Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Progenies of Asymmetric Warfare [FO Dominion of Zarnathea Hex]


Active Member
Objective One.
Post Four.
Involves: [member="[FONT='Helvetica Neue'][URL=""]Rolf Amsel[/URL]"][/FONT][member="[FONT='Helvetica Neue'][URL=""]Rexus Wenck[/URL]"][/FONT][member="[FONT='Helvetica Neue'][URL=""]Ludolf Vaas[/URL]"][/FONT][member="[FONT='Helvetica Neue'][URL=""]Asharad Graush[/URL]"][/FONT] [member="[URL=""]Ludolf Vaas[/URL]"][member="Wolf"]
Location: Nar'Tan City Streets The thick of it.

The weight of AT-AT fire and the limping AT-ST as her squad and the platoon from Wenx's unit began scouring the streets. When the High Colonel had ordered them to forget about the wounded she had hesitated. her chest had felt like a cord of wire about to snap as it was pulled apart. She needed to save her wounded. As his gaze had glanced over her she could see in his eyes the contempt, the spite the sheer arrogance and part of her, the part that was running on pure adrenaline and not concerned with her own life. Wanted to tell him exactly what she thought of him endangering her squad and the Gunners lives. Her heart pounded and her fists tightened around her blaster. She watched helpless as the Lt buckle under the intensity of his gaze and knew before she could draw her own anger away that she would have had to obey. She ordered two of her remaining squad to stay behind with the wounded. She was down to just four troopers and herself. She hoped they would make it through.

Building to building they went. Firing moving killing. Hunting like a shark in a sea full of prey. The voice in her head brought the number up now, 'five' it scratched into the chalkboard of her mind. This place had seemed so peaceful from orbit. What could bring such destruction such incredible violence to a place like this? These people were barbarous in their own way but did they deserve this? It was a beautiful city. Perhaps after all this pointless death it would be again one day. Maybe after the killing was over. She peered round another window into another back alley - nothing - clear. Temporarily safe. Some part of her soul spoke to her and she knew deep down that the Galaxy would always be awash in blood. And it would always need people like Kierel to impose stability on it. Another building crashed down with the chehum-chechum of turbolaser fire as the armoured monster destroyed all in its path. Before she could fire she saw a rebel with a launcher take a bolt straight through his chest, he did a sort of funny dance as he took the hit and collapsed.

All the instructors at the academy had told of how a Marshall would lead from the front lines like any officer. Extolling their troops to glory by showing the value of duty and self sacrifice. She cleared another street. Her troopers put down covering fire. The White Wolves advanced. But it was easy to lead from the front and preach the virtue of sacrifice. A bolt skimmed past her head creating a pocket mark in the wall behind her. When you had 10ft of armoured plating and turbolasers to protect you. The insurgents had outdated weaponry but that didn't mean they couldn't get kills. Two of her squad had died. She was injured though not badly, a burn on her left shoulder where the pad had just about all but torn off.

More turbolaser fire. Another building demolished. Nothing would be left of the city at this rate. Another Star Destroyer began casting its shadow over the entire battle area. The light of the nearest star blotted out by the dagger shape cutting across the sky. The blaster fire was beginning to mellow down. It took her a moment but with sudden realisation that hit her as hard as a truck at full speed. She realised that she was back on the street she had been at when this had all began. She looked around the few homes that still stood. Nothing. Panic gripped her no no no no not like that. She scanned again trying to remember what the house with the young avians at the window had looked like. Another bolt left a hole in the wall behind her and as she got on her knee to return fire. Something caught her gaze. She saw that on the wall she was hiding behind, something that made her heart sink again.

"KierelOrtis was here =)"

she mouthed it so softly it was hardly audible. Earlier in the day an entire street had stood here. Now it was rubble and death. She ducked again she didn't have time to feel sad she still had to survive she could feel bad when she was through this. she touched her wound and felt the surge of pain shoot through her groaning then bringing it into a roar, her squad cheered and whooped. They knew they were going to win and were in the exhilaration and exultation the thrill of combat they were alive. Nothing was quite like it not even sex had anything close to the rush as knowing your life was in absolute peril and one mistake you would be dead. Nothing was so terrifying nothing so devastating. It was a hard thing to admit to enjoying combat. But Kierel had her blaster sights aimed and she felt that thrill of anticipation as she lined up the shot. The scope and her helmet linked. A human female with auburn hair, she wore a simple combat jacket and she had picked up a rifle from a stormtrooper it seemed. She fired and stopped that characters story in the great play of life and death. The voice in her head scratched on the board again 'six'.

"This is DZ-921 insurgents have been crushed to your left flank. will circle around and make sure no more are trying to flank you Marshall, out."

A walker was an impressive engine of death and destruction, but the arrogance that could lead many to ignore an infantryman could be their downfall. They needed squads to keep them well protected. It seemed to pay the insurgents as much thought as Kierel would an insect beneath her boot. Never pausing for more than a second or so to dispense justice from it's under slung canons.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 8

Natasi watched the smirk turn to a chilly frown on Irani's face. As they bundled into the armored limousine -- nicknamed The Beast by Natasi's security detail, some of whom were sitting in the front compartment, and some of whom were riding alongside on speederbikes, sirens blaring -- she looked across to Irani, her dark eyes studying him for a few moments in silence. There was perhaps no one living that knew Natasi better than Irani except, perhaps, her cousin Pierce. But despite some shocking declarations and painful revelations that they had shared, when Irani made that face, Natasi felt like they were strangers. She hated it, but perhaps it was the way Irani wanted her. There were times when she felt that she was too close for his tastes.

She watched him for a few moments more, until she felt she might be in danger of being discovered, and then bowed her head over her datapad for a few moments more, tracking the progress reports of the other First Order activities in the area. "Valessia, we may need to consider aide resources for Zarnathea," said the Grand Moff, passing her datapad over to [member="Valessia Brentioch"]. "Field Marshal Vaas has yet to discover a way to deploy our walkers in a way that doesn't lead to catastrophic damage to the zone of operations." She put a hand to her forehead and closed her eyes briefly. "Then again, I suppose that's what they're for."

The ride was over shortly after, and when the limousine door opened, Natasi was helped out of the limousine by one of her security detail. She strolled over to meet [member="Dunames Lopez"] with a firm handshake. "Lopez," she said. "I believe you know [member="Valessia Brentioch"] -- Trade Representative of the First Order, Scion of House Brentioch, et cetera, et cetera and so forth. Have you met [member="Darell Irani"] -- CEO of Iron Crown Enterprises? May I ask, what is Star Tours' business interest here?"

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Riflor surface
Post: 5/30
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Objective: Open trade routes from Riflor to other planets in First Order worlds

Dunames arrived a little bit in advance of the others and she realized how lucky she was to own a WA-7 droid that could actually speak Advb. Two limos, one armored, which was Natasi's, and hers, which was an unarmored rental that she drove herself, were parked near each other. Dunames took it to mean that she formed up where she needed to. She then saw the main occupants of the limo get out, Darell, Valessia and Natasi, the last one shaking Dunames' hand as she did back on Bespin during the summit where the decision to actually cater to the transportation infrastructure of planets like Sump, Verkuyl (Lanteeb was taken care of first). Now was the time for the four of them to meet with the Advosze face-to-face; they formed up, with Dunames facing the other three. Only Darell's face seemed to be an unknown to her. The other two they met on Bespin in one occasion. Now they have a common business to conduct with the same party. Hopefully the other three would realize that Dunames' WA-7 would be able to serve as a makeshift protocol droid.

"Star Tours' interest on Riflor is mostly one of shipping materials and technology off-world. They have interesting materials as well as technology, and with Star Tours' galaxy-spanning network of destinations, it can end up being sold virtually anywhere in the galaxy"

"The Advosze are expecting us" Merrily, the WA-7 droid, told the four people, in both Advb and Basic, in that order.

"What is Iron Crown Enterprises' interest on Riflor?"

Valessia Brentioch

Objective: 4 - Riflor
Allies: [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Darell Irani"], [member="Dunames Lopez"]| First Order
Enemies: N/A
Location: Riflor; Delegation Chambers
Post: 6 // ??

Valessia did her best to keep her tongue in check while around Dunames, she looked to the droid only once before directing her attention to Dunames. "Ms. Lopez, while it's advantageous to you to be here, I am here along with the Grand Moff to represent the First Order," she took in a breath, "now, I am going to ask that whatever agenda you've come here with today be secondary to that of the First Order, if neither of you." She wanted to keep this equal as she looked to Duke Irani and then back squarely on Dunames. "Interfere with that, then I will ask you to leave, and if you cannot comply with that - then you will be escorted."

Wordlessly she turned and headed for their meeting, she did not have time to babysit someone who was only here out of the interest of their own company. And if neither one of these adults could play nice long enough for the First Order to establish contact, gain the Advosze's trust and to annex the planet - then they could both leave. She had a job to do and no one was going to interfere with that. They were not only running on Valessia's time but that of the First Order's.

Her Advb would have to do, she would not insult the Advosze by relying on a droid. "Hello," she says to the dignitary who greets them, "I am Valessia Brentioch, Representative of the First Order and this is the Grand Moff Natasi Fortan," she introduced them both, and then, "Duke Darell Irani of Iron Crown Enterprises, Iron Crown works closely with the First Order - and this is Dunames Lopez of Star Tours, who I'm sure is more than capable of introducing herself and her droid." A tight smile as she walked alongside Gale Dat who was the dignitary sent out to greet them both.

"Welcome," says Riflor's current minister of foreign affairs,Trozi Vallof, or at least their equivalent of such, along with two other members one of whom represented the state and the other equaled to Natasi's position. Lorso Mertora was their 'grand moff,' and Saden Ceecu was their 'state' representative. "Miss Brentioch, yes?"

She really wanted to correct him and say it was lady but who was she to correct him, "yes, shall we get started?"

"Certainly," Vallof says he leads the delegation into a private conference room.

Trozi Vallof = Foreign Affairs
Lorso Mertora = their 'Grand Moff'
Saden Ceecu = State Representative
Gale Dat = Delegate / First Order Liasion

Valessia is speaking Advb when she addresses the Advosze, unless otherwise noted
Objective: 2
Location: Surface of Varunda IX
Allies: [member="Phenex Ren"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Serah Oricion"], [member="Jaron Lesan"], [member="Samka Derith"]
Post: 4

Isla entered the clearing, her arms dangling gently at each side. She watched silently as Darth Veles offered the delegates a polite greeting. While the flame-haired Ren did not open her mouth to do the same, she did give a slight bow of her head, hoping that would be enough. Next, she turned as Samka Derith moved forward, addressing the group as a whole. Isla’s eyes fluttered for a brief moment, now hearing the voice of Veles speaking into her mind, offering her a reminder. She angled her head towards the Mon Cal briefly, showing him a firm nod in response.

Once more, she let her attention shift to the words Samka was speaking. The young woman seemed to like projecting a commanding presence. It was unexpected. Unlike her fellow Ren, Isla did not wish to speak in front of the crowd. Public speaking was not a skill she possessed, for she was not a diplomat.

Though, it seemed that Samka’s address had been met with a lackluster response – silence and stares.

Isla’s eyes narrowed slightly at the group of aliens milling about, but the corner of her mouth tugged upwards on one side. It seemed that their work here would not be so easy. She approached an Ithorian that was dressed in robes of white. Her steps brought her confidently to his side, her gaze somewhat hard, but not completely unfriendly.

“And what do you think?” She asked, head tilting to the side, inviting a response.

But her words fell on a very cold shoulder, and she watched as the Ithorian turned away.

Tanomas Graf

Objective: III

Location: Retribution-class Star Destroyer Reprisal, Brown dwarf star Zeus

Allies: The First Order, [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], [member="Maizono"]
Enemies: Damned Space Pirates
Post: 8/8

With the Imperial Star Destroyer halted in its attempt to collide with the Vindicator, everybody's attention was turned back to the issue at hand, the rest of the fleet. The Reprisal's turbolasers fired in synchronization one after another onto the unshielded hull of a corvette as it slowly passed by, causing it to explode into a fireball that was quickly extinguished in the vacuum of space.

The VSDs themselves were finishing off the rest of the corvettes with numerous amounts of TIE Fighters screeching after terrified squadrons of enemy starfighters. The enemy fleet was completely destroyed, no survivors especially on the floating ISD that had had its life support devastated.

The comm operator signaled Captain Graf with a status report from the commander, Tanomas had them patch it throughout the whole fleet. "Boarding party reporting in, the station is ours, I repeat, the station is ours. We've taken minimal losses and have a few prisoners, sending them over to the Reprisal, over." The helmeted voice relayed. Graf grinned once more "Good job commander, continue to patrol the station until we can get a proper crew aboard." he ordered.

"Lieutenant, you have the bridge, I need to send my report." He uttered, before he retreated to the communications office off the bridge. Tanomas dialed in the frequency and faced the holoscanner, allowing whoever was on the other side to witness a hologram of himself. "This is Captain Graf reporting in from the Reprisal. We have taken the station orbiting Zeus with no ships lost and minimal damage to the station itself. We've also captured an ancient Imperial II-class and are sending it to the shipyards to be analyzed along with the Interdictor, which proved rather useful, no survivors escaped. My colleagues Captain Carlyle and Lieutenant Maizono will be sending their own reports I presume." Graf reported, internally fearful of the verdict that Naval Command will pass unto him.

Mission Complete
Location: Riflor, Frontrunner
Allies: [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Others: [member="Dunames Lopez"]

To continue the status quo without amateurs degenerating the quality of service.

But Valessia stepped in, quite gracefully, and filled the void left in Lopez' question. The presumption was just a touch irksome, but at the end of the day it wasn't unexpected either -- aides and assistants such as Brentioch had little to no perspective on the greater galactic scale. They spend their days toiling away in this little sector of space, then suddenly gained aspirations once they were put on some fast-lane to progression.

This attitude pervaded through the entire echelon of the Order's government, even his dearest Natasi was not innocent in it. But Darell could forgive such misdemeanors, it wasn't their fault really.

"I am ever the humble facilitator, Lady Brentioch." An inclination of the head followed, before casting a gaze at Lopez again. His frown was long since gone, wiped away before stepping foot outside the transport. It now held mild disinterest, combined with that over the nose gaze only fine breeding and a life of success could generate. "I am sure it's of little concern to you, miss Lopez, truly your... galaxy-spanning network tops anything Iron Crown could offer."

After which Irani once again offered his arm to Natasi, resuming their journey quite undeterred.

From there he'd let Brentioch do the initial proceedings. Mostly, because his own goals would not be determined here in this little office, nor with these little people of Riflor -- no, the real negotiations would happen after, with the true people in charge.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 9

Natasi watched [member="Valessia Brentioch"] with her eyebrows steadily rising before turning her attention to Sioux, who inclined her head and then nodded it once. Natasi once again longed for the days when she could get things done outside of the posturing and bluffing and competing interests of those around her. The First Order had begun with a purity of ideology that had drawn Natasi into it. She needn't have worried about the special interests of this corporation or that group, and individuals within the power structure hadn't jockeyed for position so blatantly. They had pulled together in a single-minded dedication to the vision of the Supreme Leader and his empire. But with success -- and the First Order had had no dearth of that -- had come expansion. It had made the First Order the target of the ambitious and the self-interested. This was necessary -- ideological purity could only go so far, and those who were lean and hungry had a way of benefiting the group as well as themselves.

Still, the Grand Moff couldn't help but long for the old days, when the First Order was full of possibility.

To Gale Dat, she smiled broadly. "Allow me to take a moment to thank you so much for your hard work in liaising with our government and the Advosze," Natasi told Gale Dat as they headed for the meeting. When Vale

However, there was a job to be done here. Natasi walked into the meeting and offered a brief bow to the Advosze. "I bring you warm greetings from the Supreme Leader himself, who extends his best wishes for the health and safety of your people..." And so, they entered the dance.

Valessia Brentioch

Objective: 4 - Riflor
Allies: [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Darell Irani"], [member="Dunames Lopez"]| First Order
Enemies: N/A
Location: Riflor; Delegation Chambers
Post: 7 // ??

Gale Dat nodded to the Grand Moff, "one can only assume that when a government as large and as powerful as yours wishes these things, they do so in good faith." The liaison was sharp and very much aware of what was happening today. "And to what end are you here, Duke Irani and Ms. Lopez?" Gale asks and the proceedings begin, speaking in basic as he did so, "we should use basic, Lorso." He wouldn't want to strain the minds of those here with him, or force them to use some means of translation.

Lorso raised a brow, "of course, how rude." He was cold as he sat the head of the table, Ceecu also took his seat and looked across the table. Vallof cleared his throat and motioned for the terms agreed upon before the meeting be laid out. "Grand Moff Fortan, I believe your office has a set of terms that we are meant to agree to?"

Once more Riflor would be at the foot of another Empire's boot. Would they be treated the same way? The Advozsec were industrious people, who valued control, financial stability, and order. Their values often matched with that of an Empire, however; they always found themselves to be at the foot of these human-centric governments. "Tell me," Lorso began, his black eyes locked squarely on the Grand Moff, "you tell me, what it is that your empire has to offer?"

"Be still, let your master speak," The Advozsec said as he put a hand up to prevent Valessia from speaking, "Irani, Lopez, is it? Please, my delegate Gale shall speak with the two of you in private in the adjacent chamber." He directed them to a door on the left, where another conference room was held. "Now, Grand Moff? Please, proceed."

Gale Dat rose and motioned for Irani and Lopez to follow him, he then asked Ceecu to join him.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Riflor surface
Post: 6/30
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Objective: Open trade routes from Riflor to other planets in First Order worlds

Upon forming up with Valessia, with the WA-7 droid being left in the locker room, Dunames was brought away from the main talks, led by Valessia and Natasi, and into an auxiliary conference room with Darell, with Gale and Saden showing the way. Plus Dunames was warned, alongside Darell, that whatever agenda either person had, must be kept secondary to the main agenda of the First Order. But Iron Crown Enterprises had conceded that Star Tours' shipping capability was a lot better than theirs, at least in terms of coverage. All that Valessia gave her were coordinates to form up: she was kept in the dark about exactly why the First Order and Iron Crown Enterprises were here. Once everyone were seated in the conference room, the Advosze dignitaries, Gale and Saden, both introduced themselves: Saden being the state representative and Gale, their liaison with the First Order. Hopefully the Advosze officials would understand them in Basic after hearing Gale say "we should use Basic, Lorso", Dunames provides the answer as to why she was on Riflor to begin with. As she understood it, the Advosze would benefit from Star Tours more than Star Tours needed them.

"I am Dunames Lopez, CEO of Star Tours. I trust that you would like to open negotiations regarding Star Tours' rights to ship merchandise from and to Riflor. It will facilitate trade with the greater galaxy because Star Tours can ship the unique Advosze technology virtually anywhere in the galaxy, and financial stability depends on transportation reliability, which Star Tours can provide across the galaxy"
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 10

Pierce led his flight to form up on [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]. They were heading towards Waypoint Alpha. "Roger that, Alpha One," he called into the communications channel. As they streaked towards the zone, fighters began to pop up on his radar. As they got closer, Pierce began running through attack patterns in his head. His fingers tightened on the yoke and he clicked his channel on. "Bravo group, break right. Designating targets now. Attack pattern -- Epsilon -- go now."

Pierce's TIE group split away -- even Bravo Three was tight -- to engage the pirate forces. The dance was as fast-paced as it was deadly, and hot green light blasted from his front cannons. "Fire at will, Bravo Flight," Pierce ordered, opening up with his own cannons. One of the fighters blew apart under his attack, and Pierce let a cheer escape. "After me, gents -- score early, score often!"

[member="Sara Lee Jones"]
Objective: 1
Post: 6
Allies: [member="Kierel"] [member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Wolf"]

"Sir, all resistance to the south has been neutralized. Our squads are reporting a total collapse of enemy positions all around."

Vaas said nothing momentarily as his subordinate Lieutenant filled him in on the situation. He could see the predicament of the enemy well enough through the lens of his walker's targeting system. A few more buildings had come down, and the sheer massive firepower of the First Order had surely resonated with what remained of the enemy partisans. Enemy troops were now beginning to move out of the buildings with their hands up, as Stormtrooper detachments had their positions surrounded. They knew that if they were to resist any further, Vaas' walker and others would simply take their entire building down with them. Resistance was truly futile in the face of such strong firepower.

"Received, Lieutenant," The Field Marshal finally replied as he lifted off the trigger of his walker's cannon.

"Hold your fire, artillery," Ludolf sent a message out to the rest of the walkers in the area. Meanwhile, below, whole formations of the enemy had collapsed, and were now congregating in the rubble-filled streets below with their hands up, surrounded by Stormtroopers. The partisans had finally gotten the picture. By surrendering, they had saved the rest of their city.

"Round up the prisoners for processing. I would also like the members of this... First Squad and Sixth squad to report to me directly."

This battle was over. But Ludolf still had more to do today.
Objective 1
Post XXI
Involves: [member="Kierel"] /[member="Ludolf Vaas"] / [member="Asharad Graush"]
Location: Market District, Or what remains of it.

"Up and at 'em boys! We have the karks on the run!" Rexus roared as stormtroopers ran through the streets. Any semblance of cohesion and militirism had broken in favor of pure unadulterated, adrenaline fuelled rage. The stormtrooper smelled blood, and were sure as hell foing to taste it. They'd seen what these cowards had done, felt their insolence first hand. Now these rebels, these scum were going to pay. And the White Wolves and Gundark Gunners would be the harbringer of their doom.

"Come on boys! We'll show 'em all what the boys in plastic can do!" Rexus snarled, blasiting anything that moved in the window sills of buildings. Rexus could barely hear himself over the sound of AT-AT fire and the blasts of nearby troopers. When Rexus heard that the left flank had collapsed, he and the rest of first squadron whooped.

"Kark yeah!" The first squadrons sergeant whooped.

Rexus nearly crash tackled the trooper with a massive bear hug. They'd survived. They'd survived an ambush. They'd survived being pinned down, and they'd survived a full frontal assault. Before the greiving and the dead being buried began, the troopers would celebrate in the heat of the moment. "Bring it in boys, bring it in!" Rexus could feel tears welling in his eyes, his pride swelling. However, he stiffened when he heard Marshal Vaas himself wished to talk to him. "Best get to him boys." he said, wishing he could wipe his eyes. "Sir, this is first squadron where do we rendezous with you?"
Objective II, Varunda IX
[member="Iroatas"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Phenex Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Serah Oricion"] [member="Jaron Lesan"]

Veles made a mental note that Samka understood the power of words – and certainly knew how to offer a compliment, one honeyed sentence after another flowing from her mouth in a fluent and smooth fashion. It was likely that she had prepared the speech beforehand, only to deliver its brilliance to the religious natives here and now, in front of everyone, effectively taking the higher ranked knight’s place. Fortunately enough, Isla did not seem to mind from what Veles’ amber eyes gathered – if anything, the red-haired radiated small wavelets of relief through the Force once the Mon Cal focused on her being.

Without any reply to be bestowed upon the Ren and their Sith stalker, silence took over the scene. Were the native delegates waiting for something, someone? Feeling a cold, refreshing gust of wind wash over him as it raced over the gathering, the amphibian turned his concentration towards the Ithorians and their flower-like neighbours. As he expanded through the Force, discreetly touching their signatures without alarming them to his disturbingly close presence, he saw only peace, the Light Side’s necessity. No, not peace; harmony, even. This world had been blessed with little to none hatred, letting the Light Side grow and build a solid following, even though the religion of the residents did not touch the Light Side specifically.

Taking a significant look around as if studying something, the amphibian let the silence fester before sharply turning towards the Ithorians, offering a sweet smile.

“I trust we won’t be kept waiting for much longer?” Veles demanded, prompting the white-robed Ithorian to look straight into the Mon Cal’s burning orbs.

Only a direct eye contact accompanied by ordinary hand gestures sufficed to surgically cut into the Ithorian’s mind, planting seeds of surrender into his thoughts through the Dark Side’s might and the Sith Lord’s will. The amphibian would not be refused, his thoughts turned into undeniable truth that started to plague the white clad Ithorian.

Submission equals peace – what else matters? All should submit and serve the First Order, anything to prevent a pointless and bloody conflict. The Tyia philosophy demands it! It is the right thing to do!
Objective 3 - Starfighter Corps - Operation Clean Sweep
Location - Cockpit of a TIE/sf
Allies - [member="Matthias Hux"], [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Greta Kohler"], [member="Ishana Pavanos"], [member="Nova Casamyr"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"] ,
Enemies - Estimated pirate strength; 2 squadrons of mixed-force starfighters operating from 1 frigate.
Post 6

Roderik split his attention between his sensor display reporting the ever-updating positions of friend and foe alike, and his own flying. When Bravo Flight broke right he gave a delayed order to Alpha,

"On my go, break left - 90 target-angle aspect." He watched the distancing between Bravo flight and his own, and when it grew enough called out, "Break!" to Alpha flight. He took them along an ever-tightening curve before swinging back in towards the incoming enemy fighters, effectively flanking them while Bravo flight engaged.

"Good kill, Bravo One!" Roderik comm'd to the full fighter group as he slashed down into the fray, flashing down past Pierce's cockpit viewport from a distance of about 600 meters.

An enemy fighter, an incredibly-aged design favored by pirates and other low-tech mercenaries, was in front of Roderik's TIE fighter, rolling and pitching wildly in an attempt to evade the gun-sights of the First Order's starfighter.

"Stay still!" Roderik growled to himself inside his helmet, squeezing off a few green bolts from his laser cannons before switching to warhead launcher, and sending off a concussion missile to seek its maneuvering target.

The missile hit home, causing Alpha One to roll evasively away from the danger-close explosion.

Alpha flight staying hot on the tail of Roderik the entire time, before he too gave the order, "Alpha flight. Break and attack."
She took a breath in as she watched the zone approach, she looked back at her gunner"get that gun hot I'm reading targets incoming from the front hold until bravo lead gives the command"she said as she looked forward

She watched the enemy fighters get close and she felt herself shake, she was nervous...actual combat, then that command came and she broke right as she followed [member="Pierce Fortan III"] as she watched him fire and destroy the ship before giving the kill ordee"nice shot bravo lead"she said as she locked onto one and thumbed the lasers, she watched them shoot a bit low as she inhaled and fired a burst hitting the cock pit , it went up on a blaze of flames and exploded a she looked stun"i..I did it...hahahah I got my first kill guys!"she said excited by it as she smiled then focused"alright next target

[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]


Active Member
Objective One.
Post Five.
Involves: [member="[URL=""]Rolf Amsel[/URL]"][member="[URL=""]Rexus Wenck[/URL]"][member="[URL=""]Ludolf Vaas[/URL]"][member="[URL=""]Asharad Graush[/URL]"] [member="[URL=""]Ludolf Vaas[/URL]"][member="Wolf"]
Location: Nar'Tan City Streets Ruins of the market district.

Kierel was a stormtrooper she knew not to take her helmet off on a battlefield if even a lone sniper was around she would be dead. Her training taught her that so she went inside a house still standing as the survivors were rounded up. Her squad were too exhausted to join in the celebrations. They'd been hit a lot harder, they all lay collapsed sweating around the house. In the brief safety of the thin walls she took her helmet off and just sat breathing letting the air fill her lungs and being thankful to be alive. She near collapsed on some stairs.
Jaxor was attending to her wound some more. The others were all lying down exhausted. Still comprehending how they had come through the thick of it. She spared a thought for Sergeant Torqez. She hadn't known him well he'd been promoted recently. First action as the squad sergeant. The image of the faceplate indented in from the sheer force of the blast that hit him. It would be lodged in her dreams for the foreseeable future she knew that. She had contacted Telor to see if he made it, he had but he'd be out of commission for a while. Hanzos was in critical condition. Who would tell his family? She wondered briefly about the rest of the platoon but heard nothing. Hopefully they were just out of range but the constant sinking feeling they had been caught in the airstrike was looming over her and began to fill her thoughts.
"Sorry, that's the last of the medkit but you should be fine some burns and superficial cuts."
"Doesn't feel so superficial."
She rubbed her shoulder at least the pain was down to a dull thump now. A rather officious sounding adjutant ordered for her to meet the High Marshall and gave over coordinates to meet up with. Fragged. This last peaceful moment spoiled. She took a few moments to just let the air fill her lungs and resealed her helmet. She could hear the exhillartion of the Gunners who had come out of this in far better shape. Wenck she mused was a good man cared about his soldiers. That was what was important to any soldier on the field that their officers wouldn't frivolously waste them. That they were tools but valuable ones that had lives, homes. The mission was always the primary goal she knew that her years in the stormtrooper academy had taught her that. It had been drilled into her along with the praises, salutes and were as much a part of her being as her hair or smile. But she hated waste.
"Lieutenant Wenck we'll meet with your squad to the position. Over."

She was done with today, her brain had now ceased to think she only acted. The survivors of her squad got up and began to move. They still moved cautiously checking cover unwilling to risk another casualty. But it was done thankfully. She was a stormtrooper and had a responsibility to her friends to keep them alive.
Objective: 1
Post: 7
Allies: [member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Asharad Graush"]

The coordinates that had been supplied were in fact simply the location of Field Marshal Vaas' walker, which he had now unmanned and began to lower himself down to ground level along with the rest of the walker's crew. He was greeted by the scene of a city in ruins - the market district, at least - with rubble strewn everywhere across the street. Above, the AT-AT walker's hydraulics steamed from their work today, and the leg by which Ludolf stood had been charred and pockmarked by both blaster fire as well as the grenade hit it had taken earlier. Across the horizon, smoke rose from destroyed buildings and hung in the air like a fog which clung to Ludolf's uniform, and in the distance small amounts of blaster fire could still be heard, though they were growing less frequent. Across the road, large groups of insurgents were being herded away to the internment camps that awaited them. He imagined that High Colonel Graush wasn't far off with the rest of the White Wolves Regiment, and he would soon be joining him.

"Send these men to Camp C," Ludolf instructed a nearby Captain as he worked on shuttling the disarmed enemies off. Then, the Field Marshal noticed that the men from First Squad and Sixth Squad were arriving to his position.

"Attention!" Ludolf ordered, and the nearby Stormtroopers quickly assembled in a straight line, standing at attention for their superior officer. Field Marshal Vaas walked up and down the line once, surveying the men before them, battle-damaged armor and all. Even here, amidst the rubble of a defeated city, would be sufficient for a miniature awards ceremony. These two squads had been in the thick of the fighting since the beginning of the battle, and they had toughed it out until the end.

"First Squad, Sixth Squad," His cold demeanor addressed Rexus Wenck and DZ-921. "You showed remarkable courage under hard enemy fire today. Who are the commanding officers here? Step forward with name and rank please."
Objective 1
Involves: @Kierel /@Ludolf Vaas /@Asharad Graush
Location: Market District, Or what remains of it.

"Sir yes sir, sixth squadron of Gundark Gunners platoon has arrived!" The lieutenant announced, "Stand to attention boys!" He commanded, raising his hand to salute the Marshal. Each and every stormtrooper in front of him was covered in a thin layer of muck and had a few scorched patches of armor.

When Marshal Vaas asked for the commanding officer to step forward, Rexus did so, and raised his right arm in a saluting his commanding officer. "Me sir. Lieutenant Rexus Wenck, RT 4623. Lieutenant of sixth platoon, Gundark Gunners of the fourth colonial garrisson legion, sir!" The junior officer said. He bit his lower lip, hoping he hadn't said too much.


Well-Known Member
- - - - - - - - - -
Objective: 1
Location: Zarnathea, Cut Off Escape Route, Edge of Nar'tan Market
In Vicinity: [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Kierel"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Post: 6
- - - - - - - - - -

Where were the rest?

It was a thought that had been nagging in the back of his mind since they'd made their blitz through the apartments. They'd run into small pockets of resistance, some of it heavier than others but nothing like the initial reports had estimated. Rolf ran through a mental count of how many they'd seen, how many they'd dispatched. The numbers didn't add up. If it had been human intelligence, he could have expected a discrepancy between the reported numbers and the actual numbers, but a gap this large? No. There had to be something more.

He bit the inside of his cheek, eyes scanning the battlefield as the methodical rumble of the heavy walkers echoing through the narrow streets. The walkers were getting closer, the comforting vibrations through the ground gently re-assuring him. His quick assessment of the situation provided him with little more information however. His squad had vacated the apartments across the street and bound the few remaining survivors. They'd been collected and deposited roughly on the ground, just behind a small concrete road barrier. Rolf had assigned two troopers to watch the three criminals, their blasters leveled at them in case they tried anything.

Rolf on the other hand was busy checking his HUD. He noted the other units on the battlefield and their position, symbols indicating their primary direction of travel. At this rate the Market would be clear in a few minutes. it still bothered him, something just wasn't right. It had started out as an itch between his ears, getting worse as everything seemed to be coming to a close. Everything pointed to a swift victory at this point but the buzzing at the center of his mind hadn't stopped, growing in intensity.

He'd felt the sensation only a few times before. The first few times he hadn't had the wisdom to pay it any heed, it felt more like a sneeze that just wouldn't come. It had been a painful learning experience. He found that he would get these sensations just before something was about to happen, it wasn't an exact science. Sometimes he would get the feelings, other times he wouldn't.. but he'd learned to pay attention to them when he did.

The buzzing in his mind's eye reached a peak, he needed to act now. Rolf lowered his head forward at the last moment providing the milimeter of extra deflection that would save his life.

A sharp crack cut through the sounds of the battlefield, through the cacophony of blaster fire, over the dull thudding and hum of engines. Whatever it was, it must have been a large caliber... and ancient.

Rolf never even heard the shot, but he sure as Hades felt it. The projectile was heavy, slapping the reinforced helmet right above the crown. The shot would have ripped right through the material had the Sergeant not ducked his head at the last second, instead Rolf's head snapped back as he was thrown to the ground.

That rang his bell. One second he'd been standing, the next his world had turned upside-down. Initially everything had gone dark, his vision just now starting to clear up. Where was he? His mind struggled to sort itself out. Around him his soldiers had dove into cover, the their voices shouting on the comm.


Quickly Rolf rolled onto his stomach, his view obscured by the now shattered visor. Rolling to his right he wrapped his fingers around his blaster and scampered behind a cement stairway leading up to another row of apartments. It was no good, his helmet was shattered, he couldn't see. Reluctantly he removed his helmet, discarding the useless piece of armor. They were pinned down, he wasn't sure which way the shot had come from. Quickly he scanned the street, gaining his bearings. He had an idea of where the shot had come from, but his comm had been rendered useless.

Looking back towards the prisoners he heard another loud crack shatter the air. It confirmed his thoughts. Three story building at the end of the street. He guessed second floor. Unfortunately, his blaster wasn't exactly a long range weapon. Maybe they'd be able to get some support from the mechs, they should be almost to their location by now. He could still feel the rumble through the ground. Carefully, Rolf caught the attention of a trooper behind one of the concrete barriers, a series of hand motions indicating what his intent was. The trooper replied with another hand signal and spoke into his comm, calmly and clearly.

:: Squad pinned down just outside of the Market. On your current heading. Requesting heavy fire support, three story building. Sniper on the third floor. ::

Now they would wait, hopefully they could get some help.

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