, the Imperial homeworld are currently underway, although this is proving to be difficult due to the extraordinary harshness of the planet's environment, as well as the tight grip which the Empire keeps on it. In addition to that, members of the Eclipse rebellion have taken it upon themselves to sabotage ongoing Imperial operations in the Unknown Regions, aiming to curtail its spreading influence.​
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Black Sun


Black Sun is a confederation of some of the largest criminal organizations in the galaxy. Tired of being stomped out by large empires, the underworld entities have decided to align the cartels together into an elusive criminal presence the galaxy has never seen. Recently, they have begun making inroads into the Eternal Empire, expanding their presence and operations throughout the Unknown Regions

  • The Underlords and Vigos of Black Sun run the main functions of Black Sun. Underlords set the strategic direction of Black Sun. They are Crimelords, with many subordinates working for them across the galaxy. Vigos are Crimelords in their own right, who also have many in the galaxy working for them. They are more apt to get their hands dirty. While Underlords are technically "over" them, the smart Underlords know better than to push their luck with powerful Vigos.

  • The Black Sun Cartels have thousands of members among its ranks. Most of them belong to one criminal enterprise or another. The Underlord Council is typically comprised of the most powerful crimelords, but that is not always the case. Vigos can amass and wield great power within the Black Sun Cartels--often, might makes right. As the Black Sun Cartels continue to expand, more and more non-Chiss and other aliens have begun to fill their ranks.

    All members of the Black Sun Cartels undergo a rigorous vetting process. In fact, members are almost always approached about joining and not the other way around. A series of “Trials” are undergone by the perspective member, demonstrating their loyalty to the organization. These prospects are rigorously tested, even to the point of death during their Trials. If someone marries into the family, they must undergo the same Trials, no matter what…rare are the exceptions with avoiding these trials.

  • Honor among thieves is the name of the game. All of the organizations and individuals in the Black Sun Cartels are about the credits and survival. Though some of their businesses may be hidden, the criminals of the Black Sun Cartels rule with fear and brutality. While there is backstabbing among their lot, they can quickly become united against common threats.

  • Most factions are wary of the Black Sun Cartels due to them not disguising who and what they are about--they make no bones about who they are. As such, many of other actions ally with them, hoping the Black Sun Cartels can regulate crime within their territories. The idea being is that it is better to have the enemy you can see than the one you cannot.

  • It is common to have members of the Black Sun Cartels to have brands and tattoos to show their commitment to the organization, but it is not unheard of for those to have no such markings. It is rumored that there is a holovid floating around the underworld called "I Manifest My Own Damn Destiny" that is wildly popular, which explains the expectations of a member of the Black Sun Cartels.

  • Obey the Underlords (you do not want to disappear without saying goodbye). Follow the Vigos (because they are murder incarnate). Honor among our own (at least until I am credit laden). Never get so attached you cannot walk away in 30 seconds (make it 10 seconds flat).

  • The goal of the Black Sun Cartels is to expand, control planets, milk them for credits and move to the next system and drain the coffers there so that credits flow like rain. Make allies and control all criminal activities in the galaxy. Only room for one big dog and that is us.

Historical Information
  • Black Sun has had a long and torrid history. It was formed in 3653 BBY on Coruscant, but in the years to follow, its influence and reach expanded quickly to become a galactic crime syndicate. Law enforcement agencies quickly rallied to try and stop its growth and had some minor successes. For some time after, even up until the Clone Wars, tens of throusands of foot soldiers and hundreds of Vigos were based in safehouses and fortresses across the galaxy, including the scarcely populated areas of the Outer Rim.

    During the Galactic Civil War, a Vigo named Prince Xizor took over Black Sun and allied it with the Empire. It was an era of prestige and growth with the support of the Emperor, an unlimited credit account and little opposition. However, that reign would stop at the end of the war and Xizor's death. It would take some twenty years to rebuild enough strength to be placed on the galactic map again.

    Several attempts to restore that organization have been made, but with little success.

    Malicar Raith took control of Black Sun recently, really by accident. He stumbled onto the remnants of Black Sun and dispatched its leader, discovering later that it was actually the leader of the vaunted Black Sun. It was in that moment, Malicar decided to leverage its fearsome reputation to unite the most powerful underworld organizations the galaxy has ever seen.

    After Malicar, Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt is the new leader, and his first man Arturo Braga Arturo Braga .
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N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R

Administrative Divisions of the Empire

The Eternal Empire is organized into a system that superficially resembles a feudal monarchy, consisting of administrative divisions that contain their own, smaller subdivisions, all of them under the control of the Imperial Heartland, which is, in turn, controlled by Kalidan, the Imperial capital. In theory, this makes for a very well organized, clearly-defined, military-style efficient hierarchy, though in reality this results in the Heartland and Kalidan, especially, holding a disproportionately large amount of power over the other provinces, further accentuating the divisions between the staunchly Imperial, sparsely-populated worlds of the Imperial Heartland and the more populous and reluctant planets of the other provinces, nowhere being more visible than in the Imperial Assembly, where the ruler of a single city on Kalidan holds as much power as the rulers of entire planets.

Each province is ruled by a Despot, a regional ruler appointed directly by the Emperor / Empress, usually from amongst the aristocracy, though it is not unheard of for an active military official to be appointed to the position. Much like the viceroyalties of medieval kingdoms, the title of Despot is not hereditary, although the appointment is for life, or until revoked by the Eternal Emperor / Empress.

Provinces are further divided into baronies, each consisting of a single planet or star system, though it is not unheard of for even asteroid colonies such as Desolation Moon or sufficiently large space stations, to be counted as baronies as well. The title of Baron is either inherited, or granted by the local Despot, although it can also be awarded directly by the Emperor / Empress. Each planet also consists of its own administrative, local, subdivisions, which are populated by elected officials, such as mayors, etc, the exception being Kalidan, where each individual city is its own barony.

Finally, there also exists what the Empire describes as Special Administrative Territories, such as the Pacanth Reach, which, although geographically part of the Empire, are for all intents and purposes, fully independent nations, however maintaining close ties with the Imperial government through a convoluted web of mutual defense pacts, trade treaties and customs agreements.

Imperial Heartland
The Imperial Heartland, unofficially known as the Empire proper, is the most powerful and influential of the Imperial provinces, despite also being one of the most sparsely populated. The provincial capital is Kalidan, which is also the Imperial capital. Unlike the other provinces, the Heartland does not have a Despot, as that position is occupied by the Eternal Emperor. Kalidan is also unusual, in the sense that each of its cities is, by itself, a barony, something that is unique to the Imperial Capital.

Emperor/Empress: Ingrid L'lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
  • Kalidan: Baron Tubrok Ragal
    • Arcenon - Baron: Open
    • Vengard - Baron: Adrian Vandiir (nominal, by marriage)
  • Other Planets:
    • Saurus - Baron: Open
    • Tygeria - Baron: Open
    • Timora - Baron: Open
    • Desolation Moon - Baron: Open

Moddell Province
Sometimes called the Gateway Province, or the Gateway to the Empire, the Moddell province is the Empire's main connection to the Sanctuary Pipeline hyperlane, thus economically one of the most important territories in the Eternal Empire. Its provincial capital is Bakura.

Despot: Open
  • Bakura - Baron: Open
  • Ast Kikorie - Baron: Open
  • Abbaji - Baron: Open
  • Duatiel - Baron: Open
  • Vran'ti - Baron: Open

Rivain Province
Also known as Campania, after the Empire's rapid campaign to annex this territory, the Rivain province is one of the main industrial sectors of the Empire, outside of the Imperial Heartland, focusing primarily on the production of Bacta and medical equipment for the Empire's military. Its provincial capital is Verkuyl.

Despot: Open
  • Verkuyl - Baron: Open
  • Bursoll II - Baron: Open

Telvarin Province
Due to its proximity to the border with the Outer Planets Alliance, as well as the important nearby hyperlanes, the province of Telvarin is one of the most heavily militarized parts of the Empire, aside from the Heartland itself. With largely pro-Imperial views amongst the population, Telvarin is also one of the biggest contributors of new recruits for the Imperial Military outside of the Heartland planets. The provincial capital is Lanteeb.

Despot: Open
  • Lanteeb - Baron: Open

Kingdom of Elenthaeus
The Kingdom of Elenthaeus is a small nation located within the Unknown Regions, comprising its capital, Elenthaeus along with the planet Cattamascar. Following a political marriage between its ruler, Queen Vyra Silara and Darth Tacitus, the formerely Eternal Emperor of Kalidan, it has become a vassal state of the Eternal Empire, but is allowed to maintain its internal independence and self-rule due to treaties signed between the two nations.
Their special status was abolished after Vyra Silara's presumed death and the Kingdom of Elenthaeus was merged into the Eternal Empire.

Monarch: N/A (the position abolished after Vyra Silara's presumed death)
Despot: Open
  • Elenthaeus - Baron: Open
  • Cattamascar - Baron: Open

Special Administrative Territories

The Pacanth Reach
A vassal state and protectorate of the Sith Empire, the Pacanth Reach is an independent Epicanthix nation governed from the world of Panatha . It maintains ties to the Eternal Empire through a non-aggression pact, along with multiple trade treaties and customs agreements, often serving as the link between the Eternal Empire and the Sith Empire. Since the collapse of the Sith Empire, the Pacanth Reach has been the vassal state of the Eternal Empire.

Ruler: Adriel Zambrano
  • Panatha (Capital)
  • Fornow
  • Ravaath
  • Bunduki
  • Sorimow

Corporate Council of Annaj
Ostensibly a corporate democracy ruled by an elected council of corporate representatives, Annaj is a self-governing free trade zone within the Eternal Empire, with Imperial presence on the planet limited to Camp Zressh and a few orbital facilities used as a staging area by the Eternal Navy. Due to the involvement of the Black Suns organization in the highest levels of Annaji government, it is a haven for crime and corruption, where business that is not permitted in the rest of the Empire, is allowed to thrive.

  • Broka the Hutt
  • Annaj

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