Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Preparations

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Royal Palace

Noah’s foot tapped against the polished floor as he sat in the waiting room outside of the office of Alderaan’s senator, Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . He had been a citizen of Alderaan for many years now, over a decade and had yet to meet the senator despite the fact that he had the propensity for rubbing shoulders with the power players of the planets current administrator, the Galactic Alliance. Hell he had even worked with the senators wife Amani Serys Amani Serys before.

His reason for not meeting the senator? He didn’t really for politics or it’s practitioners. Being a diligent man however he had done his research and for once actually found himself liking a politician. Alicio didn’t pay lip service to the people or casually dismiss them but was a legitimate man of the people despite his power and noble upbringing. It had been with that in mind that Noah had sent a message through mutual friends that he would like to meet with the senator and discuss a matter of importance for all of Alderaan.

That matter was the state of the worlds defense force, of which the word abysmal was a good descriptor. Perhaps his view on the matter was a bit jaded and biased considering his Mandalorian upbringing and military career but he still considered it an enough of an issue to engineer a meeting with a rather powerful person. So it was with that in mind that he sat, foot tapping impatiently as he waited to be ushered into the senators office.

As soon as Noah sat down, the large doors in front of him would creep open.

Count Alicio Organa was perhaps a little more built than one might expect from a senator, or from royalty. Still, the shorter man couldn't compare to a battle-trained Mandalorian hardened by war. Draped in a serviceable black coat, with the crest of House Organa proudly displayed on the lapel, Alicio slipped through the doorway to his study, quiet as a shadow. The pale senator had a slight smile on his face, and the glimmering sparkle of prophesy in his grey eyes, as he saw his visitor.

Alicio wasted no time in walking over, and holding out his hand to shake. "Noah Corek? I'm Alicio. It's good to finally meet you."

After a moment, the Count jutted his head to the side, gesturing down the hallway. "Care for a walk?"

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Noah's eyes were drawn upwards when he heard the large doors on one side of the study opening, said eyes falling on the man who walked through who could only be the senator and count of Alderaan. He had to admit he was slightly impressed, having expected the man he was meeting to have a willowy build on being small but was decently surprised to find that the politician had a decent amount of muscle on him, nowhere near Noah's frame but still impressive considering his profession.

Another thing that caught his attention was just how quietly the younger man moved, even his ears honed be years of covert action having trouble picking up the mans footstep. Deciding that for once he actually liked a politician he stood and shook the offered hand, squeezing perhaps a little harder than was necessary as a way to test the mans grip. "It is good to meet you as well. Your wife spoke very highly of you during our work together."

An eyebrow as raised when the senator suggested a walk, an idea to which Noah agreed to with a nod of his head, turning towards the hallway and began walking. "A good walk isn't something I would disagree to." He would step into pace along side Alicio as they walked, purposely taking shorter strides to avoid his longer legs taking him further ahead. "I assume you have at least an inkling of what I do for work and why I reached out to you?"

Alicio smiled a little as he felt his hand squeeze, but he didn't rise to the challenge, instead offering the millitary man a comfortable handshake. He'd done a bit of research into Noah Corek as well, but he couldn't even begin to understand all of the historic events the Mandalorian had been a part of. The man was a mystery. A well-decorated mystery.

"Well, I'd be happy to sing my wife's praises in return," he said, his slight smile breaking into a full-on grin at the thought of Amani. "If you have the time."

Both men turned and began to stride down the hallway. It was overly-luxurious marble and metal, with draping banners of the Organa Family Crest, artwork depicting the Alderaanian countryside, and beautiful blooming flowers. Royal guards bowed their heads at the soldier and the senator as they passed by, and Alicio greet each unfailingly with a small nod, though it was clear, if not from his face, from his dress, that Alicio was relatively unused to the space.

"I assume you have at least an inkling of what I do for work and why I reached out to you?"

"I think so," the Count returned, with a ponderous tone. "You are the CEO of Hekler'Kok, a defense contractor and arms manufacturer. You've seen the war on the horizon, and you want to contact me about strengthening Alderaan." He tried to keep any predilections he had about weapon deals out of his voice.

"So... what don't I know? About you, about this?"

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge

Noah was pleasantly surprised when the senator didn't rise to the challenge with it at least showing him he had nothing he felt he needed to prove to Noah which was something he could respect. As they walked Noah folded his hands at the small of his back, noticing the looks sent both his and the senators way, though he did catch that a lot of the looks were directed towards him and his current state of dress.

Though in all fairness to the guards his manner of dress was rather unusual for a seemingly high level meeting between a CEO and a senator. A simple dark green long-sleeved button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, a pair of dark blue jeans and a simple pair of black slip-on sneakers. All in all a rather unique form of dress for someone of Noah's stature and reputation. Maybe he wore it to give off a calming aura or to give himself a simple look, in reality he wore it because it was comfortable.

When the senator spoke about his wife Noah chuckled and shook his head. "I worked with your wife at a refugee med clinic in the Unknown Regions, she's a good doctor." His chuckled turned into a laugh when he mentioned singing Amani's praises. "I would usually say yes but if you start singing your wife's praises then I'll start singing my wives' praises and we'll be here all day long."

Noah nodded along to the senators summation of what his reason for being here was. "Right on all points. War is coming back to the galaxy whether we like it or not." He pursed his lips and continued. "The Enclave has proven itself to be a menace to peace, even to a fellow Mandalorian like me. Then of course you've got an Sith faction in the Outer Rim and one in the Tingel Arm. Lastly that new Imperial faction that has risen on Lianna has me worried."

He sighed and shook his head. "The only forces for good currently left in the galaxy are the Alliance and Rimward Trade League. One of the most influential worlds in the Alliance is of course Alderaan. A world who's defense force is woefully underequipped, undertrained and undermanned."

"I would usually say yes but if you start singing your wife's praises then I'll start singing my wives' praises and we'll be here all day long."

"I'm game if you are." Alicio snickered to himself. No, they probably shouldn't. "If this meeting bears fruit, I'm sure there'll be time for it later."

It wasn't long before the meeting was officially underway. Alicio had been close to the truth, which was good. He had the benefit of foresight, and the luxury of preparation. It would have been alarming if he hadn't known what he was walking into. "I don't know much about this new Empire. But the threat of the Sith, and the Enclave, I'm more than aware of." The Count frowned, his hands folding contemplatively behind his back.

"Did you ever fight in the Hyperspace War, Mr. Corek?" He paused his forward momentum, stopping to look at a mural. Of a grim, metallic moon, hovering over an Alderaanian woodland. "I used to... find excuses, to go to where the fighting was worst to extract civilians. Often I went with very little backup- volunteer forces and Senate Guards. There wasn't exactly a dedicated defense force at my back, though I certainly would have appreciated one."

His voice became a touch less allegorical, and more serious. "What do you imagine it looking like? What future do you envision for Alderaan's defense?" Alicio didn't turn to look at the soldier, but each other sense focused on him. There were certainly wrong answers to this question.

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
He found himself snickering alongside Alicio Organa Alicio Organa before shaking his head. "Well then we will have to try our best to make sure this meeting bears fruit then. Besides singing the praises of our spouses we can also swap parenting tips and pictures of our children, last time I saw Amani she was pretty heavily pregnant."

He listened as the man spoke, happy that he was in agreeance that the Enclave and the Sith were a threat. He was however slightly put off that the senator had little information about the new rising Imperial factions that was rising on Lianna. Whenever a authoritarian faction like an Empire shared a galaxy with a democracy like the Alliance conflict was inevitable.

When the topic of Noah's possible service in the most recent war was broached he gave a shake of his head.
"No, I didn't have the honor of serving in that war. It is one of the few wars in recent history that I've not served in...I've gotten to the point where the wars are starting to blend together, not something I particularly enjoy."

As the discussion was shifted to what this imagined defence force would look like Noah smiled, he was a master at organization and had given much thought to this exact line of thought. "It would be a, relatively, small and elite force. No more than fifty thousand troops, all being volunteers and with non-commissioned and commissioned officers being chosen by merit and not birth. They would be equipped with the best modern weapons and body armor that Alderaan could afford. In short? It would be a quality over quantity operation."

"Mmm... I would like that. We have two lovely children, now." Alicio smiled fondly at a mental image of his kids. "Liana and August." The Count was obviously enamored by the heirs of House Organa.

But there would be time for that later. Now was the time for business.

Noah revealed what Alicio had already vaguely knew- the man was a veteran of many wars, but not their last. He talked about specifics, numbers, organizational information. Which was appreciated, but not exactly what he had in mind. Alicio pursed his lips.

"How would you propose Alderaan uses these fifty-thousand people? When should they be deployed? And... what's your role in it?" He sighed. "When the Noble Houses ask why I approved the creation of an elite army, what do I tell them?"

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
He chuckled when the mentioned senator mentioned his kids, shaking his head. “Well let me tell you, enjoy it while it lasts as they being babies. Or just the two of them. I’ve got seven kids, ranging from twenty to six. Adara, Girak, Magnus, Noah Jr, Morgan, Cahira and Alexander.” Noah fired off the names of his kids in descending order of age.

When he spoke about what he would say to the other noble houses had Noah scratching his chin. He wasn’t use to navigating the intricacies of politics, the closest that he got was doing business deals and the like. He took a good minute or two to think on his response before uttering it.

“Well first thing is I’d avoid calling it an ‘army’ and stick to it being a ‘defense force‘. As for the use of the defense force I’d say it would be used just as the name implies. It would be used for the defense of Alderaan and its people in case of war and/or invasion. Other than that it could be used for other means as well, humanitarian missions, diplomatic security and the like.”

He chuckled when the senator asked what he envisioned his role in this defense force before he shook his head. “Unless asked otherwise I plan for my role to be minimal. Mostly advisory and organizational. I’m done leading any governmental military forces, call me jaded but it’s lost most of its allure to me.”

Alicio's eyebrows raised considerably when Noah said he had a clan of children. He expected those kinds of numbers from extended royal families. "Damn," he breathed, before recomposing himself. "I don't think Amani and I have plans for seven children, but... I'll keep that in mind." Not that he'd love them any less when they were older. But it was important to savor their moments together now, too.

The Count let Noah consider his question, still as a statue as he considered the painting before him. It was a stark reminder of Alderaan's history. Of what complacency would reward them with. He was already convinced of the necessity of this project- it was the rest of his peaceful planet that needed to see. Needed to know.

But finally, the old soldier spoke. Alicio let a sarcastic smile through at the semantics, but listened thoughtfully to the rest of what Noah said. "So... this 'defense force' wouldn't be deployed to any of the fronts? And the architect wouldn't be there to see it through?" One hand gripped the other, a little harder. "I must admit... I don't like either of those answers. This sort of defense force needs a dedicated general, and... no offense to the people of Alderaan, but our options are limited."

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge

Noah chuckled and then let out a full laugh when the Count mentioned the fact that he and Amani were not planning to have as many children as him and his two loves. "I can tell you this Senator, me, Alex and Yasha never planned on having seven children it was really something that just kinda happened. didn't 'kinda happen' it was more along the lines of we didn't directly try and prevent it from happening. I will say this though, our youngest? Cahira and Alexander. Were miracles."

He found himself once again condersing something but instead of questions, this time they were the answers the count gave him. The answers gave him pause, he had went into this meeting with the usual stereotypes of an Alderaanian politicians and honestly was surprised that the count seemed to want an even more expansive military force than Noah had planned for. As such he went into the backup proposal that he had planned.

"I'll admit...your answers are surprising, I didn't expect a Alderaanian senator to have a more expansive vision for a subject like this than me." He stared at the painting himself, having only given it a glance before but finally realizing what it was, being a student of galactic history he knew it all too well. "If you want a military force that is capable of standing toe to toe offensively with the forces currently arrayed against the Alliances, and therefore Alderaan's, you'll need a larger number of troops, up to three, four, even five times as many as I original figure I gave. And as for me leading it?"

He chewed his lip as he thought, in his years Noah had been on both sides of the heartbreak that could be the goodbyes of a soldier deploying to war but Alderaan was his home now and he had made not only a home here but a family. "If you are implying you'd like me to lead it Count...then I have to say I need to speak to my wives first at least."

Alicio wished all of his time could be spent in small talk. Discussing children, swapping stories of parenthood and receiving advice. But enormous, galaxy-altering politics was not a conducive environment for small talk. So with a melancholic sort of smile, he let the topic of their families go.

"I'll admit...your answers are surprising, I didn't expect a Alderaanian senator to have a more expansive vision for a subject like this than me."

"The most effective way to heal a wound is to prevent it from happening in the first place." Alicio frowned. In the first senate meeting concerning the Mandalorian threat, he was one of the most adamant about going to war. It wasn't a happy thought, but it was necessary in his eyes. "I'm trying to solve a refugee crisis before it happens. Save millions of lives before they're endangered. So... yes. I'm a bit unorthodox for an Alderaanian."

Noah's assessment of what they would need for such a force didn't help Alicio's frown. "I imagine it would be impossible to craft perfect soldiers that could go toe-to-toe with Sith marauders and Mandalorians. But we could send people alongside the armies of the Alliance. Alderaanians with family histories of lost homes, and the skills to keep it from happening to others." The mural of the Death Star lingered over both Alicio and Noah's heads. "The defense force can still be focused on relief and civilian extraction. But I want Alderaan to be where we are needed. Not lingering behind, where it's safe."

"As for who will lead it... If not you, who? Me?"
He smirked. "I'm not experienced enough, and I doubt Alderaan would appreciate a Count mustering an army for himself."

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge

He left the topic of families and children behind, much to his dismay. Being a Mandalorian one of the biggest parts of his life was of course family and like any other proud father and happy husband in the galaxy Noah would like nothing more than to gush about his kids and wives. Unfortunately the galaxy would still turn and leave him behind if he did this and so he soldiered on.

The young senator spoke wise words with his metaphor on proactivity that left Noah smiling and shaking his head slowly. "A good metaphor senator but sometimes there are no ways to prevent a wound no matter how hard we try...there is just the triage afterwards." He looked back towards the painting in front of them, a lesson in triage if there ever was one on a planetary level. "I've read your dossier senator, trust me you definitely are unorthodox but in times like these sometimes that's better."

When the idea of the quality of the soldiers were brought up Noah scratched his neck, thinking of more than a few ways that they could make soldiers like that, though most of them were not exactly illegal but could be considered morally questionable. "Not impossible...just difficult. I'd suggest setting up a NCO and officer academy to train the backbone of the defense force, as well as offering advisory roles to any veterans residing on Alderaan."

When the topic of him leading the force was brought up again Noah sighed and shook his head. "Alright...I'll agree to lead it...for now. I'll try and smooth thing over with my riduur's but if it comes to me throwing you under the proverbial bus don't be surprised if I do it, they can instill more fear in me than you can trust me."

"A good metaphor senator but sometimes there are no ways to prevent a wound no matter how hard we try...there is just the triage afterwards."

"Then I would like to be there for that, too." Alicio crossed his arms. Intellectually, he knew he couldn't be there for everyone... but that didn't mean he couldn't try. Noah's comment on his unorthodoxy made the Count flash the shadow of a smile. Alderaan had a reputation for peace, tranquility... but hardship and battle, too. "I'm an Organa," he said simply, coyly, staring at the image of death in the mural. "Fighting for what I believe in is in my blood."

Noah's suggestions on creating a stronger base for training made Alicio nod along thoughtfully. He knew a few people that might be interested. But it was when the old soldier caved when Alicio shone a true, genuine smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Corek. I really do appreciate it." He smirked. "And I will shoulder any burden you, or your wives, have for me."

There was a glitter of something cold, distant, in Alicio's eye, the glint of prophesy, before the Count spoke again. "The war is already here, Noah Corek. I can secure the voices we need to make this force possible, but... tell me, truly. How long until we're ready?"

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge

Nine times out of ten Noah would have chided or possibly even derided the man for his idealism but at the end of the day he knew that the man was younger than him and while he admittedly had a good amount of exposure to the galaxy he still hadn’t been exposed to everything Noah had in his much longer life.

When family history’s were brought up Noah could only chuckle. “You know a few of my ancestors fought in the Rebellion, so it seems you aren’t the first Organa to recognize that a House Corek Mandalorian is a good thing to have around.”

When Alicio mentioned shouldering the burdens of any possible marital issues that occurred Noah grinned and patted the man on the shoulder. “Well that’s good to hear because like I said Yasha and Alex can be scary to say the least.”

And then the count asked the million credit question, how long would it take to get a force such as this together. Crunching the numbers and figures in his head and running them through his battery of experience he finally came up with a simple answer. “To raise a full combat brigade of 2,500 troops? I could get it done in four months.”

"Then let's both try to do our ancestors proud." Alicio set his jaw, grey eyes flashing with determination. He let a pause hang in the air, only breaking it to nod as Noah expounded upon the menacing nature of his wives. He could have found it funny, were the subject matter not so serious. If something were to happen to Noah... it would be Alicio's fault. That wasn't anxious conjecture, but undeniable fact. Noah's life was in his hands.

That was alright. He was already carrying so much weight, anyways.

“To raise a full combat brigade of 2,500 troops? I could get it done in four months.”

Alicio frowned a little. That would be impressive timing for the training of thousands of soldiers. But it wouldn't be quick enough before the war began in earnest. "Then I suggest we get started as soon as possible."

Alicio paused, obviously thinking. Then, he spoke again. "One more thing... When the defense force is ready, I want to be out there with you. When I can be."

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge

He chuckled when the Count mentioned doing their ancestors proud and decided to lay a little wisdom on the younger man. "There's a Mandalorian proverb for that kind of thinking Senator. Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la. Translated to basic? 'Nobody cares who you're father is, only the father you will be.' It's a good proverb for a few different situations but in this case it means we shouldn't try to make any of our ancestors proud but try and do the best in our current time."

In his mind plans and ideas began formulating as Noah thought on the various things that would need to come together a combat brigade of 2,500 soldiers. First and foremost was obvious, actually recruiting soldiers. This would be, relatively, easy as there was a wide pool of possible applicants to pull from. Next came training, which would take up the most of the four month time frame he had put together in his mind. Lastly there were logistics, everything from weapons and armor to transport, rations, medical supplies, payroll, etc.

As he formulated these things he was scarcely aware of the request made by Alicio, well request was a strong word considering he was making this whole thing possible. He let the request sink in before thinking.
"I can...accept that. With a few rules though. First is that you are not allowed to give any orders..."

The mentions of fathers and fatherhoods turned Alicio's mood a little sadder. He considered them still, and only had a sentence in response, which he shot back with a regrouped smile. He was a senator. Wordplay was his battleground, as much as any warzone. "I believe doing our best in the current time would make our ancestors proud, Mr. Corek." Legacy meant a lot to him. So did progress. He often found himself straddling the line between them, trying to balance tradition and innovation against each other like weights on a scale.

He saw no harm in honoring those who came before.

Noah's first term was expected. "I accept," he said quickly, nodding his head once. Frankly, he'd prefer not to be in charge of any sort of defense force. He didn't exactly have training in battlefield tactics. "Next?"

- Noah Corek Noah Corek -

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge

He chuckled at the senators statement about ancestors before shaking his head. "I have no doubt about that Senator and I did not mean we shouldn't try but when you get to my age you tend to care less about what those in the past would think of you and more about what those in the future will think of you, ones children for example." Noah was a Mandalorian, legacy meant just as much to his culture as any other culture.

Happy that the Senator had agreed with him not having any formal command Noah nodded. "Second, we are separate from the Alliance military command. We'll cooperate with them and fight with them but at the end of the day we'll be a separate entity, I've done my share of serving interplanetary governments and I'd rather not do it again if I don't have to."

Alicio twitched a smile. It was perhaps a little childish to spar words at a time like this, but he'd accept the little victories when he could. Force knew he could use them.

Noah's second stipulation wasn't as easy a demand to meet. "There is a precedent for planets to muster their own armies, the Common Soldier Corps. That's what we're using to create the Defense Force in the first place, and bring them to battle alongside Alliance troops." It was from a long list of passed bills that were pushed through the senate before his time. "It specifies that our defense force are treated as sanctioned GADF. Alderaanian, not Alliance. But we are still beholden to them. So if you were expecting complete autonomy on the battlefield... that won't happen. But politically, we would be our own entity. To do with as we see fit, within the strictures of the Alliance."

It wasn't the answer Noah was hoping for, most likely. But it was the best Alicio could offer.

- Alicio Organa Alicio Organa -

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