I suppose though, if I had LOTS of extra muscle I could get a bigger payload. Lets say, ten suits worth, or in other words, 200 kilos a thread.
Then in that case, it would take four to five threads which is a lot more reasonable, but still pretty difficult for four restricted items. That's around 20 thread for everything. Now if you lessened your goal to say, half a ton, then that's only ten threads for the whole shabang.
Also, I just realized that since I have Phrikite Ore but not Phrik, I'm in the need for
So I'd be willing to give you half a ton of each material in ten threads for 10,000 creds total, Tydirium, advertisement, and the privilege of borrowing your materials in exchange for Merc/Bounty jobs in the future.
We can work this out in an IC thread too. Are you game?