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Post-Directive 12 Alchemy

To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"Now, how was life here for you before Directive 12 arrived? Many of us lost their lives, and many of the survivors lost their homes when Directive 12 occurred. Millions were killed in this atrocity. Darth Centax was the perpetrator but last I heard about him, he's still at large"

Darth Centax was the Grand General of the One Sith, when the disaster occurred. Many on Coruscant that survived Directive 12 wanted him dead or at least to stand trial for his crimes. Now, she estimated that, in a straight-up duel between [member="Stephanie Brown"] and Lord Centax, Stephanie could, in fact, win, but it was not at all a given. Just that she might be interested in how was life for her under the OS, rogue or not. By now she realized that the beskarsmith did, in fact, live as a vigilante after D12 occurred, but did she begin vigilante life before or after D12? If so, Janick would probably like to see how did her work change before and after D12, that is, under the One Sith as opposed to under the Alliance. Plus she also realized that, beyond her newfound ability to alchemize, she was otherwise a rather run-of-the-mill beskarsmith, thanls to the lead times on what she was making, regardless of whether or not she operated in Mandalorian space. Not that she actually minded, just that it was the truth about why she even went all the way there in the first place.
"Before the directive I was doing vigilante work, shortly afterwards was when I was shown the error of my ways. I was taught that passion was the proper way about things and to do whatever it takes to get what I want" As she spoke Steph would get closer to the beautiful woman, right about now she was very near to the woman, she was shorter than the woman extremely shorter. She wanted the woman

[member="Janick Beauchamp"]
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"Yes, I can tell you find me pretty, and I acknowledge that in full. However, what makes me so special as a woman compared to other women at my level of beauty?"

Clearly past female clients of [member="Stephanie Brown"] had different faces, morphologies and whatnot. Not that Janick would make any assumption about their levels of beauty, she was in no position to know more than that about the other clients' morphologies. Just that, in Janick's mind, there were a poodoo-load of women as pretty as she herself was. She never considered herself exceptionally beautiful; in fact, she had to be wary of people that fall in love quickly for no apparent reason. It may well be a trap for what I know. Beauty, while in the beholder's eyes, is mostly Force-agnostic, she thought, while realizing that she stood nearly a full foot taller than the beskarsmith. And that Stephanie apparently didn't mind other people being that much taller; she knew that some people preferred ladies within a certain size bracket, while others would prefer a specific range of hair and/or skin colors, and others still preferred a measurement (waist, chest, hips being the most common when it comes to humans or Near-Humans) to fall within a certain range. Presumably Stephanie wasn't overly picky...

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