Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project Praesidium

[member="Ajira Cardei"] [member="Alicia Drey"]

When Alicia left for the evening, Camellia wasn't sure if that was a cue to make herself scarce as well. However, she had no intention of making anything awkward by trying to rush out. Besides everything from this point on was going to be at a relaxing pace, why go against that now? So with that settled she kept her seat comfortably while she waited to see if Lady Cardei had anything more to say or if she would venture to her room as well. In the end it seemed like they had more to speak of as she listened to the Naboo woman's thoughts on security. "I won't disagree. . . .Rendili was luckier than most by having so few die in its conquest. I certainly have heard how Togoria went, I can say I don't envy people on the frontlines anywhere, in a way I am happy to just be a businesswoman now. Still, there's nothing fortunate about being conquered against the people's desire either. It wasn't exactly pleasant to feel our efforts meant so little. . . I apologize if it sounds boastful, but we were Rendili. Our Defense Fleet and Starship manfuacturing abilities are well known. Certainly our security divisions planetside aren't as boasted as other worlds, but our defense network was top notch, it just feels so empty that it didn't matter how prepared we were. . . .so while things were lucky to turn peaceful in the end, I still convey the warning. Any world's best opportunity for freedom is at the very get go. So long as another population decimating galactic event doesn't occur though I do think anyone as prepared as my people were or more so likely stands a chance. . . .sorry for drolling on over this. It must sound preachy considering my people are relatively free for the time being. Though I honestly can't tell how secure that is with how frequently power shifts among the Sith echelon."

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