Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Pride of the Party


It was time.

Although the Damascus Station had been open for a little while now, there had been no official grand opening for it yet....

.....Until now.

The Elysium Empire had been expanding it's territory and growing en masse in population, yet there had been no big celebration for it's peoples' efforts yet.....

.....Until now.

Even the wedding between Lori and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun had been a private affair. And when Rex was crowned King after Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun fell into a coma, there was but a quick coronation event for it.

Lori soon came to realize that celebrations and fun weren't really his forté. And neither was she. The two were no closer to eachother than they were when they had first met, despite her efforts. So she had resigned to just doing her own thing, whether that be missions, travel or creating parties such as this. People needed to know that they were appreciated for their efforts, after all.

Different rooms on the station were prepared and decorated for the event. There were various dance rooms for different styles of music, casinos, restaurants catered for a variety of different tastes, and of course quieter rooms for any business meetings and the like. Invites were sent across the Empire that all could attend. Even the Holo News Network's very own Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm was sent an invite for her and her team to cover the festivities.

Hopefully all would go well.

Lori wore a gown of silver for the event, and even lightened her hair for it. She was certain that she wouldn't get away with wearing slacks this time. Hopefully there'd be no trouble caused. But that was why Arla stayed close by with her, and she was certain that Var-Sulis Var-Sulis would be there too. Both Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson and Viken Dobson Viken Dobson lived and worked at the station, and with Rex hinting at executing members of the Dobson family, she had hoped that their lives would be spared. Yet Lori had plans set in place in case Rex tried to arrest them or kill them.

It was always wise to have a back-up plan, afterall....

Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen and Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel were a part of that, even if they didn't quite know it yet. But they wouldn't turn her down. They were her vod, her family, and both hated the situation that she was in.

Yet tonight was going to be a good night. Maybe Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou would attend? She could be a good distraction if Aculia Voland Aculia Voland arrived. The last thing that Lori needed was for a brawl to happen, but if she had to throw some punches, she certainly wasn't going to hold herself back.

For right now though, Lori stood in the lounge with Arla nearby, greeting all that came in and portraying herself as a good host. There was an announcement to be made tonight. Hopefully she wouldn't forget about it.
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“Holly I am serious. Tonight just be yourself and make some friends.”

“Perry I am always myself, and I’ve got friends.”

“No you have colleagues and sources. Damn it Starstorm you are a great reporter but I worry about you. A girl your age should be out on dates and socializing.”

“I go on dates!”

“No you go on interviews. Just please try to enjoy the party won’t you?”

He hung up and Holly scowled and threw the datapad on the couch in her hotel room. She went on plenty of dates! Okay so she couldn't remember the last time she had but for crying out loud it wasn’t a crime to love your job!

She finished getting ready at her place and once she was dressed she began the travel to the party. It was nice of the Empire to invite her. She had won favor with someone because this was not the first event she had been invited too. It was thrilling to know her name was getting out there, even if it was her professional name and not a social one.
A party, now that's a welcome relief...

Kimiko had been dying for a break of some sort, and quite possibly her favorite person in the Elysium Empire had offered a bit of respite. Loreena's invitation was accepted heartily and preparations were made almost upon receipt.

A good portion of the Imperial Fleet had remained around Damascus Station, so it was no surprise when several of the Sakuran ships cheered as their Empress entered the system. She had brought along a small entourage of guests. Included in this list were her right and left hands, Commander Chika Takami and Head of the Council Honoka. Tsubasa was making a rare appearance, since returning from exile and her previous military status revoked, she had been spending the majority of her time with her mother, learning the ways of the throne.

The Empress herself was being exceedingly lax, a feeling she had not told anyone about, was some sort of pending doom. It scared her, but wouldn't let her not live her own life.

So tonight, Mama Ki was on the prowl...

The SIN Cyaron had docked and the official party departed for the central room, Ki bee lining for the bar, or more precisely, Loreena. She had spotted the Mandalorian Queen from half a star system away.

Somehow, the white-furred fox, draped in probably one of her favorite dresses (x), sauntered up to her Elysium counterpart, nearly jumping on the woman,"Loreena! It's so nice too see you and thank you so much for the invite! You remember Chika and Honoka right?" she motioned to her two aides before waving her own daughter over,"And Tsubasa, my daughter? You had definitely left an impression on her." she smiled widely.

It wasn't long before she found some staff member and ordered a round of some sort of hard liquor for them,"Please at lease let me get you a drink?" she asked with pleading eyes as Chika and Honoka could only shake their heads and laugh.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
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Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
Wearing her usual navy uniform

How can I even try to relax?

Dorthea rode public transit on Damascus Station all the way to the location where the party was being hosted. The station was bloody massive, spanning 80 kilometres high, with over a billion beings that called it home. A bustling metropolis of industry, and space-faring culture, Damascus station was loaded with various races and demographics that had been displaced by many years of war and turmoil. It was a home, a safe haven, and source of prosperity to many who would feel helpless without it.

And Dorthea was responsible for managing all of it…

She still struggled to get her head around it. She alone was the director of a facility that hosted more civilians than some civilized worlds held in the galaxy. She wasn't elected, but appointed by Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's company, and she considered herself to be pretty good at it, actually. Her job mostly consisted of resource management, conflict resolution, and real estate regulations. There were often concerns that the population would eventually call for a more formalized form of government, but for now, the thing that seemed to keep those concerns at bay was the fact that the majority of the people still saw Damascus Station as a corporate facility.

And Mandal-Elysium Arms was a fair company, after all.

Oh, there were other companies on the station, of course. They were left to largely run their own operations as they were, but as far as general policy of conduct was concerned, Mandal-Elysium Arms was responsible for disctating that, being the majority stakeholder for the entire structure. And it seemed to be going well for the most part, as long as there was money to be made.

But there was a new facet of culture emerging from within. Some people were beginning to treat ships and the station itself with a sense of reverence and mild fanaticism. It was weird and it baffled Dorthea's mind. She had even hired an "anthropologist" to come in and investigate the nature of this behaviour and even he seemed to struggle with what was driving it. The best he could deduce was that the station was largely populated by the old nomadic fleet civilians that were present during the earlier years of the Elysium Empire. Since those people had turned to life in space for safety from the territorial conquest of warring nations, the reliance on space ships might've started to form a psychological attachment to ships and what they mean to the people. Living on Damascus Station, where ships were built, maintained, and cared-for seemed to deepen that subconscious association and form something akin to superstitions and obsessions.

This, and many many problems associated with running a massive space station, were constantly running through Dorthea's mind all the time. Now, she was supposed to attend one of @Loreena 's parties that was being held on the station itself and she was expected to enjoy herself. Like I wanna cut loose in my own workplace…

The train stopped at her location and she disembarked autonomously, while deep in thought. She struggled to keep tension and exhaustion out of her gate, but it was hard for her. She never really stopped working in her mind…

She needed a real vacation.

She reached the entrance to "building" where the party was and strode right inside. She wormed her way through clusters of people in the foyer and made it to an attached hallway that ran perpendicular to the door she came from. The hall was very long and connected to the many different rooms that Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun had reserved for the occasion. She veered right and went down that wing, checking door numbers as she walked. She came to the door at the end of the hall, which had the right number and she stepped right through.

This room was dark, but large, with a nice bar in the middle, and clusters of well-dressed low-key beings in conversation. It was easy to spot the Empress Kitsune, Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou talking to @Loreena which was nice to see. Dorthea considered going over to introduce herself, but another being caught her eye. Furtively, she took a quick glance to confirm her suspicions and her spine turned to ice.

There, was none other than Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm , the reporter from the Alderaan festival. Dorthea's face flushed with total embarrassment as she recalled that her brother, Severus Dobson Severus Dobson had made a fool of himself to her that day. Surely, the young enterprising reporter from Coruscant would recognize Dorthea as being related to Severus if she was seen. Going over to see Kimiko and Lori would certainly draw attention to Dorthea, and it might induce an awkward interaction. She elected to make herself as small as possible and scoot over to a table in the dark corner. Leaving wasn't an option yet. She still wanted to witness Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's enigmatic announcement tonight…

She reached the table and waited for a server to come by and take her order. She briefly hoped that her other brother, Viken Dobson Viken Dobson would show up and enjoy the misery with her…

Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson 's hoped were answered. Either that or she knew him well enough to surmise that her younger brother would indeed show up. And he did. Dressed in a suit that was neither bold or flashy, he didn't want to stand out by dressing too casually either. Blending in was the best alternative.

Normally he'd of spent the evening in his quarters, working on designs for his next project, however Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun suggested that he attend for some big announcement. Just what that would be, he had no idea, for no top-secret designs or any special projects had been sent his way. Despite being a Dobson, Viken had earned her trust for the most part it seemed.

Still, there were some strange mutterings amongst some of the other engineers at the station. And it went beyond naming a newly built ship. It was almost like some kind of....admiration for them. Viken couldn't quite put his finger on it.

But maybe Dorthea would know. Viken was partly surprised to see her alone at a table by herself, almost as though she was hiding. He had expected to see her hovering around Lori and Arla, not falling to one of his habits. With a reserved sigh and a drink in his hand, Viken made his way over to her table and pulled out a chair to sit across from her. "In uniform for the party? Did you not get the night off?"
She reached the entrance to "building" where the party was and strode right inside. She wormed her way through clusters of people in the foyer

Amongst the crowd to the left side near a decorative plant, about my height, I stood and noticed a few familiar faces..Including..Wait..A Dobson eh? This is interesting....Not sure which one that is. I contemplated for a second before turning my attention to a reflective mirror on the wall. Wearing my black tailored tux I adjusted the collar a bit and my hair. It was time to mingle. I knew of this party happening..And let me tell you..It was long overdue. I am proud of Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and all that she's accomplished. Now then....Ahhh..Speaking of..There she is greeting everyone as they all enter. Perhaps i'll keep surveying the room..Maybe look for a chat or two. If I navigate towards her immediately...The rumors will fly....And I know there are plenty of political figures here just waiting for something to gossip about.

I kept all my gear in a storage locker unit back near the grand hallway...I needed to be ready at all times..No matter where I was..Or what type of event it was supposed to be.
With a station as large as Damascus, it was bearly impossible to know everyone that approached. But that was what some polite smiles and nods were for. Lori had seen her parents do it before when she was younger, and she had spent some minutes in front of a mirror practicing it before she had joined Elysium. At least now it seemed more natural.

She spotted Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson and her brother Viken Dobson Viken Dobson . No one was bothering them yet, so that was good. Lori had to keep an eye on them to be sure that it remained that way. Maybe she could get Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to watch out for them too, but then again Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun may have given other orders in regards to the Dobsons. That could pose a problem if it was true. And that would put Var in a tough spot....

Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou distracted her from her thoughts as the Empress came bounding towards her with a small entourage. Lori smiled brightly, recalling her visit to their homeworld for tea. "Oh yes, I remember. Lovely to see you all. I'm glad you could come! You all look beautiful. This'll be a lot of fun. And a drink would be wicked, thanks."

The lights reflected off of her dress, making her look like she sparkled as she moved away from the entrance. Lori thought that she had spotted Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm , but she wasn't so sure. No doubt she'd get to talk to her later too.

And then there was trying to figure out a good timing for her announcement. It'll be soon, once it appears that most were already here. Hopefully she remembered all of her speech!

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
Viken made his way over to her table and pulled out a chair to sit across from her. "In uniform for the party? Did you not get the night off?"

Dorthea had been flicking through her datapad when her kid brother, Viken Dobson Viken Dobson found her. She quickly cleared the screen with a single swipe of her finger and slipped it into her pocket as she turned her attention to him and grinned a rare grin, “Now now, Vikkie. You know know me.” She patted the pocket where she had just deposited the datapad, “I’m never not working. Us Dobsons, for all of our sins, we are at least never known for our laziness. And tonight, I’m not really here to mingle. I don’t know the details of Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ’s announcement, but I do know that it will be big, and it has to do with Damascus Station. Anything regarding the station, I pretty much need to be present for. I suspect that once Lori is finished, I’ll need to dive straight back into my office all the way back in the admin sector and start making appointments.” She spread her hands in easy resignation, “but, that’s what I do. I don’t have any complaints, really. What about you? Last time I saw you in proverbial sunlight was during puberty… what brought you out of your hole?”

Then, the extremely handsome, cocky security man named Var-Sulis Var-Sulis caught her eye as he surveyed the room in his usual fashion. Naturally, as was his custom, his eyes fell on Lori multiple times as his eyes seemed to be calculating his next move. Dorthea was pleased to see him. She knew about some of the emotional strain that Rex had put on Lori recently with their faultering marriage. Var could seem like a bit of a cocky jock, but he was good natured and attentive. An interaction between Lori and Var might help Lori feel a bit better about things. What was good for Lori’s well-being was good for the company. Dorthea attempted to shoot Var a salute when his eyes seemed to be scanning in her general direction.

She then threw a sidelong look at her brother, “Hey. You wanna make a bet for old times sake? How long do you think before Var makes his way towards Lori? I’m betting he has two drinks, not including the one he takes with him to talk to her.” As kids they had made small, innocent bets from time-to-time…

Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Vikkie. Oh how Viken hated it whenever Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson called him that. It was so patronizing, especially as they were both too old for using nicknames. It made his skin crawl. But he didn't express his displeasure, instead just tucking it all away as he took a sip of his drink.

However her next comments about him caused Viken to roll his eyes. Dorthea was born to work hard and to multi-task. This is what she was born for. She could compartmentialize and organize anything. Damascus Station and it's huge population was much more of a challenge to her than being on some Star Destroyer. This was her element and Viken knew that she knew it too. "I was asked to come, for the announcement if not for anything else. And are you sure that you know nothing about it? I thought that she confided in you."

His gaze followed that of his sister's, spotting Var-Sulis Var-Sulis . He squinted his eyes at him a little as he calculated the odds of various scenarios that could happen at tonight's event.

A hint of a sly grin flashed across Viken's face for a split second as Dorthea suggested a bet between Var and Lori. Oh how his sister sure knew how to get him talking, instead of brooding in silence. "Somehow I don't think he'd be needing any liquid courage to make his approach. One drink. And he'll wait until she's alone. 500 credits." He took another sip of his drink as he waited to see if Dorthea would up the stakes.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
"I was asked to come, for the announcement if not for anything else. And are you sure that you know nothing about it? I thought that she confided in you."

"Well…" Dorthea murmured. She did know a bit more, but she didn't want to say everything. But Viken Dobson Viken Dobson could be trusted, so she decided to give him a taste, "I know some things about what Lori is going through, but I honestly don't know everything. I know there are some issues with her mandalorian heritage, but I don't know everything about that either. She still has a "Vode" of course. But I've seen stock prices for the company fluctuate every time someone in power even mentions her Mandalorian accolades and sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much. I suspect that she's come up with a solution on her own using what I've taught her as well as some of her own intuition. She was already pretty sharp before I started helping, but now she's really starting to maneuver the business world like a fighter jock. Whatever she does, I feel like it will surpass even my abilities." She get her chest swell slightly with pride.

"Somehow I don't think he'd be needing any liquid courage to make his approach. One drink. And he'll wait until she's alone. 500 credits." He took another sip of his drink as he waited to see if Dorthea would up the stakes.

"Ha!" Dorthea laughed loudly. She loved it when her little brother got going. It made her feel powerful to be able to get him out of his shell. It didn't happen often, but when it did, she felt like a kid again, "alright I'll take your wager. But let's make it more interesting… I'm betting my girl there will make him work for it. Another 500?”
Watching the crowd mingle..My mind began to drift into what it was like for the Aristocratic minds that dwelled there..And those that showed up to say they are "there" and proud to be present. I never had royalty..Or even someone in my family that made a wealthy living...I had connections..But of the lowly kind. My idea of a good time was different than this..But that was years ago. This was different..and something that I could now get used to. Lori was like an anchor into the social world. I noticed the news reporting crew there...And oh....There is Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson again. I shouldn't....Yes i should...I walk over to her from across the room while giving a smirking glare to Viken Dobson Viken Dobson . "Quite the turn out tonight! Good to cross eyes yet again.." I would wink before looking for the nearest flute of champaigne or alcohol i could get my hands on.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
I walk over to her from across the room while giving a smirking glare to Viken Dobson Viken Dobson Viken Dobson Viken Dobson . "Quite the turn out tonight! Good to cross eyes yet again.." I would wink before looking for the nearest flute of champaigne or alcohol i could get my hands on.

Dorthea grinned mischievously at Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and replied immediately, "A fine looking young man such as yourself can cross my eyes any time he likes!"

Dorthea couldn't help herself. She could be a harmless flirt from time-to-time. She wasn't really the type to step in on another gal's territory, let alone Lori's prospects. That and she wasn't terribly fond of men that were almost a decade younger than her. But Var had come here willingly, he had a reputation, and he was a known flirt. He was basically asking for it…

She noted the strange glare that Var had shot at her brother and she grew a little leery. Such glares were a common occurrence when it came to members of Dorthea's family, but in her mind, Viken was an exception. He was very different from the… ambitious ways of the Dobson clan, and embrace a humble living as a technology guru. If anything was to threaten her brother, even existentially, Dorthea would never stand for it.

But best to keep things light if possible. She threw a warm (warm for a Dobson) smile at Var, "well it looks like the queen is a little busy at the moment talking to Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou . Why don't you sit down with us and enjoy a couple drinks?" She shot a furtive look at her brother to tease him wordlessly as she tried to rig their bet on a technicality…
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Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Viken wasn't surprised that Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson had a good handle on what Lori was up to. However it did surprise him that she wasn't exactly certain on what that was. Hmmmm...

He sipped his drink as his sister upped the stakes. It was easier for her to bet more on Lori than it was with Var-Sulis Var-Sulis , which was almost what she was doing.

Speaking of which, the man headed their way. Viken kept his expression entirely neutral, much like he always did when he was in public. Normally he'd excuse himself from the table to go back to his lab, but he refraned from doing so on the interest of winning the bet against his sister.

"Now Dorthea...he's working. Can't have a drunk agent on our hands, now can we? One's plenty."
I nodded to the two of them as I sat at the table exhaling as it was a sigh of relief to be in company. As the chatter and random laughter in the room set the stage, i quickly glanced over to a small band that began playing music for the gathering individuals.'s good on the sax. Anyhow...Looking quickly to Viken Dobson Viken Dobson while crossing my leg over i calmly responded.

"Indeed. Being intoxicated leads to one thing.....seeing multiples of the same target!" I would chuckle before grabbing a flute of champaign from one of the waitresses walking by. I then placed it on the table before me and gave a glance to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson . The Empire is growing...however..Our allies seem far and few between...Stretching us thin would be a grave mistake. I hope that Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun takes this into consideration as more eyes seem to be peeled in her direction. Myself included....Tell me...Do you take a fancy to these types of events?"

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
"Indeed. Being intoxicated leads to one thing.....seeing multiples of the same target!" I would chuckle before grabbing a flute of champaign from one of the waitresses walking by. I then placed it on the table before me and gave a glance to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson . The Empire is growing...however..Our allies seem far and few between...Stretching us thin would be a grave mistake. I hope that Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun takes this into consideration as more eyes seem to be peeled in her direction. Myself included....Tell me...Do you take a fancy to these types of events?"

"No." She stated flatly. She tugged the collar of her uniform to emphasize that she was there for work reasons only.

She then smirked a little and lightened her voice back to conversation levels, "but I think Lori is aware of the political situation of the Empire. She is part of the government, for that matter. But when it comes to her professional life, she has to have two hands; the hand that steers her company, and the hand that steers her husband's leadership. The former is reliable to her. The latter, well, she struggles with that. Whatever she does today will likely reflect how she views the balance between those things." Dorthea decided that she wouldn't say any more than that. To say more would betray Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's trust in her.

Instead she decided to redirect the flow of the conversation slightly, "tell me, my shining knight of the Elysium Security Command… what are your views regarding the state of affairs in the Empire?"

She made an effort not to watch his drink so obviously. Sure, he said he'd only have one drink… but this conversation might take a while if Dorthea had her way…

Don’t underestimate me, oh Vikkie boy…

Viken Dobson Viken Dobson Var-Sulis Var-Sulis
The Empress smiled as she offered one of the served cups to the Queen and cupped her own gently. Raising her glass slightly, she eyed Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun slyly, quite enjoying the sight. Her voice lowered, a sultry bass entered her speech,"To the Empire." she would wink before tossing back the warm and smooth liquor.

Ki replaced the glass upside down on the counter.

As the room began to fill, she would spy Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson conversing and nudged Loreena in their direction,"Go do queen things my friend. I shall meet with you again before the night is done. For now, I must dance!"

Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Multiple targets.

Viken eyed Var-Sulis Var-Sulis almost suspiciously, glancing to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson briefly in turn. Why did the man have to sit at their table? His sister was more than enough company. But if it was execution coming for them down the line, than no doubt the agent was keeping close tabs on them.

"No. But I was asked to be herr." He let Dorthea steer the conversation. Or was it a casual interrogation? Regardless, Viken never really did well in crowds. They were the bane of his existance.

Viken glanced around the room, noting the music was going and hoping that it wouldn't get so loud to drown out conversations. Not that he wanted to do any of the talking, really. But being able to hold a conversation was important for Viken winning that bet.

"The Queen's better make sure that she doesn't drink too much either." He nudged his head in her direction as Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou and company left her side. It was his chance of winning the bet if the agent went to her....

Or will Dorthea intervene, as usual?
Lori took the offered cup like Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou did. She smiled at the small toast, but was ever curious about the looks that the Empress was giving her. "To the Empire." She downed the drink in turn, letting it burn her throat slightly on the way down before placing the overturned glass onto a tray.

Her gaze then moved to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson , Viken Dobson Viken Dobson and Var-Sulis Var-Sulis as she was being nudged over to them. Lori smirked at Kimiko, knowing full well that there was plenty to do tonight, just how much of it was Queenly stuff, she didn't know. "Alright, I'll catch you later..."

Lori took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before heading over to their table. She needed to draw up a bit of courage for herself. Not to talk to the three at the table, but for afterwards with her announcement. Things could either go poorly or wickedly. She just wasn't sure of which one.

"Oh good! You made here. I hope to get my announcement out shortly. I just wanted to give a quick hello before doing so."
Noticing Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun approaching the table I quickly cleared my throat. Out of nervous instinct, one would say. She kept her composure even though it seemed like there was alot on her mind. I wouldn't blame her. Being someone in her position with all eyes on her and her announcement should make her nervous.

"Yes. We're all here. And...(I raise my flute words her)...A congratulations to everything you've achieved thus far! We were just chatting about..The Empire and it's directional course. It's hard to tell what is really going on now a days.." I said as I told myself not to make any personal remarks or compliment her natural beauty. I didn't want to draw attention to my affection for her. "Beautiful gown Lori.." I blurted out like a Wookie does..Shameless and aimless....Uggghghh....Hopefully, the subject at hand is important enough not to dwell why I'm really here.

Tag: Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Viken Dobson Viken Dobson

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
Out of the corner of her eye, noticed as the conversation between Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou and Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun broke up and Lori started making her way over to their table. Since this put Lori in range of Var-Sulis Var-Sulis conversation perimiter, Dorthea’s heart sank. This actually killed both of Dorthea’s and Viken Dobson Viken Dobson ’s bets at the same time since the bets were based on Var approaching Lori, and not Lori approaching Var.

She did smirk inwardly though… although, there still might be time for him to take the action on our second bet…

Lori may have come over to where Var was, but she could still play hard to get, or she could reciprocate in earnest. All Viken had to do was send Dorthea a signal like a wink or an ear grab or something and the bet was on. Dorthea didn’t really care if she won or not, but the action was what thrilled her when it came to betting with ol’ Vikkie.
"Oh good! You made here. I hope to get my announcement out shortly. I just wanted to give a quick hello before doing so."
Well, that doesn’t give me anything to work with just yet, Dorthea thought to herself. She would keep an eye on it though. She shot a look at Viken Dobson Viken Dobson with a raised eyebrow in an unspoken question. Are you game?

Anyways, she thought she better be part of the conversation, “yes! And I came to hear it! If you need anything quick, I can help if you like. But I don’t have your notes, so my help is limited.” She shrugged. She knew a bit about Lori’s announcement, of course. She ran Damascus Station, after all. But again, she didn’t know the particulars. She really wished that Lori had let her go over her announcement for feedback and edits, just in case. Dorthea didn’t really need to know everything that Lori was planning, so that wasn’t her motivation. But Dorthea knew from experience that a second opinion always helped when it came to things this big in nature. And Dorthea could be pretty anal about these kinds of things…
"Yes. We're all here. And...(I raise my flute words her)...A congratulations to everything you've achieved thus far! We were just chatting about..The Empire and it's directional course. It's hard to tell what is really going on now a days.."
Dorthea smirked mockingly at Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and chimed in, “I would assume that the Chief of Imperial Security would know about current affairs than you admit. Mind you, I too am limited by the scope of my responsibilities, but it never hurts to keep in the loop. Unless you feel like the empire is keeping things from you?”

She noted with self awareness that her inquiry was a tad aggressive, but she was at least known for her aggressive style of diplomacy. But for the head of security to claim that it was hard for him to keep informed was very concerning, indeed. Being confined to Damascus Station lately, she had been somewhat removed from the court of imperial politics, and there were concerns brewing in the shadows. How Var responded to a probing for information could tell her a lot.

Even if he lies, one can learn as much from the lies as one can from the truth…

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