Dark Jedi Spymaster
So Primeval had a pretty nice idea for some different dominions. Please have a read through the below and comment.
- Where would you like to dominion? [somewhere with an interesting world for a tournament perhaps]
- Would you take part? [respond to the poll]
- Do you have any further ideas?
Greetings Faction Owners of the One Sith, SSC, Republic, Mandalorians, Hutt Cartel, and the Techno Union!
Recently, the Primeval has planning to turn an acolyte Tournament into a dominion, which got the ball rolling, and a member of mine (The Traveler) had an incredibly innovative and fun idea that I wanted to run by all of you, since it involves all over your factions, potentially!
The idea is this:
The Primeval undergo a special holiday season that happens only once every ten years, which is essentially a blitzkrieg of celebratory Tournaments, that take precedence over conflicts and battles (like the original Olympics with the Greeks). Now that the Primeval have gained significant influence and presence within the galaxy, and being close to the borders of most of the Major factions, the Primeval will challenge them all not to war, but to battle in the arena!
They set up these events on unclaimed worlds just outside the reach of your factions, and we host a tournament for your factions, and in the process allows your faction to dominion the planet. Obviously for the Mandalorians, the Republic, and the SSC, the negotiations to convince your factions that this is a non-conflict celebratory challenge might not work out, and of course there is nothing stopping your factions from cheating your way through the tournament, but I thought this would simply be a fun inter-faction non-conflict exercise
So, would any of you be interested in something similar to this?
So obviously you saw my PM to all of the faction owners about my idea of the Primeval hosting a Tournament to serve as dominions for all of the factions on the board as part of Primeval lore and to create a fun inter-faction writing experience that wasn't about conflict or making deals and such. Just a fun time!
So, I need some ideas of where you would like the Primeval to assist you through a dominion, and I would need you to ask if any members would like to enter the tournament as well.
Sorry this message is getting to you so late! I forgot to message you separately like I did for the others.![]()