Ludolf Vaas
"Trust me"
Field Marshal Vaas' favorite thing about the First Order Navy was when they delivered his troops to an urban environment. Together, the Star Destroyers of the First Order blot out the sky.
There was no sun visible right now above the city of Nar'Tan on Zarnathea. Instead, the alien inhabitants of the urban sprawl could only look up and witness the hulking steel masses of First Order ships above, delivering their manpower at the behest of President Id'var Gral'dul. Field Marshal Vaas was already in the President's office along with several other members of Army Command, himself in overall command of Army Group A, a force of just under a million men that would be overseeing the subjugation of Zarnathea. Normally, Presidents of foreign worlds did not ask to be invaded by the First Order, but when situations were dire and lawlessness pervaded to the point of bubbling over into open rebellion, some things could not be cleaned up on their own by small planetary governments. And the First Order's reputation preceded them.
The First Order had already dealt with the Nar'iin of Gral'dul's government, after taking many of the native Vax species for labor purposes. However, the relationship between the Nar'iin government of Zarnathea and the First Order was at risk of being upset by several dissidents who didn't like the idea of selling Vax laborers to foreign powers. Supreme dominion over another species was a funny thing, Vaas thought; there was no petty idealism to be found anywhere on this planet. The rebellious Nar'iin dissidents were even less concerned with freeing any Vax slaves than the First Order was; on the contrary, they wanted them all for themselves.
Ludolf was not a politician, nor was he an idealist, but he was a maker of war. He couldn't speak to the moral imperatives of either side in this conflict, nor would he try. But what he could do was pacify this planet via merciless liquidation of its dissident elements. As he and his subordinate officers reviewed a map of the city of Nar'Tal, looking over the locations of possible strongholds for the rebeliious Nar'iin, President Gral'dul approached the men from behind.
"I trust that this operation will be... minimally invasive?" Gral'dul said hesitantly.
Vaas turned to him frankly. "I can promise nothing, President Gral'dul, except that when I am finished with Zarnathea, this planet will be wiped clean of every last partisan that roams your streets."
[member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Sentiri"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Wolf"] [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] [member="Ciardha Ren"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Avicus DuSang"] [member="Viktor DuSang"] [member="Dunames Lopez"] [member="Marzena Choi"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Aram Kalast"]
and all other First Order
Objectives (Special thanks to Sentiri and Carlyle Rausgeber):
Objective 1
Location: Zarnathea
For centuries the Nar'iin of Zarnathea have qarrelled with their primitive cousins, the Vax. Their wars would usually end with Nar'iin victories and the enslavement of whole Vax tribes. In recent times, our shipbuilders and other patriotic industrialists have invested heavily in Vax labor assets to further our cause. However, this hasn't been met with a wholey happy response by some Nar'iin. Nar'iin nationalist groups, and some more liberal parties of the Zarnathean parliamanet have tried to make the sale of Vax illegal to foreign powers. The current regieme under President Id'var Gral'dul has resisted calls for the ban, which has lead to widespread rioting across the capital Nar'Tan. Local forces have either sided with the rioters, or been unable or even unwilling to put them down. Now, in exchange for a certain level of autonomy, Gral'dul has legalized the occupation and annexation of the system to First Order forces. This is a high priority objective for the army, and security bureau. We must act quickly, to ensure the rioters don't become revolutionaries. This will be a tour de force to show these degenerates the forceful and concise discipline of a father.
Objective 2
Location: Varunda IX
The ninth moon of the gas giant Varunda is the only habitable celestial body in the Kaiulani system. Varunda IX more than makes up for the lack of life elsewhere in the system as the planet is a true garden world. The society is largely agrarian and mostly produces an array of different woods for export. The potential for the world to provide essential foodstuffs is enough of a reason to ally ourselves with the people there.
There is a catch, however. Two of the predominant species on the planet are the Revwians and the Ithorians. Not only are both of these species pacifists, but their beliefs on the Force have seeped into the overall culture of the society. Tyian is the predominant religion in the system and the Ithorian Force tradition is strongly rooted within the society as well. It is unclear how First Order presence will affect the civil nature of the moon. Meet with local religious and cultural officials to determine any possible resistance to the First Order. If they resist, remind them of the power of the Supreme Leader and his loyal Knights.
Objective 3
Location: The space above Valhalla
The Sanctuary Pipeline is a well known hyperroute connecting Sullust with Endor. Though the route is of more well known for its historical significance than for its trade of goods and services, the space traffic is constant and bustling nonetheless. Merchant vessels arrive to the ecumenopolis of Valhalla in droves, either peddling their goods on the planet or making connections to the numerous surrounding systems and further connections along the pipeline.
Valhalla itself is a peaceful world. Its citizens are pious believers of old mythological tales but content in their cultural background and not evangelical in the spread of their religion. Valhalla joining the First Order is only a matter of course. However, some time has passed since the world fell under the jurisdiction of an interplanetary government. While Valhalla itself retains its peaceful standard of living, the space lanes around the system have grown rife with dissidents: pirates and smugglers.
Several potential bases of operation have been located throughout the system: in orbit around the brown dwarf named Zeus, on the dark side of Valhalla's moon named Osir-isis, in the asteroid belt loosely surrounding the solar system. Investigate. If pockets of illegal activity are discovered, move to detain. If resistance is met, lethal force is authorized.
Objective 4
Location: Riflor
Riflor has the distinction of being the only habitable planet in the galaxy that orbits a trinary star system. The massive amount of gravitational force that the stars exert on Riflor has caused the planet to have a high rate of tectonic activity throughout its history. The planet is pockmarked by volcanoes on every segment of the globe. And yet life still managed to evolve. The Advozse are a reptomammalian species who have managed to somehow thrive on their harsh homeworld.
As a result of Riflor's environmental hazards, the Advozse have been on the leading edge of technological developments for some time. Their advancements not only ensure the survival of their species but also bring in a source of revenue from the galactic community. They are known to be a leading exporter of repulsorlift technology and research, as well as being a supplier of fuel isotopes, heavy metals, and processed ores.
The Advozse were once loyal supporters of the Empire. Ensure that they remember those historic ties. Obtain contracts, research, researchers, and whatever other development materials that are available. Intelligence also suggests that the world has a well-organized criminal ring. Infiltrate the underworld and investigate. Take no direct actions without express orders to do so.
Objective 5 - bring your own!
Location: Zarnathea
For centuries the Nar'iin of Zarnathea have qarrelled with their primitive cousins, the Vax. Their wars would usually end with Nar'iin victories and the enslavement of whole Vax tribes. In recent times, our shipbuilders and other patriotic industrialists have invested heavily in Vax labor assets to further our cause. However, this hasn't been met with a wholey happy response by some Nar'iin. Nar'iin nationalist groups, and some more liberal parties of the Zarnathean parliamanet have tried to make the sale of Vax illegal to foreign powers. The current regieme under President Id'var Gral'dul has resisted calls for the ban, which has lead to widespread rioting across the capital Nar'Tan. Local forces have either sided with the rioters, or been unable or even unwilling to put them down. Now, in exchange for a certain level of autonomy, Gral'dul has legalized the occupation and annexation of the system to First Order forces. This is a high priority objective for the army, and security bureau. We must act quickly, to ensure the rioters don't become revolutionaries. This will be a tour de force to show these degenerates the forceful and concise discipline of a father.
Objective 2
Location: Varunda IX
The ninth moon of the gas giant Varunda is the only habitable celestial body in the Kaiulani system. Varunda IX more than makes up for the lack of life elsewhere in the system as the planet is a true garden world. The society is largely agrarian and mostly produces an array of different woods for export. The potential for the world to provide essential foodstuffs is enough of a reason to ally ourselves with the people there.
There is a catch, however. Two of the predominant species on the planet are the Revwians and the Ithorians. Not only are both of these species pacifists, but their beliefs on the Force have seeped into the overall culture of the society. Tyian is the predominant religion in the system and the Ithorian Force tradition is strongly rooted within the society as well. It is unclear how First Order presence will affect the civil nature of the moon. Meet with local religious and cultural officials to determine any possible resistance to the First Order. If they resist, remind them of the power of the Supreme Leader and his loyal Knights.
Objective 3
Location: The space above Valhalla
The Sanctuary Pipeline is a well known hyperroute connecting Sullust with Endor. Though the route is of more well known for its historical significance than for its trade of goods and services, the space traffic is constant and bustling nonetheless. Merchant vessels arrive to the ecumenopolis of Valhalla in droves, either peddling their goods on the planet or making connections to the numerous surrounding systems and further connections along the pipeline.
Valhalla itself is a peaceful world. Its citizens are pious believers of old mythological tales but content in their cultural background and not evangelical in the spread of their religion. Valhalla joining the First Order is only a matter of course. However, some time has passed since the world fell under the jurisdiction of an interplanetary government. While Valhalla itself retains its peaceful standard of living, the space lanes around the system have grown rife with dissidents: pirates and smugglers.
Several potential bases of operation have been located throughout the system: in orbit around the brown dwarf named Zeus, on the dark side of Valhalla's moon named Osir-isis, in the asteroid belt loosely surrounding the solar system. Investigate. If pockets of illegal activity are discovered, move to detain. If resistance is met, lethal force is authorized.
Objective 4
Location: Riflor
Riflor has the distinction of being the only habitable planet in the galaxy that orbits a trinary star system. The massive amount of gravitational force that the stars exert on Riflor has caused the planet to have a high rate of tectonic activity throughout its history. The planet is pockmarked by volcanoes on every segment of the globe. And yet life still managed to evolve. The Advozse are a reptomammalian species who have managed to somehow thrive on their harsh homeworld.
As a result of Riflor's environmental hazards, the Advozse have been on the leading edge of technological developments for some time. Their advancements not only ensure the survival of their species but also bring in a source of revenue from the galactic community. They are known to be a leading exporter of repulsorlift technology and research, as well as being a supplier of fuel isotopes, heavy metals, and processed ores.
The Advozse were once loyal supporters of the Empire. Ensure that they remember those historic ties. Obtain contracts, research, researchers, and whatever other development materials that are available. Intelligence also suggests that the world has a well-organized criminal ring. Infiltrate the underworld and investigate. Take no direct actions without express orders to do so.
Objective 5 - bring your own!