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Approved Tech Polyweave

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  • Intent: Fancy plot fabric for shapeshifters and rich socialites alike.
  • Image Source: Mad Artist by Valentina-Remenar, edited by Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Gildenweave
  • Manufacturer: Vanguard Hypernautics
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
    • Open-Market for PCs and individual NPCs, i.e., small quantities.
  • Model: Polyweave
  • Modularity: Exceptional, see Special Features/Strengths.
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Nanotechnology
  • Classification: Textile
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Colour: Metallic grey when inert.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy Weapons: High*
    • Kinetic Weapons: High*
    • Lightsabers: High*
    • Disruptors: None
  • Polyweave is composed entirely of a complex nanotechnological lattice able to alter its own composition in response to neural commands from a wearer (skin contact required) or a technological equivalent. To avoid potential ambiguity consult Strengths/Weaknesses for details.
  • Mind Over Matter: While certainly resistant enough in its inert state, Polyweave's true strength is its ability to modify itself on the fly in response to neural commands from its wearer (skin contact required), including consistency, colour, and more, as well as more practical changes such as condensing (at the cost of mobility) to block out atmospheric contaminants or even protect against the vacuum of space.
  • Shifting Aegis: Even more impressively, Polyweave can alter its own resistances to some extent*, at the cost of creating rendering itself vulnerable against other threats. Typical adaptations include increasing resistance to Energy Weapons at the cost of Kinetic Weapons and vice versa. Polyweave will never be quite as strong as comparably expensive armour, however, see e.g., Beskar.
  • Disintegration Cascade: Whatever its form, whoever its wearer, Polyweave remains supremely vulnerable to disruptors specifically and weapons (or Force Abilities) that disrupt molecular bonds generally. Even a glancing hit will cause a garment to collapse into a fine dust.
  • Speed of Thought: Polyweave does not shift at the speed of thought except for simple changes such as colour - changing resistances in the midst of combat is inadvisable as a garment is unlikely to withstand much of anything during the few seconds of flux; for those inexperienced with such manipulations (most non-Shapeshifters) drastic changes such as these are likely to take minutes, not seconds.
  • Mental Fortress: Uniquely enough, Polyweave's defensive capabilities could be compromised by telepathically attacking the wearer.
  • Lone Wolf: Truly the lone wolf of fabrics, trying to integrate Polyweave into, say, a suit of armour without compromising its versatility is futile.
Among the most ambitious projects ever to emerge from Vanguard's Materials Science laboratories on Serenno, Polyweave is a strange textile formed from an interconnected latticework of "nanofabric", the exact functionings of which is somewhat difficult to grasp for the average consumer.

The end result, however, is quite amazing, with "garments" produced from the textile being able to shape themselves into everything from the mundane to the idiosyncrasies of high fashion at the direction of the wearer, though the difficulty in controlling such changes for non-Shapeshifters ensures that subtler changes are the most common, such as shifting colours or simply retaining heat a bit better when outside on a chilly evening.

Though Vanguard is hardly known for selling to just anyone, someone with sufficient credits should be able to procure small quantities of the fabric through resale, (un)authorised retailers, or even pirates, fences, or thieves. While potentially useful for military purposes, once price is taken into account conventional top-tier materials will almost always be superior for purely defensive purposes.

NB! This is just fancy fabric, much like beskar/phrik/etc. is just fancy metal. Neither are needed to justify not taking hits.
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