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Private Auction on Contruum (Holocrons and sith items)

Darth Odium

Contruum Orbit

The Large Nautolan was unknown to the Galaxy at large and if he had his way it would stay that way. He sat onboard an old nondescript GR-75 medium transport. The crew of 3 pilot droids, himself and two Astromechs ran the transport well enough and he liked it that way. The simple ship had only 4 Twin fire-linked laser cannon turrets for defense and hardly seemed like a ship a Sith would ever use. He sat in orbit over Contruum eyes glued to the screen of the holovid as it displayed the scene on the ground. The Protocol Droid he had purchased for 1000 credits and a Hyperdrive Shunt was just about to start the bidding for the items Odium had set up. The building was an old noble's home and the bidders seats were set up in rows 10 across and 10 deep. The Items themselves were on display on a stage beside the droid. Odium checked his chrono and noted it was mere hours until the fire works that would mark the end of the auction were to go off. He stuffed a fried oval chip of salted potato into his mouth from the bowl in the center of the common room and waited.
04:00 hours until completion (ICly)

Contruum Ground

BC-118Z stood on the raise stage like platform with battle droids as guards and the items of note on pedestals surrounded by ray shielding. The force was expressly forbidden and to ensure this any use of the force to manipulate the items or guards would be seen by off site security personnel monitoring the event via holonet.

"Ladies and gentlemen I present the Items of interest." The droid said as the names appeared on a very stylish over stage display.

Dark Nihiliss' Holocron (Force Drain, binding one's spirit to armor): Entropy, the greatest Sith sword in six thousand years.

Darth Nox Holocron (Binding Spirits to yourself for increased force power, Lightsaber, and holocron creation): 1 copy of both the 'Knotters of Entrails' and 'Reanimate Undead' Sith scrolls, a unique weapon to be meet specifications, a speeder of choice, and 3,000,000 credits

Shadow Armor:

Unidentified Sith Sword 1:

Unidnetified Sith Sword 2:

Kallig's scorching lightsaber:

"Let the Bidding Begin." The Droid anounced


Well-Known Member
"1 copy of both the 'Knotters of Entrails' and 'Reanimate Undead' Sith scrolls, a unique weapon to be meet specifications, a speeder of choice, and 3,000,000 credits on Nox's holo." If it truly was what the droid boasted, such an ability would be worth far more, and he would meet the means.

The Admiralty

I sat behind the Destroyer of the Temple, and waited for him to make the first move. The silence was tangible, but pleasant. Never understood why people insisted upon needless chitchat, this man. Odium, he called himself, eternal hatred.

Chaos followed in his wake, and that made me strangely happy. Too few understood true chaos.

I wondered what he was going to do with the auction, and so I just waited. Waited until he deemed it necessary to tell (ha) me more.
Despite long years of difference between us, it's times like these I acknowledge my brother taught me well. The methodology's all his.

The objective's all Velok.

Oh, Velok was the one who stole these holocrons in the first place, took incomplete records of them, sold them on this very world. Don't get me wrong, he had these things and far, far more. And as his lab assistant I helped keep those records, even got a little time with the genuine article before Velok sold it off to bring the Republic raging to his door. But even belonging to the Order of the Selab as I do, even coming here for nonproliferation purposes, there's nothing more salivary than a couple of holocrons on a plinth. Whether or not they're real.

I'm here anonymously, in faceless Second Skin biotech powered armor that blends me with the shadows in the room's corner. Not my greatest creation, but close to it. I'm not myself; I've scattered my Force presence, so those who know me could sense that I'm in the city, but not my location. Not even if they're right beside me. So Ovmar, for example, knows that this particular witch is in town.

Contruum gets twitchy when auctions are mentioned; guards and cameras and paranoia. Ray shields over the items. Gutsy move, having the items on premises. The implications are worrisome, but this armor has stood me in good stead for a while.

I bid by datapad, anonymously, just a vague silhouette in the back right corner of the room. Door to my left, bidders and items ahead of me.

For the Nihilus Holocron: Entropy, the greatest Sith sword in six thousand years.

How this goes down will determine whether I honor my bid. Two tiny globules of my blood float up the wall behind me, dance their way across the ceiling, then splash themselves on the ceiling above the ray shielded holocrons. Without gesture -- there's cameras everywhere on Contruum -- I reach out to the energy fields' projectors. Taking them down would be idiotic. But making them flicker for half a second, with just the right timing -- that'll get notice from the auction runners, to be sure, but I don't think it'll trigger a lockdown.

The shields flicker, almost imperceptibly, over the two holocrons, and I pulse my deep Blood Trail connection to the two tiny splashes on the ceiling. Two pinhead-sized droplets slash down through the momentary gap and tag both holocrons.

So far as sight, sense, or holocam can determine, all that's happened has been a half-second flicker in the shielding. Another droplet falls unbidden, hisses into a minuscule bit of smoke on the Nox energy shield. Feth. Well, maybe they'll take it as related to the momentary futzing of the shield emitters.

Will they lock us down? Maybe. Or maybe having these wares in plain sight is part of some big bad plan too big and bad for a brief shield anomaly to interrupt. Guess we'll see.
| [member="Ordo"] | [member="D-Man"] |

The cockpit of the Niathal was a closed, cramped space and yet Darth Ayra found herself in relative comfort and solitude. It was at times during this that the Sith Lord spent gazing upon the dark void; a time of solitude, where she could think about the events that had followed and what would be coming up over the horizon.

To the side, on the dashboard in front of the copilot seat, a blue hue came to life, illuminating what had been a darkened room. Ayra, reluctantly, rose from her seat and slid herself into the other, she was positioned in front of the light. It was a holographic projector, used to send long and short range transmissions. She thought it might be the [member="Enigma"], Darth Pandeima, who happened to be her Sith Master. Excited by the prospect of what she wanted, Ayra lifted her hands to accept the transmission.

Brief disappointment followed, the holographic projector began to transmit the items on sale on Contruum. Then she remembered that she had access to the Alidene-class beacons that Pandeima had set up in that system, to replace the broken and outdated beacons from before, which had either withered or died during the Four Hundred Year Darkness.

Reading over the items, she was particularly interested in Darth Nox's holocron; and saw that a bid had already been made at three million dactaries. Not knowing that the buyer had been her opponent during the Mandalorian's invasion and subsequent destruction of Dromund Kaas, in which she wouldn't of cared anyway, Ayra lifted her hand and placed a bid of three million, five hundred thousand dactaries (3,500,000) for Darth Nox's holocron. After all, the recent business dealings of Subach-Innes, in which she was a co-owner of, as well as the Chandrila DataTech company found on Chandrila and her position as a Sith Lord in the New Order, Darth Ayra had access to a lot of wealth to complete the bid.

With hope, her competition didn't have as many resources as she did.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Circe herself had received the transmission as well. "Ten percent of Subach stock, an energy crystal-powered starfighter radiating with a Dark Side aura, and five hundred thousand credits for both Sith Swords." She then noticed that a lightsaber was for sale. "Fifty thousand credits and a Ke-Ni droid for the Lightsaber."

[member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Rave Merrill"]
| [member="Enigma"] | [member="Ordo"] | [member="D-Man"] |

Pandeima (Enigma) and Ayra were sat on the Niathal, together like they normally were. The latter covered the transmission to converse with her Sith Master. "Why those particular items?" Ayra asked, cocking her head to the right.


Well-Known Member
D-Man said:
"1 copy of both the 'Knotters of Entrails' and 'Reanimate Undead' Sith scrolls, a unique weapon to be meet specifications, a speeder of choice, and 3,000,000 credits on Nox's holo." If it truly was what the droid boasted, such an ability would be worth far more, and he would meet the means.
Typing for a moment, Damien upped his bid by a quarter million, though he didn't view it necessary. His bid held more physical worth than simple credits, but with that being said creds did sway the soul. It was always best to stay up.


Well-Known Member
250,000 credit annual sum, to be transferred upon the first of every standard month for a total of 2 years, a dozen Shadow Daggers from my personal stock, and in depth training to best battle Umbrakinetics. Kasamann sent to the auctioneer, On Nihilus' Teachings. A one of a kind ability that could be used in defensive or offensive ways, only known by a singular entity: who wouldnt want to know how to fend it off?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Ayra"]

"Well, my apprentice, every respectable Sith Lord needs at least one Sith Sword in his or her possession. As for the lightsaber - they're plentiful, and it's likely no one else will take it. Why not successfully acquire it and add it to my collection of items?" She smiled. "Besides, who knows what special history they may have?"
| [member="Enigma"] | [member="D-Man"] | [member="Ordo"] |

"I believe this holocron, the Nox, could be an important item to have in our possession, Master." She turned to look at the auction and that Damien had increased his offer. "What do you think we could exchange, alongside the credits, for it? Nothing comes to my mind at the moment."


Well-Known Member
"Why bid further? If i win, after learning all I can, you may have the holocron free of charge. To do with as you see fit." Daemos offered to the conversing duo. Enigma would likely not remember him, having but brief business dealings, and the other he could tell was an old opponent. Clearly she had gotten stronger as well.

[member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Enigma"]
| [member="Enigma"] | [member="D-Man"] | [member="Ordo"] |

She recognized that voice. Ayra cursed herself. She had forgot to cover her source and now her competition was in on her feed. "I remember you. You were fighting for the Mandalorians. Very fast." Damien hadn't learned who that woman was, nor her other connections. Just that she was a Sith. But an unknown one.


"How could we trust your word, Mandalorian?"


Well-Known Member
Damien chuckled, "Trust me? I am slowly but surely wondering what is with the people of this galaxy. Honor and loyalty mean the world to me. If I say I am going to do something, it will be done. Now, onto how to prove that..." After typing for a moment, Damien sent over an encrypted message, "You can attempt to crack that and waste the time you have, or you can trust me when I say it holds the exact coordinates of my estate. I will be there after I leave. Two Lords against a High Knight?

"On my strongest day i know thats pushin it. If I succeed in this purchase, expect a secondary message which will decrypt the first."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
(Made myself lol. I forgot we were in ships.)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="D-Man"] [member="Darth Ayra"]

"That seems fair enough, Mandalorian. At least you aren't a witch, after all." Circe spoke up, having remembered that the Witches of Dathomir had, at Petra's choosing, aligned themselves with the Mandalorians. She missed them greatly, after all. "I hope then to pick up the holocron once you have finished studying its contents. But if any information has been deleted, or the holocron has been damaged in such a way as to no longer be functional... I /will/ have your head."
| [member="Enigma"] | [member="D-Man"] | [member="Ordo"] |

"On the pretense that we've made an accord, Mandalorian, then we will retract our bid for the Holocron, allowing you to buy; provided that nobody else places a bid. We will meet with you on your estate, as per our agreements." Ayra pushed Damien out of their frequency, so she and Pandeima could speak freely. "How should we play this? See out the agreement or betray him?"
The Chiss Lord sat in the front row of the auction, tapping away at a small holo-pad. She knew most of the bidding would go to the holocrons, so why even try to bid on them?
" 500,000, 3 speeders and 250 Skivvian slaves for Kalligs blade, and 375,000 credits plus the free use of the bounty hunter [member=Nai' Frerstal] on 2 missions for the 2 sabers. " Eclipsion told [member=Odium], putting the pad down.

Darth Odium

Contruum Ground

The Droid noted a number of transmissions were being intercepted by the very fussy security system that was designed to protect for outside sources influencing the security of the Auction and a secure signal from his master, Odium said to advise the members. [member="Lord Eclipsion"] [member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Enigma"] [member="D-Man"] [member="Kasamann"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Jared Ovmar"].
"Ladies and gentlemen I regret to inform all not present that only guest who are present may bid." BC-118Z said, "To ensure security and reduce fears the Seller has affirmed he will come and be present on site. That said, only our Chiss and Human guests bids will stand for now. The auction will be extended to allow other bidders to decide whether to join us or not."

Dark Nihiliss' Holocron (Force Drain, binding one's spirit to armor): Entropy, the greatest Sith sword in six thousand years.

Darth Nox Holocron (Binding Spirits to yourself for increased force power, Lightsaber, and holocron creation): 1 copy of both the 'Knotters of Entrails' and 'Reanimate Undead' Sith scrolls, a unique weapon to be meet specifications, a speeder of choice, and 3,000,000 credits

Shadow Armor:

Unidentified Sith Sword 1:

} 375,000 credits plus the free use of the bounty hunter Nai' Frerstal on 2 missions for the 2 sabers.
Unidnetified Sith Sword 2:

Kallig's scorching lightsaber: 500,000, 3 speeders and 250 Skivvian slaves.


Odium stood and handed Lord Ovmar his data pad that listed the items and current bids. The Nautolan smiled widely and headed to the cockpit it was already progressing well with some excellent bids and wonderful opportunities, but for the sake of security and to reassure his guest he would go down himself. He grabbed his satchel and armor that was adorned with many small bones as well as his bone necklace and chose to take a dropship and give Jared the option of staying.

It's took only moments for him to be ready write a message for Lord Ovmar and head to the speeder that would take him to the auction house.
[member="Hion the Herglic"] (you're welcome to jump in.)

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