Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project Alpha: Living Weapons (OOC Discussion)

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
[member="Flos Mortem"]

Actually no. I should have finished my statement but I had to go. My concern with the alpha concept is that it produces sithspawn that are combat powerhouses with few actual weaknesses. In the community at large it seems that everyone wants to create things that are heavy on strengths but low on playable weakness or say they have a weakness that is never actually written in roleplays. That said this is not the place for my opinion and would have been better suited to a separate discussion thread, rather than seeming to single out this particular group. And so I can only apologise for posting here instead of making a new discussion thread. I have to say also that I have never seen this group abuse their strengths in a role play and so I have no actual problem with them at all.
That is alright [member="Surge"]. I am just trying to breathe life back into this to see if it will continue. Unfortunately without Arctica the real leadership is gone and she was the one who knew where the Alpha's were going to head.

I know that [member="Pyro"] and [member="Adrian"] are at the least willing to continue, how about you Surge?

Looking over the head accounts of a number of the others, I see that some of them have not been on since December. [member="Leo & Luna"] [member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Cheshire"]

[member="Javar Ikon"], are you still willing to continue?


Well-Known Member
[member="Flos Mortem"]

Still alive!
Still willing to thread!
Still running into a million problems IRL though!
Still wish I had the time to post WAY more frequently!

Still a very sad panda that I don't ;-;
Yah, trying is the word.

I am thinking of posting just to keep it going. Unfortunately I see a flaw in the type of character I have created here, a naturally less talking person in this opening thread has definitely not been helpful. Guess I will need to work on finding reasons for him to speak hehe.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Pyro"] [member="Adrian"] [member="Surge"]


HOLY CRAP! I'm gone for a week and I get back to 19 FRICKIN NOTIFICATIONS?!?! WELL SHIZ. *table-flip*
Come on [member="Pyro"]! Don't flip the table. If you are going to do something burn it.

Life has gotten a little busy for me. If you or one of the others could post I think we can continue in a waiting pattern, just chatting more than anything else.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Adrian"] [member="Surge"]


[member="Jak Sandrow"]

Another plant? Flos who've you been hanging with? *tilts head curiously*

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