L Admin
"A thousand times I've imagined this moment. All we've ever wanted-- the boy didn't even haggle.
And what do I lose but problems?
Oh, it all makes sense now, brother. Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?"
I'm not known for fast updates, so hopefully this catches you by surprise. But when I get going on something, I get going.
A new hover effect is now available in the newly upgraded postbit menu, to allow users to better preview their postbits:
With that said, 45 new postbits have been added.

I'll leave it to you to discover what was actually in these folders by taking a peep. For the purple lovers, I know you're out there, it'll be headlining the third and final update. Don't worry - we've only added half of all the postbits I've planned so far. We're adding a LOT.
Hope you enjoy. Happy 12+ years of roleplaying.
Link for the lazy: https://www.starwarsrp.net/account/account-details