Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Power Vacuum (Illyria)

In the Darkness there is Truth

Sumiko cocked her head slightly. "I suspect so. Presumably only massive amounts of the Light Side would damage the object. Since we can't call upon the so-called 'Light Side', we'll have to nab a light imbued object or a Jedi. Preferrably a Padawan. Fortunately their order, if it even deserves the name, is like a mass of headless chicken." Well, they sure schismed a lot!


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
“Yes…I suppose that is the best way. Though if we could find an object infused with the Astara…that may work also. I do wonder how Lord Shadow hoped to activate this himself though. Did you find any Jedi relics or items in his collection? I saw none…but then I was not looking!”

Illyria, by calling on her Sciia, was able to activate the Darkness component however.
In the Darkness there is Truth

"Such an object would be handy, but I didn't find one. However, my sources mention two Jedi on Denon. Indulging in the standard Jedi behaviour of meddling in people's lives to 'right wrongs' and 'help the helpless' no matter whether they're wanted or not."

She levitated a datapad towards her and activated it. Two holographic apparations sprang to life. One of was a representative of the species of coneheaded aliens called Cereans and looked like your typical prim and proper Jedi master, who was dressed in boring brown robes. The other was an eager looking Togruta Padawan who looked all emo and edgy.

"Arlax Krees and Cha'tere Brox. Unless the intel is out-of-date, they should be stalking the slums on the lowest levels of the ecumenopolis." Sumiko didn't know which Jedi order they belonged to and didn't care much. The finger ponderers schismed so often that it wasn't worth keeping track.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Illyria’s lip curled in disgust. “Such people are witless fools limiting and restricting themselves, caging their strength behind righteous indignation and stuffy rules.” Not unlike the Angelii, she thought to herself grimly.

“From what Lord Shadow said though they are absurdly easy to manipulate. We lure them to a location, you dispose of the master, I will ensnare the Padawan. We will then just need to induce her to call on the Light…but I can be very persuasive,” she added grimly.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Illyria had just gained approval points!

"We are thinking the same thought. Jedi are very easy to deceive because they have chronic hero syndrome and like nothing more than to throw their weight around and play saviour," Sumiko spoke knowingly.

Like every genre-savvy Neutral Evil sociopath, she consulted holonet tropes. They were remarkably informative. "A threat against 'innocent lives' will turn them into kath hounds on a trail with tunnel vision. The more dramatic, the better. Especially if they believe Sith are involved since those are the main thing Jedi care about."

Despite their claims of being peacekeepers, Jedi didn't do a lot of peacekeeping. Social issues eluded them entirely because they couldn't be solved by beating up or 'redeeming' a villain. Their actions tended to flashy and full of dash, but with little substance. "Conveniently, OP didn't wipe out all the undead during their purge. I'll have my contacts spread rumours that a vile Sith necromancer is trying to harness zombies in the Denon slums."


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
“Excellent. I will arrange for some commoners to be bitten, or at least to turn up dead with bite marks. They will come straight to us.”
If there was one thing Sumiko and Illyria were, it was cunning. Jedi…not so much. They tended to be laughably naïve and blunt in their approach, trusting flimsy robes and the Force to protect them. Once, when they were the kings of the galaxy, this had been enough. It was not enough now.

Illyria put down the cube, frowning. “Hopefully, our previous efforts do not fade if we leave it too long. At the least we can use the Padawan for ‘death’ as well.”
In the Darkness there is Truth

Truly, in Sumiko's opinion one of the Jedi's failings lay in their inability to adapt. So many of them kept nostalgically preaching about a return to the 'good old days' of yore. Again and again they held grand convocations about unifying a deeply fragmented faith, despite the fact that none of these conclaves had produced tangible results. Combined with their blunt, unsubtle approach to problem-solving and inherent sanctimony, this was not a winning combination.

Anyhow, she gave Illyria a nod. So far the elf had been a good investment. "Good. Once the Padawan has outlived her usefulness, we can sacrifice her. Hopefully she isn't the annoying, constantly yapping type." Oh, Summy, you have no idea. Regardless, the two ladies separated to set their plan into motion. Presumably after taking some precautions with their puzzle box.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
It was ironic in a way that the Jedi had been the defenders of truth and justice in the Old Republic, despite being completely incompatible with Republican ideals. As a group of elitist mages who took their autonomy very seriously they were about as fitted for their role as the various monarchies and companies who formed part of the Republic.

Regardless, setting a trap was relatively easy. Capturing some vagrants and streetwalkers and then feeding them to zombies, then allowing the bodies to be found sounded difficult, but it was the show rather than the substance that mattered. Jedi were hardly CSI techs, and some Sith tokens as well as the unmistakable trace of the Dark Side about the victims would lead them into the depths.

There they would face the trap which could snap shut and ensnare them.
In the Darkness there is Truth

It was safe to say that the Jedi fit in better in your typical feudalist monarchies they ostensibly opposed. One might recall that there had been a time when Jedi chancellors controlled the Republic and Jedi Lords held sway over entire star systems as feudal overlords. This one always thought the Galactic Republic had more in common with Venice or Republican Rome than a 20th century parliamentary democracy.

Anyhow, on with the plot. The trap had been set, and at the appointed hour Sumiko was waiting inside the slums of Denon. It was a terribly dreary day. Muddy rain sluiced across walls and roof-tiles, dark clouds loomed on the horizon. Sumiko stood on the rooftop of the 'Sith lair', invisible to sight and shielded from the Force through her command of mentalism, she watched the nearby alley.

Always alert, always watching, much like a predator waiting for the prey to take the bait that had been dangled in front of it in form of a few dead bodies with bite marks. Miniaturised probe droids had been deployed to provide her with early warning of the Jedi's coming. A few run-of-the-mill battle droids would've waylaid the Jedi on the way. Nothing a Jedi Master and his Padawan couldn't handle, but enough to provide the impression that the evil Sith was actually trying to stop them.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
“Watch, Padawan, we are getting close!” Arlax Krees declared as he dismembered another battle droid.
“These droids are totally whacked, M! Watch this!” his Padawan declared enthusiastically. She spun her lightsabre around and cut down another droid.
“Be mindful of your feelings, Padawan. Do not waste yourself with errant words and frivolous deeds,” the Master scolded.
“Yes, Master,” she said. Her montrals drooped slightly, but soon she was back to her perky/annoying best. “So when we see the Sith are we going to take him on together? I’ll go in from the right, and you from the left!”
“Padawan, Jedi do not seek conflict. Only if the Sith will not surrender will we use force to pacify them. Remember your training.”

In the shadows, Illyria sighed. She wanted to kill them both already. Preferably slowly.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Master and Padawan had only just arrived, and Sumiko already wanted to kill them slowly and painfully. Why were Jedi so...dumb and annoying? Asphyxiation sounded like a good idea. However, though Sumiko was undoubtedly a very amoral, cruel individual, she could also control her temper. So she clamped down upon the urge to inflict such violence upon them.

Well, for the time being. So she prepared herself. Battle droids and the occasional drugged slum-dweller posed no threat to Jedi, and so they would be soon entering the Sith's lair. In this case an abandoned building, which looked suitably dark and ghastly. They'd even find a zombie-like fellow strapped to an operating table. The pitiful creature was drugged and would snarl a lot, baring its fangs.

A couple bloodstains coated the floor. Along with plenty of dust. However, there was no sign of a Sith sorcerer. Then the door closed and a flashbang was tossed into the fray right at their feet. The small bomb had been concealed via an illusion until the last moment, making it more difficult to spot and deflect. As [member="Coryth Elaris"] knew so well, illusions were fun to play with!

As a bright flash enveloped the room to hopefully momentarily blind the Jedi, Sumiko dropped her Force-conjured cloak and manifested inside the room. Master Krees would probably feel the ripples in the Force that heralded her sudden appearance. She suddenly drew upon her dark power to suppress the Force inside him, stiffling his ability to harness it, as if ethereal tendrils were suddenly tearing it out of him.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
The Padawan let out a little scream as the explosive detonated. She fell to the ground.
“Padawan!” Arlax cried, but then suddenly had to contend with a new figure. Her powers of stealth were overwhelming, and her ability to draw the Force out was impressive.
Desperately, he lashed at her with a feeble telekinetic blast, then slashed at her with his lightsabre. Dazed still from the flashbang, his aim was somewhat wild, but not terrible.

Illyria meanwhile descended upon the Padawan. As the Togruta struggled the stand, Illyria struck her from behind, knocking her lightsabre away.
In her hand was a syringe filled with some unpleasant looking green liquid, and though the girl struggled she was able to jab and inject Chat’re before being knocked off. The sedative would swiftly take effect, and Illyria was confident that Sumiko would deal with the Master swiftly and allow them to take the Padawan.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Though the Jedi's telekinetic blast was feeble, Sumiko's attention had been focused on suppressing his power. She sensed the assault coming and shifted her attention to prepare a counter.

The invisible blast of concussive force slammed into her, but given the weakness felt more like a shove. Nonetheless, it still knocked her off-balance and thus freed him of the eldritch tendrils. As Sumiko righted herself, he slashed at her with his lightsabre. Presumably it was a green or blue one, since that was an orthodox Jedi colour. Her own red lightsabre ignited just in time to intercept the strike and parry it.

Then she went on the offensive, assaulting him with great, but precise fury as she aimed to cleave him in twain. Sumiko was not a great duellist, but Arlax would probably still be weakened. To support her onslaught, she manifested a mental shard and drove it into her opponent's mind, aiming to wrack him with pain. By no means the subtlest feat of mentalism, but more practical for close quarters.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Arlax parried her blow, and was about to counter-attack when her mental spike drive into his mind. With a cry he stumbled and his blow went wide, but Sumiko’s didn’t….

With a loud sizzling and an anguished cry the Dark Jedi’s lightsabre cut the Jedi Knight across the midsection, indeed cleaving him in two.

“Master!” the Togruta cried, angushed. She charged at Illyria, but the drug was already slowing her down, and the Eldorai caught her wrist and delivered a hard elbow to the jaw.
The Padawan went down, unconscious.

Illyria looked across at Sumiko, nodded.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Well, that had gone well! The sizzling blade of crimson carved across the Jedi's midsection like a hot knife through creamy butter, cleaving him in twain. The Togruta Padawan cried out in anguish and death charged her, but soon crumpled to the ground like a sack of potatoes after Illyria elbowed her.

Sumiko breathed in and powered down her lightsabre. "Take her. We'll burn the place down to eliminate any evidence." Preparations had been made in advance. It would get rid of the Jedi's body, lest anyone find he'd been killed via a lightsabre, along with the 'zombie laboratory'.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Whilst Sumiko burned the crime scene, Illyria hauled the Padawan away. It was a tough job for the Eldorai who was already not as strong as a human, but also the ground was uneven.
Finally though, gritting her teeth, she got the girl to the speeder where an extra injection would keep her unconscious.

Back at a safehouse the Padawan would be secured in a force cage for when she awoke. The trick would be getting her to use the Light on them. Still, they had time.
In the Darkness there is Truth

it did not take long for the building to catch fire. Slum dwellings were not built for stability and or their ability to be fireproof. While blazing flames swept across the building and fire crackled, Sumiko hopped on her speeder and vacated the scene.

Having assured herself that they hadn't been followed, she eventually arrived at the safehouse. Outside it was nothing special. Just another poorly lit, decrepit looking building in the Denon undercity.

Inside, it was well-stocked and had a couple booby traps because the Atrisian might be slightly paranoid. Having momentarily deactivated those with mechu-deru so that she could pass through before undoing that again, she walked down the stairs to the basement. So far the Padawan was spending quality time in a force cage. When she awoke, there would be no idiot Sith stormtrooper standing around for her to conveniently mind trick.

No Rey moment for her! Now she just needed to use the Light. It would be easier if they wanted her to lash out with the darkside since you just needed to get a Jedi pissed off or emo enough to do that.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
Illyria had been considering their captive on a video monitor. The start of a very cunning plan was coming to mind.
Looking to Sumiko she smiled.
“You are skilled with illusions and mind control. Further, the Jedi believe in ‘Force ghosts’. Suppose her slain master ‘appeared’ to her and helped her escape. Said ghost would be able to encourage her to use the Light Side on the box under the pretext that it is what controls the zombies. When this is done she can be disposed of.”
In the Darkness there is Truth

Sumiko tilted her head to the side slightly. The elf was a smart cookiee. This was good because it made her more useful. Equally it was a risk because some day she could turn on Sumiko and a mere brute was easier to put down.

Then again, the Atrisian wasn't a fan of having a bland Maul copy around. Silly Zabrak didn't even have the decency of staying dead after being cleaved in half. "A very good idea. It's what she'd want to believe so desperately. Even more so if the ghost convinces that she can beat the evil Sith with its help. You can roughen her up a bit first to make her even more susceptible." Sumiko would make herself scarce to summon the illusion.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
On the plus side, if Illyria was like Maul a little thing like being chopped in half with a plasma sword would never stop her.

Still, she approached the Jedi’s cell. The key was to rough up the girl a little without forcing her to the Dark Side or hurting her so much that she would be unable to respond to the trick when it came.
“Resting comfortably?” she asked. It was all very stereotypical banter. However, if the girl thought she was just a generic evil stereotype, all the better.
“You let me go at once! Whatever you’re planning, no deal! I’m not going to tell you anything! You won’t turn me to the Dark Side!”
As much as it pained Illyria, a little Sith roleplaying would not go astray here. “The Jedi are weak, girl. Only the Sith have the power to give you the strength you need. My Mistress will train you to be a great Sith!”
“No, you’re an evil murderer!”
The force cage controls allowed Illyria to zap the person inside, and so now she did, using the lightest setting…as it were.
“Tell me, where is your Master’s ship,” Illyria said. They knew, but it gave the girl something to be defiant about. That was always good.
“It doesn’t matter what you do, I’ll never tell you!” Chat’re declared.

Things continued in this vein for a quarter hour more before Illyria called a halt. She’d zapped the girl enough to make her hurt, but not enough to provoke feelings of rage or severe injuries.

Now it was Sumiko’s turn.

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