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Approved Tech Project Rho | Sabnach-II series Disruptor Grenade

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The production of an updated variant of the Sabnach series Disruptor Grenade to be utilized by the Confederate Space Marines and Confederacy of Independent Systems

The HellforgePrimary Manufacturer
Confederacy of Independent SystemsOriginal Design
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.Additional Components
Affiliation:Confederate Space Marines
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Von Sorenn Industries
Model:Sabnach-II Series Rho Pattern
Modularity:Not Applicable
Outer CasingInternal ComponentsAdditional
DurasteelTibanna Gas ReserveExplosive Components
AlusteelPower CellTimer Device

Classification:Disruptor Grenade
Additional Information
Explosive Type:Disruptor
Delivery Method:Thrown
Launched when fired from a Grenade Launcher
Effective Range:Personal
Area of Effect:Personal
Damage Output:Extreme

Timer DeviceSpring-Assisted Triggering MechanismStackable

  • Timer Device - Project Rho comes equipped with a limited timer device located at the top of the explosive. This device can be set for up to Two-Galactic Standard Minutes prior to detonation, with the timer being activated once the triggering mechanism has been activated.
  • Stackable - Via carefully removing the upper triggering mechanism and timer device to expose the threaded socket within, Project Rho can then be carefully threaded onto a second Project Rho device to stack the weapons into a larger configuration. This - while being extremely dangerous and requiring steady hands to prevent the accidental detonation of the device - can permit up to five Project Rho devices to be stacked into a singular tube configuration.
  • Damage Output - Disruptors - broken down to the most basic level - work be utilizing a large quantity of tibanna gas, coupled with a power cell or power source, which undergoes an alteration in its firing chamber to produce a blast that is considerably short-range, unstable, less cohesive, and exponentially more powerful than a standard explosive device. This, in turn, creates non-harmonious energy pulses that excite an individual's molecules to the point that the bonds that keep them together are irreversibly destroyed in a rather painful manner. In effect, this weapon produces extremely high levels of unstable energy which are capable of obliterating organic matter, with the potential of vaporizing an individual within a second, rending their form a pile of ash.
  • Shield Penetration - Due in part to how this weapon operates - as well as how other Disruptor based weaponry affect a target by dismantling a target on a molecular level; Project Rho devices are capable of bypassing most forms of shielding and personal energy shields save for those specifically designed as a means to counteract disruptor technologies.

  • Non-Detonation - The worst fear of those utilizing a Project Rho device or similar explosive ordinance is the unfortunate moments when such devices fail to detonate as intended. It is in these moments that the weapon is most dangerous with the potential of the device eventually detonating when an individual is attempting to secure or remove the device from the area for disposal.
  • Indiscriminate - Project Rho devices have no means to differentiate between friend or foe. There are no safe firing systems or other such components or circuitry present within the device. When the device is activated, it will affect any individual in its immediate vicinity whether it is the original operator that activated the device, or an intended target meant to suffer at the end of the device. Once the weapon is activated, there is no deactivating it or preventing it from potentially ending a life.
  • Timer Malfunction - In some instances, the timing device at the top of the Project Rho device can malfunction - either refusing to operate completely and being incapable of being set in the first place, or reading an incorrect amount of time. In the latter instance, it can potentially cause an individual to believe that they have more time available to remove themselves from the area than they actually do - potentially going off before the intended and desired time of detonation.
  • Thrown - Though capable of being delivered via a Grenade Launcher, the general delivery system of a Project Rho device is via physically throwing the device at an intended target. Depending on an individual's strength and capabilities, this can see the device land directly where intended - or in some more unfortunate incidents - accidentally land at the feet of the individual attempting to throw the device which brings along its own series of problems.
  • Questionable Legality - While utilized by the Confederate Space Marines and Confederacy as a whole - as well as more criminal elements - Disruptor technology as a whole is still somewhat largely consider illegal across the breadth of the Galaxy. The local laws and customs of a singular planet or stellar government will often mean strict or harsher punishments for those found to be carrying or utilizing a Project Rho device.

Project Rho is the continuation of the older Sabnach series of Disruptor-based weaponry that was previously utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems sometime in the late 840s or early 850s during the height of some of the fiercest fighting that sprawled across the known Galaxy. A weapon that is intended to be utilized to clear out staunchly protected defensive bastions such as bunkers or entrenched enemies - its basis in disruptor technology also sees it often utilized in the limited removal of obstacles that would otherwise impede advancing forces into a given area of operation. Differing from its original design - that of an explosive device located at the top of a shaft that appears similar to a stick grenade - the Project Rho device is more similar in appearance to a common fragmentation grenade and contains a number of similarities to that of the Merr Sonn C-16 Grenade in a similar fruit-like appearance.

A primary difference from its predecessor is the capability of a Project Rho device to be stacked into a configuration of no more than five such devices - this, however, takes concentration and steady hands to prevent the accidental detonation of any Project Rho device being utilized in such a manner. Though more unwieldy and likely much less stable if attempting to be thrown in this configuration - it is more frequently utilized to remove portions of blast doors and other fortified structures to provide a clear entrance. Likewise, this configuration can be utilized to set up a devastating trap for an enemy opposition that has moved into the area of effect of the Project Rho device or stacked devices.

Though differing greatly from its predecessor design, it is no less destructive than the Series-I grenades - its disruptor-based weaponry effectively breaking the bonds of a target at the molecular level, which potentially renders an organic being into a pile of ash within a second of being exposed to the weapon. However, these weapons are highly indiscriminate and maintain no such components or systems to effectively differentiate between a foe or friendly target - making them all the more devastating when utilized in the heat of battle. Additionally, the legality of such weaponry is questionable, and while utilized by certain elements within the galaxy, they may be illegal in other corners of the galaxy or within certain Stellar Government's territories - which can bring harsh criminal penalties to those individuals found to be carrying or utilizing such weaponry.

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