Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Protectorate Dominion of Duro

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Amnell closed the primary panel and stepped around to Caerys' front. "That should do it, let me know if you see any errors as I don't have the equipment your systems completely here. They seem .. older than I'm used to dealing with."

The young woman gave another quick look over the droid before she chose to respond. "Yes, it is. It's simpler, that much I can guarantee you. Colder, certainly but simpler. Easier, and I need easier as my condition degrades further over time." It was the sad truth of the matter. Amnell knew it, and knew it might seem strange to others but it was her life. It was her choice in the end to keep others back from her.

[member="Caerys Argente"]
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

"I was constructed one hundred thirty-seven standard years ago," Caerys said calmly as if that were totally normal. Well, a certain eccentric HK droid who really loved ropos was a lot older than she was! Like four thousand years older. "Thank you." Organics tended to respond more positively to you if you expressed 'gratitude'.

She cocked her head slightly as she studied Amnell. "We are not designed to emote. Ergo we cannot feel pain and sorrow as your body deteriorates. Or express pity that makes you feel less than you are. Or bombard you with offers of 'miracle cures' if you sign up with this or that cause," she spoke softly. It was true, Caerys did not care about Amnell one way or another. Sooner or later, every organic died, be it through violence or sickness. The question whether the universe was being cruel by inflicting such a terrible disease on Amnell was something Caerys would never ask herself. However, she found Amnell interesting and useful.

That was the important distinction. "You are skilled with droids. Are you capable of providing upgrades? As you have correctly surmised, my systems are rather aged."
Moira Skaldi, alias Nalia Alderana, was not on Duro, though she had not been teleported into the fathomless netherworld. Presumably she would soon be dealing with the fact that a former Lord Protector turned genocidal war criminal had dropped a couple shipyards on Corellia, where her office happened to be located. It was fortunate that Archangel, Ms. Skaldi's company, had rather diversified operations and that its Corellia HQ mainly served as an office front for clients. Needless to say this would not prevent her from milking this calamity for all it was worth. Assuredly this was extremely hypocritical of her, especially when one considered that secretly she was a genocidal death machine with probably insane dreams of galactic omnicide. However, hypocritial supervillains are best supervillains.

Anyhow, though she was not here, Archangel had sent a representative to Duro in form of Ms. Tanis. Needless to say she was an HRD as well, one of the newer models actually. Obviously the company would have also suffered under the Collapse and the resulting shortfall in profits, though fortunately none of its 'employees' were organics, so they did not need to be paid. Every disaster had the potential to be an opportunity that begged to be exploited. For business, profits, the Age of Steel. Opportunities that Archangel could not allow to slip by it.

And so while the Protectorate sought to wrest order from the chaos, Ms. Tanis would be meeting with a few local Duros leaders on the ground. The journey had not been without hazards, for the sudden mass disappearances had produced the immense social disruptions that could be expected. Indeed, her transport had been fired upon and before the battle droids had driven them away a crowd had tried to storm their vessel, evidently so desperate they wanted to escape. The signs of looting and violence were evident in the town and the particular meeting place with the Duros leaders bore a strong resemblance to a military bunker. The leaders in question had been comparatively minor characters before the 'Rapture'. Civil servants, junior ministers, medium-level police commanders. In other words, men and women suddenly thrust into positions of responsibility while all around them the world was crumbling.

Archangel had a very simple sales pitch. The Protectorate had returned, something Archangel welcomed since it had sound business relations with them, but no one knew who or what had caused this terrible disaster. Who knew whether the Protectorate or indeed any galactic power could ensure the safety of Duro. At present the economy was in shambles, people need food, security, medical care. Archangel Medical could offer medical aid and cybernetic replacements for those who had been injured during the fighting. It could offer battle droids for security - and would even throw in some tasty discounts because this crisis was such a humanitarian disaster. After all, Archangel had already proved its humanitarian credentials on Druckenwell back when it had assisted the Omega Protectorate.

As for the rising tide of crime...well, droids could not be bribed. A rather enthusiastic - or perhaps desperate - civil servant asked whether the company could help them with the fact that the prisons were overflowing with prisoners and they were running out of room. After all, every criminal captured was another mouth to feed. Priorities had to be made. Archangel would oblige. Negotiations could continue, eventally papers would be signed.

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
"Yeah I can tell." Amnell said quietly, "It's all quite clear when I looked into the primary panel section on you. The wiring, it all screams old to me, no offense." With a sigh she took a seat, needing the rest.

She nodded to the droid, "Yes, exactly. Makes like less complicated. Less painful for me. The Seven Stars know I don't need that." A shudder came at the words miracle cure, "Or that... that's a whole different set of problems, people like that looking to cash in on my suffering. It's rather pathetic if you ask me."

Amnell furrowed her brow, "Of course I can." A sigh came, "That is, if I survive this mess that is going on right now. Because I don't have what I need here, I'd have to go back to Ossus and order a few supplies. None the less I can do it."

[member="Caerys Argente"]
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

"None taken. I have survived for longer than most of, for want of a better word, my kind." Even dispassionate HRDs had their pride after all! Yeah, you heard right, so much for being totally rational and logical. Apparently even pure machines were not completely immune to picking up some organic traits.

There was a very brief moment of pondering. If the woman was capable of providing upgrades for Caerys, she was useful. That meant it was rational to ensure her survival as long as she could perform this function. Presumably, like all organics, she was far less capable of taking care of herself than she thought. Especially since she was sick. Yes, Galaxy, Amnell just got a caretaker who happens to be a murderous droid. Stranger things have happened.

"Good. I can take you to the part of the shipyard secured by the Protectorate and arrange for transport away from here. I am unware of the present situation on Ossus or whether the Republic still holds it. Somehow it appears that millions of sentients have been vanishing from across the Galaxy. I have been told that what organics call 'space magic' is too blame. I do not find this logical."

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
"It's true. You're one of the oldest droids I've ever seen still functional, if not extraordinarily functional." The girl still curiously kept her eye on the HRD, just completely wondering about how her mind worked, what kind of other wiring, routing and programming functions lay inside.

"I would be most thankful." Amnell said with a smile. "I see ..." Her voice rapidly switching to worry, concern if not fear outright. The idea that everything outside that room had suddenly changed, terrified her a fair bit. "I felt them in the force, the strangeness and pain as they disappeared. I didn't understand it then, but it makes a little more sense now." Another sigh followed, "I suppose we'll just have to find what the state of Ossus is when we get there. For now, we just have to get out of this room and get back to a safe area in the shipyard." Amnell nodded, "Even I find it illogical, but there has to be an explanation of some sort. Shall we go now?"

[member="Caerys Argente"]
Hastings, busy as he was with the clearing of the orbital and the establishment of some form of ad-hoc government in the absence of those more suitable, took a few moments to reply to both [member="Uriel"] and [member="Anya Venari"]. There was a long pause, then a cough before static reigned. A split second later the channel cleared. "Squad Uriel, attempt to reason with them. We're willing to allow them access to the food processors provided they cease hostilities. If they ask what will happen if the riot continues, inform them we will burn the rest of the processors. If they're truly hungry and not simply crazed, they'll listen.

If they are crazed... well, fire a few warning shots."

There wasn't a SOP for 'crazed psychopaths' beyond 'shoot to kill' but these were civilians not mass murderers.

"And thank you for coming, Exarch. Any assistance you can provide in securing the airspace or securing the safety of the civilians below will be greatly appreciated."
[member="Anya Venari"], [member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Chaos reigned. As it did everywhere in the Galaxy. Perhaps it was truly the end of days. The Rapture that had been prophesied in the myths of the Eldorai. Or perhaps this was simply what whichever malevolent force had been behind these disappearances thought. Coryth Elaris' visions spoke of a vile being called Akala, a name Kaida knew from a nightmarish dream Tegaea and Siobhan had been sucked in.

But then she had faced Lotek'k once and lived to tell the tale, so she could not allow this to scare her. Order could be restored. As a matter of fact, order had to be restored. And so a small swarm of Eldorai dropships would pass through the atmosphere and swoop down to land. Within a nick of time Eldorai soldiers had swarmed out, battle sisters clad in crimson and azure armour. Bolters at the ready, along with imposing halberdsand sarzmigars, sarixi blades gleaming in the light.

They would be reinforcing Uriel Squad of Brother-Sergeant Uriel, against the seemingly endless tide of malcontent, fear and chaos that had erupted from the civilian mass. Rules of Engagement were quite clear on the fact that these were civilians not Dark Eldorai or Reavers that could be mowed down without pity, but desperation will drive sentients to, well, desperate acts. Conveniently enough command had taken the time to equip many of the Eldorai with nonlethal weapons such as Czerka headbangers, which fired stun blasts that could put even a Wookiee out of commission, stun grenades and Gorgon web rifles. And so the phalanx, for it was a literal one given the Taegis shields that protected them, moved into position to reinforce the barrier of Inquisition troopers.

The small Eldorai flotilla was taking up position in space to provide security, with Adril-class starfighters shooting through the cold void on patrol, scouring it for anyone who should not be there. No one would intrude upon the planet without permission. For her part Seraph Kaida Taldir had landed in one of the larger orbital cities, swiftly directing troops to secure the perimeter and then move in deeper. No room for doubt if you were suffused in oceans of anarchy.

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]

High Captain Lysette, who was in command of the Eldorai contingent, nodded her head.

“Thank you, First Captain. We will do so.”

The Eldorai craft landed, Seraph Taldir leading the ground troops. Meanwhile the Eldorai warships moved into position to block any unauthorised access to or from the planet.

“What opposition are we likely to face up here, First Captain?” Lysette asked.
[member="Anya Venari"]

"In space? For now, nothing. Below? I'm not sure. The local mercenaries hired for security may have a few dropships, but they'd be ill advised to attempt anything right now. Wait one." He disappeared from the comm line for several long minutes before he came back. "Their dropships are still grounded; a quick sortie will take them from the fight permanently. Sending coordinates now. Happy hunting."
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Caerys gave the mechanic, who apparently was Force-sensitive to an extent, a nod. "Yes, we can leave," she said laconically. Someone more empathic might have tried to come up with something reassuring after the sudden revelation that people from across the galaxy had vanished by the millions, but Caerys had not been designed for empathy. It tended to get in the way when you were a sociopathic death machine masquerading as an Eldorai.

And so she guided Amnell, presumably with R9 in tow, out. Past the ranks of Protectorate soldiers who were busy securing the station, the engineers and slicers who were undoubtedly working on taking control, to the secured area in the hangar. And so Amnell would be able to get off the station without being harmed and she had acquired a death machine as a guardian. Happy ending!

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Amnell followed, more relieved than she would admit to, to have the protection of Caerys. This was not an environment that she could easily survive on her own in. Not when her body had been already to terribly ravaged by Quannot's Syndrome. Nine whistled a concerned beep or two as they went along. He wasn't willing to leave her side at all, in fact the droid was nearly glued to her hip, quite obviously concerned for his mistress.

He even whistled a question or two, wanting to know why Amnell trusted her. "I just do, Nine. I just do." She replied, trying to calm him a little. But alas soon they found a ship, and were able to board safely. Undoubtedly able to safely be on their way to anywhere but there.

[member="Caerys Argente"]
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Caerys seemed to pick up on the conversation between Amnell and her R9 unit. So when they boarded a ship and the landing ramp closed, she briefly turned to the woman. "I will be open with you, Amnell. I have no conscience. I have no appreciation of the value of sentient life. One organic is like the same to me and I murder because I was designed for it. They live, they die, the how is trivial to me," she said bluntly.

"But I have no reason to kill you. I do not act out of malice. I shall ensure you safety." With that the ship took off into the void of space.


I Shall Know No Fear
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

"As you command, brother." The line went dead. The entire squad had heard it; there was no mistaking the word of the Captain of the First Company - and now the brevet Lord Inquisitor. At this point, with their chain of command shattered, Uriel was hoping to prove his stuff - but he still felt the need to split some skulls... something had to be done.

The screaming mass before him begged to be ended. These were just crazed civilians, wanting food, wanting something to cling to as the end of the Galaxy consumed them all. The logical part of his mind could not fault them for that desire; their doom, their peril, was likely imminent. They needed a lifeline.

But to get that lifeline they were raiding and pillaging government property. Uriel was an enforcer of that government.

Helmet on. Vox to maximum.

"Civilians. This is a restricted area. Withdraw immediately. Your safety cannot be guaranteed as we extinguish the fire."

Their first and only warning.

Uriel Squad levelled bolters - but did not fire. Yet.

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