This whole charade, from both sides, was about as unbearable as it could get. She cared little for the white-haired woman, in fact she less than cared - she hated her for bringing up the very subject that riled her up every time. [member="Darth Veles"] had been her master, she had been there when he had left the One Sith - she had been itching to punish him herself when she had the chance, but that chance never arose. The Mon Calamari was a traitor, regardless of what [member="Darth Venefica"] had claimed, she knew him more than the frazzled brunette ever would. But they weren't here to extend their farce of a trial to others, no; Alexandra would be facing her own mockery of a trial and then be suitable given her punishment. Silara could practically see it, the slimy weasel attempting to worm her way out like the weakling she was. It was absolutely disgusting - and then for her to claim she had a use for the Dark Lord, and further imply she was seen as useful in any modicum of the word, was enough to make her blood boil. 'Someone had better shut this schutta up or I will do it for them.' Came the thoughts of impatience in her head.
What made her extremely frustrated, annoyed even, was the woman's assertions that she was more than useless. The woman was a fething Jedi for force sake, she corrupted poor [member="Maja Vern"]'s mind and made her a naive little whelp that was of hardly any use to the Sith. She called herself gray, and gray was light. There was no light present in the shadow of the Dark Lord, nor was there any in the dark side itself. No matter what forms of delusions one faced, the force was not a fickle thing - it did not flutter and ache like the minds of men, it was not a woman's lust, and it certainly did not flicker like a candle light in the wake of a storm. The woman was no Sith, she had never been one. Even now she seemed to crack and break under the stress of this admittedly boring trial, smiling now, and it was absolutely absurd. The woman could parade about as some lunatic all she wanted, but hiding the aura of the light side, that glimmer in her soul, would not save her. Nor would implicating others. This was not a witch hunt, this was a public shaming of a truly incompetent and weak individual. "Oh for force sake, someone shut her up. This isn't a gossip session, we aren't drinking tea and eating sandwiches, you are on trial as a traitor to the One Sith and the Dark Lord's will. You are no Sith, you are nothing more than a sham of a woman. You could never amass the skill, the power, to defeat Praelior, much less Adekos, and you will continue to be as worthless as you have been in the past. All of us have experienced failure in some form or another, but none of us have betrayed our Dark Lord." She hissed, her head facing the woman with unseeing eyes. "You are the most disgusting of individuals present here, you have no worth. Whatever presumed weight you have with the Dark Lord does not exist, for there is no light in his voice, and you reek of it." Silara added, tired of this game. This would not devolve into an argument, she would make sure of that.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Reverance"]