Arianna Organa
Queen Mother
Arianna waited outside the Chambers the younger sister to Rianna Organa had a few words for the elder and she had been having her own meetings. There were those that wanted House Organa to be the new ruling family, and giving it away to House Panteer just to marry Theo off was certainly not sitting well with her. Yes Arianna knew she had made a single mistake in her past, but had she not paid for that mistake. Earning the trust of her family back.
She was still unmarried, and quite capable of handling the role now at stake. Her family had been helping Alderaan all along moving it slowly back to the Republic way of life. To the ways of old, the traditions ran deep in the families who were all of Alderaan.
Arianna ran through her head once more what she would say to Rianna, and how to break whatever deal had been made.
She was still unmarried, and quite capable of handling the role now at stake. Her family had been helping Alderaan all along moving it slowly back to the Republic way of life. To the ways of old, the traditions ran deep in the families who were all of Alderaan.
Arianna ran through her head once more what she would say to Rianna, and how to break whatever deal had been made.