While I appreciate the apologizing, and posting, I don't believe for a single second that you are the problem with the whole thread and the time it is taking.
If you want proof, how can we blame you for the others who have gone on a short break?
I am glad that you are willing to take the time to post, however I am very certain that everyone here understands why there have been LOAs and breaks. I would expect nothing less, after all as humans we need to step away from the computer and live our real lives. That means that not every second of every day is devoted to this site, no problems there! And because not every second of every day is spent on this site that means that we all have to pick and choose what characters we spend time on, I would know I have made a few too many characters the majority of which have gone on an indefinite LOA, or in a more true way to the ice box. I don't know whats going on in your life right now, so I can't say that you've been too busy, you could have been but I cannot know.
Okay now that I've stepped off the soapbox, I'll say this. Unless everyone else says to kick you, you shouldn't be. You worked to make the character and I hope you will enjoy writing him. If you don't then we can work around it, after all being here is for enjoyment. I assume that everybody here is alright and understanding of the LOA's you've had. It is only natural and I am certain that everyone else here has had points with the same problem.
That being said, thanks for posting soon!