Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Post Order: How long do you wait?


Disney's Princess
Tefka said:
And if it becomes a real problem and nobody's doing anything about the guy spamming up the thread? Report him and see if Staff acts on it.
I didn't want to have to say anything, but "Spamming" is not included as a violation in the Site General Rules, or the Site Roleplaying Rules. Tef, if you want people to start using the Report button for IC violations like this... Well. Darn it. I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Precedence stands that all IC complaints that can't be mediated amongst the participating members be submitted to an RPJ for a moderation. Administration came after. :D
@[member="Jay Scott Clark"], it isn't at all personal. It's an observation, I've been through many RP's and recently joined up here and I've already seen complaints regarding spamming in OOC. So, I think I speak for everyone when I say it's a problem. (Just had to edit twice, damn spell correct)
Members may use "precedence" as a defense, sure. I can use my authoritarian power to break it.

If a member is doing something wrong, we will investigate and come up with as just and fair a ruling as we can. There exists no rule for this particular instance because it is uncommon, but that doesn't mean we won't rule against the behavior. For instance, an example.

1. A member and another member have a one on one storyline and wish to wait for no others but role-play between themselves, thus "spamming up the thread". They get reported. We see no harm, no foul. We don't act.

2. A member is posting, regardless of post order or story, after every other member to pad his faction's post count in the Invasion, thinking that quantity of posts will be the deciding factory. He is adding nothing to the invasion or it's story. He gets reported, Staff asks him to calm down. Whether he complies or not judges if it will escalate from there.

It's really very simple, though each situation is different. If we get a buttload of reports? You'll see a rule bust out. Only because we don't want to keep repeating ourselves.

I really, honestly doubt this will ever happen, because community peer pressure will get to the person far before Staff does.

OOC spamming is extremely hard to mitigate without getting up in people's grills and making this place generally not fun. There have been cases, however, where we have done so. I feel those cases were extreme and required Staff intervention, to the benefit of the community.
@[member="Jay Scott Clark"], no need for apologies here m'lady. *wink*

@[member="Tefka"], I can understand that. Back to my point regarding ideology, although I agree that if it is needed for the good of the community, actions should be made. But, luckily I haven't seen any of these extreme cases you refer too. Though, I do agree with you and Jay about different things, but I believe we can trust the moderators, judges and staff to do their job.


Disney's Princess
Meta said:
Though, I do agree with you and Jay about different things,
Let me be clear. I'm not saying "Spamming" is a good thing. I tend to dislike it greatly myself. I'm just observing that it's not a violation of the printed Site Rules (at this point); and up until now Staff hasn't made any public statements regarding the issue. But I think we can now all see clearly that it is appropriate to approach Staff about anything that might be a violation. Written or perceived. Which is nice.

Now. Considerably, I was only asking in my first post about the perception of people, not posting. I really didn't want to speak about the opposite. *sigh* :(

(I'm gonna go for a walk now) :D :p
@[member="Tefka"] and I don't know about others but we appreciate it, but don't let it get in the way of your life Tefka. Also, speaking of which. Do you often get to RP or are you generally still busy with other matters to play?
@[member="Tefka"] is it something to consider for the ooc section of the forums then to have post counts turned off? I know in proboards, jcink and other forum services you can I'm not to sure about forumotion which I assume is what we are hosted on.
Having a post-order for a group thread is nice, just like having bacon for a sandwich is also nice.

But bacon is not a requirement to make a good sandwich.

I'll chow on a good sandwich whether there is bacon or not, and if I really want bacon I'll wait a fair amount of time, snacking on other things, before I force my hand.
@[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
It depends on the nature of the thread.

If its a private thread, I can wait months, literally. If I have a quality thread with someone going on, or two people I am happy to wait a month or more to reply, no bother. I'll need a PM though when they get back into it, and if my character hasn't changed too much.

If its a faction invasion, skirmish or development thread it needs to keep moving so I'll wait a few days, and then move it on, because its not just me and the person involved. Other people will be counting on my posts as much as I may be counting on someone else, activity in these kinds of threads is important I think.

If its one of the many types in between balance like a mission or a bar fight, or a investigation I like to specify when I start a thread. If I haven't then I play it by ear with those involved.
I also want to say group training threads are the hardest decision for me to make, as I like to give a lot to students when I am writing Masters or Knights.

So if i've had 2 out of three respond it's tough to make a call in that case. I usually again specify it before we start.

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