Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Premonitions of Fate

He picked up the device from the scattered belongings of the hunters that were no longer. The metallic chrome metal made him examine it closer. The tiny button in the center was interesting in its makeup, the tiny clinking that churned within as he pressed it gave him a small fright. The vibration that came from it made his arm shake as he held on tighter the more it ticked and churned. It looked like a belt, but the truth of the device became clear as he stared at Eran.

Kevros arched his brow upward, confused at why Eran stopped mid-sentence. He looked lost, as if searching for something. Then it dawned on him, the thing he held in his had was a cloaking device. The matter around him absorbed into a dense light, appearing invisible to the naked eye. It was a device that proved useful for many stealthy assassins and hunters. This was an awkward situation. Kevros had a last chance at attempting to end Levi and Eran's life for good.

Were his choices from before going to benefit him in the long run? Or was Eran going to lose sight of the bigger picture, like Kevros had in the past?

Killing the Jedi or the part of him that was a Jedi meant another obstacle driven to the wayside. Another accomplishment to the Sith. It was his duty to strike them down, but Eran was a troubling occurrence without him, Kevros would of easily taken care of the fool. Invisible and contemplating the option for the last time he chuckled.

"I'm right here..."

Let's toy with him...

[member="Levi Shied"]

Levi Shied

Eran's stomach nearly leapt out his mouth from fright. He heard Kevros speak, but when he looked in the general direction of his voice, nothing was there. What sort of trick is this? He must be around here somewhere.

"Alright, very funny Kevros, you got me, now come on out."

Eran still felt uneasy around Kevros, despite the time that they had spent together, the man still had an aura of hostility to him. Eran sat down and picked up the book that Kevros mentioned earlier. He flipped through the pages, it was filled with coordinates and scribbles about creatures. The men had been scouring Tython looking for them all. He came to the pages that were torn out from Kevros, Eran decided it couldn't hurt to do as he had asked earlier. Eran set the book on the floor of the cave and started to concentrate, he focused on just the book, making his area of the force he was using smaller. It's getting more difficult as my projected area shrinks thought Eran. This must be what Kevros wanted me to see.

Just as Eran had locked in his target area to just the book, his stomach let out the loudest growl it had all night. Eran lost focus immediately and the book shot across the cavern and landed in the distance with a loud thud. Eran hung his head in shame, knowing full well that Kevros was surely watching his poor performance.

"I'm sure that's exactly what you expected."

Eran, once again talking what appeared to be himself, suddenly seized up. It was happening, Levi's mind was regaining control and it wasn't taking "no" for an answer anymore. Eran felt as though he was being absorbed, it was a strange sensation, he felt weightless as he shifted into his cranial state. Before he left, he did one last thing, he put a finger up to his mouth to show a silence gesture. He knew Kevros would see it, even if Eran couldn't see him.

Levi opened his eyes, they had difficulty adjusting to the light, he didn't know where he was. He was sitting on what appeared to be a cave floor, based on the cold stone underneath him, and all he could see in the darkness was a fire in front of him. How did I get here, and just where exactly is "here"? Then in an instant, his mind went racing, it all came back to him. He had been traveling with a man named Kevros, they were looking for a cave for a Silik lizard for Kevros' work. Men had been there already though, hunting them inside the cave. One of them had confronted Levi, he remembered being yelled at, but then nothing. It was almost as if his mind had blocked out what happened from then until now. Where is Kevros, is he even still here? What happened to those men? Did I make this fire? Questions raced through his mind, trying to find the lost pieces of the night. His stomach then let out a low growl, he felt exhausted, even though he didn't know what from. So what now? Levi pondered as he warmed his hands by the fire.

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
He could tell right away. The sudden demeanor in Eran's gestures reverted back into the vulnerable state of Levi. He watched as a finger pressed up against his lips, the message received. Still hidden, Kevros wasn't sure what to do next. talking to the other half of the Jedi would bring him little growth if any. Instead he heeded Eran's message, sneaking back out to the entrance of the cave.

Disposing of these bodies is a necessary precaution. If Levi came across this he would suspect me of the killings. I'll toss them off the cliff.

Raising his hand to the air he lifted one of the bodies and place it on top of another. The third body was carried carefully from the wall to the other two slaughtered meat bags. Grinning he tossed a forceful push outward. The bodies flailing over the edge of the mountainous cliff. Turning back towards the campfire he pressed the tiny button on the personal cloaking device. Revealing himself as he made his way back to the fire.


Kevros had to be smart about it.

"You finally woke up."

Lying was an art of his own, it came naturally and fluent. His mask was on the opposite side of Levi and as such, proceeded to sit next to it. The crackle of the fire filled Kevros' eyes. It was an odd thing being stuck in a cave with a Jedi. Better yet, a Jedi that had a very evil side to him. Lifting a pot to the air he placed it on the long metal pole hanging over the fire. Pouring a package of powder into the pot he smiled at Levi.


[member="Levi Shied"]

Levi Shied

"Food sounds pretty good right now."

Levi's stomach growled once more at the thought of food. As Kevros sat next to him, he realized that his mask was not adorned on his face. The fire lit up the once hidden face, and Levi could see Kevros' features. His green eyes shone brightly in the light of the fire and his hair was down to his shoulders, partially covering the top of his face. He must have taken it off sometime during my blackout. I should probably ask him about that too while I'm thinking of it.

"You took your mask off, to be honest, I originally thought you might wear it to hide a scar or injury on your face."

Levi realized that what he said may come off as an insult to Kevros. He of course didn't mean it as one, but Kevros seemed to be on edge just sitting there next to him. Kevros just seemed to be just taking in the heat of the fire in front of them. Levi decided it was time to tackle the elephant in the room.

"So what exactly happened to me?"

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain Power.
Through Power, I gain Victory.
Through Victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.

The words ran through Eran's mind over and over, like a broken record player, he was not paying attention to Kevros and Levi anymore. These words, the sith code, had mesmerized him. If he hoped to grow towards his goal, he knew he would need to figure out the secret in these words. Once more they echoed in his mind, and as the last line finished, something happened to Eran.

He remembered everything.

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
Water bounced back and forth in the clay bowl, Kevros had scooped it from the water hole. Pouring the water into the burning pot above the flames, he began to stir.

"Nope, No scars, the mask was my father's. I wear it to continue our family's legacy."

He continued to stir, gently and precise. The smell of rich vegetables and beefy broth came from the cast iron pot. The bubbling of the water told Kevros it had reached its boiling point. Looking to Levi he had a flashback.


A young boy, no taller than four feet stood at the bed of his sister. Sick and ill the young boy cried at her bedside. Asking, begging for the impossible. The little sister took the young boy's hand and spoke softly. Her hands trembling from the pain that plagued her.

"I will always be your little sister, always..."

The young boy continued to cry, the flames of the candles dying out, the room growing cold and dark. The sister had been diagnosed with a rare disease and as such was no cure. The young boy wouldn't accept such a fate for his younger sister.

So, with the power of his mind he began to study, through his studies he came across a ritual that healed people through the force. The warnings mattered little to the young boy and so he acted. A day later the young brother reached the bedside of his sister. Her body more frail than the day before, with all he could muster he called on the force, something he clearly had no knowledge of how to do. The young brother felt it, the streaming agony of his sisters soul. With such a disturbing feeling, he refused to stop. The words rolled off his tongue as the ritual began to take life. The force had caused a unbalanced weight to the air and before he could recant the last line, his sister was lifted upward. Frozen in the air her hair fell toward the ground. A blinding light erupted from the small room and as the young brother screamed for his sister, she vanished.

The boy felt the darkness around him, lonely and confused he sobbed in the corner of his beloved sisters room. The only words reaching his lips as he repeated in a stuttering somber.

"Save he.....Saver her...."


Kicked back into reality he heard the question.

"Well those hunters that came at you kind of knocked you over the head. You were out for like four hours." Kevros' voice didn't change, his lie a solid fortress.

He thought about the disturbing image that flooded his mind, Levi a clear reminder of hopelessness.

[member="Levi Shied"]

Levi Shied

Visions of the past raced through Eran's mind. He saw himself, a strong sith warrior, having mastery over multiple powers. Force lighting, telekinesis, force choke, and force push to name a few. He was also well versed in force augmentation and lightsaber combat. He saw the multitudes of battles he had taken place in, crushing his enemies with ease. What happened to me? How did I go from this supreme fighting force, to this pitiful existence? As if on cue, a vision stopped in front of his eyes started to play out. It zoomed in a scene of two men trekking through the snow.
"Are we almost there Eran? The cave must be close by now, we've been walking for hours." the man following Eran complained

"Less talking, more walking Anthony, complaining won't make it appear any faster."

Eran was getting irritated with the young padawan, but understood his agitation, they had been searching for one of the famous Kyber crystal caves on Ilum for a few hours now, making little progress. He had been tasked with helping Anthony get a crystal for his first lightsaber, a menial task, but a necessary one. As they continued through the snow, Eran felt a shift, he turned to Anthony to warn him, but it was too late, the ground beneath them collapsed. A cavern had opened up around them, as they fell, Eran used his powers to create a resistance on his and Anthony's legs to absorb the blow the cavern floor would have dealt. They landed safely inside the underground chamber, and scanned the area, there was a a few tunnels that led away from the small room they had discovered.

"What do you think is down those passages Eran?"

"I'm not sure, but if we're lucky, we'll find some Kyber crystals down here before we leave."

The two men chose a path at random and carried onward. They hadn't been walking long when Eran noticed the walls. They had changed as they walked down the path, from cold rough stone, to small bits of color scattered throughout the corridor. They were definitely heading in the right direction, and this brought a grin to Eran's face. Walking a bit further, they came to a point where the walls had come close together, leaving only a small gap, barely wide enough for one person to cross into at a time. Peering through the gap, they saw what they had come for, Kyber crystals lined the wall of the small room on the other side of the gap, enough for Anthony to choose with free reign.

"I'll go first, follow me in."

Eran squeezed his figure into the gap that connected the two rooms with ease, coming out on the other side and stood in awe. The room was beautiful, the Kyber crystals that lined the walls of this small chamber created a collage of vibrant colors. Eran looked over towards the gap, Anthony now coming through it as well, and saw his face light up with excitement upon entering the room as well.

"Wow, there's so many to choose from, guess we got lucky the floor collapsed in on heh?"

"Guess so, go ahead and pick the one that you want, choose carefully, it will be used to create the lightsaber you will have for the foreseeable future."

Eran waited as Anthony pulled out a small laser drill from his pack, he was going to use it to carve out the crystals without damaging them, to inspect them further. Anthony peered over the walls and a pristine purple one had caught his eye. He carved it out of the wall and it landed in his hand softly. A smile grew over his face, he had found the crystal he would use to power his lightsaber.

"Good choice, it will serve you well."

"Thanks, I'm ready to leave when you are."

Indeed Eran was ready to leave, to head back to hole they had fallen through, he wanted to get off this snow covered planet as soon as he could. He wanted to return to his master, Eonar, and continue his training, the thought of it made him giddy. Anthony went first this time through the gap, squeezing through to the other side. As Eran entered the gap, his mind still thinking of furthering his training. Suddenly his chest was heavy, he was being force pushed, he slammed into the wall inside the Kyber crystal chamber. He raised his head, furious with anger, and saw Anthony's grinning face on the other side of the gap, laughing at what he had just done. Eran yelled at him, rage filled his voice as he did so.

"What do you think you're doing Anthony?"

"Just what Eonar asked me to do, it's nothing personal, just business, you understand right?"

"You think that because you hit me once while I was offguard, means you'll get away with this? You and Eonar will pay greatly for this."

"Somehow, I doubt that."

Anthony started concentrating on the gap that stood between them. Eran knew what he was going to do. The gap started to shrink as the walls closed together. Eran had to stop this, he shot force lightning towards the gap and struck Anthony, causing him to release a painful yell.

"AUGGGHHHHHHH, that won't be enough unfortunately, your time has come Eran, enjoy your tomb."

Eran watched as the gap finally sealed, and the connection of lightning between the two sith had ended. Furious, Eran yelled into the small chamber


Then the room shook, the walls were trembling with great force, rubble started to fall from the ceiling, Eran knew what happened next. As chunks of the ceiling fell and shattered on the floor around him, Eran took a deep breath, channeling all his anger and rage into his connection with the force, for him to accomplish this, he allowed his mind to race and feel every emotion around him as it they were physical beings.

"I will not be cast aside like an old droid model, Nothing will stop me from having my revenge, not even death."

Then the room collapsed.
Eran sat in disbelief, he didn't know what to do with the information he had just received. I'm....dead? Or at least I once was it seems, betrayed by one I had thought of as a friend. Questions raced through his mind still, concerning his former master, Eonar was it? Why have me killed, did something happen between us that left a strained relationship? Was it perhaps something much more simple, you saw me as a threat to your power and couldn't have me around anymore? As more of these questions filled his mind, Eran saw another vision appear before him, it appeared to be the outside of the Kyber crystal room from before. Something was different though, it appeared as though the room that had become Eran's tomb was attached to mine.

An explosion blew apart the rubble that had filled the Kyber crystal chamber, and Eran's spirit lashed out of the room in a fit of anger and rage. He had been trapped in there for about 15 years, give or take some months. his ethereal form crashed around looking for a target for his frustration. He noticed a man standing there, he was wearing mining gear and talking on his radio

"This is Jim Shied here, It looks like we broke through a wall of rubble, there's a bunch of Kyber crystals down here, you need to come take a look."

Eran wanted to kill this man, not out of necessity, but out of pure rage. He tried to conjure force lightning to fry the man to a crisp, but none came. What's wrong, why won't it work? Once more he tried to kill the man, and again nothing came of it. Furious, Eran searched for an answer to his frustration. I must have lost my power when I took on this form, the price I must pay to cheat death. Then Eran saw something that caught his eye, dynamite, sitting next to the man known as Jim, Eran started to concentrate all of his will on the sticks of explosives. He felt his mind being strained, he was far weaker than before, just as he was about to give up, the dynamite sparked. The small spark trickled down the fuse, slowly, letting out a soft hissing sound as it neared its destination. Eran saw as Jim turned and realized what was happening far too late to do anything about it. His eyes wide with fear, he reached for his radio. Then the dynamite went off.

A loud explosion and bright flash went off, Eran watched the mine shaft shake, having a sense of deja vu, remembering the fate that had befallen him years ago. It won't be me left to die this time though, he thought, instead it will be Jim. He stared at the man, lying on the floor, legs had been blown off in the blast and his chest was covered in rubble that fell from the ceiling. Jim reached for his radio, desperate to reach someone.


Eran watched as Jim feared for his life, laying there, hoping someone would make it to him in time. Then he heard something, a loud screeching sound off in the distance. Then men's voices yelling, searching for Jim's location, they were getting closer. When they found him, one of them vomited instantly, Jim was in shambles, blood covering his body from the damage. He was still alive though, and the men grabbed him and rushed down the mine shaft back the way they came. Eran decided to follow them, to see where they were taking him. They got into what appeared to be an elevator and shocks shot out as the metal box rose quickly upwards, making a screech as it did so. I wonder where they are taking him, either way, I doubt he'll survive. Eran followed up the shaft after the elevator, after a couple of minutes he made it to the top. The men were already rushing Jim away towards a camp of some sort.

There were tents everywhere, green makeshift covers on wooden poles to serve as a spot to place injured bodies. Jim was being rushed towards one with many people already standing around it. They laid him down on a gurney and then backed away. The medical specialists went to work immediately, trying to stop the blood and repair his broken body. Someone caught Eran's attention, a boy, tears had filled his eyes as he worked on Jim. Someone important to you I assume? Eran laughed at the thought of causing such pain for not only Jim, but to those around him. He felt something as he looked at the boy, but it was a faint aura, Eran's heart raced as he realized what it was. You possess the force in you, how very interesting. Eran watched as Jim turned to the boy and spoke his final words

"I love you Levi."

Eran had no doubts now about who the boy was, this was Jim's son, Levi. He possesses the force, and I need a body to inhabit to enact my revenge, this is a win-win situation. Eran flew towards Levi and as he entered his body and mind something Eran did not expect happened. A bright light shone, blinding Eran and then there was nothing.
Eran finished watching the vision, his mind racing towards what it all meant, the furthest back he remembered was seeing Levi's dad dead in front of him. He believed then that he was another personality within Levi's mind, being born out of loneliness and suffering. He now knew this was not the case, he had been betrayed by his friend, and left to die. Jim was a casualty of circumstance that led him to Levi, but what inside Levi had made him forget? Even though he had gotten his memories back, he still did not know everything. That is one question I doubt I will get the answer to right now. He had cheated death, but at what cost, he had clearly lost most of his powers, but maybe that was the point, to have a second chance. The memory loss was not intended as it would seem. He had not anticipated what would happen upon entering Levi. He had unfinished business it seemed with an individual named Eonar, his former master, and the one who had ordered Anthony to kill him. Eran knew there would be a time to address that later, after all, he was a force ghost.

I was knocked out by one of the hunters? That had been four hours ago, according to Kevros, I must have been hit pretty hard to forget something like that. Levi's eyes turned to the pot Kevros had prepared, it smelled delicious, the fragrance of rich vegetable soup filled his nostrils. Drool formed in the corner of his mouth unwillingly, he stomach now in control of his brain it seemed. He saw Kevros looking at him, but it was different, his eyes seemed softer, yet held the same ferocity they always had.

"So, uh, when do we eat?"

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
He dropped his mask, the bowls of clay that rested in front of him ready to be filled with the sweet smelling broth. Scooping out the chunks of carrots and other assorted vegetables he poured generously in the deep dish. Exteneding his arm towards Levi he spoke.

"It's best while hot." Kevros placed a small spoon in the bowl as he passed it off to Levi.

Repeating the same process for himself he let go of the ladle. Gripping at his spoon his leaned in for a slurp. The hot liquid seared his throat as he gulped it down with a nice sigh. The sweet scallions peaking his taste buds receptors.
"So the limp, how did it happen?" Kevros asked, the question would have been dangerous had he not known of Levi's obliviousness.

The art of deception was an everyday activity for him. It made him an expert at calling others bluffs and in the end, kept him alive more than planned. The vision he had toiled with him. The young boy in his vision was familiar, and the young girl reminded him of a distant family member. The name rang in the back of his mind. It was almost as if he could recall the events that played back, but what was it all about.

What brought the vision to life?

Placing the empty bowl on the ground he stared into the fire, Levi's young complexion making him ponder on the odd occurrence of the story he had been shown. Unsure if he was the young boy in the story or not he glanced at his father's Kovani mask. Touching the curved gold he was snapped back into the force. The vision continued in front of him, the image of flames corrupting his view.


The fire was all that gave warmth. The fireplace engraved with articulate designs as it shouldered the beastly heat. The young boy rocked back and forth, days had passed since the vanishing. The butler that accompanied him day in and day out had little luck talking with the young master. The images of his sister disappearing into the red light had stunted his hope. The butler attempted again, this time with food.

"Master Kovani, please eat something. I'm sure we'll find your sister. You're mother and father have search parties out on the prowl."

The young Kovani refused to move. Just rocked, like a pendulum shifting front to back. His knees were gripped tightly to his chest, his head buried beneath the forearms that kept him in a ball. The butler had little choice, rarely using the master's first name had to snap the young Kovani out of it.

"Epharam!" The butler yelled. "I will not allow such uselessness, if your father could see you now...I will not serve a man with no back bone, stop crying and fix the problem!" The butler was cold, but it was needed.

Epharam listened closely to his adviser and most of all his friend. Sam, his butler, had been the only thing that truly cared for him. His parents cared little for him and with regards to his sister they found her a waste. The sick and weak had no place in the Kovani line, it was something that breed cruelty among their ranks. Little room was left for failures, but Epharam, could feel it. The mistake that continued to eat at him like cockroach slithering about his own skin. It wasn't something he was sure about and if fixing the problem at hand, fell to him, he needed the scriptures sooner rather than later.

Releasing himself from the ball of misery he had succumbed to he wiped away the tears, the fire that roared in front of him making him feel scared of his sisters true fate. He couldn't remember if he was the one screaming as she was lifted to the air, or if it was a mixture of both his an hers. He stood, hands shaking at the thought. Epharam was a smart boy, and like few in the Kovani line, had a rich connections to the force at such a young age. His ability to feel the energies around the world was a gift in itself. After the bright light had taken her, Epharam felt a void, a darkness to the source that stole her from him. Gaining the will to take action he heard the words of his butler, Sam.

I will not serve a man with no back bone, stop crying and fix the problem!

Like an echo it ripped through him, he had to fix what happened. Turning away from the fire he ran for his sisters room, the book of ancient textual rituals left unkempt. The dark mahogany floors made the room look even emptier and dark. The cold drowning of Epharam's screams tried to haunt him, but he refused to sink deeper into his own pit of depression. Fighting off the malevolent energy that bound to his young sister's room he opened the book. Notes written all over each of the pages he had studied. One of them he missed. In a peculiar form of written language Epharam, quickly, ran to the other end of the manor. A thick tome holding translations of ancient lore and secrets hidden in the layers of its years. Epharam ripped it from the shelves and made way for his sister's room. Flipping through the pages of each he began to translate the hidden instruction, or what soon began to become a dangerous warning.

Reading it, Epharam started with a tale.

The Corellian's mythology has taught me that failure can result in what they call Hell. A place of darkness. They say that hell is a region of the force, a netherworld of all evil sentient beings who had died. Sith and dark Jedi also tend to be present in this plane of the Force. The Naboo myths tell a description of chaos, as a dark pit kept closed by six impenetrable gates. The ritual in itself is incredibly dangerous, the thought of being trapped in the netherworld of the Force is frightening, still yet I must rid myself of this body, to live on.

The force essence ritual must be done accurately and as such should be prepared accordingly. Another body, will be needed. Otherwise the conscious mind will trapped in limbo, or as stated above, Hell....

The text took his breath away, had he trapped his sister in the netherworld of the Force? The idea of condemning his own sister to a fruitful world of evil made him sick. The taste of regret filling his mouth, anger creeping up from the pits of his failure. Punching the ground he screamed.


His hand snapped backwards the forceback giving him a mild headache. Almost losing his balance he looked over to Levi.

What about him made such a impact on Kevros. To have the ability to look into the past of his own father made him curious. Did Levi have to be present in order for the connection of the force to allow him the vision. Or was this bound to happen the more he grew in the force? Kevros hadn't thought on it too much, after all he was sharing a cave with a Jedi, who clearly was no threat. His long black hair shifted as a mean whistling breeze struck him from the side. Running his pale hand through his spiked bangs he yawned.

The soup and fire gave him warmth and sleep was a rarity in his line of work. Even if he wanted to take a nap, he couldn't. The Silik lizard would eventuality come back and not only that if Eran came back out to play he would need to be on guard. Wiping the specks of dirt off his cloak he went for another bowl of soup.

"This may seem odd, but do you remember anything about your father?" Kevros looked intently at Levi.

Unsure if the question was too direct for a stranger to ask. Kevros knew little of his father other than his great expansion of the Kovani's criminal enterprise. His father sacrificed everything for the greater of his family. What Kevros, never knew was the real Epharam. The things that made his father click.

Judging from the other end of the fire Kevros felt like Levi had what he could never. A true memory of what once was. As he took another spoonful, Kevros heard the name in the backdrop of his mind.


[member="Levi Shied"]

Levi Shied

Levi accepted the bowl of soup with eagerness in his eyes. He took a sip of the steaming bowl, and smiled, the broth rode down his throat and warmed him as it traveled to his core. He soon devoured the entire bowl. He knew he was hungry, but it was almost as if he was eating for more than just himself. Then Kevros did something unexpected, he asked about Levi's limp. It was a sensitive subject, not one he liked to talk about, but as it was a prominent feature, it got brought up when he met new people.

"It happened when i was 12 years old, I was walking home from the market with my father, we had just picked up some ingredients for dinner that night. I was fine one moment, and the next i was in agony. I fell to my knees, my vision was blurred and i vomited all over, my head was in agonizing pain, my ears were ringing uncontrollably. It was the worst feeling I had ever felt in my life, I could barely hear my father yelling for someone to call a doctor. The sound of his voice faded as I blacked out, I awoke in hospital bed a couple of hours later. They said I had experienced a violent seizure, and that they had taken an MRI scan to see what was going on up in my head. So my dad, Jim, and I waited for the results. The doctor returned after a bit to go over what they had discovered with me. The seizure I had experienced was caused by a tumor in my brain. It sat between the frontal and temporal lobes, meaning it could cause complications with my memory, balance, and possible personality changes.

The only redeeming factor about my prognosis was that the tumor was benign, and showed no sign of cancer within. The symptoms however, soon showed themselves over the next several months. First it was balance problems, I would stumble and trip on a regular basis, then my right leg gradually lost some of its sensation and movement, and that's when i got my first cane. At the age of 12, you can imagine the looks I got from other people, I was branded as weak and unfit for manual labor, my life had been forever changed because of a lump the size of a quarter."

Levi finished his story, only to see Kevros barely paying attention, his eyes again had glazed over. I shouldn't really be surprised, everyone else finds me boring and uninteresting, why should it be different with him? Kevros then snapped out of his state, almost like he had been somewhere else entirely. He turned to Levi once more as he filled his bowl with more of the delicious vegetable soup. He then asked Levi a question that sent chills to his core.

" father?" Yet again, this was a sensitive subject for Levi

"I haven't seen him in a long time now, I usually go back to Ilum once year to see him. I haven't had the time recently though, with all my training taking precedence. He was awesome, I didn't know my mother growing up and I'm an only child, so he was my only family. He helped me through everything, he taught me to take pride in myself and my work, even after my tumor appeared. I could talk to him about anything, my fears and ambitions, without ever feeling like a burden. He was my best friend."

Levi finished his answer, not sure if that was what Kevros was looking for. He turned to Kevros and reciprocated the question.

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
"I didn't realize it was a medical condition caused by a tumor. A very saddening story to say the least. So, you found out about the affliction and decided to become a Jedi? I fail to see the bigger picture, why would someone like you in your condition want to be a Jedi? I mean I am not blind to the many other reasons people join the order, but you, you're plagued physically. Aren't you outmatched, in every aspect of lightsaber combat? The force is clearly flowing through you as I've already taken note, but the force can not be your only weapon."

Kevros tickled his own curiosity, the thought of such a helpless padawan angered him. The order knew how to pick them. Worse they used weakness as a cover up for their lies. The fact that emotion couldn't be shown was heresy. Kevros had his own views on the order, but nothing beat the fact that they would pick such a vulnerable subject. He would be taught to no longer love, hate, feel, worse of all free. The entire process was a joke, only the darkside could set Levi free.

His green eyes followed the flicker of the flames, he had listened intently about Levi's father. Stuck in a gaze, he didn't have what :Levi described as a kid. Instead he had what many would consider a nightmare. Then, Levi asked him the same question.

"My father, heh. My father was too proud for children, his constant bickering about keeping our families legacy alive was all that really was drilled into us. Obviously, considering his criminal empire. I had other plans, and they didn't involve the Kovani legacy. My father wouldn't allow it, the studying, the playing, the uselessness. I was a failure to him, even more dispiriting was his lack of love. I was constantly beaten into shape, told that weakness was no longer an option. regardless of these actions he was a intelligent man, far more knowledgeable of the galaxy than I am. It took me years to make him even smile, but what really bothers me, is the fact that I never got a chance to make him proud. Unfortunately in my case the dead can't express or show gratitude. Killed on the job, a deal gone south, that's all I really know of my father..."

He never really talked about him, it was a rare phenomenon if ever. Between the vision that plagued his mind and the warmth of the roaring fire, Kevros was relaxed. It almost felt like a weight began to lift from his shoulders.

Had he been carrying around his fathers hate for so long?

"Well, Levi, I hope that some day you make it to the top."

It was a lie. No one that lived cared to see others succeed, but the notion was precedent. If Kevros could get Levi to turn he would not only have a calm and vulnerable Jedi, but Eran as well. The force wrapped him in a cloak of red, the fiery pits of energy that clung to him now waited for him to show Levi the true power of the darkside. The display would be magnificent, if Kevros chose to do so. He waited to hear what Levi had to say, after all if he was passionate about the path to light, Kevros would be wasting his time.

Rolling his eyes to the right he looked down at his mask, the image of Epharam snapping into place. He finally figured it out, the Kovani mask was the conduit of his vision. He wanted to reach for it, but hesitated. Looking back at Levi, he changed his mind, the force eager to bend to his will. Kevros had to deal with the Jedi at hand.

Will you join me Levi? Or will you fail like all the others?

[member="Levi Shied"]

Levi Shied

Levi listened to Kevros's words, they weren't new to him, in fact he usually had some sort of the same speech roll through his mind on a daily basis. He knew his leg made him a liability in combat, but he wanted to learn how to overcome it, that's why he focused on force powers more than lightsaber combat. More than anything though, he wanted power, to make a difference, at this point it did not matter where it came from, Levi was tired of being looked down upon.

"The truth is, I became a Jedi because of my disability. When I found out I was force sensitive, many saw it as a gift, I saw it as an opportunity, a way to overcome my ailment. I knew that if I got training in the force, there was no limit to what I could achieve. When I started my training, I was so excited, but over time it has grew monotonous, I wasn't learning what I wanted to, only what they wished to teach. I am to remain a crippled until the time they see fit arrives. It gets my blood boiling sometimes, Jedi's have so much potential, but it is locked away behind rules and stipulations. When it comes down to it, I just want to be in control."

Levi finished his rant and looked at Kevros, his eyes staring into the fire before him, he wondered if his words meant anything to Kevros. If he understood what he was trying to get at. He seems so strong and in control, if only I could get him to take me under his wing.

Levi then listened to Kevros as he spoke of his own father, it was disheartening to hear how Kevros' father viewed his son. The cold demeanor, the lack of compassion, his disappointment in everything Kevros did, Levi saw this in Kevros as he spent time with him today. Levi saw that even though Kevros' childhood was far from a fairytale, His father had instilled values of hard work and determination, Kevros would carry them with him for the rest of his life.

When Kevros finished he seemed to be relieved, as if he had wanted to talk about this for some time. When he spoke once more, he offered Levi some words of encouragement, "Well, Levi, I hope that some day you make it to the top." Levi found solace in his words, even if he wasn't sure if they were sincere. Levi knew that there time together would soon come to an end, most likely in the morning that followed. The time was now or never,

"Would you be willing to train me Kevros?"

That got Eran's attention, he had been sitting in his own thoughts for some time now, but now he was paying attention to the situation at hand. Levi had just asked Kevros to train him, of his own free will. I wonder if Kevros will change his mind, with Levi asking him, outside of my influence. Eran waited in anticipation hoping now more then ever, having discovered his true roots, that Kevros would train them.

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
He released it the sudden sustainable power of the force that clung to him. Kevros no longer needed to display his power, in fact, doing so might have triggered a different outcome all along. His hair wavered slightly as he turned his head to look at the twisting tunnels deeper within the cave. The network of such a massive canyon was impressive. The only other time Kevros had come across a cavern like this was back in the Galdua Ruins. Instead of figuring out a way to entice the young padawan further, he froze. The sweet taste of victory reaching his ears.

"Would you be willing to train me Kevros?"

It was surprising that the question came so soon. The Jedi had wavered in his belie..but why? Unsure of how to answer the question, he had to consider his limits. If only he had more power and knowledge of the force, Kevros could make a great warrior out of Levi and Eran. He looked at the fire one last time and stood.

"You see, I'm flattered. Truly, I am and honestly Levi, you should still leave the Jedi order. They are prisoners to their restricted ways. I would like nothing more that to set you free, but it is too soon for me. I am still growing, in due time, I will be vast in my knowledge and more powerful. I need you to not accept this as my rejection, rather, train in what you can. When the time comes I'll find you, by then you may have changed your own mind. Hopefully, you won't. I trust the force will guide you."

Kevros had to reject him and also give him hope, hope that would make him realize there was still a chance for him. The once darkened cave seemed to show light, the exit glaring with a royal tint. A morning dew came quickly. The wet air slowly began to condense, a small fog slowly creeping in. It had been an entire night of talking. Of manipulating, then again, something else bothered him. Levi on his own sought another to teach him. The Jedi Order must of saw him as a weakness to their cause.

Inconsequentially, Kevros knew the truth of Levi's power. A lonely, arrogant killer, deep within the confines of Levi's mind. The struggle that he would face in the future only meant it would make him stronger. The night had not gone wasted, Kevros seeing the past visions of his father still lingered. A story he was eager to find out more about. Bending over to grab his mask, no vision came. The dull roar of whispers telling him to wait. Situating it, in front of his face, he attached it tightly the metal bindings wrapping around his head, concealing his long black hair.

"I must leave, I suggest finishing your training and leaving the order." Kevros' voice was stern.

Turning away from the dying fire he began to leave his arm stretching to the sky. What once was a fist back an open palm, he waved tuning his head over his shoulder. Looking at Levi, the golden Kovani mask peered into his soul. The mark of a infested seed, planted deep within the young padawan. Whether it would grow to follow Kevros' words, remained to be seen for the future.

I'll leave it up to you Levi....How will you grow?

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