Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Politics, lies, holo tapes, and deals. The next house to rule Alderaan is...(ask for invite)

Arianna waited outside the Chambers the younger sister to Rianna Organa had a few words for the elder and she had been having her own meetings. There were those that wanted House Organa to be the new ruling family, and giving it away to House Panteer just to marry Theo off was certainly not sitting well with her. Yes Arianna knew she had made a single mistake in her past, but had she not paid for that mistake. Earning the trust of her family back.

She was still unmarried, and quite capable of handling the role now at stake. Her family had been helping Alderaan all along moving it slowly back to the Republic way of life. To the ways of old, the traditions ran deep in the families who were all of Alderaan.

Arianna ran through her head once more what she would say to Rianna, and how to break whatever deal had been made.
[member="Arianna Darklighter"] [member="Rianna Ordo"]

The Duchess of Panteer knew nothing of the Duchess of Organa’s inner struggles at the present. And she couldn’t know of the events that would soon follow, but she would not be beaten so easily.

When she exited the speeder, she was not pleased to see Arianna. That could spell trouble for the accord they’d just come to. She waited for her daughter, and the Organa couple to exit the speeder before giving Rianna a stern look and leaving her to deal with her relatives. She entered the Chambers with her daughter close behind.
Rianna exited and saw Arianna standing there expectantly. She looked over to Ordo keeping him close she nodded to Lisbeth who already was projecting what this could mean, and this this could be quite the blow to Rianna's credibility.

Moving towards Arianna she asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Arianna nodded to [member="Lisbeth Panteer"], Ordo, and her sister. "We need to talk about this there is more information for you" Keeping her voice lower, "I have made a deal with a few of the other houses who would rather see House Organa as the ruling family once again, and not the Panteers." Arianna watched Lisbeth walk inside.

"If we combine all the support from the houses we can put one of our own on the throne"

Rianna looked at Arianna, "One of our own, like you?" This was not what she wanted to hear, "Faith does not want it, and Theo is missing that leaves you" Rianna tried to keep her voice low remembering Jedi techniques.

Arianna looked down, "Yes, I have the support to do it and if you go against me it will make us all look bad. Breaking a deal with House Panteer is no worse than them feeding our family to the soldiers of Ulgo without help."

Rianna was not sure what she could do, or say at this point. She knew her family history as well as any other, and she was concerned about Arianna's status single mother of two. Rianna looked to [member="Ordo"] for some idea of what to do, or say.

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