Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Politics, lies, holo tapes, and deals. The next house to rule Alderaan is...(ask for invite)

No one knew where she was, no one had heard of any crashes, and there had been no ransom demands. All that the parliament and nobles of Alderaan knew was that their Queen had been missing for a year, and with no heirs there was a calling of all to be present and find a solution.

Ana looked over the documents again, she tried to figure out was this procedure within the laws. There was a race among the noble houses to garner support to present themselves to be the next ruler of Alderaan. The Queen without heir to inherit the noble families would have to choose the next Ruler, and appoint the Vizier who would advise the Ruler until all requirements to ascend had been fulfilled.

This was the tradition of Alderaan society. That morning she knew her mother had already had meetings with many of the noble house leaders. The secret dealings behind closed doors the promises being made, the aliances being formed, all so that the family once they entered into the High Council chambers of Alderaan would have enough votes to influence the government.

Ana looked once again at the clock a few hours remained. She walked slowly toward the parlor to see if any others waited to meet with the Dutchess of House of Panteer. Ana's house was one of the oldest houses on Alderaan, and her house had the most rulers to ever sit upon the throne of Alderaan.

Was her mother vying fo the position of Queen? Or was she planning to support another's bid. An answer to a question she did not know nor did she think her mother would at any time right now share her thoughts. No her mother was the one who calculated the risks, and made the deals.

Ana would learn the outcomes later. She hoped not too late.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

Ayumi rather liked this world, the turmoil that had come to it was not something she enjoyed hearing about... Well not always. She couldn't stand that she had that small beam of pride that Mayferria was doing better while it remained outside most notice in the galaxy. She didn't want to many people to come to her little slice of paradise and coming here was more because she could now. Wanting to meet and see if there was anyone interesting in the core worth her time.

Since the change over she had found more problems and trouble in enjoying herself.... and that was before the sith took Coruscant from the Republic. No she had found questionable things in everything lately and needed this. She needed a reason to want to stay and find enjoyment. Now she was incoming to the planet on the ship and had her arms crossed over her chest. "Ease her in and we'll say hello."
[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

The Duchess of House Panteer was a very busy woman the last few days. Lisbeth had met with most of the house leaders and made her pitches, and deals and pacts. By now, she was fairly certain that things would be going to her plan. The full extent of that plan was known only to her, with only pieces known to those that were going to help her see it through.

Her main allies were of house Teral, and house Antilles. But more importantly, she needed House Organa on her side. Unfortunately, the Duke had been off of her radar for some time. She was hoping that another of the house would be returning to see House Panteer take the throne once more. If she had the Organas, it would be done. The other houses were too busy warring to gather enough support to make a move. In fact, that was something that she had ensured would continue by adding fuel to the fires when necessary.

Her latest visitor was just leaving, and headed for the parlor, where her daughter would hopefully be waiting to show their next guest in. When all the guests vacated the estate, the Duchess would have a chat with her daughter. Anastacia was to play a very important role in all of this after all. But that would all depend on the session in High Council later that day.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Lisbeth Panteer"]

Ana knew her mother was planning it had already been rumored that House Ulgo and House Thul were warring upon one another and neither would support the other, or another House without some major concession or show of faith.

House Rist, Cortess and Frayus had been silent. No emissaries sent like the others and no inquiries, had they already made their deal? Were they in with one of the others, how much would it take. Ana wondered and waited would House Organa send someone, with the Duke having been gone for sometime, and the Dutchess often away, the Marchesa was often the representative to all meetings held.

Ana headed to the parlor to see if there was another yet to be presented. The room was empty. Did that mean there were no others. Ana headed to speak with her mother, knocking lightly, "Mother"

She pushed the door open to look inside, her mother looked very regal very commanding.
Dutchess Rianna Organa Ordo stood with her hands folded before her, in front of her were the representatives from House Rist, Cortess and Frayus smaller noble houses not as widely known but there were still other families that had inquired to Rianna of what House Organa was interested in for Alderaan.

It was widely known that House Panteer had put more family on the throne than any other. It was know that there were some Nobles that would fight to the death rather than see another Panteer on the throne. But Rianna had to think about what was in the best interests of Alderaan, and who would represent Alderaan to the Republic. She did not want to be Queen. Nor did she really want to see her sister Queen, her emotionally stability at times was questionable.

[member="Ordo"] her Riduur asked her where she thought the House should stand. She had looked at him this morning as they moved about the Palatial House near the ocean, this huge place that seemed to echo in loneliness. A place that she felt so out of place in. "We need someone strong to lead, who can make decisions and live with them." Rianna had sat down almost exhausted from the process.

Her husband stood with his arms crossed she was sure the Members before her felt a bit intimidated by him. They should be he was an imposing figure.

Rianna looked to those before again, "I am going to see Lisbeth Panteer, and ask her what she plans. And depending upon what she says will determine what I do next, but I thank you for your support and I know whomever House Organa supports you will support as well"
[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

The Duchess of House Panteer nodded to her daughter. "Come in and close the door." If her daughter was there, there were no others in need of her attention at that moment. She gestured to a chair across from her.

"Come and sit by me." She commanded, though to foreign ears, it would not seem so.

Lisbeth waited for her daughter to sit. "Has there been any response from House Organa?" The Duchess inquired. Though she already knew the answer to her question. If there had been, she would already know about it.

"I have secured the support of Houses Teral and Antilles. I would prefer to have the support of the Organas as well. Without it, it will be more more difficult. I am confident that we will have their support if I can speak to them."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Lisbeth Panteer"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

Ayumi had finally arrived on the planet and she stepped out of the ship letting her hair dangle. It was strange but for this she was looking alike a noble not a senator.... Well both but she had to blend in and offer what she could which is why she had a skirt on her waist wrapped around and it looked semi formal while walking. Her heels clicking on the stone and coming to a stop. "Ayumi here for whatever is happening. The Republics interests in the following events." The look she was getting annoyed her to no end as she rolled her eyes and looked around.

No one important looking and she spoke her eyes flaring while she gripped with on hand the taozin amulet to hide herself in the force. Her hand came up "You will let me inside and forget I was here." The yellow for a brief moment flaring until he gave a nod of his head and she walked forward. Eyes returnign to normal while a small brush off of her chest let her keep the force hiding necklace and her own equipment hidden. She didn't plan on what might happen being violent but best to be prepared and if worse came to worse she could always choke a person.
The High Council made up of the noble families of Alderaan were beginning to gather Rianna had yet to speak with Lisbeth. She knew they had but two hours to make their entry at the Council to say their peace, make their deals, and live with the results.

Rianna called for transportation, she wanted to ride but it would seem unlady like for her to do so now. And time was of the essence. Taking a deep breath she stood up and began to walk she looked over to her riduur, "What I must do is out of character for me but it must be done, and only I can do it." Her dark eyes showed a bit of uncertainty. She half smiled as was her nervous way when thinking.

"Lisbeth is hard as nails her reputation has her as one who does whatever is needed."

A shadow fell in the doorway, "MiLady transportation has arrived."

Rianna looked to Ordo, "There is never enough time" And with that she headed out the door. Again she remembered the ride to House Panteer, she remembered how her father and mother talked about the alliance they had made that night. Rianna was going to try and make the same alliance it would bind the two houses together. She only hoped that if it were accepted that her family would understand and forgive in time.

[member="Lisbeth Panteer"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"]
[member="Lisbeth Panteer"]

Ana stepped inside closing the door quietly. She sat down beside her mother it was unusual for her to ask. Ana knew something was up. Had the meetings nit gone as expected. Before they went further, "I am told the Dutchess will be coming Lady Mother "

The plans were going."we must leave for the High council meeting soon" they would be waiting. What else could be said. She waited.
[member="Rianna Ordo"]

Ordo watched quietly and listened. His thick arms crossed over his barrel chest as he stood by his riduur. He wore his armor as a matter of choice but now his ceremonial kama and paludron carried Rianna's family crest. It was a small statement but it spoke volumes as to how he view the family and the people he had married into. He was a duke here regardless of what people thought and he would stand by his Dutchess no matter what. As she turned and spoke he offered her a smile that told all she was to him.

"I'm here cyar'ika," he said simply, "no matter what."

As she left he took his place beside her and followed.
The Duchess of Panteer was pleased to hear that the Duchess of Organa would be joining them. The Duchess was a Jedi, and more than likely not interested in unrest on Alderaan. Negotiations would be possible. She had a good feeling about them.

"I am pleased to hear that. I am confident that we can come to an understanding before the High Council meets. Please ensure that the Duchess is brought in immediately upon her arrival and that our transportation is ready to depart as soon as we're finished negotiations."

Lisbeth nodded to her daughter, effectively dismissing her. She watched her leave before straightening herself again in preparation for her next meeting.

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Ordo"]
She could not express her emotions enough to him to have him here with her standing at her side. This was an environment of diplomacy and dealings, politics which she hated. But was necessary. She held tight to his hand as they rode along, her thoughts on what exactly she would say to Lady Panteer. She wished for a moment that none of this was needed that the decisions had been made. But no, as they crossed the great bridge over the deep divide Rianna tried to keep memories from surfacing that was then, this was now.

When they came to a stop Rianna turned as the Panteer footmen opened the door and offered her a hand. Rianna reached out carefully and stepped down. Panteer House ancient old full of history. She looked back at Ordo and smiled. She needed his strength right now to feed her courage which seemed to be running away.

Exhaling as they walked up the stairs and through the front doors, Rianna looked about nothing seemed to have changed in this place except the occupants. The Butler came forward, Rianna pushing down the butterflies in her stomach, "Please tell Lady Panteer that Lord and Lady Organa Ordo are here to speak with her" There was no need to say what was the business, it would be well known.

[member="Lisbeth Panteer"] [member="Ordo"]

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Lisbeth Panteer"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

Ayumi was finally there now, letting herself loosen up just enough to relax and blend in while she waited to see and hear. There would no doubt be something of interest. Maybe some action beyond talks she would be able to see for all the fun things. She leaned against a wall and brushed herself off with a smile. "Well not for the fun to begin."
The message came to her ear and she ordered them brought into the parlor where she would have waited until the last possible moment before they had to leave for the meeting of the High Council. The Duchess stood to greet her guests, without her daughter present.

"Lady Organa, it is a pleasure to see you again. Allow me to offer my congratulations on your recent union." Lisbeth smiled and looked to Ordo. "Welcome to House Panteer. I would love to give you a proper welcome, but unfortunately our time is short, so I will cut straight to business."

She gestured to seats, and refreshments, if they so desired. "I have a proposition that would bring an end to the conflicts on Alderaan. My house has the support of the Terals and Antilles, and I am certain that your house has the Rist and Cortess houses behind you. So my proposition is this. We merge our houses and ensure peace on Alderaan."

The Duchess paused to allow the idea to sink in. "With the amount of support we have combined, we can thwart those that would not support us. I will place my daughter on the throne, with her betrothed to an Organa of your choice."

[member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Ordo"]
It was the most direct encounter Rianna had with someone who was not of the force. The sheer presence and commanding figure of Lisbeth Panteer it was easy to see why she had the reputation as being formidable. Rianna had barely begun to understand the words as Lady Panteer spoke.

She was not surprised to learn that they already knew who had come to her to align themselves with House Organa. Rianna believed many came because of the history she often wondered would they have if it were not for that. But then again she remembered the look in their eyes as they came into the parlor they had all immediately looked at her riduur. His presence, his commanding fierce stance with penetrating eyes that would make any of them stand still.

"Yes, I have the alliance of Rist, Cortess and Frayus." It was enough to help with any vote. "You want to put Ana on the throne, and not yourself." That was a surprise to Rianna, a complete surprise. And it made her leary of the woman, why her daughter and not herself. And was it to make a great matter.

The only single Organa male was her nephew Theo. Theo was among the missing, and Lady Panteer knew that. Ana had been coming to House Organa for a time Rianna hesitated. Her nephew would not be happy about such a match he would do it as a sense of duty but he would likely not forgive her.

"We will announce the engagement of Ana to Theo, with a condition." Rianna needed eyes on this, "Ana will accept a mandalorian body guard, and if my nephew has not returned in a year's time Ana will marry another of my choosing" Rianna knew she needed time to judge this arrangement. And by marrying Theo to Ana it would mean the next generation on the throne of Alderaan would be a member of House Organa.

"What do you say to that Lady Panteer?" Rianna had not looked over at Ordo but she knew he listened to every word, and anything that he did not agree with he would tell her later sparing her embarassment in front of another noble.

It was time to go, Rianna rose up there was no time for further negotiations, and to show the united front of their houses if Lisbeth accepted they would arrive together for others to see, and understand that there was an alliance.

[member="Lisbeth Panteer"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Ordo"]
[member="Rianna Ordo"]

The Duchess of Panteer was pleased to have her assumptions confirmed by the Duchess of Organa. She nodded to Rianna's inquiry. "Yes, I am looking for a long term solution, not a band aid and temporary fix. I will not be around forever, and can bear no more children. My daughter and your nephew will carry our Houses to greatness that neither has achieved to date."

Lisbeth listened as Rianna made her stipulations. They were fair enough. "Your terms are acceptable." She offered a rare genuine smile then. And she offered her hand to the Duchess to physically affirm their arrangement. "Let us attend the meeting of the High Council then and make our intentions known."

She gestured for them to head toward the waiting transportation. It was a good day for the Duchess of Panteer. A good day indeed.
[member="Lisbeth Panteer"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Ordo kept his place as he watched and listened to the proceedings. He was not overly knowledgeable about politics but he had seen things of this nature a time or two. His helmet on his belt he waited for a cue that he was needed as anything more than support. He noted the names and would be sure to read up on the politics of Alderaan when he got home. The women were certainly the most active politically it seemed as he had yet to see a man and had only even heard one mentioned. Ordo wondered for a moment if it was anything like Hapes, then realized if it was he was certainly in for an interesting initiation into the politics of the beautiful planet.
Rianna nodded, "there is one who sits closer to the throne if we were to look at the old lines of succession" Rianna paused the deal struck but still she wanted to reveal what she knew. "Alysea Praxon-Organa, though she has not been seen, and I cannot confirm whether she is alive. She stands closer" They ducked inside the transport Rianna and Ordo on one side, Lisbeth and Ana on the other.

Secretly Rianna hoped this cousin of hers would surface even if Ana married Theo which she did not believe would happen, it was House Panteer that would get the advantage with a member of their house once again sitting upon the throne. But. If Alysea were Queen, House Organa would work to bring Alderaan back to the Alderaan of old. A leader in politics, education, arts, and environmental issues of the galaxy, at least that was her hope.

But Rianna had to work with what she knew to be the right thing now. The Panteers had been established here longer, and their roots ran deep. House Organa needed time, and this this would give them time.

Rianna looked over to her husband, realizing that he had never seen this side of politics here on Alderaan. She had tried to keep him out of it knowing his own concerns over the clan and now add to that House Organa. They certainly had their hands full. She smiled at him to show she was still herself even now, she reached over and touched his arm seeking comfort that only his presence provided to her. Her gaze once again fell to Lisbeth.

[member="Ordo"] [member="Lisbeth Panteer"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"]
[member="Rianna Ordo"] @Ordo [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

Leaving the parlour, she gestured for her daughter to join them in the transport. Lisbeth nodded. “I am aware. However, at this time, Alderaan needs stability. Best handled when or if it becomes an immediate concern.” She joined her daughter and the newlyweds in the transport and sat nearly silently.

For the moment, she disregarded her daughter’s presence, leaving her in the dark about what was about to take place at the High Council. Her gaze met Rianna’s again, and she offered a rare but genuine smile. “Worry not Duchess, not all of the rumors about me are true.”
Rianna nodded and hoped that what she had spoken of was true, but something kept nagging at the back of her mind something that had not yet come to light was this a mistake. Rianna looked over to Ordo, he seemed relaxed supportive and watchful all at once. She would ask him who he recommended as body guard, he would know who among the clans could be trusted with such a task.

It was soon they were pulling up to the building where the High Council met. There was something else, who would council the new Queen. Who would fit that role. She had not considered that. It was then the nagging became a bit more insistent.

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