Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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POLL: Mando Force Use: Give Us Your Opinion!

It's time, my Mandos!
Time to check with the Mandalorian Empire Membership and see what you want when it comes to the Force and the Empire.
Please be respectful with your dialogue, give us your opinions and your reasons, and we'll work together to develop what people want.
Thank you, my lovelies!

Poll Options:
1) Legalize the Force & Create the Mandalorian Knights, a Mando-Only Force Tradition.
2) Maintain the allowance for Force Sensitives, but continue the law against Force Use on Mandalore.
3) Re-Ban Force Sensitivity Completely, no more forcies, no more force sensitivity. We should destroy them all.

Poll Results:
1) 6 (100%)
2) 0 (0%)
3) 0 (0%)
I would vote for Option 1, with the addition that other Force Users etc are monitored and are not a portion of our faction theme - we have our own Force Tradition, we acknowledge others and they're allowed to visit etc, but we monitor them while they're around.
As a force user I vote for one, as kaine said it is a tool that can be organized and used. Also with that it can be used agaisnt other force users. Mandalorian who's effective against force users plus a force user who's effective equals a unstoppable force
I vote for 1, but I'm also fine with option 2. There is a reason for the force distrust after all even if we would be able to get a lot out of allowing our Mandalorians who can use the force to utilize it while on Mandalore.


Self-Imposed Exiled
I am skeptical on what we should be doing in this regard, so I think it may be best that I comment on this as purely an out of character opinion in regards to the faction. It is no real shock that the whole force user debate is a polarizing one to some, and to others they could really not give two hecks one way or the other. Personally, I like the idea of a Mandalorian Knights organization in which regardless of their creed (or in this case, force speciality), that they come under and in service to the Mand'alor and strictly follow the resol'nare. However, that is my personal opinion, and I am the type who prefers to put the faction's best interests far above that of my own opinion, thus I believe the best course of action would be to continue on the way we are with option 2. In retrospect, nothing is stopping a Mandalorian Knights splinter group from forming and joining the Mandalorian Empire, as long as they follow the laws of not utilizing your abilities upon the planet of Mandalore. The only difference is that you wouldn't be an officially backed organization by the Mand'alor, which may cause some slight problems, but hey- Role play conflict is an interesting thing.

My two cents on the matter.
I say this completely objectively...

Kark what people want!! What does the IC story demand. If the move is OOC motivated its a bad reason.

Side note... most the drama is caused by differing opinions on this exact issue. I trust the admins will make the best decision for the overall story of the faction.

Hugs love and smiles to everyone... but I think this poll shouldn’t even be an issue.
I vote for 2 or partially 3.

I'm not going to say KILL ALL FORCIES, but I'm down for not having the influence among the Mandos.

I'm disinclined from allowing any sort of Force culture into the fold because people start gravitating toward it, inevitably. We'll get an influx of people who essentially want to play armored Jedi until they lose interest in writing them because they were hyped, but not actually fully aware of the story we're telling, and then we'll lull back off. It's not a sustainable concept for steady activity.

Plus, from an IC perspective, they're already doing it. Why bother sanctioning it?
I should add, I am disinclined to go with half-way houses - while the faction doesn't need to go full on in one direction or the other (We wuv da force vs. death to all forces), I do think a clear sense of direction is important. It seems clear no one - ourselves included - entirely knows what to expect from us as we go through the final transition from Ra's image to what we have now.

1 + 2 seems a viable option, with some manipulation, but if the force is going to be allowed, I am unconvinced it should be as a half-way house of being allowed 'in the background' - I think that's likely to be as problematic as many feel 'Mandalorian Knights' (whatever they may be) are.

Option 2 is, if I am not mistaken, the status quo - which sends some odd mixed messages.

Any variant of 3 is somewhat preferable - I would prefer a 'we just don't care about the force' and that the faction policy is NFU, with FU Mandos simply going elsewhere, rather than anything more aggressive.


Well-Known Member
While I really like the potential story options one can potentially get with option two... I would like to actually vote for option one, I'd love to see how badass some force sensitive Mandos can be
1 or 2 seems to be the best options. I support 1 without the creation of an ME focused military group. Not saying Clans couldn't, but ME itself shouldn't do something like that.

I think 2 needs exceptions (medical, education, etc,) but otherwise it seems like a fair compromise still.

3 isn't feasible, realistically. The reality is the board is extensively FU and if we want a successful, strong faction, we have to have FU. I would argue the majority of ME PC are Force Users.

Just my two cents!


King of Pumpkins
I have to say I agree with Shia. 1 and 2. Make it more of a religion or even a separate organisation from the command structure of the ME but keep the law on mandalore about the force. They can have there own meeting place. That way ICly people within the ME should feel comfortable in the knowledge they can learn from a centralized place, rather than going outside the faction for it.

I don't however agree with 3 As you can't really have a faction that hates force users that has a reverence around a lightsabre that was made by a mando jedi. That is the literal definition of irony.

But we can't keep with the status quo either or Force users within the ME will go outside for FU training and if we ever went to war with the faction they were training with there is a potential that the character could turn on the ME.

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