Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Possibly Homeless.


Well-Known Member
[member="Relit Vandal"] good point, but I am disgusted this can happen in any civilized country
[member="Krest"] I hope things get sorted out for you
On a brighter note i was able to work it out so I'm not kicked out -yet-

I'm not sure if or when I may get kicked out, and with the summer coming back, I should be able to get more money and save to find a different place. (Saddly I live in Maine. Until the winter months go by, I can't save money.)

But yeh. Good stuff!


Disney's Princess
[member="Krest"] Sounds like a long story. For what it's worth, the entertainment of an RP site is nothing compared to the satisfaction of a more-permanent living accommodation. Prioritize your time and money accordingly as, you need never apologize for RL on this website.

You have our complete permission to just disappear without notice. Especially if I means continuing to have a roof over your head. Cheers and God bless. :D
[member="Krest"] - I hope it all works out man. I know the difficulties, it's hard to slave over a gig and then not even have enough to make it. I really hope they'll at least wait until spring before they do it, if they do... which I hope they don't in the first place.

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