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Approved Vehicle Privateer Class Mulcher

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To provide considerable anti-personnel support for Mercenary armies and outlaw elements.

Development Thread: NA

Manufacturer: Twin Suns Enterprises
Model: Hover tank

Affiliation: Open Market

Modularity: No
Production: Minor

Material: Dursasteel

Role: Anti-personel Hovertank.
Height: 10m

Length: 15m

Width: 12m
Weight: 10 Tons

Minimum Crew: 2

Optimal Crew: 6

Propulsion: Repulsorshift

Top Speed: 60kmh


5x- Large dual laser cannons

6x- 7.62mm Miniguns

Squadron Count: 6

Passenger Capacity: 0

Cargo Capacity: 50kg

Misc. Equipment:

Sensor Anttenae
Commo Antennae


Sometimes when there’s tons of bodies massed on the battle field you need to deploy a mulcher. The mulcher gets it's name from well, turning enemy personnel into mulch, be it organic or otherwise.

When the battle gets tough the Mulchers get called out, roving the battlefield and unleashing havoc in almost all directions.

The Mulcher is a semi fast manoeuvrable beast, crewed by a compliment of five gunners and two pilots.

Some strengths of the mulcher is the sheer amount of fire-power it can deliver into the fray in seconds. With miniguns and laser cannons it can be a valuable asset, reducing enemy footprint and clearing the way for larger vehicles as well as troops on the ground.

They excel in quick strikes, moving in in packs of six to support heavier tanks.

Their drawbacks are weak under plating and a lack of back plating. A heavy to medium round can rip through the rear of the tank, or a mine can blast easily up through the floorboards.

In addittion they are not well hardened against emp's making it a hazard for the repulsors if they get hit.
[member="Barbosa The Hut"]

The only issue I see is that while its not broken in terms of its overall stats or materials, it is VERY VERY well armed comparatively. (I.E. Most Tanks use a heavy blaster cannon or laser cannon as their main gun. This has 10 of those and then 6 anti-personnel weapons) So here's what we can and should do I think:

  • Drop production to minor
  • change weight. its severely underweight. Our tanks are heavier in reality and I know canon SW has plenty of heavy tanks listed. Put down 4-20 tons please.
  • Do a short thread detailing the work put into the submission/vehicle. As it is not an overly op design (just very well armed) it won't take much. 16-20 would be fine.
  • Change Weight. 2-5 tons.
  • A thread on the vehicle's believed value in the market for independent military units may work. Or you could detail how the factories compensate for such a powerful product. (How do they produce it more easily or quickly to merit mass)
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