"The Je'daii were the original inhabitants of Tython. The old texts say that at the very beginnings of the galaxy, force sensitives of every species were brought to Tython upon great hyperspace ships. The reasoning why and how these ships were created has been lost, but these species began the to study the Living Force. They believed there were two sides to the Force, the Ashla, and the Bogan. The former is the Light Side, it encompasses peace, love, joy, faith, and the other pleasant emotions. The Bogan is the Dark Side. It is hate, anger, pride, loveless lust, and other such sins."
He didn't bother to take a break. Old lore was something of a passion for Cedric. "Eventually the Je'daii came to understand that the Bogan was the path to damnation, and became the Jedi as we know them. A number of students wanted to continue researching the Bogan, and broke off from the Jedi, forming the Legions of Lettow. They attacked ancient Coruscant shortly thereafter, and were defeated in the first Jedi civil war. Their survivors fled to the unknown regions, eventually finding Korriban and the ancient Sith species. With their dark teachings, the Sith established the beginnings of the Sith Order we know today. There's much in between, but that is the general origin."
He took a moment to breath. Even excited, there was only so much a man could say so quickly.
"Studies by myself and my predecessors have led me to believe that the Bogan is not natural. The Dark Side is the result of sentient beings twisting the Force to their will via violent emotions. It's a psychic field of energy, and it responds to what we put into it, just as we respond to it. If we can abolish the teachings of the Sith and their fellow organizations, we can deny the Dark Side its power, bring true prosperity to the galaxy. That's the reason I forged the Imperium."
She asked of titles, and he was happy to answer. "They are. A padawan is a learner, not a true Jedi yet. A Jedi Knight is someone that has passed his or her Jedi Trials. These are a series of trials meant to test one's character and abilities. A similar process raises a Knight to a Master." He paused a moment, "It is something established by the Jedi, and many other organizations follow its model. They are all a measure of skill, knowledge, and morality forged into a title."
Then came the last question, and Cedric frowned. "They are called Force Adepts. One that has not studied any philosophy cannot be called a master of anything, however. True understanding of the Force comes from discipline. Some might be exceedingly powerful in the Force, but without philosophy or doctrine, they will never be anything more than a rogue adept."
After a moment, he added, "Individual Jedi, and members of similar beliefs, that are not part of an organization can still attain these ranks, though they often title themselves, and do so poorly. Some truly earn them however. The Force brings them trials of its own, and when they have passed, they know."
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