Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Predators (HSC Dominion of Honoghr)


Mention of Quesh and the 'Adrenal' Mines by Nasir Drayen peaked his interest such that Ordan would sit a little straighter but his eyes would veer back in the direction of Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann whose subtle probing he had picked up on. Gazing back at the Lorda he would have remarked to her after taking a long drag off his cigarro....

"I've already provided the Consortium and its members with durable ships to help augment our capabilities individually and collectively. Consolidation of our trade routes, borders and Spice production will see an increase in revenue but we'll need to pay for that too."

...he'd pause, looking toward the others present before concluding by stating....

"This increase in revenue will allow me to commence construction on plans I have for a Battlecruiser though which Kwenn Station should be able to facilitate. As for manpower, there are numerous Mercenary companies and organizations willing to step up for Consortium credits. While every one of us maintains a personal fighting force as the Consortiums territory grows it will likely be equitable for us all to pool resources into a 'pot' to maintain a standing military force separate from what all of us have."

...the Enforcer was thinking about the future, about what happened if the Silver Jedi Conclave or (more likely) the Mandalorian Enclave pressed against their borders in force so that they could 'liberate' worlds from their sphere of influence. In times such as those a Fleet representing the Zann Consortium or the Black Sun or the Hutt Cartels alone would not suffice, they would need a force that represented the collective Hutt Space Consortium and all the organizations involved.

Ordan felt he'd made his point clear though so he reclined back in his chair again, the game of Sabacc he'd folded out of having long become an after thought to him now. Turning his eyes towards Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt he tried to shift focus back to the last thing Nasir had said...

"Yes, Lord Gorba tell us about Quesh; I am very interested to hear about these 'adrenal' mines."

Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt Azar Kortun Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae



Sly Chance Sly Chance | Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt


The bird that flew away had good reason.

On the same tree branch, four ghosts crouched, their optical phasers active and their forms hidden. From the far side of the pack of hunters, Rakh gritted his sharp teeth, as he cursed the other hunter - from a rival clan, no less - who had made the slightest noise to startle the creature. Below, the sentients that had arrived for the meeting looked suspicious, alert, with one that spoke loudly...

Unfortunate for that one.

From behind the humanoid, the one known as Owiz, a shimmer appeared. For those that caught any refracting light, it might have seemed to come up out of the ground. Silent as still wind, the Noghri that had stalked through the group thrust suddenly--

* Shrik! *

--and the loud humanoid's chest exploded with blood and ichor, as a long blade punctured through Owiz's chest. The attack was executed perfectly, it had pierced the vitals, with the attacking Noghri having used his heightened sense of smell to locate the strongest scent of coppery-blood - the heart. But, to remain was folly, and the optically concealed hunter ducked and started to bound away rapidly, using the starship as cover, as it anticipated retaliation for the kill.

"Run," Called a voice from above, Rakh's own, as he stood on the tree branch and watched the test begin. "Run, or die where you stand!"

To emphasize the point, the four Noghri in the tree jumped with powerful limbs, in different directions, and let loose a hail of sharp throwing blades; and around the group who had arrived, the air was filled with displaced whooshes of wind and spinning, deadly projectiles. As the Noghri hit the ground, they kicked up dust and ash, which began to billow throughout the area, casting their camouflaged forms as ghostly apparitions that seemed like smoke...

Anyone who remained still would become the focus of the combined Noghri hunters.

A booming chuckle rumbled from Gorba that reverberated in the room, vibrating in the guts of those present like a sudden earthquake.

"Ahh but no killing of each other yet," smirked the slug, "we all have enterprises to maintain, as Ordan points out. Together we are stronger. Besides... we do have new business too, as Nasir mentioned. Venenit shadaaga and venenit queshaaga. These chemicals are found on Quesh. Our teams have located the site of the Chem-Basin mine and others. We can now offer something few other syndicates can aside from spice - adrenals. Powerful ones. Ones that the puny government officials in the Alliance would never approve for use. The galactic pharma regulators would never approve this. Never. But that is why we are here. Certain buyers have less scruples. Certain buyers like the Fel Empire."

Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt | Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt | Nasir Drayen | Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann | Azar Kortun | Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon
If there's one thing that Gula valued more than anything in the Galaxy, it's his ego. The fact that this woman this Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann the supposed descendant of Tyber Zann had the audacity to tell HIM WHAT TO DO?! She dared challenged Gula? He had to admit it was bold, but he don't back down from no one.

"Why don't you make me?!" Gula shouted at the woman throwing his cards at Darlynn's face. "You wanna have a throw down?! I'm right here! Come closer and say that to my face! In a matter of fact!"

Gula violently yanked Jysell's chain forcing her near the table. "Trophy!" Gula shouted. "Why don't you climb up the table and dance?!"

Gorba though told everyone not to be at each other's throat and focus on their profits. As much as Gula wanted to fight, there was a lot of credits at stake and a golden opportunity to create spheres of influence. Scarlett's time will come but for now he needed to feed his ego with more power and money. "The Fel Empire?" Gula said taking a sip of alcohol while waving for the dealer for a new hand. "I thought they were absorbed into the Empire unless the family was looking to make a power play to take over. Last I checked the Empire is having succession crisis with the death of their Emperor. They're also close to waging a full-fledged war with the Galactic Alliance who by the way is also busy dealing with the Brotherhood of the Maw who established a foothold in the Core Worlds."

Gula chuckled seeing the cards tossed in front of him. "I was thinking of doing a deal with the Brotherhood," he said. "Even though they lost the Teta system, there are plenty of slaves they've taken from the core worlds they've conquered that can be used as hostages. I can send people to steal their slaves so we can create..... bargains with the Galactic Alliance."

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt , Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt , Nasir Drayen, Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae , Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk , Azar Kortun, Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon , Jysell Harbowe Jysell Harbowe
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Darlynn was grateful that Jysell had taken to dancing better than she had. And that she seemed to be the focus of Gula's attempts to show the others just what he had to offer. The cards to her face were a minor inconvenience compared to being told to dance where it was obvious that she was not wanted. Instead of getting involved Darlynn became what she was called. A trophy sitting still looking as enticing as possible without causing any waves.

Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Nasir Drayen Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk Azar Kortun Jysell Harbowe Jysell Harbowe Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann
Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann Nasir Drayen Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk Azar Kortun Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon

Jysell got yet another tug on her chain. It would be a wonder if she didn't have shoulder built like a bodybuilders by the time Gula was done with her. Her Hutt owner wanted her to dance again. On the table again. The very thing that started the uproar to begin with. She gave a slight hesitation looking over the other underworld crimelords present. "Yes Great Gula," she answered and again stepped up onto the table. This time she did her best to avoid interfering with anyone else making it obvious that she was dancing just for him. Maybe that would make him less irritable and the meeting could move on without anyone having to draw a blaster or throw a punch.

Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt (Owiz) Rakh

"Dank ferrik!"

Crimson eyes widened in shock at the mercenary's grisly fate. Sly's heavy blaster roared but their attacker had already vanished. It echoed strangely off dead trees as did the noghri's mocking challenge. Then a hail of razor sharp blades cut through them.

"Power up the engines," he tried to sound calm, "We're blasting off this rock!"

Their shuttle whined in protest before flaming out. Sabotage. Critical parts removed right under their noses. Kyros tried to blast the attacking noghri warriors but they were too fast for even his keen reflexes. A pair of nikto brothers swung powerful but clumsy blows at one of the natives, trying to overpower it with a flurry of fists. Another noghri grappled with the savage trandoshan hunter Hakar. Some of the mercs fled in terror.

"Stand and fight you sleemos!"

Sly's last shot grazed a noghri just before it kicked the blaster out of the smuggler's hand. He drew a vibroknife with a snarl and swung at empty air. Using camo tech the creature vanished, reappearing behind him and tackled Kyros midturn.
"The Brotherhood may be good for slaves," Gorba acknowledged, though he waved his hand dismissively, "but little else. They are as destructive as the Bryn'adul. Worse. They are zealots. They cannot be reasoned with. The Empire can. And what else would I call an Empire run - until recently - by the Fel except the Fel Empire." Gorba snorted. Why were they getting hung up on naming conventions.

"A shipment of the adrenals to their intelligence agents could bolster our profit margins and give us an ally."
The Adrenals interested Ordan, he paid close attention when Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt or Nasir Drayen. It wasn't just because of the profit margin they entailed, though that was appealing it was also because of their effects. Truthfully Ordan was no addict but he had taken combat stims and enhancement drugs in the past, coupled with the 'space magick' he had a knack for and it augmented him to even greater heights.

As talk seemed to shift to the Empire and the Maw Ordan listened, taking the cigarro he'd been nursing and chewing on the butt before biting it off. He'd turn his head, spit out what he'd taken a bite of and then clear his throat...

"The Empire presents more opportunity than the Brotherhood of the Maw."

...the name caused a particularly venomous tone to overcome him briefly, he would provide protection to the Lordas while they dealt with the Maw but he purposely limited his dealings with them. Regardless of any argument anyone could make he knew that the Maw would chew up and spit out anyone whom they shared a border with, right now it was the Empire and the Alliance but that could shift to the Consortium given time...

"We share a corridor with the Empire, Sriluur to Tammar which also serves as our current border with them. Easier to move product if you share a border with someone. Aside from this I doubt the Empire will want to do business with us if they ever learn we also do business with the Maw via the slave trade."

...there was a paused, Ordan ran a calloused hand over his chin then back through his hair and around to the back of his neck...

"Rebrand the slaves, sell them as criminals to work in any one of the Empire penal mining colonies or operations. They may not take them all but some profit is better than none."

...all this from a man who was a notable Enforcer too, Ordan rarely through his hat into any kind of political arena however he seemed to feel compelled to speak at this point, perhaps he was impressing what subtle influence he had as a way to direct the other Lordas...

"Our focus should be on the Conclave to the north and the Enclave to the west. The Enclave grow closer to Consortium space by the day and we share borders with the Conclave. They are weak, wounded by the current conflicts with the Maw but if they survive they will likely look at us as the next threat or undesirable."

Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann Azar Kortun
"This increase in revenue will allow me to commence construction on plans I have for a Battlecruiser though which Kwenn Station should be able to facilitate. As for manpower, there are numerous Mercenary companies and organizations willing to step up for Consortium credits. While every one of us maintains a personal fighting force as the Consortiums territory grows it will likely be equitable for us all to pool resources into a 'pot' to maintain a standing military force separate from what all of us have." - Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk

She had thought the same previously too, but the thought of her own resources being used against her if she made a move against the Consortium always stopped that thought in her mind. "That is a bold concept, but how would you balance the power or control of such a military between the multipole members that represent the consortium?" She quickly replied to him. "It's not that I don't like the idea of making a military to strengthen and protect the Consortiums holdings, but too many captains makes for a weak crew."

"You wanna have a throw down?! I'm right here! Come closer and say that to my face! In a matter of fact!" - Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt

Her attention was taken away as Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt finally spoke up after a long pause. She thought he was having a seizure before he spoke. He challenged her to say her words to his face. She looked right at him but then smiled as he had pushed his other slave out between them onto the table. "I'd be glad to say it to your rather ugly face, if you were not hiding it behind your salves" She replied with a grin and chuckle.

"Rebrand the slaves, sell them as criminals to work in any one of the Empire penal mining colonies or operations. They may not take them all but some profit is better than none." - Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk

Scar's eyes widened as she had never thought of that concept. It was a very brilliant thought. Rebranding as criminals for cheap labor.

"I was thinking of doing a deal with the Brotherhood," - Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt

"I agree with Ordan Vosk, dealing with the brotherhood is foolish and could limit our relationship with the Empire. So if you plan on working with the Brotherhood, you better leave the Consortium out of it. If you hinder our relationship with the Empire, there will be hell to pay as it will hinder all of our profits." She said aggressively.
Gula snorted at Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann remark, if weren't for the fact that business was being discussed between the criminal lords then he would gladly remove Scarlett's head and use it as a goblet. Drinking his beverage, Gula sighed when his Brotherhood proposal was given a universal disapproval. An attack on his ego and something that Gula will not stand for.

"Fine," Gula seethed. "It was just a suggestion, it's not like those fanatics give a chit about anything other than their religion. Smart money says that the Alliance will finish them off after their attack on Tython failed. My contacts tell me though that the Sith Empire is making a comeback. Maybe they'll destroy and absorb what's left of the Brotherhood, maybe not. But it is something to watch while the Hyperspace War is drawing to a close."

He frowned at Darlynn just sitting there and he slapped her in the back. "Hey!" Gula snarled. "I didn't tell you to stop dancing! Wait.... never mind your dancing is booty anyway. In matter of fact from now on trophy, your name is Booty. Now tell me your name!"

Gula chuckled tugging Darlynn's chain. "Now continue to pose for our friends." He said turning to Jysell. "And you!" He said. "Dance faster!"

The Hutt continued to take another sip a bit bored of his trophies. "That'll be easy," Gula said to Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk . "I know a few Moffs that take slaves and they pay a hefty price for them. Rebranding them as criminals will be a bit costly, but I know a few slicers who can work on the cheap and create fantastic stories for the slaves."

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt , Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon , Jysell Harbowe Jysell Harbowe , Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt , Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae , Azar Kortun
Darlynn sat still hoping that the back and forth between the crimelords wouldn't eventually come back to her. But these others didn't seem like they were afraid of Gula the Hutt, so she doubted whatever peace she knew was going to last. And right on cue they disagreed with him and didn't back down and he turned that anger onto Darlynn and Jysell. The Hutt's slap pushed Darlynn forward and onto her feet. He demanded that she dance again. Darlynn prepared herself for more discouraging remarks from the others when Gula changed course. He told her not to dance any more. And called her dancing booty. The slave girl could only assume that was an insult as well as a term for one's rear end. "Booty?" she asked in as gentle a tone of voice as she could muster. "I am sorry Great Gula. I will try to do better." She gave a huff and waited for whatever was going to come her way next. Hoping it would not be too bad.

Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt Jysell Harbowe Jysell Harbowe Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Azar Kortun Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk
Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Azar Kortun Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk

Politics was the last thing that Jysell wanted to hear about. And listening to these particular politics was even worse than most. The crimelords picked and pecked at each other trying to get the best position for themselves to bring in the most credits. It was exhausting. And the fact that when anything went against Gula it was bound to be tossed in his trophies' face. Somehow they were supposed to make him happy when someone puts him in his place. And Jysell could tell by looking at him that the time was coming quickly.

The red-head slave thought she ended up in a good spot with Gula choosing to pick on Darlynn. She was already dancing while Darlynn sat so it was a good chance that she could keep going and avoid any unpleasantness. But then Gula said Darlynn's dancing was horrible and called her Booty because of it. Jysell stopped dancing to laugh at the nickname. She quickly caught Gula's ire and was ordered to dance faster. "Yes Great Gula," the slave replied and started moving her hips faster.

Nasir Drayen

"Straight Khyron."

Nasir laid out his hand with smug satisfaction. Passions flared at the table as conversation turned to business, but Prince Drayen always kept one eye on the game.

"I share Lady Zann's concerns with a centralized military authority," he mused out loud, "Yet we must keep the local systems in line. These mercenary companies however intrigue me. Entanglements with the mandalorians or Jedi would threaten our shared interests..."

Glowing yellow eyes closed briefly in meditation. It was all a game of brinkmanship to the Exchange tycoon. After years of fractured turmoil, the galaxy's underworld finally had new masters. For all its strength their regime was brokered on a tenuous kind of trust. Honor among thieves.

"Certain elements within the Empire may be willing to turn a blind eye," Nasir warned the others, "But do not underestimate the fanaticism of a true Imperial believer. COMPNOR is just as dangerous as the Maw."

He grinned, "Then again, what's life without risk?"
Mav entered the room as tensions were high. He glanced quickly at all those attending and his eyes narrowed on Scarlett Zann. As a pirate lord, he had a natural rivalry with Scarlett and her organization. He often competed with her on jobs and she often got the better of those situations.

He was unsure on joining the Consortium, but like the Maw, it would provide support to his cause in some kind of way, at least. Being a part of two factions that were hostile to one another brought both profitable and difficult opportunities.

He dared not say a word to any at the table, because doing so would most likely cause some sort of trouble, but had the urge to introduce himself to Gorba. He approached Gula, not knowing the difference between the two. "Gorba, it is an honor to meet you, I am Emperor Steele." He introduced himself with his self proclaimed title.

Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt



Sly Chance Sly Chance | Vizzi the Hutt Vizzi the Hutt


The interlopers that visited the planet began to stand their ground.

They refused to flee, as the blue-skinned alien with the red eyes called for order in their ranks. Clearly it worked, as those around began to listen, and the Noghri were put to task fighting against a rallied group. It made little difference, the short warriors could kill the 'guests' at a moments notice, however it probably didn't occur to those being attacked that their people were not dying...

Not now, at any rate.

Not since the rallying call and response.

"Enough!" Rakh barked, as he called out to the other Noghri, who in turn begrudgingly listened and ceased hostilities. "You - invaders that you are - did not flee in fear, you rallied and held your ground--"

There seemed to be a pause in the chaos.

One by one, the gathered Noghri became visible, as their dephasers were deactivated. They were a short species, dark skinned, with long arms and shorter legs - they appeared quite simian in proportion, and equally powerfully built. Each of them wore clothing that showed clan symbols, and an assortment of weaponry strapped to their person, ranging in type per warrior.

"--you have proven some level of worth," Rakh continued, as he looked to the Duros. "The death of your sentient was the cost of our test. You did not flee... therefore the Noghri shall consider this a sign of courage and worthiness of being honored with our service."

There was still tension in the air, Rakh could all but smell it.

"Go. Tell your masters the Noghri shall meet for terms. We serve the strong, those that support our people and way of life, it is our way... and if your Consortium can uphold that agreement, we will honor ours."

Rakh remained silent for a moment, then activated his dephaser, as did the other clan members. Their collective forms disappeared from view, but Rkah's voice remained:

"Do not enter this honorable agreement lightly.

"It will be broken only with blood."

And then they Noghri were gone...

Club Vertica, Nar Shaddaa...

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk Azar Kortun Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt

Vizzi continued to play the game of Sabacc and followed the conversation. Unfortunately, Gula took all the attention. But at least some were not letting him have the last word. This Lady Zann was interesting. Of course he knew the reputation of one of his possible ancestors. And her character showed that she followed the footsteps of Tyber, if she was really a descendant of the guy. He would put her on his list of people to follow.

As the conversation goes, the subject of Quesh led to one on mercenaries and the installation of a military force for the Consortium. Arguments were exchanged and Vizzi watched all along Gorba's reactions. When the Hutt proposed a possible partnership with the Fel Empire, Vizzi could observe the ambition of this young Hutt. Even if its species, the Hutts, were neutral in essence, the idea of allying with the Fel Empire didn't sang like good news for Vizzi. But he had to recognized that it wasn't a Hutt consortium, but a group of different species members and so motivations and goals.

Vizzi stayed silent until the end of everyone's arguments.

"Then again, what's life without risk?"

"Not worth it." Added Vizzi.

"Your plans of mercenaries forces or military ships, will require a lot of credits. In fact, if you control Quesh and the other spice markets in the near future, you will have them. But you will need a good distribution system." He smiled while continuing to play the game of Sabacc.

"I can help you with that. I'm sure the Consortium has already some kind of operations of distribution. But with my contacts and influence, I can bring markets that are now out of reach for the HSC." Vizzi played another hand, when he had an idea.

"Let's make a bet. In less, than 6 months, I'm sure I can build up an operation that will bring you credits. More credits than you would ever imagine."

"And there will be credits for every captains in the boat." Said Vizzi, while giving a glance to Scarlett.

"In exchange, I just want to be a sort of...silent partner of your Consortium. And the help of everyone of its members and an access to its ressources. And of course a share of the credits." The Hutt played his last hand and made an all-in, while watching Gorba.

"I know how to contact you. I will reach you, when my operation will be ready. Just make sure that shipments of spice are ready."
The motor of the hoversled of Vizzi began to take life and the gigantic Hutt prepared to leave. Vizzi left his hand on the table. The cards hidden. Did he won or lose ? He didn't care.

"If this is a success. I'm sure my Kajidic will be interested in working with the Consortium. In the meantime, I wish you luck for all of you."

Vizzi was now departing and arrived at the gates of the room. While he was quitting it, a new player came in.

"Have a nice evening, Gentleman and Lady."

The Dead Forest, Honoghr, at the same time...

Their attacks were unpredictable. The group of mercenaries had no chances. But the Duros of the band didn't gave up and while the head of the fallen mercenary was still rolling in the grass, the other members were making a last stand. The masked merc was alongside the Duros. And when the blue guy was attacked in the back, the mute merc made his move and hit the assaillant back. He grabbed the Noghri and propelled him some meters away.

Then the attack stopped. And one Noghri talked. He was probably the chief of this little band.

"Go. Tell your masters the Noghri shall meet for terms. We serve the strong, those that support our people and way of life, it is our way... and if your Consortium can uphold that agreement, we will honor ours."

Rakh remained silent for a moment, then activated his dephaser, as did the other clan members. Their collective forms disappeared from view, but Rkah's voice remained:

"Do not enter this honorable agreement lightly.

"It will be broken only with blood."

At that sentence, the masked merc noded slightly his head without speaking a word. This mission was a success. His Boss would be pleased.

He helped the Duros to get back on his feets and moved to the ship. To see how the mercenary group would depart from this hell of land.

Outside of the casino, Nar Shaddaa...

The hoversled attracted the attention of the bystanders on Vizzi. Something he was not used to, because rare were the occasions to see him physically. He put one of his fingers over a button on his hoversled and a little noise came out. Some minutes later, an hover limo of proportions equals to his owner came into the street. The door opened and the hoversled came in.

Ser'u was inside, waiting on his employer to be fully installed, before departing for some place more convenient.

"How was your meeting, Sir ?"

"Not what I expected."


"It was better than I imagined."

"That is great to hear."

"Yes. Proceed with the plan, and contact our associates. We have a lot of work in front of us, Ser'u. And it will require the help of agents."

"As you wish, Sir."

The gigantic Hoverlimo escaped into the polluted atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa. Leaving no evidence of the passage of the Hutt on the smuggler's moon.

To be continued...

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