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Power Vacuum (Illyria)

In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Sooner or later, everything and everyone died. Even the Force Gods who clung to life and believed themselves beyond the cold, egalitarian grip of Death. Sumiko Tanaka sat aboard her ship, the Revenant, glancing at a datapad that contained a news broadcast. 'Countess Kerrigan survives assassination attempt by a Sith Lord. Auction house destroyed by tornado. Dark Apprentice still at large.' The facts had been doctored by the journalist and there was a good deal of irritating sycophancy about 'the Kerrigan', but the fundamental truth remained.

She had been able to acquire footage of the thoroughly wrecked auction house on Bosph. Most of the guests had been smart enough to flee the premise at the start of the duel, but there had been collateral damage. Most importantly, Firemane had recovered the broken body of Darth Shadow.

This was a cause of annoyance for Sumiko. A more impulsive darksider might have hurled the datapad against the wall as a sign of immense displeasure and anger. Or used her lightsabre to randomly destroy computers in a fit of pique. Instead, the Atrisian merely put it aside. In the background, a holographic newscaster was relaying news about the Mando-Republic Crisis.

Shadow's demise interrupted her plans. His considerable knowledge of alchemy and sorcery would've been very useful to her. The same applied to the business he had planned to start. Likewise, she only had access to a small portion of his archives, but the rest could be recovered. Sumiko had been unaware of the deadly enmity between him and Kerrigan, so in a way the fact that it had been resolved might have liberated her from a very big headache. Or rather the potential loss of a head. Perhaps the Force had been looking out for her, though the timing was unfortunate.

The last line in the news report demanded her attention. 'Dark Apprentice still at large'. Her sources had confirmed that Illyria, Shadow's elf minion, had not perished. With him dead, the Eldorai had no master. The Atrisian suspected that Shadow had means to return from the dead, but that would take time.

Illyria had shown skill during their mission on Belsavis. The former Inquisitor actually liked her to a degree. The message Sumiko sent the Dark Eldorai over an encrypted channel was short, concise and to the point, suggesting a meeting. The outcome of the meeting would decide whether she would have to tie up a loose end or not.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

Eldorai were not good with pain, and Illyria just as much of any of her kind had found dealing with her wounds difficult.
Escaping Bosph had not been easy, but having a fair collection of credits from her Belsavis expedition and liberal use of Mind Trick, she had gotten onto a freighter and departed.

Having gone first to Denon she had liberated some items from her former Master’s vault and taken the Fury class ship she had used to get to Belsavis.

It whilst she was in flight, pondering her next move that she had heard from Sumiko.

Cautiously she connected the encrypted transmission.

“Sumiko. I’m guessing you heard about what happened to Lord Shadow?” An obvious statement, but it would buy her more time.
In the Darkness there is Truth

"Yes. Destroyed," Sumiko said coolly. Being an ice queen was apparently common in the ranks of the Inquisition. Illyria looked like she'd been through the ringer, but Sumiko made no comment about that.

The Atrisian did not mention her theory that Shadow's apparent death might not be final. Either Illyria knew about his ability to cheat death or she did not. If it was the latter, then there was no need to dissuade her from the belief that the ties that bound her to her Sith Lord were undone. "It's good you survived. Where are you right now? We should meet." Straight to the point, without giving Illyria much time to think about things.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

Illyria for her part was instantly on her guard.
“Meet? To what end? We were both paid to satisfaction for the job we undertook.”
Did Sumiko suspect she had some of Shadow’s most valuable items? Or did she instead want Illyria for some unknown end? It was rather puzzling.

What was worse, with her injuries she would not be in a condition to fight just yet…not that she could probably defeat Sumiko regardless.
Perhaps the human wanted to train her? Not as a Sith though.
In the Darkness there is Truth

"Firstly, you requisitioned some of Shadow's items, didn't you? I'd very much like to have them back." Her tone was deceptively sweet and calm, yet there was an undercurrent of coldness that made it very clear this was not a friendly request.

"Secondly, have you thought about your future? I doubt you want to run off to join the One Sith since it's a poor fit for an Eldorai and they're coming apart by the seams anyway. Or go to Tygara and pledge allegiance to a Queen who still propagates the lie that Ashira's a goddess."

Of course, there were a few options in between, as Sumiko knew. "If we work together, I can train you."


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
It might have been phrased as a polite request, but the menace inherent was clear.
“I took only what was owed to me. However, I am possibly willing to offer those you feel are rightfully yours.”

From stick to carrot. An offer to train, interesting. The way presented the choices were limited, but Illyria knew she had more opportunities. However, the human might be useful. She was not looking for friendship or deep and spiritual connections; she was looking for power.
“Let’s meet and we can discuss matters,” she said. After all, Sumiko could probably find her anyway. “Where?”
In the Darkness there is Truth

It was neither friendship nor companionship Sumiko was looking for. Or even a bedpartner since she didn't trust Illyria not to stick a knife in her back! No, the elf could be useful to her. If not, she would have to be discarded. "We'll meet at Shadow's old lair on Denon. It hasn't been compromised yet. Bring the artefacts. We will arrange for a division there." Tone was calm as ever.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Illyria nodded. “Denon it is. See you soon.”

Once the call was cut though Illyria brought out all the items she had acquired from Shadow. She had a pretty good idea which ones Sumiko knew about, and so put them into a group to present. Others though. Well…what the human didn’t know about wouldn’t hurt her.

With this done, the ship changed course, heading for Denon.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Sumiko had considered the possibility that Illyria might hold items back from her. It was reasonable to presume that the elf knew Shadow's archives better than she did! As a matter of fact, it's what Sumiko would have done if their positions were reversed, and she suspected her possible apprentice to act in the same way. Paranoia was deeply ingrained in her. Theoretically, she could inflict punishment on her, but doing that so soon would breed resentment and make for a very poor working relationship.

So the elf could have her small victory. Sumiko would equally be holding things back. Like any serious training that would help Illyria resist her illusions and other mental powers. In any case, she made her preparations, then set course for Denon. Which, for the time being, had not been overrun by zombies again.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Arriving back at the Denon base was somewhat odd. The droids continued on, but there was organic presence there anymore.
As Illyria stepped in a droid came forward to greet her.
“Has Sumiko arrived yet?” she asked.
“Ms Tanaka is waiting for you in the meeting room, Mistress,” the droid replied.
Illyria frowned. She had wanted to get here first, but it seemed the human had been quicker on the draw.

And so, with a bag of items in hand she went to the meeting room and put it on the table.
“Hello again, Sumiko,” Illyria said with a nod. No smile, this was not a meeting of friends.
In the Darkness there is Truth

For the time being, the lair had not been compromised, though the former Inquisitor felt like finding a different one regardless. For now, it was just fine and droids were easily controlled. Sumiko was already sitting in the meeting room when Illyria arrived. Her stance was poised, her expression gave little away. Perhaps it was coincidence or intent, but she happened to be sitting in the spot Shadow tended to occupy.

"Hello, Illyria. I trust your flight was pleasant," she said. Her tone was polite, but chilly. Neither of them were buddies. Or battle sisters/lovebirds of the 'dark is not evil' school of thought. No, they were two Neutral Evil sociopaths who believed the other could be useful to them. Presently, Sumiko held better cards due to having more power and experience, but that could change in time.

"Well, let us see what you got, shall we? Then we can discuss arrangements." Having said that she made a casual gesture with her hand and the bag was opened, exposing the items. This writer will leave it to Illyria's to say what they were since Shadow is their character.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
"It was pleasant enough," Illyria said neutrally. "I suspect yours was similar?" she asked.

It was all banter, all prelude for the real story. That was, distributing the spoils.

Inside the bag were a variety of ancient and more modern items. Many of them had a noticeable dark aura about them. Here a holocron, there an ancient tome, in the corner was a strange puzzle box like contraption made of alchemised durasteel.
"This was all he had here. He must have more stashed away somewhere, but these were the things he obviously wanted to keep with him at all times."

She picked up the puzzle box. It was covered in runes not unlike a Rubik's Cube. "I'm very curious to know what is in here. It is resistant to all scans and appears impervious to harm...or at least the harm necessary would destroy whatever was inside."
In the Darkness there is Truth

"It was," Sumiko said simply. Banter was over, now it came to the distribution of the loot.

"All he had here. Of course, you'd never think keeping items you think I may be unaware of to yourself?" The Atrisian asked rhetorically. Her tone was so deadpan it was a bit difficult to figure out whether she was serious or joking.

Unsurprisingly, Sumiko claimed the shiniest items for herself. Particularly any that had to do with Sith sorcery or the mental aspects of the Force. Those would be quite useful to her for obvious reasons. However, then the puzzle box caught her eye. "Most interesting," she said thoughtfully. "I imagine there has to be a mechanism to open it without causing damage. Perhaps activated through Sith magicks. The runes should yield clues." Maybe the evil sword was familiar with an item like this.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Illyria did not flinch, did not move a muscle. “No,” she said flatly.

“Presumably it is some arcane puzzle. The Sith like inane riddles almost as much as my own people,” she said sourly.

Illyria kept only a couple of items. Since Sumiko had taken the cream of the magical crop, she had mostly been left with ordinary items. There was one item though, faint in power, that vanished into Illyria’s robe with little ceremony before she returned to packing her other items away more carefully.
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Illyria"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Sumiko nodded. She was not fond of inane riddles. They tended to annoy her. This was something she and Illyria could agree on. "Along with your people's makers. Our favourite megalomaniacal xenos seems to have passed on their annoying habits."

Yep, Sumiko might be slightly speciecist against Rakatan. She carefully ran her hand over the puzzle box, though she was cautious enough not to press on something too strongly. After all, it might be a miniaturised mind prison! Some of the arcane runes were familiar to her, others not. There was probably some sort of combination that needed to be activated.


Words seemed to be inscribed into the runes. Here she recognised fire, there blood, but others seemed far more complex and written in some sort of intricate script. Presumably they would have to expose each. She put the mystical Rubik's circle in her bag. "I will look into this. In the meantime, we have your training and business to see to."


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Illyria watched the box vanish and tried to conceal a frown at the last words. She didn’t like asking for help or putting herself under another, but it was useful for now. Self-training could only get one so far, after all. Experimentation was good, but one’s Sciia could only really be improved by the lessons of others. That is, unless you had decades to spend in a cave, and Illyria certainly did not.

“Yes…what are your terms?” she asked cautiously.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Illyria was proud, just like Sumiko was. The Atrisian tented her hands, eyes focused upon the elf. "I expect you to obey my orders and that whatever activites you get up to during your downtime do not to interfere with mine," she spoke. If the elf decided to enlighten her people about their queen's lies, she'd be on her own.

"For good work, you'll receive a share of whatever loot we acquire. I won't force Sith dogma down your throat, but I shall complete your training." She had quite deliberately avoided saying something like 'I will teach you everything I know'.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Though Illyria was not exactly sure how old Sumiko was, she expected she was about half her age. Even though there was a reason for that – slower Eldorai aging – it was always something which had rankled her traditionalist kin.

Nonetheless, Illyria saw little option in that moment. She nodded.
“Very well. I will not call you Mistress though. I am open to other forms of address however.”
It was a pride thing, much like a freed slave would be leery to call someone ‘Master’, so it was with the Eldorai.
In the Darkness there is Truth

If Sumiko had been less celebral and more oversexed, this might've been the chance for her to make some corny innuendo. However, she wasn't. Besides, she didn't trust Illyria that much anyway.

Suffice to say, Sumiko's style of training wasn't very nice. Actually she was kind of mean. "Lady Tanaka will suffice," she said simply. "Now, come on. We'll start with your training and then work on uncovering the mystery of the puzzle you brought me." Presumably they left the meeting room for the training hall and a training montage ensued. This was a convenient way to impart knowledge without actually writing it all out.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Training ensued. However, the fact that Illyria was already quite advanced for an Apprentice, but also that there was still an underlying tension between the two women didn’t help matters.

However, it was when the training completed that the two could look at the mysterious artefact left behind by Shadow. It was indeed not unlike a Rubik’s Cube, but made of different metals, each surface having a different rune. This was all well known, but some of the runes were quite esoteric.

Fortunately Darth Shadow had an extensive library of Sith texts, and Illyria had Souldrinker…though it wasn’t clear if she’d reveal this possession to Illyria yet.

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