Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Progenies of Asymmetric Warfare [FO Dominion of Zarnathea Hex]

Objective 1.
Post VII
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Nar'Tan, Alleyway.

"Sir, we're in an alleyway, about, where abouts was he sarge?" Rexus asked, pressing down on the wound. His fresh, polished uniform was now covered in blood, and debris. '

"About two blocks." The sergeant replied.

"Two blocks away sir. I'm leaving a medic and a private to keep you company. I best catch up with the others." he added, "I'll keep you posted." And with that, Rexus stood, and ran to where the fighting prevailed. The Gundarks and Wolves had holed themselves up in a large market place, enclosed by a bronzium ceiling. The stalls were empty, scorched by rioters, and there was shattered glass and scorch makrs everywhere. The fighting for now had stopped, and the First Order troops took time to recupperate. Upon his arrival, Rexus immediately assumed control of the Gundarks.

"Lads, I need a squad to head up the street north and the other south. We need reports on any activity. Every thing is a clusterkark now, and the best we should do is regather and regroup." Rexus said, "Any volunteers?"

The sergeant of thrid squad put his hand up, "Me and my boys'll head north."

A corporal from second squadron nodded, "We'll take the south then."
"Good on you gentlemen." Rexus said, "Be quick, and stay sharp."

Tanomas Graf

Objective: III
Location: Retribution-class Star Destroyer Reprisal, Brown dwarf star Zeus
Allies: The First Order,
Enemies: Damned Space Pirates
Post: 1/??

It wasn't the first time Tanomas had been given a couple of star destroyers and was told to clean house, and it would most certainly not be the last. But it was definitely the first time the aged naval commander had been told his patrol was in the orbit of a kriffing star. Command really had it out for him this time, it took all of Tanomas' loyalty to convince himself that they were not trying to do him in. To make matters worse, Com-scan had detected a medium-sized station in a rather spacious orbit around the star. Intel had identified the station as a bit of a haven off the beaten hyperlane for the usual scum such as smugglers hauling spice, and the really suicidal pirates out to make a quick credit.

Command was a little antsy that day, demanding that the station stayed intact for their use and that no ships escaped, threatening the captain with "scrubbing the refreshers of a star destroyer after a campaign to a swamp world with a toothbrush, daily" much to his chagrin. But to his relief they provided an old Immobilizer 418 that reeked of mynockballs, as well as two Victory II-class Star Destroyers with updated technology and weaponry. The hyperspace flight to the star was clear and fast without any disruptions, which is usual when you are literally flying into a star, but the real treat would be to see what would happen when they reverted to realspace and the scum shat their pants.

After all commanders and their respective ships were at full alert and all crewmen were at battlestations, the captain sighed in relief at the prospect of the mission going off without a hitch, until they came out of hyperspace and were met with the sight of about a dozen frigates and an armed space station. Graf was satisfied to hear a deep voice over the comms state "Gravity well generators online." about ten seconds after, "Form defensive formation Zulu in front of the Immobilizer and launch your fighters. Open fire at those frigates for now, we are not within firing range of the station yet." the captain barked as a large amount of turbolasers began repeatedly firing from both sides, lasers contrasting with the dying star next to them.
Objective One.
Post Seven.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"].
Location: Nar'Tan City Streets, Trashola Alleyway.

The High Colonel was guided to where he needed to go. There were waving hands, and he was able to differentiate between the medics and those soldiers who were still up and active.

"White Wolves," he said as he dropped down into the streets and dodged between buildings before he deactivated his lightsabre and headed to where he needed to go. "Set up a perimeter. Blow out the walls of the buildings if you have to. Create a bottleneck they have to funnel through." He muted his comm as he coughed, raising his right hand, when he removed it, it was slick with his crimson blood. With few people to watch him, the Sith Hybrid raised his fingers and licked his own blood off of his fingers.

Sweet and... Tangy.

It was his.

He shook his hand as he came around the corner to the medic and soldier. "Why am I needed? We are soon to be outnumbered. A gunboat is on the way." But chances were, if they were going to actually set up a decent bottleneck in the coming minutes, they were going to need the Force user to do what he did best. Use the Force to move rubble into position. Nearby, in the direction of the East, the White Wolves were going about blasting apart buildings with their thermal detonators. The sound of buildings crumbling were heard. Some caved in, others sloped and then fell into the streets, blocking more paths as the Vax drew nearer.

"Quickly." He ordered.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Objective 3
Involves: [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Location: Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Vindicator

For Captain Carlyle Rausgeber, orders were simple. Act as a support ship should any friendly First Order task forces need an extra set of hands. However, for the captain, this was the most loathesome of tasks. Waiting for someone to need help. The captain paced up and down the bridge of the Vindicator, while his comms team frantically scanned frequencies for something to do. It would either be a problem on Zarnathea, Moff Fortan needing help, or starfighter corps had run into trouble.

"Is there anything for us to do?" The captain asked bitterly for the upteenth time.

"No sir there is- Wait, hold on, we've recieved a signal!" The comms officer said.

Carlyle's eyes sparkled, "What is it?"

"An engagement near Zeus, a task force is attacking some pirates."

"Yippee!" Carlyle shreiked with joy, "We've got something to bloody do! Coordinates?"

"Four three dash seven four two." The comms technician added, "We'll have to pull away a bit, otherwise our engines will be damaged by their Immobolizer."

"Helmsman, set a course, and comms," Carlyle said, "Send the commander of the fleet a message, the Vindicator is enroute to assist." Carlyle beamed as the Vindicator prepared to jump to lightspeed, it was only a matter of time till they arrived.
Location: Above Zamathea; Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer ​Prevail; Flagship of the First Order Fleet
Objective: Bring your own: To change everything!
Posts: 01

The last place that Kira imagined herself was in the hanger bay of a Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer high in the orbit of Zarnathea during the middle of what was identified as a full scale invasion from the militaristic government. She also never expected to be between two First Order Stormtroopers and being led towards what she can only expect to be confinement in shackles.

The Underground had declared that the situation on Zarnathea was of utmost importance and Kira had been dispatched to aid resistance efforts, then the Star Destroyers had arrived and everything went wrong.
The first group of resistance fighters had been rounded up before they could react and Kira had been among them, the original movements had seemed that she was to be escorted with the rest to the firing squad but at the last moment an order from somewhere in the Hierarchy had requested Kira’s transfer from the planets surface to the high orbiting Star Destroyer that seemed to be seperate from the imposing fleet being used above the main cities.

“In here.” One of the Stormtroopers grabbed her arm painfully and practically threw her into the holding cell before exiting and allowing the door to slam shut. “Rebel Scum.”

“Great.” Kira sighed. “Not how I expected this morning going.”
Objective 1
Post IX
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Market in East Nar'Tan

"Sir, we needed some help stabilising this trooper here. His leg is bleeding heavily, and we don't have the materials to make it stop. I was wondering if you'd be able to slice his stub a little, and stop the bleeding." The medic asked, "With him stabilized, we'll be able to carry him to the unit, or to headquarters."


Rexus watched as the White Wolves made a bottleneck. For him, it seemed to be a drastic turn of events. But that wasn't hard when they obviously had an officer who loved theatrics. The lieuteant instead stood guard with some of his men, keeping out of their way while securing their perimeter. "Squad three, see anything?"

"Nothing yet sir. No movement on our end." The squads sergeant replied.

"Squad two, what about yourselves?"

"We aren't sure, we're sure we heard something, but we've been lying low." Squad two's sergeant replied.

"Keep it that way, I don't want you attracting attention for no good reason." Rexus replied, "Stay safe, y'hear?"

"Will do lieutenant." Squad two replied. Rexus turned his head to some more of sixth platoon, fortifying their postion. They figured the enemy must be coming in force, and so they moved some of the stalls and debris to create barracades, and cover.

"Anything we can do to help?" Rexus asked, turning to a White Wolves sergeant.

Tanomas Graf

Objective: III
Location: Retribution-class Star Destroyer Reprisal, Brown dwarf star Zeus
Allies: The First Order, [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Enemies: Damned Space Pirates
Post: 2/??

So far the Skirmish over Zeus was going well for the First Order, a few of the pirate frigates had exploded in fiery infernos of debris and some of them were attempting to make the jump to hyperspace, only finding that they couldn't due to artificial mass shadow projections from the Immobilizer 418 at the rear of Graf's fleet. Unfortunately, the combined firepower of the frigates had drained most of the shields on one of the star destroyers, leaving it near vunerable when the station with more turbolasers hadn't even fired on it yet. "Have all star destroyers drain power from their engines to their forward deflector shields, if our shields flicker before that station comes on us we'll be sitting gundarks. Make sure the Interdictor does the same with its weapons, it's too minimally armed to make a difference." Tanomas said to a comm officer, who relayed it to the fleet.

Another frigate blew up in the distance under heavy turbolaser fire when suddenly another comm officer flagged down the captain. "Sir, a Resurgent-class is on its way to assist, its apparently a support ship responding to our engagement signal." the officer read off the console "Very good, send them a transmission containing the mission parameters, specifically that Command will have both of our arses if this station isn't in a workable condition, meanwhile, have the fighters prepare for bombing runs while we mop up, power up the ion cannons, and dust off the TIE Defenders." Graf said as he turned his view back to the battle ahead, he had never been this happy that another star destroyer was coming before.
Objective One.
Post Eight.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"].
Location: Nar'Tan Streets, Trashola Alley.

The High Colonel tilted his head down to the man below him, his hand raising to brush against the belt loop that his lightsabre was hooked to. His mind raced as he took in the situation. This is a simple answer. The High Colonel looked up to the doctor before he rose up to his feet. "Slice his stub a little..." There was a huffing from A'sharad as he repeated the words. A lightsabre to be used as a medical tool... The only way his lightsabre was going to be used as a medical tool, was for when it burned the flesh of his enemies.

A trained warrior, from his earliest memory he fought. Cold, golden orbs settled on the private that was bleeding out. There was hardly a care on the Sith's face. Something within him was excited by this idea. This idea of playing God. The only person who was capable of saving the soldier. He could save this man's life, returning his life as only a powerful deity could, or he could take it... By cutting him down himself, or allowing him to bleed out. A'sharad Graush was Sith. Power like this? It was what he lived for.

The Sith Acolyte rose to his feet.

"Shall I be fast about it?" he said.

There was no allusion as to whether or not he was going to save his life, or let him die.


Sergeant Jorax.

The White Wolves Sergeant turned his head to one of the men speaking to him. One of those... Gunners, or some such. "Yeah. Cover our positions." There were snipers in this distance, too far for the remaining Zerek Platoon to get to them. Every now and then a shot would come through and nearly take out one of the Stormtroopers, whether they were White Wolves or not didn't matter. Chances were, they were attempting to weaken their numbers before they attacked.

"Gunboats coming through to rip them apart soon though."

Night was coming too, and it was coming fast, maybe it was the blood on his visor that made everything look dark, but Sergeant Jorax was starting to see this day as gloomy.

"Got any snipers? Or trip wire?"

They were going to need it on their flanks.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Objective 3
Post X
Involves: [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Location: Just deployed behind the fleet.

The Vindicator leapt out of lightspeed a fair distance away, but not far enough away from the ship to be regarded an arduous distance. "Any damage to hyperdrive?" Carlyle asked the engineering officer. It was protocol to ask such questions, particularly with an Interdictor in the system. One never knew when an innocent enough jump would be met with a crippled hyperdrive.
"None sir, all systems are green." The engineering officer said.

"Good, I want our TIE's deployed, and assisting the fleet with mopping up this pirate scum. Get all crews to their fighters." The captain ordered.

"Yes sir, all TIE's will be primed to launch at will." The TIE operations officer said with an air of confidence.

This was the sort of mission Carlyle loved most, cat and mouse with pirates. While they were never nearly a threat to him, he sadistically knew that he would always be a threat to them. "Hail their command ship, let them know that we've got the breif, and that Captain Graf will be leading our forces with this one."

"Aye, aye sir." The comms technician said, "Reprisal, this is Vindicator. We're deploying our TIE's and falling into fleet flanking position gamma. We'll await your further orders. Over."
Objective 3 - Starfighter Corps - Operation Clean Sweep
Location - Briefing Room - Resurgent class Star Destroyer, Concordia [Concordia's Location Redacted ]
Allies - [member="Matthias Hux"], [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Greta Kohler"], [member="Ishana Pavanos"], [member="Nova Casamyr"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"] , [member="Jezebel Marcos"]
Enemies - Estimated pirate strength; 2 squadrons of mixed-force starfighters operating from 1 frigate.
Post 1

Roderik looked out into the crowded auditorium-style seating of the massive Star Destroyer's pilots briefing room. It could fit an entire Wing's worth of personnel and still leave a little room for observers. Today, it did indeed hold a considerable portion of the wing's worth of starfighter pilots, from several of the various squadrons that made up Concordia's TIE Fighter compliment.

Centered and at the front of the pack were the pilots that made up the 100th Fighter Squadron, lead on this operation by Roderik personally. The rest of the occupied seating was organized in groups by squadron, though generally all of the fighter pilots were clustered to the left, and the bomber pilots to the right, of the auditorium.

He was nearing the completion of the mission briefing, at the stage where a summary was imminent.

"To reiterate, Operation Clean Sweep is to be conducted as a reconnaissance-in-force mission, intended to seek and destroy any and all pirate activity -- including their base of operations. Intel suggests a frigate, but be prepared for anything."

Roderik paused as he surveyed his captive audience once more, continuing after making sure attention was still firmly on his presence and words.

"We depart Concordia, and patrol these three sectors -- designated Way-point Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. At one of those stops, we suspect a chance to run into their mother-ship. With the TIE/FO-EW linked up with us, we hope to heighten that chance. In the event we succeed, we will call in the TIE bombers, on stand-by at rally point Delta."

He allowed the assembled pilots to thoroughly examine the video displays mounted to the arms of their individual seats.

"There will be some new flyers out there with us today, so be extra careful with your formations. Tighten it up, but by the stars, I don't want any collisions out there. This mission calls for a few hyperspace jumps, also. No show-boating, we use our navigational computers to fully compute our jumps. Nobody is miscalculating and jumping into some local star on my watch."

He tapped a key on his master-data-display, causing the information on all of the pilots screens to shift towards flight rosters and assignments.

"That is all. Review your assignments, and get to your ships. You have fifteen minutes for pre-flight checks. Wing dismissed."
[ OOC - One post ]

The roster would indicate that the mission was to be lead by Roderik, with [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Greta Kohler"], and [member="Ishana Pavanos"], and [member="Matthias Hux"] all taking roles as Flight leaders, the rest operating primarily as either Element leaders or wingmen.

Roderik waited at the front of the briefing room as pilots began to rise and herd themselves out of the briefing room and into the waiting TIE Fighter hangar bay. Others looked for their immediate mission leadership to ask questions of, few even made way to Roderik with their own questions. Questions with answers he could hopefully provide adequate answers to - all while biding his time before he could himself begin the pre-flight checks he so craved to complete.
Objective 1
Post XI
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Market in East Nar'Tan

"Preferably quicker sir." The stormtrooper medic knew the double edged sword he was walking, but he was an optimist, a man who thought the best of people. "We don't have long till he begins to bleed again, and dies sir."


"Unfortunately, we don't have any snipers with us. If you'd taken fourth, fifth or even seventh platoon, you'd have been kitted out with snipers. But you took us, gumbie platoon." Rexus said with a dry chuckle, "I think we may have a mortar unit, I'll see if that'll be of any help." Rexus turned to a group of stormtroopers, "Cover the Wolves, they know what they're doing." Rexus commanded, walking to a more sheltered part of the market, "Watts, you there?"

"Yes sir!" A shorter stormtrooper said, "How can I help lieutenant?" he asked.

"You've got your mortar launcher here?" he asked, "The tripod one?"

"Sure do sir. Want me to deploy it?" he asked, "Because I don't have too much ammo over here."

"Sure, how many rounds do you have trooper?" Rexus asked.

"Three or so." Watts replied, "I know, I know, I karked up. Alright. No need for the lecture."

"I'm not gonna give you a lecture, I need you up at the front, directing fire at these scum, alright?" Rexus said.

"Fine, just give me some suppressing fire, and I'll do it."

"Sure thing," Rexus turned to a squad of Gundarks, and then to a squad of Wolves. "Gents, this is an ask, but we need to give our friend here some breathing space. He needs room to operate. Understood? We need to give him some cover fire."
Objective 3
Post I
Involves: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Location: Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Triumph, In course of Osir-Isis

The Grand Admiral stood at the windows that made up most of bow side bridge. The three Resurgent star destroyers under his command were slowly making their way to the moon of Valhalla, Osir-Isis. The naval officer turned to look at the captain, giving orders to the supply officer, preparing for the mass seizure of goods about to take place. Yes, the First Imperial Navy was here to finally clean the space ways of Valhalla. It provided conflict for Kerkov, during his private military days he had worked often with and even for their type, hell he had even had a pirate captain work with him for years, a cyborg of sorts. But duty was duty, and if duty meant fighting those who resisted, let it be.

The navigation officer announced the arrival of the fleet into the orbit of Osir-isis, "Osir-Isis orbit achieved, plotting course to the west-hemisphere of the planetoid, codenamed dark side." Klaxons began to sound, no the ship was not in danger, but the crews of all three vessels had to be prepared for anything. Detainment of pirates were to be their top priority, but if any resisted, then they would be turned into space junk floating for centuries in orbit of the moon. A more robotic, lifeless voice sounded over the PA system in the ship, "General quarters, all essential crew to general quarters" The bridge began to explode into a flurry of movement, those who were not needed for the actions about to take place tried to exit themselves as quickly and efficiently as possible, while those needed for any battle or firefight that could happen to their places at the consoles.

The Grand Admiral took his gaze off the space in front of him and began to pace stern wards, announcing to the bridge complement, "Alright, let's make this clean and efficient, no blood loss unless absolutely required. Full speed ahead."
Objective One.
Post Nine.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Location: Nar'Tan City Streets, Trashola Alleyway

There was a nod of his head as the Sith Acolyte pulled the black lightsabre hilt off of the belt hook. Around the same time he had done that, his Hydrastaff had slithered through the rubble and corpses around them and travelled up along his leg until it slipped around waist and resumed its former position as a belt on his waist.


The yellow beam of the lightsabre exploded outwards and he lowered the lightsabre to the wound on his leg and it hovered there, for a few moments. His hand shook, but not because he was nervous, afraid, or anything. He just didn't like staying in one place for long. In a single motion, he slashed downwards, cutting the entirety of the leg off, effectively cauterizing the one end of the leg that mattered now and he deactivated his lightsabre immediately.

The Dark Side of the Force had whispered to him.

Kill him.

Take his life.

But he kept him alive. Killing the man would've had... Repercussions that would've likely had him removed from his position. The wounds a lightsabre inflicted were well known, any doctor, let alone a medic could tell on the battlefield. Deactivating his lightsabre, it found itself back onto the belt loop and he turned on his heel without a word. If they expected him to help the man back to a safer location, they truly were the grunts of the First Order's Military.


Jorax's head swivelled to the mortar guy that was being addressed. Jorax may not have thought highly of the... Gumbie Platoon, but he wasn't going to start complaining about what they couldn't have, that didn't make a difference in their situation, and he knew that his new CO would think the same. "Cover fire? You got it," he said as he beckoned to the White Wolves squad. "Get into cover! Hold down this intersection! Anyone not in Imperial white gets gunned down!"

"And someone, get these karking gunboats here already!" And the Sergeant went off to continue shouting orders.
Objective 1
Post XII
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Market in East Nar'Tan

The medic lifted the trooper up, and picked him up. "We'll make our way back to base colonel. Your assistance is appreciated." The medic said, "Private, you guide the way, alright?"


Watts took the mortar launcher from his back, and ran to the frontlines, where, he dove onto his back. It wasn't a hand held grenade launcher, it was a mounted miniture artillery piece. "How far do we think the enemy is?" Watts asked, loading the first grenade.

Rexus used his HUD, "About, fifty, sixty meteres west." Blasts of hot laser were coming left, right and center from both the enemy, and the stormtroopers, who put up a valiant defence. About twenty of whom were suppressing the enemy as much as possible.

"Good enough," Watts said, "Let her rip."

The grenade launched out of the barrel without a sound, and sailed into the air, before coming back down to earth with a massive blast. The explosion could be seen demolishing the top three storey's of a four storey building. "Fan-karking-tastic!" Rexus roared, "Reload!"

Watts nodded and let out a chuckle, "Where are the next set?"

"I dunno." Rexus admitted, "Jorax, got any idea where the filth are?"

Tanomas Graf

Objective: III

Location: Retribution-class Star Destroyer Reprisal, Brown dwarf star Zeus

Allies: The First Order, [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Enemies: Damned Space Pirates
Post: 3/??

Tanomas couldn't help but smirk when the comm operator received the transmission. He cleared his throat and began giving orders for the operator to relay to the fleet, "I want both VSDs to finish mopping up the frigates with about a third of our starfighters, while the Vindicator and the Reprisal barrage the stations shields with turbolasers and power up their ion cannons, have the rest of the starfighters do the same and keep the Defenders on standby." The comm operator nodded and began to repeat through the console, and the fleet began mirroring.

Meanwhile the station had finally come within range of the small fleet and began firing on it with its dozens of (illegal) turbolasers, it also began releasing previously docked starfighters to combat their own. The fleet retaliated by releasing its own barrage like ordered with additional starfighters pelting the shields with their own laser cannons. "Tell the Vindicator to switch to their ion cannons once the shields start flickering so we can disable the station completely like we were ordered to. Launch the Defenders as well and have them drop their payloads. Once the frigates are dealt with have the VSDs join in with their ion cannons." Captain Graf said, having the operator relay it to the fleet again.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Objective 3
Involves: [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Location: Just deployed behind the fleet.

"Are our TIE's out yet?" Carlyle asked, as the he got into range of the station. He felt the blast of turbolasers hitting the ship, but the shields absorbing most of the pounding.

"Sir, Graf has orders for us, he wants us to switch to ions once the shields are down." The comms officer said.

"Gunnery," Carlyle summoned.

"Yes sir!" The over enthusiastic gunnery officer replied.

"Make our ion batteries concentrate fire on their turbolasers, we'll stop them from making any dent in us." He said with a small smirk, "Shields, as soon as you see us at all flicker, you make that change, understood?"

"Acknowledged Cap." The operator replied.

As the Vindicator drew closer more of its batteries came into range, and began to pound the station. Soon enough, it feel silent, the hangar bay lights flickering off, along with the airlock. The crew of the Vindicator had a laugh as they watched hapless pirates, float off and freeze in the vaccum of space.

"That never get's old," Carlyle said, wiping a tear from his eye, "Ah, ah, where were we?"

"Graf, sir, we need orders from Captain Graf." The comms technician said,

"Ah, yes, yes we do. Send a message, we need to know whats happening next."

"Yes sir," The technician replied, "Reprisal, what is our next course of action?"
Objective One.
Post Ten.
Involves: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Location: Market in East Nar'Tan.

Whatever the medic had said, A'sharad was already gone, but now he was heading straight for the Market.

"Requesting airstrike," the High Colonel said over the commlink as he headed to the Stormtroopers positions. Specifically to Sergeant Jorax, and Lieutenant Wenck. Both White Wolves and Gundarks were within the formerly Rebel buildings, suppressing the would be attackers, but there were many more of them than there were Stormtroopers, but the Imperials training was proving to be making the difference.

Ahead of him in the distance there were explosions.


Plenty of studying had come with his position.

Before Jorax could even answer, he spotted his CO arriving and he saluted in his covered position, though he was surprised to see the blood caked face of the High Colonel. "Sir!"

"SitRep," the Sith said.

"Mortar has proved useful. Took out their sniper nest, we're free to engage or let the-" He was cut off.

"Hold the line. Gunboats are enroute. Gundarks have to pull back to the next perimeter, White Wolves stay in position until gunboats are in sight. When they are, you move to the clear zone." The Sith Hybrid turned his head to look at the both of them before he turned his head to Wenck, "Go."

The gunboats had a payload capable of torching everything within the Market. Of course, it didn't exactly make them look like angels, but no one really cared about that image. Sacrifices were necessary, and with the destruction of the market, another could be made in its place, or perhaps something better.
Objective 1
Post XIV
Involves: [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Market in East Nar'Tan

"Of course sir!" Wenck said, "Come on boys, to the next perimeter!" He barked, as the Gundarks moved on, Watt's brought up the rear, having folded up his artillery piece, and continued. "This is it gents, we've held 'em off, now we get to watch as we bring the fight to those motherkarkers!" The lieutenant roared, overhead, he could hear the growl of gunboat engines as they moved to engage the enemy. "We've done well boys, we've done really well, but we're not out of this yet."

The next perimeter was at a crossroads between two major roads, "Alright gentlemen, I want us in the buildings, some of us in the shopfronts, we'll hold this place till the colonel gives us orders."

"Sir yes sir!" The Gundarks responded before moving in, and setting up. The group ensured they had good cover, and were able to adequately hold the position.

"They won't be able to flank us," Rexus said as he walked up the stairs to the roof, "But they could sure as kark make life difficult." he added, he looked behind him, the sergeant of squad four as behind him, "Could you and your boys do a little recon, I want to find some kind of route for retreat in case things go to poodoo."

"Yes lieutenant." The sergeant said, before briskly running down the stairs.

Rexus reached for comms, "Colonel, we're at perimeter, we have the situation under our control."
Location: Riflor, Frontrunner
Allies: [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Others: [member="Dunames Lopez"]

Riflor... the Fringe had been here a decade ago.

And where the Fringe was, Iron Crown followed suit close-by. Years ago, many so, the corporation had been the industrial arm of the Lords of the Fringe -- it was government-owned and it held all the contracts, build all the shipyards, facilitated all the trade in and out and in-between the Unknown Regions -- it had grown rich and powerful from that partnership and connection. In the present day the Lords of the Fringe were gone... but Iron Crown Enterprises had only grown. They held the trust of the most important worlds within the Unknown Regions, strong relationships cultivated by years of trade and protection.

Needless to say Irani was less than concerned about Lopez' efforts.

He sat in the corner of the room - a cigar resting easily between his fingers, a datapad in his free hand and even at this time a day already clad in a dignified and splendid suit - the businessman only briefly looked up from his work when Valessia knocked and entered.

"Charmed," It still amused him how much stock Natasi put in propriety, but as she respected his need for privacy, so did Irani ensure that publicly they were the very image of... purity. The data was interesting to say the least; Star Tours was already entering the system, no doubt they had been aiming to build one of their many projects here next, but that didn't matter much to him.

The scale of their operations was simply too minuscule to truly be put on his radar.

They met glances, but Darell just shrugged at Natasi while picking himself up and trundling over to his cabin. She is yours, not mine. It was important for the Grand Moff to receive some privacy while she discussed the more sensitive subjects of the First Order with Val: this had been part of their arrangement, they would strictly separate their personal relationship from their business one.

This... didn't always work out as planned, but more often than not it helped make things more simple. Iron Crown Enterprises had a functional business relationship with the First Order these days -- regardless of what nay-sayers like Alfred wished -- and part of it was to ensure that the worlds of the Unknown Regions would cooperate with the Order.

He utilized his contacts with the merchant guilds, the little local companies, the governments and militia, and sometimes even the privateers scattered throughout the space to make sure that... they wouldn't destroy themselves fighting against a tide that threatened to swarm them from all sides. It was the same relationship Arceneau Trade had with Corellia, really.
Objective 3
Post II
Accompanied Person(s) and Personnel: N/A
Location: Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Triumph, In course of Osir-Isis

The Nav officer turned to the captain and grand admiral, "Approaching codename Darkside of Osir-isis sirs, 5 minute arrival." Slowly the large hulking ships peered across the orbit, looking for the vessels and space stations from which the pirates kept their stolen goods. The dark surface of the moon was in sight, albeit hundreds of kilometers away he could see the black rim of the spherical surface below him. As the dark rim began to grow across the horizon of the moon his radar officer alerted the deck officers, staring intently at his console, "Captain we have enemy vessels, 600 klicks and counting sir,"

Captain Nublar, close friend and captain of the Grand Admiral's flagship, turned to the gunnery officer, "Commander H'reen, hold your fire until my command." Next to the comms officer, in a professional manner he ordered, "Hail the vessels currently in our trajectory, order them to either transmit their ship codes, and if not, order immediate surrender." Kerkov did nothing but stand and watch, his direct underling was no amateur, it was always good to have competent staff among his units, and Nublar was one of them, he nodded to the captain, "Bring us to three quarter speed captain, let us not rush in, and have the TIEs on stand-by, we do not know the speed capabilities of these vessels." The O6 responded with a sharp reply, "Yes sir," Nublar turned to a few of the officers, "You heard the Grand Admiral, three quarter speed, I want those TIEs launchable within 15 minutes!"

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