This thread is for both Apprentices and Knights to keep a list of their role-plays and in-character achievements. By using this thread, one will be allowing others in the faction to see the accomplishments of one's characters. This allows for those of higher rank the opportunity to gauge whether or not one deserves a promotion.
For now, promotions to Knight will be given at the request of the Apprentice's master or if Faction Staff believe that the character deserves to be promoted. For a request to Knight someone, feel free to either contact Faction Staff or post in this thread.
Promotions to Master will be handled via a nomination of the Knight in question, then simple Master vote by the Faction, followed by a confirmation of the RPJ's. Understand that we would like for everyone to achieve the rank of Master eventually - even if it's not easy. Therefore, any votes against a Knight's promotion to Master must include the reasons for the vote presented in a constructive manner so that the individual can improve.
Feel free to post your threads as you see fit. Here is a simple template to use:
For now, promotions to Knight will be given at the request of the Apprentice's master or if Faction Staff believe that the character deserves to be promoted. For a request to Knight someone, feel free to either contact Faction Staff or post in this thread.
Promotions to Master will be handled via a nomination of the Knight in question, then simple Master vote by the Faction, followed by a confirmation of the RPJ's. Understand that we would like for everyone to achieve the rank of Master eventually - even if it's not easy. Therefore, any votes against a Knight's promotion to Master must include the reasons for the vote presented in a constructive manner so that the individual can improve.
Feel free to post your threads as you see fit. Here is a simple template to use: