Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Auction on Contruum (Holocrons and sith items)

Orcus stood at the Contruum auction house, pondering the various items. Auctioning off holocrons valuable to the One Sith seemed like a waste of resources to him, but he knew Odium to be loyal to the cause. Perhaps there was a greater scheme at work here and the auction stood as but the underpinnings. He could only hope. He did not want to bring back an ill report of Odium to the Dark Lord. That would be.... unfortunate.

For now, Orcus stood in the corner, arms crossed. It wasn't as if a Herglic encased in Orbalisk armor could go unnoticed, but no matter. He did not fear those present. Squeezing in through the auction house entrance had been difficult and embarrassing. He might have ripped a door off its hinges in irritation. Still, gambling attracted Herglics the same as blood in the water brought sharks. And this was a form of gambling, Orcus just hadn't figured out which kind yet.
| [member="Enigma"] |

Ayra frowned at the transmission, before turning her gaze to Pandeima. "The Nox holocron, seemingly, has been solved. But your bids are yet to be accepted. Shall I set a course for Contruum?"
Twin orbs of black would pour down upon the crowd in her mind’s eye. A seething current of power twisting about the area as the Eye of the Dark Lord observed the procedures with increasing wolfish satisfaction.

The future was ever changing, but glimpses and facets were enough to tease the senses if one would simply be gifted at interpreting the signs.

Much like Byss, there was a dark lingering presence upon the planet, a putrid pool of festering Dark Energy ironically paved by the Jedi themselves.

How exquisite.

Deep in meditation within the bowels of the ship, the Darth manipulated the Force’s energies given to her by the Dark Lord and the Vahla Goddess. Farsight.

In this she would begin a new tier of power, a new approach to her far reaching gaze.
That was that; the two holocrons had been successfully and surreptitiously blood trailed by the stealthed figure in the corner shadows. The figure in biological powered armor tough enough to shrug off lightsabres.

Now to determine if the holocrons were actually real. A master alchemist's senses would do for that, at this range, despite the interference of the energy shields. She stretched out to the Force and connected consciously with her intuition, then muttered a Nightsister crafting-spell of identification. Powered armor covered her face, obscured her voice; the holocams would find nothing especially Forceish about what she was doing, which was apparently nothing.


Well-Known Member
Feeling an odd tingle against his consciousness, Kasamann let his stalk eye rotate slowly about the room. Something was different, but what was up for grabs. Clearly it was something he had witnessed, or endured, and thus he simply had to figure it out. Glancing to the furthest point in the room, he spotted Hion, the Herglic he had battled alongside against the Republic. Next came a lithe form, one he thought he recognized, but couldnt be sure.

It was odd to feel such a pull. It felt like when Ashin had marked him..

Shrugging his shoulder's he returned his attentions to the screens.

Darth Odium

[member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Kasamann"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Darth Isolda"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Odium's ship touched down beside the auction house and he boldly removed his armor and donned flowing Sith Ceremonial robes. He carried the Sword of Ieldis at his waist and sealed his ship with a detonator from his satchel. His necklace of bones tingled and he pulled it out of his robes and let it rest outside the garment. It was nearly time. He entered the auction house and marched to the front and onto the stage. He waved to the droid and the droid moved closer.

"This is the seller of these items, Mr. Vista." the droid announced, "He will be present to finalize arrangements at the completion of the auction."

With a silent bow he walked out a side door and headed to the fourth floor of the rebuilt manner. The time was growing close for the Auction to close. He hoped they would be able to pay what they had immediately.
Lord Eclipsion quickly muttered some incomprehensible words into her wrist watch, and slowly a large Deimos E-Class Corvette descended from the sky. As it touched, down, the hangar opened and appeared 250 Skivvian slaves, and 3 well-refined speeders. She smirked, as she turned to [member=Odium].
Nautolan crossing the stage. Sith ceremonial robes. Necklace of what looked like bones from here. Mister Vista -- it tripped off the tongue in a pseudonymical way.

Attendance wasn't exactly standing room only. Too many people afraid of being double-crossed or Republic-stomped on Contruum. Again. She spied a seat at the front and clomped forward, out of the shadowed corner, as Vista left the room. Shadows warped around her heavy, powered, biological armor as she stepped into better lighting and took a seat front and center, right by the podium, maybe three metres from the holorons or a bit more.

The seat groaned under the weight of hefty armor, lean Nightsister, and aphotic sword.
Orcus released a burst of air from his blowholes and moved to take a seat, or several seats as it happened. His enormous rumpus situated itself somewhat uncomfortably in the back row, taking up three whole chairs and some change.


Well-Known Member
Continuing his silence, Daemos moved near to the position of Rave, and sat in the first row. Staring at the screens, he pondered how to best use the holocron if he succeeded. It would probably be susbtationally best to take its knowledge to Korriban, Malachor, or places like it, to conquer the spirits that lay there. If he could bind them to himself, his power would be beyond devastating...

Darth Odium

[member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Darth Isolda"] [member="D-Man"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Kasamann"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Odium retired to the fourth floor attic where a Large focusing crystal sat the bone necklace that contained the Spirit of Darth Nox himself began to give off a dull light as the spirits of the dead on Contruum (thank you republic) began being drawn by the force objects and use of the force by someone. Force users using the force at an auction prohibiting force use, who would have thought, Odium was pleased. The mute Sith began focusing on the crystal that was 1 meter by half a meter as it sat on the pedestal. However, since he wanted the full effect and he wanted the pleasure of causing the guest excitement. He hit a small button on the datapad at his belt and the auction went into full force containment lockdown.

Heavy half meter think blast doors fell over the exits from the auction room. The turbolift was detonated with a small explosive as was the only set of stairs. through out the duracrete building blast doors sealed and then the ray shielding went up around the exits and stairwell. Odium didn't expect it to hold them, no not sure a wonderful group, but he did expect it to keep them occupied. The swords and the lightsaber fell from the vibration and clattered to the stage floor. While the two DATACRONS containing partial information from the Nihilus and Nox holocrons rested securely behind the energy shields.

<Let it begin.> He said telepathically to his other crew member on his ship. The crew member, a Gand Findsman, began descending toward the planet for retrieval of Odium.

Odium for his part began the ritual that would bind the spirits that were gathering to himself and the crystal before him.

Edited: added an "a" to the following sentence: The crew member, "a" Gand Findsman, began descending toward the planet for retrieval of Odium.


Well-Known Member
The moment the order was given, Damien cocked his head so swiftly it released pent pressure with a crack, his gaze over his shoulder to watch doors slide into place over the exits. Of course, what had he expected of a true Sith?

Rising from his position, with a flourish found by only those of top notch speed, to run forward at the still believed to be Holocrons. Leaping into the air, Damien sliced at the cieling above the guarded displays, damaging the integrity of said structural point. Thus with a minor Force Push, the now broken and crumbling portions all fell towards the shields below.

At first the small amount of rock and rubble did nothing, but then came a large cracking sound. Calling to the Force, Kallig's nearby fallin saber launched to his awaiting hand, lurching to life with a snap-hiss. Then the overhead began to really fall.

Again, the shields held for a moment. But after enough heavy battering they both went out, leaving the aforementioned holocrons open to be grabbed. Lunging into a swift frontflip, Damien brought himself past Nox's to reach out to grab said item as his momentum carried the man back to nearly his starting position.

Now armed, and carrying his prize, Damien looked about himself, with the saber held reversed. Moving towards the doors, Damien vanished with a flip of his wrist, sliding into obscurity from top to bottom. This effect was derived from flipping his ever present Cloak to its proper side, leaving all it covered invisible to eye or sensor.

He would trick those around. They now believed him to reside near the exits, while in its place, Damien moved closer to the rear. It was dangerous, in a building that was swiftly losing its holding and falling to pieces. But what could someone expect of such? Blasted by dual explosives, and then its very ceiling beaten down like that.

Someone would open an exit.


Well-Known Member
Moving towards the first exist, with a slow determination, Kasamann gathered energy to himself for a moment...

Then, with a great deal of focus driving his Force Enhanced movements, his razor like tail thundered through two loud cracks - a sign of the tail reaching Mach 2 - before thudding against the metal. Drawing the scythe like appendage from the dent, it was once more drawn back, cracking twice, before lurching forward once more.

Under such stress, it wasnt likely to take long.
Eclipsion frowned when the chaos ruled the auction house. Quickly, she sprinted up to the stage and quickly snatched the lightsabers, as she wasn't going to see the blade of Darth Nox and Kallig fall into anyone else's hands. She quickly stood by the first exit, now helping [member="Kasamann"] open the first exit. She quickly slashed and jabbed at it with her personal lightsaber, enhanced slightly by the force.
[member="D-Man"] had a problem. Rave had sold him that Cloak of Nuun bodysuit. Knew its limits, knew how to sense it by switching her mental focus to Vongsense for a moment, and also knew that she'd blood trailed both datacrons. He could not, repeat not, get away with a fait accompli while Rave was sitting on the front row.

But she sensed something else. Something that would require all her strength. Most Forcers would not have this sense of spirits, but Rave's life experience was unique, her training extensive and specialized. Spirits were converging, not on this room but past it, up to a point three stories above. As if someone was performing a serious summoning ritual...

To make a...

She laughed in appreciation as she rose. To even think her suspicion too hard might give the game away. There was no escape for the centaur trying to tailbatter his way through blast doors half a metre thick. His specializations lay elsewhere; he'd shatter his body on that before he ever got out.

She clomped onto the stage. Caught by my own greed. I've gotten predictable. And this is a good way to go.

By careful study and experimentation with Kryptus and others, by examining the Mask of Nihilus and the armor of Krul and the diary of Moridin, she had learned the art of binding a soul to an object. A predetermined anchor, such as a personally forged mastercraft alchemical weapon that incorporated large amounts of her own blood, helped immensely. Even against what she sensed was coming. It was, perhaps, the only way to escape. The range of what she believed Odium to be planning was significant.

Everyone who had come here was doomed. It was just a matter of what kind of doom.

She knew one Sith spell and knew it well, as Sirella Valkner's personal apprentice: Invoke Spirits. With that spell, at the level at which Rave could command it, she had a chance of slowing down Odium's ritual...

...or enhancing it.

The armored, sword-wielding figure on the stage raised the sword Entropy in both hands, and the room shook as the flow of spirits accelerated toward Odium's crystal, unseen several floors up. Emerald lightning, continuous arcs of it, slashed out at [member="Lord Eclipsion"] and [member="Kasamann"], who seemed to stand the best chance of breaking free -- not that that was a very good chance at all.

This fit in so many ways.

Crimson lips would curl into a wolfish grin.

It has begun.

In Odium, her apprentice now knight, he was as much of a vessel as she was to the Dark Lord. Oh how delicious.

She could feel the first stirrings of his spell, of the binding of spirits. Her entirety of her focus was upon the Nautolan, but it was not without fail.

Another soon stirred the darkness.

Eyes black as pitch would swirl much like a Nautolan’s own, as she would focus upon her apprentice -- and the increasing dark power of another near him.


None the less, from the bowels of the ship that [member="Odium"] had departed from, Isolda opened herself up, let the power of the Dark Lord that had used her as his vessel, for his power, charge through her.

And through that connection to her only apprentice, she fed him strength. To be touched by the Dark Lord’s energy was a pleasure pain unlike any other.

Her back would curve, twisted, mouth would fall as if gasping for breath. The tattoos surrounding her alabaster skin would rip open her flesh.

A blood price for the Goddess. For Her gifts.

Odium would not stand alone, as within the mind’s eye of everyone within that auction house would see the following image burned into the back of their minds.


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
In the back of the auction hall, a Hutt snored gently as the past danced in his head. He was flow-walking, and flow-walking with power. He was also taking an unwise nap.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Not far away from the locked-down estate, cloaked in White Current illusion and Force-nulling immersion, a man with a hat watched and waited.

He currently looked like a car.


Well-Known Member
[member="Lord Eclipsion"] [member="Rave Merrill"]
(Eclipsion, the saber was grabbed by Damien lol)

Returning once more to the land of the wholly flesh, lightning no longer bore such a death threat to the being known as Kasamann. Once upon a time, Tutaminis alongside Lightning had been used by the Centaur more then Telekinesis. Thus, he stepped back into olden days, flexed his tail out in defense of both those who attacked the door. The scorching energy instantly began to assault nerve endings, and wreak havoc to his body, but he drew all of both arcs into himself..

Then using the very same energy now powering his form, he exploded on the doors in the form of his first Electrical blast in quite a time. Its power was over exceeding, and draining, but he directed the flow through the doors with optimism. Running on gathered circuits and the like, over powering it could open it faster than attempting to break it down.

But that had no longer been his main plan. Now, he had Rave but a few feet away. And Tenebrae barked at the gate, licking at himself like a rabies infested animal. He wanted her blood.

However, he was not in control, not yet. But, appeasing the personality in mind, Kasamann hoped to keep himself in control. Looking to the woman now center stage, Kasamann took a step towards her...

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