Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Post-Easter Dominions

Alright, so with the Easter Holidays about to end we're back to buisness as usual. We've all been given plenty of time to catch our breaths from the event by now, so I don't see why we can't get back into the groove.


Dominion rules:

My thoughts are these:

With the Republic flopping its tentacle around to the West and the Levantines and Primeval cutting us off in the North, our only real option at the moment are to go South. It's either that or go to war against the Primeval, and right now I feel like we don't have the capacity to fight a war this close to home.

As for destinations, I'm thinking either Iego or Sanctuary. Both are a hex away from Shri-Tal and open up lots of possibilities to go further South West into the Kessel Sector. If I had to choose, I'd say go for Sanctuary first as taking it would also give us Mon Calamari (also known as Dac) and its massive shipyards. If we go for Iego, however, it'll get us further into the thick of it and closer to a vast array of other planets.

I am taking any suggestions regarding plots that would take place on either planet. With the Netherworld event having cut deep into everyone's lives in some manner, it shouldn't be too hard to see the planetary government be overthrown due to mass-panic and confusion. Maybe pirates and looters got hold of its shipyards? Gangs occupying vast areas or entire cities?

Let me know your thoughts down below. Let's show the galaxy we're still very much alive.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Almania, Malachor V and Zygarria are worlds we have temples on and should if we can work to reclaim but yes I like the idea of going south and we can get worlds like Mon Calamari which has shipyards, Iego is always an interesting place to go. Do you have any stories or ideas [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Mark Sage"]

Basically, half the galaxy's population was suddenly whisked away by some unnatural power to a place called the Netherworld - a place where spirits of the dead linger in Force Ghost form and various inhospitable stuff. Rifts started appearing at random locations across the galaxy, acting as portals between our galaxy and the Netherworld. During the event the Force was being tampered with, diminishing our ability to use it in the real world and removed entirely in the Netherworld.

Long story short; the event was orchestrated by a young woman called Akala. She was ultimately killed and everything returned to normal, more or less.

Here's the timeline leading up to the event:

[member="Matsu Ike"]

Like I said, taking suggestions. First we need to decide on a planet.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Having another look at the map, I think our best bet would be to go south or we will be boxed in again. Iego for me not sure about Mon Cal? I thought Lev Sanct had taken it?

If not then we should consider Mon Cal.

EDIT: I looked through the boards, no Mon Cal dominion anywhere. I must have dreamed it.
As I am new here and only tangentially a member of the Silver Jedi, my opinion may or may not be validated. I shall share anyway. :-D

I'd say first go for Sanctuary, the Silver Jedi aren't trying to establish a war footing and going due south to Sanctuary wouldn't ring anyone's bells as it isn't near anyone's territory.

After that, I would say tun to Iego if it is still a possibility. It looks like it could be a potential target for the Republic, though they have a great many other targets they can go for and a bit of RP diplomacy could be had in negotiating them not going for it or joint ruling it so the SJ could use it as a staging point in the future.

If Iego is not a possibility, the second target could be Kegan. Kegan is a planet that has lots of plains and grasslands, this could be utilized for growing food to send as humanitarian aid to other war torn areas or donated to the Healers guild for use in such activities. Conversely, it could be used to house refugees. Kegan would set the SJ up for many of the same options Iego would.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

I have a few ideas and subs that have been partially worked on in google docs. Certain things have been keeping me from finishing but I think with some fresh ideas it might be able to get finished or more thought out. One idea was an intirgue and investigation style plot rather then just fighting large npc armies.
[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Dair Cotarin"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

I like Dair suggestions. It would be nice to do a diplomatic thread for a change. Not all doms need to be fighting or investigating but they could be part of the dom to give the variety for writers.

Dair, The silver don't do the invasion thing even in doms, that is simply not our style. We are more peacekeepers and although the board machinations have the Silvers 'controlling' space on the map we play it as non-political and let the ruling governments get on with running their planets. We step in if corruption rises.
Iego is a sensible choice, as it gives us a clear defined border.

Mon Cal is my personal favorite eventual goal but later when you have a defined border.

When I give plot ideas, they are musings, take any bits that work, and dump the rest, here was something i cooked up for Iego, any bits of it feel free to pick out.

Overall idea
A balancing of energies.


Major Locations:

We flip it on it’s head. We have a group of Maelibus that desire peaceful coexistence on the surface, that desire to learn and grow, this group are growing in number and intelligent enough to make it work, sadly the rest of their species considers them the primary focus of their bestial attentions. Perhaps give this new subspecies white rather than gold appearance, perhaps some crossbreeding or contact with the energies of the Diathim has caused this mutation or change.

^This would be about building shelter, a settlement, fending off vicious predators that attack from underground, finding ways to stop sonic attacks, and establishing peaceful relations with the diathim. The diathim would see the efforts we have gone to for their neighbors and being who they are respect those traits and want to help us.


While the Maelibus became smarter and more adaptable some of the diathim went the opposite way.

Major Locations:

What would happen if the mimics traits of the species were made more dominant, and they began mimicking each other, they might be stuck in a kind of stasis, where neither could really move or evolve past a certain point.

You could do that on a society level, where the mimicking has got to the point that they are completely unable to move forward, unless given ideas by someone else, crushing originality and potentially turning them into slaves to external stimuli.

Or as another example you could literally tackle the population who are taking on this phenomena, and freezing in place almost, locked in a constant back and forth with this new energy they are experiencing.

Or the environment could be doing this etc.

Alternatively - Emotional Vampirism.

As a race of energetic beings…

Something I am writing out with a Sith. All positive emotion is being drained from the race. A rare breed of Diathim has evolved, one that has inverted emotions, and can only sustain its will to live or feel at all, by draining the population surrounding it. As this race is a being of energy, and that energy is shared freely, an epidemic is soon underway.

If you are into history, it has a tenuous link, but a link non-the-less to the canon silver Jedi order:

You can up the ante by bringing the force into it, or life force energy in general, or old silver Jedi links from canon if you wanted to make us either vaguely responsible or just experts on the subject, either would be possible.

Connor Harrison

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Dair Cotarin"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

I think Sanctuary or Iego - something about Iego is telling me it could open up new directions for us and strengthen our position alongside the Republic and TJO.

But either way, I will only participate if we start the doms by following Thurion in this fashion on arrival:


Kei Amadis said:

Major Locations:

We flip it on it’s head. We have a group of Maelibus that desire peaceful coexistence on the surface, that desire to learn and grow, this group are growing in number and intelligent enough to make it work, sadly the rest of their species considers them the primary focus of their bestial attentions. Perhaps give this new subspecies white rather than gold appearance, perhaps some crossbreeding or contact with the energies of the Diathim has caused this mutation or change.

^This would be about building shelter, a settlement, fending off vicious predators that attack from underground, finding ways to stop sonic attacks, and establishing peaceful relations with the diathim. The diathim would see the efforts we have gone to for their neighbors and being who they are respect those traits and want to help us.
I like this idea. Could prove a nice evolution of the two species. :)

Iego it is then. I can have the thread up at the start of next week. Any additional thoughts from anyone?

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