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Possibly Homeless.

Right, so. Despite the fact that I work two jobs, I may end up getting kicked out of the house I'm currently living in. What this means to the site? I may or may not be around to post as often. Now, this is still a possibility, but I figured I'd get it out there as a heads up to people I RP with.
Well-Known Member
Wow dude that's serious. Don't worry about post obligations, make sure you have a roof over your head first! Looks like you're on a string of bad luck :(

Hope all the best for you!


Well-Known Member
[member="Krest"] how the hell can someone just kick you out your home?
What country would allow that, without a backup system.
[member="sabrina"] of the free...if you can afford to pay the price for freedom. My sister and her hubby live in the States and they say their neighbourhood as something like 8 houses up for auction because the previous owners couldn't afford to pay. AND she says two blocks down there is construction underway for a new neighbourhood.
In the US, you can't be kicked out of a living area, assuming you signed a lease, without proper notice. This is a standard 90 days, typically. Please keep that in mind, [member="Krest"], assuming you live in the US.


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Venefica"] well it ain't free there then
[member="Relit Vandal"] in uk they need a court order to kick you out
Local authority tenants
Legally, a local authority in Ireland can evict you without any reason as long as the correct procedure is followed. This means first issuing a "notice to quit" and then applying to court for an order. However, in practice, local authorities in Ireland do not evict their tenants without reason and if you pay your rent and comply with other conditions of the tenancy, you will normally be able to stay in your home for as long as you want.

That's the official law in Ireland, where I live, but that is just a guideline really....euros talk and you walk.


Well-Known Member
'Squatter' builder who renovated and moved into empty £400,000 three-bedroom house after elderly owner died wins right to KEEP it
  • Builder Keith Best 'treated the house as his own' after hearing it was empty
  • Owner died and her son had not visited since he was attacked in the area
  • High Court judge rules the house is Best's due to 'no action by the owner'
  • Neighbours furious that builder 'trespassed and got a free house out of it'
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Yes our system is screws up, but you never going to be homeless unless something really bad happens to you, and you do not ask for help.
Unlike Western Europe and most of the Commonwealth countries, The United States' social "safety net" programs are really pitifully backwards. We don't even have free health-care for our citizens.

Anyways, I don't know you very well Krest, but it's really terrible for anyone to be suddenly kicked out onto the streets. I hope things get better for you, mate.
I think, if Krest is having trouble with living issues in the US, hearing about how much better it is in the UK isn't going to make him feel better about it.

[member="Krest"], my man, I wish you the best of luck and hope things turn around for you.

I hope everything goes well.
May your road lead you to warm sands

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