Anastasia Panteer
Duchess, House Panteer
No one knew where she was, no one had heard of any crashes, and there had been no ransom demands. All that the parliament and nobles of Alderaan knew was that their Queen had been missing for a year, and with no heirs there was a calling of all to be present and find a solution.
Ana looked over the documents again, she tried to figure out was this procedure within the laws. There was a race among the noble houses to garner support to present themselves to be the next ruler of Alderaan. The Queen without heir to inherit the noble families would have to choose the next Ruler, and appoint the Vizier who would advise the Ruler until all requirements to ascend had been fulfilled.
This was the tradition of Alderaan society. That morning she knew her mother had already had meetings with many of the noble house leaders. The secret dealings behind closed doors the promises being made, the aliances being formed, all so that the family once they entered into the High Council chambers of Alderaan would have enough votes to influence the government.
Ana looked once again at the clock a few hours remained. She walked slowly toward the parlor to see if any others waited to meet with the Dutchess of House of Panteer. Ana's house was one of the oldest houses on Alderaan, and her house had the most rulers to ever sit upon the throne of Alderaan.
Was her mother vying fo the position of Queen? Or was she planning to support another's bid. An answer to a question she did not know nor did she think her mother would at any time right now share her thoughts. No her mother was the one who calculated the risks, and made the deals.
Ana would learn the outcomes later. She hoped not too late.
Ana looked over the documents again, she tried to figure out was this procedure within the laws. There was a race among the noble houses to garner support to present themselves to be the next ruler of Alderaan. The Queen without heir to inherit the noble families would have to choose the next Ruler, and appoint the Vizier who would advise the Ruler until all requirements to ascend had been fulfilled.
This was the tradition of Alderaan society. That morning she knew her mother had already had meetings with many of the noble house leaders. The secret dealings behind closed doors the promises being made, the aliances being formed, all so that the family once they entered into the High Council chambers of Alderaan would have enough votes to influence the government.
Ana looked once again at the clock a few hours remained. She walked slowly toward the parlor to see if any others waited to meet with the Dutchess of House of Panteer. Ana's house was one of the oldest houses on Alderaan, and her house had the most rulers to ever sit upon the throne of Alderaan.
Was her mother vying fo the position of Queen? Or was she planning to support another's bid. An answer to a question she did not know nor did she think her mother would at any time right now share her thoughts. No her mother was the one who calculated the risks, and made the deals.
Ana would learn the outcomes later. She hoped not too late.