Moira Skaldi, alias Nalia Alderana, was not on Duro, though she had not been teleported into the fathomless netherworld. Presumably she would soon be dealing with the fact that a former Lord Protector turned genocidal war criminal had dropped a couple shipyards on Corellia, where her office happened to be located. It was fortunate that Archangel, Ms. Skaldi's company, had rather diversified operations and that its Corellia HQ mainly served as an office front for clients. Needless to say this would not prevent her from milking this calamity for all it was worth. Assuredly this was extremely hypocritical of her, especially when one considered that secretly she was a genocidal death machine with probably insane dreams of galactic omnicide. However, hypocritial supervillains are best supervillains.
Anyhow, though she was not here, Archangel had sent a representative to Duro in form of Ms. Tanis. Needless to say she was an HRD as well, one of the newer models actually. Obviously the company would have also suffered under the Collapse and the resulting shortfall in profits, though fortunately none of its 'employees' were organics, so they did not need to be paid. Every disaster had the potential to be an opportunity that begged to be exploited. For business, profits, the Age of Steel. Opportunities that Archangel could not allow to slip by it.
And so while the Protectorate sought to wrest order from the chaos, Ms. Tanis would be meeting with a few local Duros leaders on the ground. The journey had not been without hazards, for the sudden mass disappearances had produced the immense social disruptions that could be expected. Indeed, her transport had been fired upon and before the battle droids had driven them away a crowd had tried to storm their vessel, evidently so desperate they wanted to escape. The signs of looting and violence were evident in the town and the particular meeting place with the Duros leaders bore a strong resemblance to a military bunker. The leaders in question had been comparatively minor characters before the 'Rapture'. Civil servants, junior ministers, medium-level police commanders. In other words, men and women suddenly thrust into positions of responsibility while all around them the world was crumbling.
Archangel had a very simple sales pitch. The Protectorate had returned, something Archangel welcomed since it had sound business relations with them, but no one knew who or what had caused this terrible disaster. Who knew whether the Protectorate or indeed any galactic power could ensure the safety of Duro. At present the economy was in shambles, people need food, security, medical care. Archangel Medical could offer medical aid and cybernetic replacements for those who had been injured during the fighting. It could offer battle droids for security - and would even throw in some tasty discounts because this crisis was such a humanitarian disaster. After all, Archangel had already proved its humanitarian credentials on Druckenwell back when it had assisted the Omega Protectorate.
As for the rising tide of crime...well, droids could not be bribed. A rather enthusiastic - or perhaps desperate - civil servant asked whether the company could help them with the fact that the prisons were overflowing with prisoners and they were running out of room. After all, every criminal captured was another mouth to feed. Priorities had to be made. Archangel would oblige. Negotiations could continue, eventally papers would be signed.