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Progenies of Asymmetric Warfare [FO Dominion of Zarnathea Hex]


Field Marshal Vaas' favorite thing about the First Order Navy was when they delivered his troops to an urban environment. Together, the Star Destroyers of the First Order blot out the sky.

There was no sun visible right now above the city of Nar'Tan on Zarnathea. Instead, the alien inhabitants of the urban sprawl could only look up and witness the hulking steel masses of First Order ships above, delivering their manpower at the behest of President Id'var Gral'dul. Field Marshal Vaas was already in the President's office along with several other members of Army Command, himself in overall command of Army Group A, a force of just under a million men that would be overseeing the subjugation of Zarnathea. Normally, Presidents of foreign worlds did not ask to be invaded by the First Order, but when situations were dire and lawlessness pervaded to the point of bubbling over into open rebellion, some things could not be cleaned up on their own by small planetary governments. And the First Order's reputation preceded them.

The First Order had already dealt with the Nar'iin of Gral'dul's government, after taking many of the native Vax species for labor purposes. However, the relationship between the Nar'iin government of Zarnathea and the First Order was at risk of being upset by several dissidents who didn't like the idea of selling Vax laborers to foreign powers. Supreme dominion over another species was a funny thing, Vaas thought; there was no petty idealism to be found anywhere on this planet. The rebellious Nar'iin dissidents were even less concerned with freeing any Vax slaves than the First Order was; on the contrary, they wanted them all for themselves.

Ludolf was not a politician, nor was he an idealist, but he was a maker of war. He couldn't speak to the moral imperatives of either side in this conflict, nor would he try. But what he could do was pacify this planet via merciless liquidation of its dissident elements. As he and his subordinate officers reviewed a map of the city of Nar'Tal, looking over the locations of possible strongholds for the rebeliious Nar'iin, President Gral'dul approached the men from behind.

"I trust that this operation will be... minimally invasive?" Gral'dul said hesitantly.

Vaas turned to him frankly. "I can promise nothing, President Gral'dul, except that when I am finished with Zarnathea, this planet will be wiped clean of every last partisan that roams your streets."

[member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Sentiri"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Wolf"] [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] [member="Ciardha Ren"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Avicus DuSang"] [member="Viktor DuSang"] [member="Dunames Lopez"] [member="Marzena Choi"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Aram Kalast"]

and all other First Order

Objectives (Special thanks to Sentiri and Carlyle Rausgeber):

Objective 1

Location: Zarnathea
For centuries the Nar'iin of Zarnathea have qarrelled with their primitive cousins, the Vax. Their wars would usually end with Nar'iin victories and the enslavement of whole Vax tribes. In recent times, our shipbuilders and other patriotic industrialists have invested heavily in Vax labor assets to further our cause. However, this hasn't been met with a wholey happy response by some Nar'iin. Nar'iin nationalist groups, and some more liberal parties of the Zarnathean parliamanet have tried to make the sale of Vax illegal to foreign powers. The current regieme under President Id'var Gral'dul has resisted calls for the ban, which has lead to widespread rioting across the capital Nar'Tan. Local forces have either sided with the rioters, or been unable or even unwilling to put them down. Now, in exchange for a certain level of autonomy, Gral'dul has legalized the occupation and annexation of the system to First Order forces. This is a high priority objective for the army, and security bureau. We must act quickly, to ensure the rioters don't become revolutionaries. This will be a tour de force to show these degenerates the forceful and concise discipline of a father.

Objective 2

Location: Varunda IX
The ninth moon of the gas giant Varunda is the only habitable celestial body in the Kaiulani system. Varunda IX more than makes up for the lack of life elsewhere in the system as the planet is a true garden world. The society is largely agrarian and mostly produces an array of different woods for export. The potential for the world to provide essential foodstuffs is enough of a reason to ally ourselves with the people there.

There is a catch, however. Two of the predominant species on the planet are the Revwians and the Ithorians. Not only are both of these species pacifists, but their beliefs on the Force have seeped into the overall culture of the society. Tyian is the predominant religion in the system and the Ithorian Force tradition is strongly rooted within the society as well. It is unclear how First Order presence will affect the civil nature of the moon. Meet with local religious and cultural officials to determine any possible resistance to the First Order. If they resist, remind them of the power of the Supreme Leader and his loyal Knights.

Objective 3

Location: The space above Valhalla
The Sanctuary Pipeline is a well known hyperroute connecting Sullust with Endor. Though the route is of more well known for its historical significance than for its trade of goods and services, the space traffic is constant and bustling nonetheless. Merchant vessels arrive to the ecumenopolis of Valhalla in droves, either peddling their goods on the planet or making connections to the numerous surrounding systems and further connections along the pipeline.

Valhalla itself is a peaceful world. Its citizens are pious believers of old mythological tales but content in their cultural background and not evangelical in the spread of their religion. Valhalla joining the First Order is only a matter of course. However, some time has passed since the world fell under the jurisdiction of an interplanetary government. While Valhalla itself retains its peaceful standard of living, the space lanes around the system have grown rife with dissidents: pirates and smugglers.

Several potential bases of operation have been located throughout the system: in orbit around the brown dwarf named Zeus, on the dark side of Valhalla's moon named Osir-isis, in the asteroid belt loosely surrounding the solar system. Investigate. If pockets of illegal activity are discovered, move to detain. If resistance is met, lethal force is authorized.

Objective 4

Location: Riflor
Riflor has the distinction of being the only habitable planet in the galaxy that orbits a trinary star system. The massive amount of gravitational force that the stars exert on Riflor has caused the planet to have a high rate of tectonic activity throughout its history. The planet is pockmarked by volcanoes on every segment of the globe. And yet life still managed to evolve. The Advozse are a reptomammalian species who have managed to somehow thrive on their harsh homeworld.

As a result of Riflor's environmental hazards, the Advozse have been on the leading edge of technological developments for some time. Their advancements not only ensure the survival of their species but also bring in a source of revenue from the galactic community. They are known to be a leading exporter of repulsorlift technology and research, as well as being a supplier of fuel isotopes, heavy metals, and processed ores.

The Advozse were once loyal supporters of the Empire. Ensure that they remember those historic ties. Obtain contracts, research, researchers, and whatever other development materials that are available. Intelligence also suggests that the world has a well-organized criminal ring. Infiltrate the underworld and investigate. Take no direct actions without express orders to do so.

Objective 5 - bring your own!
Post: I
Location: Nar'tan State University/First Order Field Headquarters
Objective: 1. Operation Bad Papa

Rexus took a drag from his cigarette as he walked down the sandstoned steps of the universities annex. Already, platoons of stormtroopers from Army Group A were fortifying the university with trenches, sniper nests, pillboxes and comms units. The stormtrooper let the cigarette drop from his mouth, before extinguishing it with his boot. He'd found himself, for the first time in a long while, smoking to ease the nerves. Rexus was uneasy, the troopers of Group A weren't the usual sorts soldier was used to working with. His usual sort of company were delinquents punished by being posted in far flung colonial outposts, or incompetent civilian militiamen. To say he fellt out of his depth now was an understatement.

He was terrified. Nonetheless he stood firm, there was no fear in his eyes. Rexus had been to Zarnathea before, and he took comfort he wasn't facing the Vax again. He could remember the tenacity of Vax warriors, and guerilla. They would be easy compared to Bohmeian brats and traitors, set upon freeing a bunch of profligates. The stormtrooper made his way to the eastern lawn, a dozen First Order atmospheric assault lander hovered above the ground. Stormtroopers briskly marched out of them. Some with only their weapons, others carrying crates of supplies and ammunition. Rexus eyed one trooper struggling with a large crate. "Need a hand with this?" The lieutenant asked, walking towards the trooper and gripping the other side of it. This was probably the best way to conquer his fear, fratenize with 'em.
skin, bone, and arrogance
"Fascinating species," Natasi mused over her briefing book. She was sitting across from [member="Darell Irani"] aboard the Frontrunner, and they were finishing up breakfast, which had been served with precision by the navy stewards. Typically, Irani cooked for himself -- and Natasi, if she cared to eat -- but she was trying to break him of the habit. She had been raised in a household with staff. It wasn't laziness that motivated Natasi Fortan, nothing so pedestrian as that. It was nostalgia, and the idea that each person had a place, knew his place, and stayed there -- and that included the staff. She hadn't yet managed to convince him of the rightness of these things, but aboard the Frontrunner, her word was law, and she was served breakfast.

They were eating what was colloquially referred to as a fry-up, or full Galidraani. There was bacon and sausage, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, eggs -- Natasi took hers sunny side up -- black pudding, lamb kidneys, kippers, mushrooms, and home fries. Of course, Natasi didn't partake in all of this, all of the time, or she'd be about forty pounds heavier, but it was a special occasion so she felt a little indulgence was warranted, and had heled herself to bacon, sausage, eggs, tomatoes, and fried bread.

But as her eyes scanned the briefing book for what seemed like the thousandth time, she couldn't help but feel somewhat intimidated by what they were going to experience, and not just because of the climate of Riflor. [member="Valessia Brentioch"] was along for the journey, which meant Natasi could observe her representative's actions up close. Natasi would not intervene unless things went badly wrong, and since Ms. Brentioch was extremely competnt, that meant it was unlikely she would need to intervene. But she wasn't the only First Order-connected person on the journey. Natasi suspected that [member="Dunames Lopez"] would be there as well, possibly competing for the same business interests as Iron Crown Enterprises, her intended's corporation. Though Star Tours was as nothing when compared to Iron Crown, Natasi had seen Lopez bluster and bulldoze her way through any number of situations that would have stopped more logical people -- including building a ski resort on Hoth, where more than ten minutes of exposure to the outside would lead to deadly frostbite.

More of a concern would be that Irani would reach over and snap -- there was a rap at her cabin door, and she stood up to answer it.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Riflor orbit
Post: 1/30
Objective: Open trade routes from Riflor to other planets in First Order worlds

Hmmm... the Tofolk of Dac was left to its own devices after having dumped the waste in the black hole. After deploying that rather small-scale ski resort on Hoth as part of the more extreme among the ski slopes in the galaxy, Dunames knew that there was nothing too extreme for her business - so long as there was no real need for combat. And even when some of the people claimed to need to be re-heated after just one go on just one of these slopes - after all, it was the main complaint levied against the ski resort on Hoth made by either Darth Veles or another patron of Star Tours, What Star Tours was after on Riflor was not so much technology in itself but shipping rights from and to Riflor. To nearby Valhalla or elsewhere in the galaxy. None of the "major" spacelines of the galaxy even dared go to Riflor, and only some fringe companies would even go there. As they make their approach towards the triple-starred system, they realize that they are not alone to fly to Riflor.

"We have entered the Riflor system, captain" Merrily told Dunames.

"What's more dangerous, a black hole or a triple-sun system?"

"Both stuff very dangerous to navigate from and to"

"Captain, we have the Grand Moff's official vessel on the scanners"

"Iron Crown Enterprises must be around here no doubt"

Valessia Brentioch

Objective: 4 - Riflor
Allies: [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Darell Irani"], [member="Dunames Lopez"] | First Order
Enemies: N/A
Location: FIV Frontrunner; Riflor
Post: 1 // ??

Valessia had been delivered to the Frontrunner from the FIV Ciena Ree, her usual mode of transportation. The Ciena Ree was needed elsewhere - more directly at Zarnathea, she would be left with the Grand Moff aboard the Consul-class frigate. It was efficient and kept within First Order standards, she felt she was running late as she checked the chronometer on her wrist before pulling her sleeve over it nodding to the security officers who escorted her to the Grand Moff's quarters. The Frontrunner was smaller than the Ree but performed a different function as Valessia understood. She was by no means a military woman, so much of the time their talk of numerical length, weapon standards and shield frequencies went over her head.

Luckily, her job would be to prep the Grand Moff for their meeting with the Advosze, a race of reptomammal species. They were quite distinctive with the black horn atop of the crown of their heads. They had quite the history with the Empire of old, and Valessia hoped to find that as a common bond between herself and the Advosze representative, the Grand Moff would simply be overseeing the meeting, even so. The trade representative wanted her superior to be well informed after all they may just decide to speak with Natasi instead of Valessia due to ranking. Why talk with the guppy when you can simply talk with the big fish herself?


In addition, Valessia had been cramming to learn their native tongue Advb which presented its own set of challenges. She took a deep breath as the security officers gestured toward the door that was heavily guarded indicating that this was were the Grand Moff and her beau the Duke of Derellian had been staying. She adjusted her black dress so that it went past at least three inches from her knees, it had the tendency to bunch up every so often and then she looked herself over in the reflection of the door. She nodded to the guard who knocked on the door for her, and from there she awaited the answer. Grand Moff Fortan answered the door, which surprised Valessia - she would've made a servant answer it. This must have been the Duke's doing, or his insistence that they could answer their own door, perhaps.

"Grand Moff Fortan, ready for the Advosze?" She asked as she remained on the other side of the door until invited in.
Objective One.
Post One.
Location: Nar'Tan State University Grounds.
Potentially Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"], [member="Ludolf Vaas"]

Earlier in the month the First Order had deployed to the planet Zarnathea to combat the Vax rebels and their allies. Then, he hadn't personally been on the ground, but members of his former Regiment in the form of [member="Rolf Amsel"] had been on the planet. Promoted, sort of, not really, rather a transfer to heading a new unit, was the Sith Hybrid, A'sharad Graush, Born of Prakith at the head of the White Wolves Stormtrooper Company.

An elite Regiment of Stormtroopers. Some of the best, the High Colonel had learned. Recently they had been upgraded in the form of increasing their ranks. Hundreds flooded in until it had become a fulll Regiment, and that was when he had been put in command of them.

Above the Nar'Tan University, the High Colonel's dropship soared overhead and landed within the cleared out fields behind the university. It had been stripped of its previous state and made into a makeshift landing area long before he had arrived. Pushing a hand through his hair, he opened the ramp when his pilots were still going through the landing process. "Eliminate any that get in the way," the would be Sith Lord said to the Stormtroopers surrounding him.

They deployed quickly, dropping out of the ship when they were still a few feet off of the ground. Dozens of other ships had the same process occurring. They formed into units of fifty, the standard platoon size and then they made off to the front of the University, circling around the back, or broke off into other directions to bolster defenses and secure additional perimeters. Walking down the ramp, black officer cloak flapping against the back of his calves due to the landed repulsors, the Sith wore two belts. One a weapon of the Yuuzhan Vong, the other a real belt, and that was where his black lightsabre hilt hung from.

"Platoon Zerek, congregate at the front of the University. We move from there."
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 2


Natasi gestured for [member="Valessia Brentioch"] to enter the room and keyed the door shut behind them. "Valessia, you remember my -- friend," she said, gesturing to Irani. "Darell Irani, from Iron Crown Enterprises? We needed to start the monthly review of the construction queues for the Shipyard at Dosuun, and since he was going to be attending the negotiations with the Advosze anyway, we thought it more economical to share a ride. Darell, I think you met [member="Valessia Brentioch"] briefly at the ball in Prosperia." She looked at Darell and cleared her throat. "We should be arriving soon. Ah -- Darell -- are you sure you've got everything? From your cabin?" She jerked her head towards the door.

She figured that would be quite enough to be getting on with, and returned to her seat. "Help yourself to breakfast, Ms. Brentioch -- coffee, whatever you like. Am I correct in my understanding that you'll be the interpreter for this?" she asked, flipping the page in her briefing book and studying its content. "They're fascinating creatures. Terrifying, but fascinating," she told [member="Darell Irani"] and [member="Valessia Brentioch"]. "How they've survived all this time -- just -- well, I suppose we all do, don't we?" She stood and turned back to the sideboard, draining her coffee cup as she did. "Can I get you anything while I'm up?" she asked over her shoulder.
Objective One.
Post: II
Location: Nar'Tan State University Grounds.
Potentially Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"], Ludolf Vaas

"Cheers," The stormtrooper said, grunting as he lifted the crate again, "What's your unit trooper?"

"4th Colonial Garrison, Gundark Gunners, sixth platoon." Rexus replied with gritted teeth, "You?"

"White Wolves, Zerek platoon." The stormtrooper replied, walking off the ramp, and towards the universities observatory tower. It was a large grey building, which stood four stories high. The observatory was seperate from the rest of the buildings, and had there been any sun, it would have cast a long shadow over the green.

"Wolves eh? You're the elite guys?" Rexus asked with a grunt as they neared.

"Sorta, I suppose. I just guess we're probably the ones who get the missions right the most. I wouldn't say we're any better or worse than the rest of you." The stormtrooper offered.

Rexus chuckled a little, "Don't start blowing smoke up my ass, you're the field marshals favorites." He said as they walked through the door, and into the observatory. The building was acting as a powder dump, and inside there were hundreds of crate stacked up against each other. The room was empty, apart from one stormtrooper at the door, and one sniper sitting at the top of the tower.

"Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. I still think you guys are just as-" The stormtrooper glanced at his utility belt, there was a buzzing, "Kark!" He said, picking up a commlink, he flicked it on, "This is Butz."

"Butz, Colonel's organizing the platoon here. Get to the front gate. Stat."

"Karking hell!" The trooper swore, "Look, sorry pal, I've gotta get going." he said, running out of the observatory. Rexus followed at a slower pace, and walked to his CO, who observed proceedings from underneath one of the ornate archways of the university.

"Sir, reporting for duty. Most of the defences along the eastern line are ready, and we have power to our AA batteries. Are there any further orders?" He asked.

"Yeah, I need you and the rest of sixth platoon to move out with the White Wolves, and support them in their sweep. You're to report to the front gate of the university, at 1800."

Rexus nodded, "Will do sir."
Objective One.
Post Two.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Location: Nar'Tan University Front Entrance

Zerek platoon had gathered together at the front of the University. Normally the High Colonel would've been there first, but he was speaking to one of the other Imperial Officers stationed at the University. He grunted in confirmation before he turned off his commlink. "Colonial? Gundark? They sound like a militia," he muttered to himself as he rolled his shoulders back until he came through the university until he got to the front. Clearing his throat, as he descended the steps, went past the trenches, and shrugged off his Officer's cloak.

Down the line he went when he spotted Zerek's line formations. Perfection. Crisp. Clean.

Golden orbs looked the soldiers up and down as he marched down the column until he reached that of the Gundark Gunners.

There, he spoke clearly, the Force allowing him to expand the reach of his voice.

"Gundarks will support the White Wolves," he started. He stopped in front of Rexus Wenck, and flared his nose when he got the scent of smoke, slowly turning his head as he continued to speak. "Don't get in my unit's way, watch, and you will learn," he said, nose visibly scrunching up as his golden gaze bored a hole into the Stormtroopers skull and turned away to head to the front of his new unit to lead them down the street.

Valessia Brentioch

Objective: 4 - Riflor
Allies: [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Darell Irani"], [member="Dunames Lopez"]| First Order
Enemies: N/A
Location: FIV Frontrunner; Riflor
Post: 2 // ??

"Oh, your friend, yes of course," Valessia cleared her throat and put her best tea-time face on, she knew better than to give anything away even if they were her own musings. "A pleasure to see you again, Duke Irani." She knew his title and would not let it slip, and then as she stepped across the threshold into the Grand Moff's quarters she listened as the Galidraani woman spoke regarding the monthly review of the construction queue, "ah yes - the queue and which shipyard, we have two on Dosuun, Avalonian Shipyards and Primo Victorian."

Valessia was asking for clarification before she went digging into her notes, her data tablet was with her tucked under her arm as she took a seat and the Grand Moff offered her kitchen. "Coffee would be fantastic," she waited a moment for Darell to make his way to 'his cabin' of course, "you elected to share your ride? On the Frontrunner, mhmm?" She was now probing for information, gossip really not that she had time to gossip with anyone else outside of her own personal staff of Edra, Cin, Paddy and then Sumiko - of whom she just about told everything to.

Setting her data tablet down on a counter she moved to pour herself a cup of coffee, fetching a cup and coaster from the cabinets above she responded to the Grand Moff, "I am going to do my best to interpret you'll have to forgive my Advb, I've been cramming it for the last week while dealing with complaints from Kleve, they're running short on supplies and - did you give Star Tours authority to dip into First Order resources?" She's pouring coffee into the cup now, "because Yalara's efforts for Merton have been delayed, Hexham, fortunately is managing with what they have - and then there's Curovao which, reminds me, I sent them a thank you letter on your behalf after their rather sizable donation to the First Imperial Treasury."

She was listening to what Natasi was saying as well, while she fetched cream and sugar for her coffee, "that we do Grand Moff, we all have to survive and we all have goals, and the Advosze are no different but we shall remind them... That so long as they are aligned to our vision and our concepts for the future, they'll be just fine." She stirs her coffee with a stirring spoon and makes her way to a small sitting area, "and no, no I'm fine Grand Moff. I've learned to fetch for myself."
Objective 1.
Post III.
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Nar'Tan University Front Entrance

The Gundark Gunners sixth platoon and their associates of the Fourth Colonial Garrisson Legion weren't the best trained or disciplined group. They weren't ragtag, as the First Order training structure wouldn't allow that, but they weren't nice, or easy to deal with. They were in short, thugs. They were the cadets in training who bullied others, they were the stormtrooper found playing sabbac, or needing to be dragged back to barracks from an alien bordello. These stormtroopers were deemed unfit to serve as the poster boys for the imperial resurgence. Units like the White Wolves dealt with the subjugation of rebelling systems with holonet crews taking in every moment. The Gundark Gunners would meanwhile operate prisons, protect outposts on godforsaken planets, or be dropped in the wilderness to hunt rogue acklay. However, the action of the Zarnathean civil war had reformed the unit. It's successful defence of the university where they stood gave the unit a new sense of being, and endeavour.

So when the Wolves lined up opposite them in formation, the Gundarks copied them. They stood tall, and with their arms saluting the colonel who seemed to inspect them. However, there was something about the force sensetive that drove them on edge. He didn't look, or sound right. In fact, he held a rather unnerving aura around him. Rexus felt tingles run up his spine as the man drew closer. "Will remember sir." The stormtrooper said, feeling the man pierce the visor with his gaze.

As the White Wolves marched briskly out of the fortified gates, and past the pillboxes that guarded the gate, the Gundarks followed. At the same pace, but not in the same regal manner.
Objective: 2
Location: Orbit - Varunda IX
Allies: KoR
Post: 1

Isla sat in the pilot seat of her small transport; her hands set gently upon the console in front of her, index fingers tapping lightly on the smooth surface. A black hood covered most of her face, contrasting sharply against her pale skin, and her emerald eyes gazed out the viewport at the planet below. It was a wonder that she had made it here all by herself, the notion of piloting her own craft was new, but it was liberating. Traveling alone had eased the anxiety she normally felt when confined in small quarters, there was room to breathe.

A smile grew on her lips as she looked at Varunda IX, enjoying the sight of it from orbit. From what she understood, it was a world that had agricultural roots and exported a number of crops and a variety of artisan woods. Though her hands were now clad in black gloves, underneath they were rough and calloused, very familiar with the hard labor that comes with a life spend cultivating the land. However, her visit here today was not for pleasure, and would likely leave her with little time to feel homesick.

Members of the Ren had been called upon to meet with various leaders of this word. It would be their job to ensure that the public folded easily under the mantle of the First Order. Like most things, Isla figured that this would be easier said than done.

For now, she would just worry about her descent to the planet’s surface. She did want to ensure that she made it to the rendezvous point in one piece.
Objective One.
Post Three.
Location: @Nar'Tan Streets - A few minutes away from University
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"]

Down the street from the University were Zerek Platoon and the Gundark Gunners.

The Wolves were one of the best, if not, the best, unit within the entirety of the Stormtrooper Corps, but even so, they still bantered back and forth with each other. Patched into their comms, the Sith Hybrid heard as they talked down of the Colonial unit.

"Gundarks?" Someone said, he couldn't pinpoint where, not without a helmet and HUD of his own. "One of those big ugly things?" There was light chuckling over the encrypted channel. If anyone unit were going to have secret conversations, it'd be them. "Kinda makes sense for how they look, huh?"

"They should be an artillery unit, Gunners, you know?"

The Sith tuned them out. His senses within the Force were not as apt as they should've been, not when he had significantly cut down on his Sith training whilst in Imperial Space. Only in private wash e able to train, and even then, he was stuck with reports from both his newly named, Vitiate, or with First Order Military. But still, he retained the ability to gather his thoughts and to tune out the useless chatter that spread over the comms.

"Up ahead," a voice said, and the golden orbs snapped from watching the buildings lining the street to the front of the two platoons.

There was a group of people, poor by the looks of it, Vax servants probably. But when A'sharad got to the front and squinted, he could see that they were indeed, Vax. Servants? He grunted, they were lightly armed. Weapons made out of stones, clubs, scraps for armour. A pitiful sight, but they didn't appear to be attempting to impede their marching.

A'sharad didn't call for the stop, but the apparently silent Rioters didn't move aside there. And they were steadily growing closer together.
Objective 1.
Post IV
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Nar'Tan, neary empty street.

Rexus moved to the side of the formation, and glanced at the Vax armed there. This, this felt like a trap they'd just walked into, he immediately went to his comms, "Urgh, Colonel, this is Lieutenant Wenck of the Gunners, I've recognised this kind of behaviour in the Vax sir. This seems to be a trap." He said, before turning to one of his colleagues.

"What is it Rex?" A corporal asked.

"Remember that night where we had the firecrackers thrown at us?" The lieutenant replied.

"Course I do." The corporal replied, "Who couldn't remember that?"

"Well, it looks like they're pulling the same poodoo on us." He channelled comms to the Colonel again, "Sir, the last time they acted like this, there were snipers, and rudimentary explosives thrown at us, I really think we should stop here." The Gundark's stopped behind them, and began to spread out, taking cover, and making way for a retreat of the Wolves.
Objective One.
Post Four.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Location: Nar'Tan, Empty Street.

The High Colonel heard the warning over the commlink from the other channel. His nose scrunched up again as he shot a glance over his shoulder, all the way down the White Wolves lines until he saw the grouping of Gundark Gunners and his golden orbs focused on them before turning back around.

"Watch. And. Learn."

Three words for the Gundark Lieutenant, and he looked back to the front to where the Vax were. Nevertheless, A'sharad signalled for the halt about twenty-five metres away from the Vax. There were only a handful of Vax in front of them, enough for what he wanted to do. Extending his left hand out from his body, his right hand lowered to brush over the Hydrastaff belt that was looped around his waist. Uncoiling itself, it slid up his body until it extended into his left hand. Once done, it had went from being a loose scaly belt, to a completely hardened spear.

"Zerek!" A simultaneous sound of blaster rifles locking and being trained on the Vax in front of them echoed down the street for all to hear. "Train sights on the surrounding buildings." They knew what to do. Windows were targeted, watching for movement, some switched their visuals to search for heat signatures. A'sharad slowly crouched down to the ground, the only person in all black amidst the near one hundred Stormtrooper units.

"Kill," he whispered to the Hydrastaff, and he surged up to his feet, and threw the hydrastaff that was in the form of a spear, dead in the centre of one of the Vax.

Five heads, all of them hungry for the death of the enemy snapped their teeth.

The spear tore through the chest of one of the larger Vax Rebels, spearing him straight through the chest, forcing him onto a back foot as it burrowed through his chest and the other side. The moment the five heads had cleared the body, it wormed its way out of the torso, and immediately set on killing the rest. Five heads. Yuuzhan Vong technology. They all spat acid at the surrounding Vax. All A'sharad heard were screams from down the street as blaster fire erupted from both the lines of the White Wolves and the buildings surrounding them.

It was as if a coin had hit the ground, and if that coin had been the screaming of the Vax, the eruption of blaster fire was the explosion that followed, and the world around the Sith Hybrid was illuminated in crimson, blue, and green bolts.
Objective 1.
Post V
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Nar'Tan, neary empty street.

Rexus watched stunned at what transpired, "What in the hell-?" He was caught out by a blaster bolt hitting a nearby trooper from the roof of a building. "Take cover!" he bellowed over comms. Vax snipers, armed with antiquated, but still lethal blaster rifles began raining fire upon the imperials. "White Wolves, take cover in the alleyway!" Rexus warned as he took cover in an alleyway, and began returning fire. His rifle ended the lives of two snipers, but that wasn't all they had.

Hostile grenadeirs soon began throwing rudementary explosives from the rooftops. Their explosions sent shrapnel flying everywhere, which cut up even the most heavily armed stormtrooper armor. "Piss!" Rexus said, taking another potshot, before glancing behind him, "Have any detonators?" He asked.

The private nodded, passing the lieuteant a thermal detonator, which he activated and threw at the second storey of a nearby building. The firey explosion was nearly instantaneous, causing the collapse of the roof, and the probable death of its occupant. The Gundark Gunners by this stage were nearly all in cover, bar a group of seven. Of the seven, three were injured, one was caught at the epicenter of one of the grenades, and it tore his leg off. Rexus looked at them, and then at the private, "I need you to lay down suppressing fire here, I'm gonna go for our friend down there."

The private nodded, and stood up shakily, beginning to fire haphazardly at the roof's of a nearby buildings. Rexus ran out, firing his blaster twice to scare off the enemy. He picked up the gravely wounded stormtrooper, and found support, as three others dashed out to follow him. Rexus slung the trooper over his shoulder, and ran to the nearest alleyway. He laid down the trooper, "Medic! I need a medic! Anyone with bacta, please!"

However his shouts were drowned out by an almighty "Poodoo!" Rexus peeked his head out of cover, just in time to see a landspeeder plough into a building where a squadron of White Wolves were hiding, and detonated, presumably killing the whole squadron.
Objective One.
Post Five.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Location: Nar'Tan Street, Firefight.

Twisting his head around to one of the closer buildings, the Sith Acolyte tugged the silver and black lightsabre hilt off of his belt and ignited the yellow beam as he leapt into the air, the Force empowering his movements until he got onto one of the buildings. After he had answered the Gundark Lieutenant over the comms, he had closed the line with them, at least for himself. Slashing his lightsabre across the chest of one of the snipers attempting to raise to their feet, there was a perfect orange lighting along their chest, for only a few moments, before they died.

"Take cover," the High Colonel said, but he didn't need to give those orders, not really, for the unit was already re-positioning themselves within the alleys and inside the buildings where they had been forced to gun down any of the Rebels within. He heard some sort of warcry, and his danger sense alerted him to someone who must've climbed to the roof and then lunged at him. No matter, for his golden plasma blade danced behind him and slashed horizontally across the midsection of the man and left his guts steaming as he tossed his body off of the roof with a casual summoning of the Force.

Members of the White Wolves eliminated those living within the buildings. Whether they were civilians cowering in fear, of if they were rebels, they were gunned down all the same as the First Order moved inside the buildings. In his ear he was receiving reports of inactivity on the comms from other platoons. Reinforcements were possible, but the High Colonel wasn't keen on them, not yet.

"To the East," he said, forcing himself to re-open the channels to the Gundarks.

"Redirect your platoon to the East, more Rebels are enroute." Not that he knew that for sure, but the Force was whispering something, and he had learned a long time ago to not doubt it. To the rest of the White Wolves, he said, "Reach to the top of the buildings, and then snake down to the bottom levels. Search for basements. Kill. Them. All." Zerek Platoon, as any Stormtrooper unit did, had cable lines, and they shot them to the ledges of the buildings. Few climbed the roofs while others took potshots into the rooms of the first level floors to keep the Rebels down, effectively suppressing them.
Objective 1.
Post VI
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Nar'Tan, neary empty street.

"You all heard the man! Move east you idiots!" Rexus grunted over comms, stormtroopers ran through the alleyways, and moved easterly. Some followed the White Wolves and began ascending buildings while he remained there, nursing the crippled trooper. "Colonel, are reinforcements on the way?" he asked, before letting out another bellow "Medic!" He called out.

His call was answered, as a sergeant ran forward, covered by a private. He began to assess the trooper, "Sir, he's gone into shock. If we don't get him some kind of blood, he's as good as dead."

"Kark!" The lieutenant said, "We need something to stop the bleeding, bandages?"

"They won't do. We need something hot to cauterize the wound sir." The sergeant said, pouring a vial of bacta over the wound. It wouldn't do much, but it'd pause the bleeding.

"Where the hell do you think we're gonna get something hot in a stinking alleyway?!" Rexus snapped.
The medic, despite that outburst remained calm, "When I ran over, I noticed the colonel had a lightsaber. It'd be rudementary, but I've read reports of Alliance and One Sith troops resorting to that."

"Lightsaber, are you-" Rexus stopped himself, this was his only chance. Rexus looked at the crippled soldier, "How does that sound?"

"...." no respose.

"Good, no complaints." he set his comms back on. "Colonel, could you come to our location, we have a heavily wounded trooper here."
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 3

"The Iron Crown shipyard, of course," Natasi said, giving [member="Valessia Brentioch"] a quizzical look. She glanced at [member="Darell Irani"], her eyebrows lofting momentarily before she finished fixing her coffee and joined Valessia in the sitting area. "Darell has taken a personal interest in its production as part of the public-private partnership between the First Order and ICE." She settled across a small coffee table from Valessia and laid the briefing book across her lap. She was about to look back down at it, but was distracted by her mention of supplies difficulties at Kleve station. "I'm sorry, what did you say? Star Tours? Absolutely not." She took her reading glasses off and stared across that Valessia for a few moments, her dark eyes narrowing.

"And who keeps signing contracts with them? I've never even seen one, but they seem to have a finger in every one of our pies. I wonder if there's someone in the cabinet running amok, signing contracts willy-nilly. I really cannot have them..." She took a breath and sighed quietly. It really was like herding cats, most day. "Are you telling me that supplies earmarked for Kleves station somehow ended up with Star Tours?" She inhaled sharply through her nose and then put her hand out. "Very well. I will deal with this when I get back to the Concordia."

The Grand Moff crossed her legs and picked up her briefing book. "I only know it is our privilege and thank you in Advb, so you're leagues ahead of me. Thank you, Ms. Brentioch."
Objective One.
Post Six.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Location: Nar'Tan City Streets, Firefight.

He had descended into the building.

There had at least been five shooters within. They hadn't expected the Imperials to scale the sides of the buildings. Not nearly as fast as a force aided leap could've. The Vax were more closely tied to being a rural society, the City therefore being more or less for the Nar'iin. The only reason why they were likely in the city was for past failed rebellions, or they had been herded there by the First Order. Last thought that passed through the High Colonel's mind was that they had travelled from their country living to fight those in the cities.

Well, there had been five.

Now there were zero, not including A'sharad.

"What?" His head turned to the East, four fingered right hand clenching as he ran to the window.

He barely had time to twist his head to the side as the glass shot inwards and several shards tearing at his otherwise unmarred facial features.

There was a guttural growl over the commlink. There had been dozens of Vax heading down the surrounding streets from the East. That was what he had seen before his vision was covered in blood.

"Where. Are. You."

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