Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Private pondside lessons

Jane lovett

Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
Jane watched arrianna and noticed the change almost immediately both seeing and hearing it then sensing it and hearing her voice Jane wasn't sure what she was dealing with. A force entity a Shape-shifter of some kind although listening to her speak Jane was sure she had feelings for Jane.

Jane was a little more on guard although she didn't show it in any way then when arianna was given control back Jane could see the change back walking towards her "it's alright I was watching over you nothing happened" she said honestly she gathered all the evidence she needed the woman before her was a force entity or Shape-shiftet with a dual personality.

Jane smiled at her she would play the part of interested woman and entertain her for now. "Alright let's go see what's down there that's emitting such power" she said honestly while following her down.
Arianna strode down the steps of the newly opened chamber, Jane lovett following close behind.

The magic in the field grew more intense, making her flesh ripple like water as she descended the steps, the walls lined with blue kybers.

What she saw surprised her.

It resembled a giant hourglass, covered in select areas with Algebra like equations.

"By the Force..." Arianna whispered, entranced.

She forced her flesh to stop moving, to cease metabolizing the Force energy that invisibly electrified the air.

"Jane...we have stumbled across something truly amazing...and dangerous. I didn't think any of these still existed. It's a Transfiguration Device...Archeotech...blended with a rare form of magic from outside this plain of reality called The Kolda-Bratha Calculus. Only very small fragments of the full Calculus are known to exist. They affect certain aspects of time..."

Arianna placed her hand on the inscribed, Alchemized glass of the device.

"It's mostly inactive...and what is this?" Arianna asked, kneeling to the base of the elegant looking machine.

"Parts are missing...vital crystal focusing modules...lenses...oh my... someone disassembled this..." Arianna said, before fixing a coy grin at Jane.

"Do you realize how rare a find this is? It's like a Molecular Furnace, but for's much you want to bet the other parts are scattered throughout this place?" Arianna asked. "This is turning out to be more of an excellent learning experience for you than even I had doubt the other parts will be much better protected...with much better traps. Your magic is about to get a great workout...c'mon...we simply must explore the other chambers now. It's too dangerous to leave here, ultimately..."

Jane lovett

Jane smiled following her down the stairs she was still interested in the woman before her she just needed time to process what she saw even if it was a couple of seconds. Seeing the device Jane could see the importance of the device when Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko explained it to her "then why leave it and all its pieces in one place unless they where trying to Hyde something inside it" she exclaimed as she walked up to arianna her hips waving as she did.

She placed her hands on ariannas hips pushing her against a nearby wall carefully as not to hurt her looking into her eyes as she did so. "I want you to know that once we are out of here I would be interested in exploring us" she said giving her a sly look as she spoke then giving her a kiss on the lips before taking her hands off of arianna. She started exploring the walls for any clues "so where do you think k these other parts might be Beautiful" she said giving her a sly smile and look.
"Oh, you never leave something like this intact when you put it in a place like this. It leaves those who might hope to pilfer it-us, in this case-jumping through hoops. If they put it in here fully intact, it would be a relatively simple matter, all this 'Tomb Raiding' business. But where would the--"

Arianna was broken from her train of thought as Jane lovett approached, hips swaying seductively.

Arianna didn't resist, only smiling as Jane's hands went around her hips, pushing the Force Spawn against a wall.

Jane openly expressed her interest in Arianna, and then planted a kiss. Arianna returned it. Jane was a fantastic kisser.

"Oh, we're going to explore alright..." Arianna vowed knowingly, winking at Jane as she pulled away. "We're going to explore massively."

Arianna then spotted murals on the chamber walls, headed over to examine them.

"It has three parts that need to be assembled...a power core, focusing crystals, and a living fragment of the Kolda-Bratha Calculus itself...all located in the west, east, and north chambers. No mention of what guards them, however, Gorgeous..." Arianna said, flirting with Iovett a little. "Which would you like to go after first. I'm taking an educated guess and saying the Power Core is the most guarded. We may want to save it for last..."

Jane lovett

Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
Jane smiled as she said they where going to explore massively what these feelings where jane was hopeful they would as she walked up behind arianna. And smiled wrapping her arms around arianna. Listening to her talk about this artifact and the pieces missing got Jane worked up "listening to you talk about this stuff" she said as she kissed ariannas neck her hands rubbing ariannas sides as she kissed her neck. "Really gets me worked up for you" she said kissing her neck some more as her hands explored ariannas body.

Truth Was she didn't care where they explored next but she knew arianna cared Jane smiled as her hands wrapped back around the beautiful woman's waist. "Whatever you want to go after first I'll follow gorgeous" she said letting go of arianna but giving her a long passionate kiss on her lips. "Which are we going after first gorgeous" she asked looking her over with a sly grin.
Arianna was now completely distracted.

The Force Spawn had never really felt this way, felt attracted for another, she had been created by Darth Themis Darth Themis , Whisperer of the Thirty Fifth Heresy, which governs Alkahest. She had been created originally, solely , to protect and raise Laertia Io, now Darth Xiphos. Circumstances like an unexpected first death due to an accident in the engine room had prevented that, leaving Laertia to survive the hell of Nar Shaddaa alone. At four years old...

She had been so dedicated to the task. She really hadn't thought about herself all that much. Even given her relatively recent return to a body. Arianna, the face and mind she hid behind, was a hedonist, but they both responded to the touch of Jane lovett .

(Psyche Meter Raised!)

The kisses set her brain on fire. Metaphorically, not physically. Arianna returned the kiss, pulling Iovett close before Jane withdrew, playfully.

"The focusing Crystals first, I think..." Arianna said, winking at Jane and beckoning her with a finger as she walked out of this chamber to the one in the west, passing by the Stone Flower Sculptures as she did.

This one had a magical lock, and she placed her hand on it, the flesh on her hand rippling like water as she drew it into herself, opening the sealed door.

What greeted her was a giant chamber, filled with pillars of light, some crisscrossing, others bending around and away from each other, some focused through lenses large and small, others, reflected through mirrors.

At the center, in a cage of Alchemized Silver, lay a set of three lenses with alchemy etchings on them, resting on a pillow.

"Light Magic..." Arianna explained idly, picking up a small stone and tossing it through a beam...

Hundreds and hundreds of needles shot out of hidden firing ports, piercing and embedding itself into the stone while still traveling in the air. It fell to the ground looking like a sea urchin.

Arianna turned to Jane.

"Let's test your hydrokinetic ability. Try to form a small tendril to snake through all these beams of light...there are far too many for a human to safely navigate... see if you can steal the lenses...and prevent them from being hit as you extract them...

Jane lovett

Jane could tell how much Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko was loving her touching and kissing her. That's why Jane was truly pulling away so that they could get this done and fixed otherwise they'd be here a long while. Even if Jane didn't want it to stop the beautiful young blonde smiled as her beautiful teacher winked at her and followed her.

Watching her absorb the magic in the lock. She smiled some as they walked into the next room but took a step back as the rock got skewered heavily. But walking up to arrianna Jane placed her hand on arriannas cheek and the other pulled her in close Jane smiled at her.

"You are easily the most stunning woman I've ever seen" she said. As she used hydromancy to move the cage the lenses in open and move them harmlessly through the lights. They got to Jane and arianna Jane kissed arrianna deeply and passionately. Jane didn't want this to end as both of her hands where around ariannas waist.
"Likewise..." Arianna breathed as Jane lovett kissed her. It was confirmed: "Arianna" was totally smitten. Oh, why did she have to meet such a wonderful creature and their first date, as it was turning out to be, in a tomb of all places?

If there had not been such an immense need to secure this hourglass, as well as get Jane up to speed, Arianna might well have put the lesson on pause (An extended one) and spend the rest of the afternoon getting to know Jane better.

But she had soon retrieved the lenses, she sensed a disturbance. There was a rumble as something beneath them was blasted. She sensed multiple life forms, all armed. Heavily.

"We have company..." Arianna said, exasperated that she couldn't let the moment last.

"It seems we aren't the only one who wants the hourglass..." Arianna noted. "Jane...time to test Hydrokinesis in combat against ordinary people. Don't kill. I want to know who sent them..." Arianna said gently, holding Jane's gaze as long as possible before breaking contact. They were seconds from being here.

As the heavily armed Mandalorians in stark white armor breached another section close to them Arianna cursed quietly.

"The fools! They risk breaking everything here!"

Arianna directed Jane to follow her, stopping at a corner, peaking and seeing Mandalorians pour in through a hole, a three headed dog symbol on their chest, Arianna drew a breath of surprise.

"Clan Hades!" Arianna hissed. "We're in danger. These Mandalorians... they're recruited from the sick and dying among other clans, given drugs and cybernetics to keep them going as long as possible, putting them in cryo when not on a mission..." Arianna whispered to Jane. "They do not fear death, for they are already Dead People Walking. Stealing every extra second they can. Fearless Shock Troops, more so than other Mandalorians. We must show immense caution. I've tangled with them before...not a pleasant experience. They know Force Adept playbooks by heart. If we are not careful, they will counter even our best strategies..."

Arianna, hissed a spell, causing a spark of lightning to hit a pillar that drew the Mandalorians attention.

Arianna summoned a tentacle and grabbed two, slamming them into a wall, and bringing down an archway, momentarily blocking them

"Let's get back a bit..." Arianna said. "We will definitely need a better plan than that. We bought ourselves maybe five minutes..."

Jane lovett

Jane was enjoying her time with arianna even if it was under less then perfect ideals. And the fact that their first date was in a tomb and they where trying to rebuild and recover it. Jane didn't let that stop her though as she got ahold of the lenses.

Jane felt the rumble aswell and felt the presences that arrianna did aswell Jane's rage peaked as they ruined the moment. "Oh I'm aware but they aren't getting it" Jane said as a calm rage boiled under her calm voice. Arrianna might see a side of Jane few ever saw depending on who was here.

As she looked into ariannas eyes she knew arianna was right they needed more info of who else wanted this and how they knew where it was. Jane would leave a couple alive if needed but in the end her and ariannas safety was all that mattered to her in the end.

As she walked with arrianna she saw the clan symbol on their chest and listened to her explanation of the clan before her the general idea of them riled her up. To her core extending ones life through drugs and cybernetics angered her for some reason beyond her knowledge.

Then watched arrianna attack them thus ruining the element of surprise for the two of them "we could have gotten a better element of surprise if you hadn't cast those spells". She said not scolding but thinking out loud she stood there for a few moments as she thought about a plan.

Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko

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