Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cinnic stepped backwards at the impending attack. If that had caught him, he would've been cleaved in two. That armor offered a great deal of power behind blows.

"Soresu was never my strong suit. I ain't much of a defensive guy. As for the girl, she took my daughter. I'm getting her back."

I have everything we need, you old fool. Cease these games at once! I don't want to die again.

I can take him.

"Inquisitor, huh? Sounds fancy. You Sith always did like your titles..."

There was an opening from the powerful blow that his opponent made. Cinnic took it. Striking forward faster than one would expect from a man his age, the old man aimed a jab at the Sith's side, seeking to pierce his torso.

"Now shut up and die."

[member="Skaara Carlon"] [member="Zesiro"]
Skaara showed no hesitation as he actually grabbed the blade of the Jedi's lightsaber, using a mixture of his phrik gauntlets and adept level Tutaminis, he resisted the cutting ability of the saber, narrowly avoiding letting it stab him in the torso. The High Inquisitor once again arched his own blade high up into the air and aimed his next, powerful blow at [member="Cinnic"]'s lightsaber, which if it actually hit would destroy it entirely and might even cause him to stumble.

Once the manuever was complete, whether it hit or not, the Sith leaped back several feet to observe his opponent's reaction.

Cinnic was a little surprised to see the Sith grab his lightsaber, to say the least.

The old man glared at the gauntlets the armored man was using. They had to have some sort of phrink or cortosis weave in them. Great.

The red blade came down and tore clean through his lightsaber.


The Sith Knight leaped back while Cinnic dropped what remained of his weapon to the ground. The loss of his lightsaber didn't have too much of an impact on the grizzled man. He knew where to get a new one. But in the immediate moment, it put him at a disadvantage.


I believe I mentioned the prospect of retreat earlier. It might be time to take that, post haste, you buffoon.

Ugh...yeah. I'm an old dog, and these kids have new tricks.

Cinnic was now weaponless. His skill in combat was unparalleled back in his day. How did he lose his blade like that? The old man supposed The Wraith could only restore so much of his abilities. He made a mental note to practice more in his free time before addressing the Sith in front of him.

"This ain't over yet, kid. I may be old, but I still got a few tricks up my sleeve."

With a wave of his hand, the Sith's lightsaber deactivated. It was now just a piece of metal in his hand, useless, at least for the moment. If there's one thing that the Jedi Order taught him well, it was how to disarm someone, mostly in search of a nonviolent solution, but effective in combat nonetheless. Cinnic then raised his hands, striking a fighting pose, with a sneer on his face.

"Think you can take down an unarmed old man without a weapon?"

Cinnic. He's going to crush you. The Sith is at least twice your size.

I'm trying to get us out of here alive, jackass.

[member="Skaara Carlon"] [member="Zesiro"]
The High Inquisitor smirked under his mask when his opponent's lightsaber was destroyed. He was about to attack again when his lightsaber was suddenly deactivated itself, he stared at it before replacing it on his belt. The Jedi in front of him raised his fists, indicating that he wanted to actually fight hand to hand with the armored Sith. Skaara growled and raised his hand and tried to choke the Jedi with the Force.

"I grow tired of having my time wasted, Feel the power of the Force."

[member="Cinnic"] | [member="Zesiro"]
Zesiro's full mentality took a little longer to get itself back together and man she had a pounding headache. Just like as if she had ten times too much to drink the night before and she felt useless. However, she used the pain to actually clear her senses and started paying attention to the confrontation going on in front of her.

An inquisitor? Who the devil did she upset so much that one of them was after her? First it's a Sith Lord and his Apprentice, then Cinnic and now an Inquisitor? Rolling her eyes and attmpeting to stand up, she got about half way when the contents of her stomach rebelled and she had lean over. Facing away from the two men, she did what her stomach commanded. When she finished, Zesiro wiped her mouth and turned again to the Jedi and Inquisitor.

They were now both weaponless and were facing to fight hand to hand? Why not just use the Force? Attempting to do so just made Zesiro feel like getting sick all over again and she instead leaned against the back wall, waiting and watching. If the opportunity came for her to run, she wasn't sure she would be able to take it.

"I know what you wanted Jedi. What do you want Inquisitor?"

Her voice sounded scratchy in her ears, but it may just have been her hearing.

[member="Skaara Carlon"] [member="Cinnic"]
"Of course you Sith wouldn't play fair."

Cinnic shook his head in mock offense before devoting most of his energy to resisting the choke. The armored man was strong, but the old man's will and stubbornness was something out of legends. Thus, he wasn't affected.

"That's all ya got? Cute."

May I end this already, old man?

Nah, let's get outta here. I gotta practice my swordplay.

Rearing back his hand in preparation of a powerful Force Push, Cinnic shoved forward, sending a telekinetic wave of pure energy that, if contact was made, would send the Sith sprawling out of the alley, where the old man could then get out and leap to a rooftop.

[member="Zesiro"] [member="Skaara Carlon"]
Surprisingly the Force choking did not work, he would have to work on perfecting that technique later. Skaara was caught off guard by the sudden Force push and was flung back several yards into the main straight before he managed to land somewhat wobbly on his armored feet. The High Inquisitor snarled and quickly moved forward in an attempt to once again combat the Jedi.

But he knew that he would have already escaped by then, therefore he went for the girl.

[member="Cinnic"] | [member="Zesiro"]
Zesiro watched as the Jedi instead of fighting, sent a Force push and got the inquisitor out of the way and then he himself ran. She never got the chance to make a real attempt to escape because when she went to actually run, her stomach rebelled...again and threatened to do what it had done before. So she settled to leading against the wall and hold it up for a bit.

The inquisitor now approached her and Zesiro looked at him with her blue eyes. She made no move to reach for her saber or the Force. That would just embarrass her.

"Why is an inquisitor after me?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly and she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at him.

[member="Skaara Carlon"]
His heavy footfalls echoed throughout the alley way as he approached her, stopping several feet away from her hunched form on the wall. The High Inquisitor looked down upon her, almost an entire foot taller then the girl. Mechanical breathing replaced the sound of his footfalls, and he finally spoke "I've come to help you, girl. To give you a chance to escape from the past, a chance to strengthen yourself, and take vengeance on those who wronged you." Skaara breathed.

The Sith raised his arm and reached out towards her, offering to help her up. "Join the Empire, join the Inquisitorius, join me; Together we will bring order to the Galaxy."

As the inquisitor approached, she did not flinch away. There were several seconds of silence between them and when he did speak, his words totally shocked her. She had assumed he was another person after head and wanting her dead. That's just her day was going.

She looked at him and the surprise would show on her face. This was not an opportunity to waste for her. When the man held out his hand, she did not hesitate for a moment and took a hold of it.

Looking up at him, she hoped her stomach would start agreeing with her moving and not want to empty itself again.

[member="Skaara Carlon"]

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