Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Private] Steel Skin

She had been on quite a few missions with Charlie, giving her informal lessons along the way, but she still liked to give her apprentice more formal training during downtime on Kashyyyk.

For the longest time, Charlie had been bugging her about learning the Echani arts. Finally, she would oblige, while also showing her some advanced techniques she incorporated into her forms.

One morning, she had them assemble in a flat clearing within the vast back gardens, semi-secluded from view. The sun was just beginning to rise above the horizon, so it was still dark and cool, flora all around them glistening with morning dew.

Jyoti circled about the clearing, warming up with few quick exercises. Serious about training, she wasn't wasn't wearing her Jedi robes, but more casual wear. A snug navy tank top, loose black track shorts, and matching sneakers. All to afford her with maximum mobility. Meanwhile, her silver mane was tied up in a tight bun.

"Alright," she started, coming to the center of the clearing. "Show me what you got, and don't hold back."

The small hybrid was much stronger than she appeared, but then so was Jyoti. The tough Echani cyborg could take whatever her apprentice could dish out.

She turned her body slightly on its side to present a smaller target, knees slightly bent, open palms raised in a ready position.

Excitement flowed through the small padawan. She had been wanting this for some time now, especially after studying a bit book wise on the Echani. Curiosity was sparked when she had first met Jyoti, having never met someone like her before. Upon seeing Narcissa at the potluck, she became even more curious about the Echani.

Tython had none from what she remembered, but there was some form of hand to hand combat. It seemed the group of Jedi she had grown up with had their own form of Teräs Käsi – it was nothing compared to the actual form, but it was enough to keep the padawan safe when things got sticky on missions. Charlie opted out of the Jedi robes for this as well, she wore just a simple tank top and a pair of gym shorts along with a pair of simple lace less sneakers. She had stretched and warmed up as she waited for her Master to call her over.

There was an assumption that there was no Force involved in this, but Charlie still took a moment to find center within herself. Her left leg moved forward while her right stepped back, hands brought up in front of her angled forward like the head of a bird. She was given the go ahead and eyes quickly scanned her Master’s stance trying to find some sort of opening. Charlie knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but everyone had an opening. Stepping forward, Charlie flattened her palm and moved to circle block the Master’s hands, hoping to providing an opening for the snap jab to her chest.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Charlie wasted no time coming at her, opening up with some kind of chopping motion as she advanced.

Jyoti recognized the motion as being defensive technique best suited for parrying incoming attacks rather than initiating one, arms kept relatively close to body during the act.

The short reach of Charlie's action, coupled with her small stature, made it easy for Jyoti to just shift a step back, then whip around to Charlie's right side with a spin as the Padawan tossed out a jab.

The Echani's movement through the sequence had been buttery smooth, almost like she was skating across the grass.

From there, she didn't do anything but keep her arms up in a guard position, ready to recieve whatever her apprentice was ready to dish out next.

Charlie had been dependent on the fact that Jyoti would fight back. Blinking as her move was avoided, she looked at her Master trying to figure out the point of the lesson. “You’re not going to fight back?” The shift of Jyoti’s position caused Charlie to have to readjust herself. Her weight was shifted wrong and it took her a moment to wrap her head around the dodge.

The girl opened her stance by stepping following in suit with the move her opponent had made, as she stepped her knee rose and feinted the kick, only to step forward and switch her footing with a short skip of her feet. The leg that had made the step now quickly rose to snap out into a kick towards Jyoti’s shoulder and head.

Keeping her arms raised she tried her best to see what and how her attack was going to be blocked or avoided.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"]

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