Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Proposed Invasion Changes

Hello there!
Invasions on SWRP haven't been the most fluid of things. The Yaga Minor one for instance is into its 3rd week with no result likely. And that is for just one planet!
What if there was a simple way to make war both more desirable and more profitable? To break the status quo and open up the gridlock.

So these are my proposals. They're just that, proposals, open for revision and even scrapping depending on people's opinions. This is just a basic list of changes, assume if they're not mentioned or changed that all the current Invasion rules apply.
So please, give me your thoughts. If we work out a system which looks good we can run a trial of it and see whether it works in practice as well as theory.

  • Two factions may declare they are going to war. From that point on they may both open simultaneous invasion threads against each other. Only these two factions can be targets of these invasions. A faction may only be at war with a single faction at once.
  • Invasion threads must be at least 100 posts and 3 unique writers to count. Writers can be in multiple threads. Ally rules remain unchanged and do not count as unique writers.
  • Invasion threads are decided by mutual consent between factions. Alternatively RPJs intervene if no agreement can be reached.
  • Time limit can be agreed beforehand. If the attacker doesn't make any posts within 48 hours the thread is void. If the defender doesn't make any posts within 48 hours and the thread is over 100 posts the attackers win.

Why is this better?
  • Gives the defender something to do and makes war more risky. As it is with the current system the defender literally gets no reward except surviving, this way they can take territory as well as lose it.
  • More, smaller threads mean less huge blobs which are hard to join.
  • Territory is more fluid, making the map actually unpredictable and changeable.
  • RPJs can decide threads where there is no mutual consent.
  • Different threads can have different themes and genres meaning everyone gets to do something with their character.


Tegaea Alcori said:
A faction may only be at war with a single faction at once.
This. Is an awesome idea imho.

Tegaea Alcori said:
If the attacker doesn't make any posts within 48 hours the thread is void.
I don't think it should be voided, I think it should just be counted as a failure.
" "If the defender doesn't make any posts within 48 hours and the thread is over 100 posts the attackers win."

Only part I'm not sure if its a good idea. Means defenders don't have to post, and attackers have to then get the 100 posts on their own. Essentially turns it into a dominion.

Also while writers should be able to be in more than one invasion, characters should be limited to one invasion at a time just because of logical logistics.


Akio Kahoshi said:
Only part I'm not sure if its a good idea. Means defenders don't have to post, and attackers have to then get the 100 posts on their own. Essentially turns it into a dominion.
It's just more incentive to actually stay on top of things, imho. To raise the stakes, if you will.
So long as this proposed system does not infringe upon alliance groups simultaneously launching invasions against a single target, then I'm all for it. If this right is removed, you'll have one angry black man on your hands. That said, you initiative is noted and appreciated Tegs.
Akio Kahoshi said:
" "If the defender doesn't make any posts within 48 hours and the thread is over 100 posts the attackers win."

Only part I'm not sure if its a good idea. Means defenders don't have to post, and attackers have to then get the 100 posts on their own. Essentially turns it into a dominion.

Also while writers should be able to be in more than one invasion, characters should be limited to one invasion at a time just because of logical logistics.
That's the idea. It's a dominion unless defended against.

I'm undecided about whether characters can be in multiple, I'm tending towards characters being in only one thread, but I'd love to hear some views on this.

Also, I would like to hear views on whether a faction can be the target of multiple 'wars' at once. I'm tending towards allowing it, but I'd like to get more views on this too.
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Two or Three threads max per character imho.
I say this as people with loads of alts shouldn't really get a great advantage over people with one character. I still see your point though that realistically being all over the place might be a bit much. I say this as someone with plenty of alts too :D
@[member="Selena Halcyon"] I don't understand what you mean?

If the defender doesn't post then the attacker needs only get to 100 posts to win.

I think @[member="Kei Amadis"] it'd be too hard to police. You'd either have to have people restricted to one invasion or have no limit. I don't mind which is chosen, and am looking to be swayed.
@K'Dan La'Roi No, read closer.

ONLY IF the Defender doesn't post or doesn't post for 72 hours do they win at 100 posts.

Otherwise it is resolved like an invasion is today, by mutual consent. If it cannot be agreed on, then the RPJs rule who has won.


Tegaea Alcori said:
tending towards characters being in only one thread
For those of you concerned about leadership, well, that's what you have Grand Admirals and Generals for, isn't it? The President doesn't go to a nation when we enter theatre there.
The Admiralty
I would say if a character decides to participate in one invasion thread (s)he should be locked into that thread. I suppose if you have multiple characters in the same faction, you could divide them up between different threads though.

And yeah, it should still be possible for an alliance to simultaneously attack one nation, otherwise one of the bigger advantages and pay-offs for an Alliance is void.

Lord Ghoul

Tegaea Alcori said:
Invasions on SWRP haven't been the most fluid of things. The Yaga Minor one for instance is into its 3rd week with no result likely. And that is for just one planet!
Actually, the lag is due to a lack of replies from the Mandalorians. Sith are waiting for replies, but the 72 hour deadline is coming up fast.

Tegaea Alcori said:
Two factions may declare they are going to war. From that point on they may both open simultaneous invasion threads against each other. Only these two factions can be targets of these invasions. A faction may only be at war with a single faction at once.
This makes it impossible for "Galactic War" and multiple factions invading. This sounds like it was brought on because of OP's nearly being invaded by the Axis powers: CIS, Atrisia, Empire, LotF. I disagree with the proposed change.

Tegaea Alcori said:
Invasion threads are decided by mutual consent between factions. Alternatively RPJs intervene if no agreement can be reached.
This means that if one faction wants to invade, but the other doesn't want to be invaded, the defending faction can just say "Lol, no" and the invasion won't happen. This shoots realism in the foot and hurts the nature of "war." It means that when another faction is weaker and pounced upon by a stronger faction, the weaker faction can just say "No." You shouldn't be able to OOC filibuster an IC war. I disagree.

Tegaea Alcori said:
Territory is more fluid, making the map actually unpredictable and changeable.
Unpredictable invasions that can happen whenever as long as a faction decides to invade make a map unpredictable. Two factions always having to agree to invade the other before an invasion can start mean that territory is actually gridlocked as nobody invades except under mutual consent, which also eliminates the unpredictable nature of it.

Tegaea Alcori said:
Different threads can have different themes and genres meaning everyone gets to do something with their character.
This can already happen without the suggested changes.

Tegaea Alcori said:
More, smaller threads mean less huge blobs which are hard to join.
Actually, I've personally found huge blobs are easier to join in, especially as a new member and have heard the same from other members. There's something for everyone in a big invasion, rather than multiple small invasions which are harder to keep track of.

Tegaea Alcori said:
Gives the defender something to do and makes war more risky. As it is with the current system the defender literally gets no reward except surviving, this way they can take territory as well as lose it.
Defending factions can already launch a counter-invasion as far as I understand. However, it doesn't make sense to have multiple invasions going on at once. I.E. a character should not be able to be in two different invasion threads that are both occurring simultaneously.

Invasions are fine as is.

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